After All

Deprecated since version 0.10.


This feature is deprecated.

Travis has added Build Stages, which are a better solution to this problem. You will also likely want to check out Conditions, which make it much easier to determine which jobs, stages, and builds will run.

Inspired by travis-after-all and travis_after_all, this feature allows a job to wait for other jobs to finish before it calls itself complete.

There are three environment variables that can be used to configure this feature.

  • GITHUB_TOKEN. This is required, and should be encrypted in the .travis.yml, or set securely in the repository settings. This is used as the authentication method for the Travis CI API.

  • TRAVIS_POLLING_INTERVAL. How often, in seconds, we should check the API to see if the rest of the jobs have completed. Defaults to 5.

  • TRAVIS_API_URL. The base URL to the Travis API for this build. This defaults to A common override will be to the commercial version, at

Configure which job to wait on by adding the [travis:after] section to the tox.ini file. The travis key looks for values that would be keys in various items in the [travis] section, and the env key looks for values that would be keys in items in the [travis:env] section.

For example:

travis = python: 3.5
env = DJANGO: 1.8

Then run tox in your test command like this:

tox --travis-after

For example, consider this mocked up .travis.yml, that corresponds to using the above travis:after section:

sudo: false
language: python
  - "2.6"
  - "3.5"
    - GITHUB_TOKEN='spamandeggs'  # Make sure this is encrypted!
    - DJANGO="1.7"
    - DJANGO="1.8"
install: pip install tox-travis
script: tox --travis-after
  provider: pypi
  user: spam
  password: eggs  # Make sure to encrypt passwords!
    tags: true
    python: 3.5
    condition: $DJANGO = "1.8"
  distributions: sdist bdist_wheel

This example deploys when the build is from a tag and the build is on Python 3.5 and the build is using DJANGO=”1.8”. Together tox --travis-after and Travis’ on conditions make sure that the deploy only happens after all tests pass.

If any configuration item does not match, or if no configuration is given, this will run exactly as it would normally. However, if the configuration matches the current job, then it will wait for all the other jobs to complete before it will be willing to return a success return code.

If the tests fail, then it will not bother waiting, but will rather return immediately. If it determines that another required job has failed, it will return an error indicating that jobs failed.

You can use this together with a deployment configuration to ensure that this job is the very last one to complete, and will only be successful if all others are successful, so that you can be more confident that you are shipping a working release.

The accepted configuration keys in the [travis:after] section are:

  • envlist. Match with the running toxenvs. Expansion is allowed, and if set all environments listed must be run in the current Tox run.

  • travis. Match with known Travis factors, as is done in the [travis] section. For instance, specifying that we should wait when python is version 2.7 would look like travis = python: 2.7.

  • env. Match with environment variable factors, as might be specified in the [travis:env] section. For instance, if we want to match that DJANGO is 1.9, then it would look like env = DJANGO: 1.9. The value must match exactly to succeed.