Source code for websockets.headers

:mod:`websockets.headers` provides parsers and serializers for HTTP headers
used in WebSocket handshake messages.

These APIs cannot be imported from :mod:`websockets`. They must be imported
from :mod:`websockets.headers`.


import base64
import binascii
import re
from typing import Callable, List, NewType, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, cast

from .exceptions import InvalidHeaderFormat, InvalidHeaderValue
from .typing import ExtensionHeader, ExtensionName, ExtensionParameter, Subprotocol

__all__ = [

T = TypeVar("T")

ConnectionOption = NewType("ConnectionOption", str)
UpgradeProtocol = NewType("UpgradeProtocol", str)

# To avoid a dependency on a parsing library, we implement manually the ABNF
# described in with the
# definitions from

def peek_ahead(header: str, pos: int) -> Optional[str]:
    Return the next character from ``header`` at the given position.

    Return ``None`` at the end of ``header``.

    We never need to peek more than one character ahead.

    return None if pos == len(header) else header[pos]

_OWS_re = re.compile(r"[\t ]*")

def parse_OWS(header: str, pos: int) -> int:
    Parse optional whitespace from ``header`` at the given position.

    Return the new position.

    The whitespace itself isn't returned because it isn't significant.

    # There's always a match, possibly empty, whose content doesn't matter.
    match = _OWS_re.match(header, pos)
    assert match is not None
    return match.end()

_token_re = re.compile(r"[-!#$%&\'*+.^_`|~0-9a-zA-Z]+")

def parse_token(header: str, pos: int, header_name: str) -> Tuple[str, int]:
    Parse a token from ``header`` at the given position.

    Return the token value and the new position.

    :raises ~websockets.exceptions.InvalidHeaderFormat: on invalid inputs.

    match = _token_re.match(header, pos)
    if match is None:
        raise InvalidHeaderFormat(header_name, "expected token", header, pos)
    return, match.end()

_quoted_string_re = re.compile(

_unquote_re = re.compile(r"\\([\x09\x20-\x7e\x80-\xff])")

def parse_quoted_string(header: str, pos: int, header_name: str) -> Tuple[str, int]:
    Parse a quoted string from ``header`` at the given position.

    Return the unquoted value and the new position.

    :raises ~websockets.exceptions.InvalidHeaderFormat: on invalid inputs.

    match = _quoted_string_re.match(header, pos)
    if match is None:
        raise InvalidHeaderFormat(header_name, "expected quoted string", header, pos)
    return _unquote_re.sub(r"\1",[1:-1]), match.end()

_quotable_re = re.compile(r"[\x09\x20-\x7e\x80-\xff]*")

_quote_re = re.compile(r"([\x22\x5c])")

def build_quoted_string(value: str) -> str:
    Format ``value`` as a quoted string.

    This is the reverse of :func:`parse_quoted_string`.

    match = _quotable_re.fullmatch(value)
    if match is None:
        raise ValueError("invalid characters for quoted-string encoding")
    return '"' + _quote_re.sub(r"\\\1", value) + '"'

def parse_list(
    parse_item: Callable[[str, int, str], Tuple[T, int]],
    header: str,
    pos: int,
    header_name: str,
) -> List[T]:
    Parse a comma-separated list from ``header`` at the given position.

    This is appropriate for parsing values with the following grammar:


    ``parse_item`` parses one item.

    ``header`` is assumed not to start or end with whitespace.

    (This function is designed for parsing an entire header value and
    :func:`~websockets.http.read_headers` strips whitespace from values.)

    Return a list of items.

    :raises ~websockets.exceptions.InvalidHeaderFormat: on invalid inputs.

    # Per, "a recipient MUST
    # parse and ignore a reasonable number of empty list elements"; hence
    # while loops that remove extra delimiters.

    # Remove extra delimiters before the first item.
    while peek_ahead(header, pos) == ",":
        pos = parse_OWS(header, pos + 1)

    items = []
    while True:
        # Loop invariant: a item starts at pos in header.
        item, pos = parse_item(header, pos, header_name)
        pos = parse_OWS(header, pos)

        # We may have reached the end of the header.
        if pos == len(header):

        # There must be a delimiter after each element except the last one.
        if peek_ahead(header, pos) == ",":
            pos = parse_OWS(header, pos + 1)
            raise InvalidHeaderFormat(header_name, "expected comma", header, pos)

        # Remove extra delimiters before the next item.
        while peek_ahead(header, pos) == ",":
            pos = parse_OWS(header, pos + 1)

        # We may have reached the end of the header.
        if pos == len(header):

    # Since we only advance in the header by one character with peek_ahead()
    # or with the end position of a regex match, we can't overshoot the end.
    assert pos == len(header)

    return items

def parse_connection_option(
    header: str, pos: int, header_name: str
) -> Tuple[ConnectionOption, int]:
    Parse a Connection option from ``header`` at the given position.

