Cheat sheet


  • Write a coroutine that handles a single connection. It receives a websocket protocol instance and the URI path in argument.

    • Call recv() and send() to receive and send messages at any time.

    • You may ping() or pong() if you wish but it isn’t needed in general.

  • Create a server with serve() which is similar to asyncio’s create_server().

    • On Python ≥ 3.5.1, you can also use it as an asynchronous context manager.

    • The server takes care of establishing connections, then lets the handler execute the application logic, and finally closes the connection after the handler exits normally or with an exception.

    • For advanced customization, you may subclass WebSocketServerProtocol and pass either this subclass or a factory function as the create_protocol argument.


  • Create a client with connect() which is similar to asyncio’s create_connection().

    • On Python ≥ 3.5.1, you can also use it as an asynchronous context manager.

    • For advanced customization, you may subclass WebSocketClientProtocol and pass either this subclass or a factory function as the create_protocol argument.

  • Call recv() and send() to receive and send messages at any time.

  • You may ping() or pong() if you wish but it isn’t needed in general.

  • If you aren’t using connect() as a context manager, call close() to terminate the connection.


If you don’t understand what websockets is doing, enable logging:

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('websockets')

The logs contain:

  • Exceptions in the connection handler at the ERROR level

  • Exceptions in the opening or closing handshake at the INFO level

  • All frames at the DEBUG level — this can be very verbose

If you’re new to asyncio, you will certainly encounter issues that are related to asynchronous programming in general rather than to websockets in particular. Fortunately Python’s official documentation provides advice to develop with asyncio. Check it out: it’s invaluable!

Keeping connections open

Pinging the other side once in a while is a good way to check whether the connection is still working, and also to keep it open in case something kills idle connections after some time:

while True:
        msg = await asyncio.wait_for(ws.recv(), timeout=20)
    except asyncio.TimeoutError:
        # No data in 20 seconds, check the connection.
            pong_waiter = await
            await asyncio.wait_for(pong_waiter, timeout=10)
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            # No response to ping in 10 seconds, disconnect.
        # do something with msg

Passing additional arguments to the connection handler

When writing a server, if you need to pass additional arguments to the connection handler, you can bind them with functools.partial():

import asyncio
import functools
import websockets

async def handler(websocket, path, extra_argument):

bound_handler = functools.partial(handler, extra_argument='spam')
start_server = websockets.serve(bound_handler, '', 8765)


Another way to achieve this result is to define the handler corountine in a scope where the extra_argument variable exists instead of injecting it through an argument.