Env Detection

Env detection is the primary feature of Tox-Travis. Based on the matrix created in .travis.yml, it decides which Tox envs need to be run for each Travis job.


Configure the Python versions to test with in .travis.yml:

sudo: false
language: python
  - "2.7"
  - "3.4"
install: pip install tox-travis
script: tox

And it will run the appropriate testenvs, which by default are any declared env with py27 or py34 as factors of the name. If no environments match a given factor, the py27 or py34 envs are used as a fallback.

Advanced Configuration

To customize what environments tox will run on Travis, add a section to tox.ini telling it what environments to run under which versions of Python:

envlist = py{27,34}-django{17,18}, docs

python =
  2.7: py27
  3.4: py34, docs

This would run the Python 2.7 variants under 2.7, and the Python 3.4 variants and the docs env under 3.4.

Note that Travis won’t run all the envs simultaneously, because it’s build matrix is only aware of the Python versions. Only one Travis build will be run per Python version, unless other settings are specified in the Travis build matrix.

If you are using multiple Travis factors, then you can use those factors to decide what will run. For example, see the following .travis.yml and tox.ini:

sudo: false
language: python
  - "2.7"
  - "3.4"
  - DJANGO="1.7"
  - DJANGO="1.8"
    - os: osx
      language: generic
install: pip install tox-travis
script: tox
envlist = py{27,34}-django{17,18}, docs

os =
  linux: py{27,34}-django{17,18}, docs
  osx: py{27,34}-django{17,18}
python =
  3.4: py34, docs

  1.7: django17
  1.8: django18, docs

Travis will run 5 different jobs, which will each run jobs as specified by the factors given.

  • os: linux (default), language: python, python: 2.7, env: DJANGO=1.7

    This will run the env py27-django17, because py27 is the default, and django17 is specified.

  • os: linux (default), language: python, python: 3.4, env: DJANGO=1.7

    This will run the env py34-django17, but not docs, because docs is not included in the DJANGO 1.7 configuration.

  • os: linux (default), language: python, python: 2.7, env: DJANGO=1.8

    This will run the env py27-django18, because py27 is the default. docs is not run, because Python 2.7 doesn’t include docs in the defaults that are not overridden.

  • os: linux (default), language: python, python: 3.4, env: DJANGO=1.8

    This will run the envs py34-django18 and docs, because all specified factors match, and docs is present in all related factors.

  • os: osx, language: generic

    This will run envs py27-django17, py34-django17, py27-django18, and py34-django18, because the os factor is present, and limits it to just those envs.

Unignore Outcomes

By default, when using ignore_outcome in your Tox configuration, any build errors will show as successful on Travis. This might not be desired, as you might want to control allowed failures inside your .travis.yml. To cater this need, you can set unignore_outcomes to True. This will override ignore_outcome by setting it to False for all environments.

Configure the allowed failures in the build matrix in your .travis.yml:

  - python: 3.6
    env: DJANGO=master

And in your tox.ini:

unignore_outcomes = True