    Return the protocol value and the new position.

    :raises ~websockets.exceptions.InvalidHeaderFormat: on invalid inputs.

    item, pos = parse_token(header, pos, header_name)
    return cast(ConnectionOption, item), pos

[docs]def parse_connection(header: str) -> List[ConnectionOption]: """ Parse a ``Connection`` header. Return a list of HTTP connection options. :param header: value of the ``Connection`` header :raises ~websockets.exceptions.InvalidHeaderFormat: on invalid inputs. """ return parse_list(parse_connection_option, header, 0, "Connection")
_protocol_re = re.compile( r"[-!#$%&\'*+.^_`|~0-9a-zA-Z]+(?:/[-!#$%&\'*+.^_`|~0-9a-zA-Z]+)?" ) def parse_upgrade_protocol( header: str, pos: int, header_name: str ) -> Tuple[UpgradeProtocol, int]: """ Parse an Upgrade protocol from ``header`` at the given position. Return the protocol value and the new position. :raises ~websockets.exceptions.InvalidHeaderFormat: on invalid inputs. """ match = _protocol_re.match(header, pos) if match is None: raise InvalidHeaderFormat(header_name, "expected protocol", header, pos) return cast(UpgradeProtocol,, match.end()
[docs]def parse_upgrade(header: str) -> List[UpgradeProtocol]: """ Parse an ``Upgrade`` header. Return a list of HTTP protocols. :param header: value of the ``Upgrade`` header :raises ~websockets.exceptions.InvalidHeaderFormat: on invalid inputs. """ return parse_list(parse_upgrade_protocol, header, 0, "Upgrade")
def parse_extension_item_param( header: str, pos: int, header_name: str ) -> Tuple[ExtensionParameter, int]: """ Parse a single extension parameter from ``header`` at the given position. Return a ``(name, value)`` pair and the new position. :raises ~websockets.exceptions.InvalidHeaderFormat: on invalid inputs. """ # Extract parameter name. name, pos = parse_token(header, pos, header_name) pos = parse_OWS(header, pos) # Extract parameter value, if there is one. value: Optional[str] = None if peek_ahead(header, pos) == "=": pos = parse_OWS(header, pos + 1) if peek_ahead(header, pos) == '"': pos_before = pos # for proper error reporting below value, pos = parse_quoted_string(header, pos, header_name) # says: the value # after quoted-string unescaping MUST conform to the 'token' ABNF. if _token_re.fullmatch(value) is None: raise InvalidHeaderFormat( header_name, "invalid quoted header content", header, pos_before ) else: value, pos = parse_token(header, pos, header_name) pos = parse_OWS(header, pos) return (name, value), pos def parse_extension_item( header: str, pos: int, header_name: str ) -> Tuple[ExtensionHeader, int]: """ Parse an extension definition from ``header`` at the given position. Return an ``(extension name, parameters)`` pair, where ``parameters`` is a list of ``(name, value)`` pairs, and the new position. :raises ~websockets.exceptions.InvalidHeaderFormat: on invalid inputs. """ # Extract extension name. name, pos = parse_token(header, pos, header_name) pos = parse_OWS(header, pos) # Extract all parameters. parameters = [] while peek_ahead(header, pos) == ";": pos = parse_OWS(header, pos + 1) parameter, pos = parse_extension_item_param(header, pos, header_name) parameters.append(parameter) return (cast(ExtensionName, name), parameters), pos
[docs]def parse_extension(header: str) -> List[ExtensionHeader]: """ Parse a ``Sec-WebSocket-Extensions`` header. Return a list of WebSocket extensions and their parameters in this format:: [ ( 'extension name', [ ('parameter name', 'parameter value'), .... ] ), ... ] Parameter values are ``None`` when no value is provided. :raises ~websockets.exceptions.InvalidHeaderFormat: on invalid inputs. """ return parse_list(parse_extension_item, header, 0, "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions")
parse_extension_list = parse_extension # alias for backwards compatibility def build_extension_item( name: ExtensionName, parameters: List[ExtensionParameter] ) -> str: """ Build an extension definition. This is the reverse of :func:`parse_extension_item`. """ return "; ".join( [cast(str, name)] + [ # Quoted strings aren't necessary because values are always tokens. name if value is None else f"{name}={value}" for name, value in parameters ] )
