Memory usage#

In most cases, memory usage of a WebSocket server is proportional to the number of open connections. When a server handles thousands of connections, memory usage can become a bottleneck.

Memory usage of a single connection is the sum of:

  1. the baseline amount of memory websockets requires for each connection,

  2. the amount of data held in buffers before the application processes it,

  3. any additional memory allocated by the application itself.


Compression settings are the main factor affecting the baseline amount of memory used by each connection.

With websockets’ defaults, on the server side, a single connections uses 70 KiB of memory.

Refer to the topic guide on compression to learn more about tuning compression settings.


Under normal circumstances, buffers are almost always empty.

Under high load, if a server receives more messages than it can process, bufferbloat can result in excessive memory usage.

By default websockets has generous limits. It is strongly recommended to adapt them to your application. When you call serve():

  • Set max_size (default: 1 MiB, UTF-8 encoded) to the maximum size of messages your application generates.

  • Set max_queue (default: 32) to the maximum number of messages your application expects to receive faster than it can process them. The queue provides burst tolerance without slowing down the TCP connection.

Furthermore, you can lower read_limit and write_limit (default: 64 KiB) to reduce the size of buffers for incoming and outgoing data.

The design document provides more details about buffers.