
If you have questions or issues about Requests, there are several options:


If your question does not contain sensitive (possibly proprietary) information or can be properly anonymized, please ask a question on StackOverflow and use the tag python-requests.

Send a Tweet

If your question is less than 140 characters, feel free to send a tweet to @kennethreitz, @sigmavirus24, or @lukasaoz.

Vulnerability Disclosure

If you think you have found a potential security vulnerability in requests, please email sigmavirus24 and Lukasa directly. Do not file a public issue.

Our PGP Key fingerprints are:

  • 0161 BB7E B208 B5E0 4FDC 9F81 D9DA 0A04 9113 F853 (@sigmavirus24)

  • 90DC AE40 FEA7 4B14 9B70 662D F25F 2144 EEC1 373D (@lukasa)

If English is not your first language, please try to describe the problem and its impact to the best of your ability. For greater detail, please use your native language and we will try our best to translate it using online services.

Please also include the code you used to find the problem and the shortest amount of code necessary to reproduce it.

Please do not disclose this to anyone else. We will retrieve a CVE identifier if necessary and give you full credit under whatever name or alias you provide. We will only request an identifier when we have a fix and can publish it in a release.

We will respect your privacy and will only publicize your involvement if you grant us permission.

Previous CVEs

File an Issue

If you notice some unexpected behaviour in Requests, or want to see support for a new feature, file an issue on GitHub.


I’m more than happy to answer any personal or in-depth questions about Requests. Feel free to email


The official Freenode channel for Requests is #python-requests

The core developers of requests are on IRC throughout the day. You can find them in #python-requests as:

  • kennethreitz

  • lukasa

  • sigmavirus24