[docs]def build_extension(extensions: Sequence[ExtensionHeader]) -> str: """ Build a ``Sec-WebSocket-Extensions`` header. This is the reverse of :func:`parse_extension`. """ return ", ".join( build_extension_item(name, parameters) for name, parameters in extensions )
build_extension_list = build_extension # alias for backwards compatibility def parse_subprotocol_item( header: str, pos: int, header_name: str ) -> Tuple[Subprotocol, int]: """ Parse a subprotocol from ``header`` at the given position. Return the subprotocol value and the new position. :raises ~websockets.exceptions.InvalidHeaderFormat: on invalid inputs. """ item, pos = parse_token(header, pos, header_name) return cast(Subprotocol, item), pos
[docs]def parse_subprotocol(header: str) -> List[Subprotocol]: """ Parse a ``Sec-WebSocket-Protocol`` header. Return a list of WebSocket subprotocols. :raises ~websockets.exceptions.InvalidHeaderFormat: on invalid inputs. """ return parse_list(parse_subprotocol_item, header, 0, "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol")
parse_subprotocol_list = parse_subprotocol # alias for backwards compatibility
[docs]def build_subprotocol(protocols: Sequence[Subprotocol]) -> str: """ Build a ``Sec-WebSocket-Protocol`` header. This is the reverse of :func:`parse_subprotocol`. """ return ", ".join(protocols)
build_subprotocol_list = build_subprotocol # alias for backwards compatibility
[docs]def build_www_authenticate_basic(realm: str) -> str: """ Build a ``WWW-Authenticate`` header for HTTP Basic Auth. :param realm: authentication realm """ # realm = build_quoted_string(realm) charset = build_quoted_string("UTF-8") return f"Basic realm={realm}, charset={charset}"
_token68_re = re.compile(r"[A-Za-z0-9-._~+/]+=*") def parse_token68(header: str, pos: int, header_name: str) -> Tuple[str, int]: """ Parse a token68 from ``header`` at the given position. Return the token value and the new position. :raises ~websockets.exceptions.InvalidHeaderFormat: on invalid inputs. """ match = _token68_re.match(header, pos) if match is None: raise InvalidHeaderFormat(header_name, "expected token68", header, pos) return, match.end() def parse_end(header: str, pos: int, header_name: str) -> None: """ Check that parsing reached the end of header. """ if pos < len(header): raise InvalidHeaderFormat(header_name, "trailing data", header, pos)
[docs]def parse_authorization_basic(header: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Parse an ``Authorization`` header for HTTP Basic Auth. Return a ``(username, password)`` tuple. :param header: value of the ``Authorization`` header :raises InvalidHeaderFormat: on invalid inputs :raises InvalidHeaderValue: on unsupported inputs """ # # scheme, pos = parse_token(header, 0, "Authorization") if scheme.lower() != "basic": raise InvalidHeaderValue("Authorization", f"unsupported scheme: {scheme}") if peek_ahead(header, pos) != " ": raise InvalidHeaderFormat( "Authorization", "expected space after scheme", header, pos ) pos += 1 basic_credentials, pos = parse_token68(header, pos, "Authorization") parse_end(header, pos, "Authorization") try: user_pass = base64.b64decode(basic_credentials.encode()).decode() except binascii.Error: raise InvalidHeaderValue( "Authorization", "expected base64-encoded credentials" ) from None try: username, password = user_pass.split(":", 1) except ValueError: raise InvalidHeaderValue( "Authorization", "expected username:password credentials" ) from None return username, password
[docs]def build_authorization_basic(username: str, password: str) -> str: """ Build an ``Authorization`` header for HTTP Basic Auth. This is the reverse of :func:`parse_authorization_basic`. """ # assert ":" not in username user_pass = f"{username}:{password}" basic_credentials = base64.b64encode(user_pass.encode()).decode() return "Basic " + basic_credentials