Source code for libqtile.config

# Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Tycho Andersen
# Copyright (c) 2013 xarvh
# Copyright (c) 2013 horsik
# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 roger
# Copyright (c) 2013 Tao Sauvage
# Copyright (c) 2014 ramnes
# Copyright (c) 2014 Sean Vig
# Copyright (c) 2014 Adi Sieker
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
from __future__ import annotations

import os.path
import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from libqtile import configurable, hook, utils
from import Bar
from libqtile.command.base import CommandObject, expose_command
from libqtile.log_utils import logger

    import re
    from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable

    from libqtile.backend import base
    from import BarType
    from libqtile.command.base import ItemT
    from libqtile.core.manager import Qtile
    from import _Group
    from libqtile.layout.base import Layout
    from libqtile.lazy import LazyCall

[docs]class Key: """ Defines a keybinding. Parameters ========== modifiers: A list of modifier specifications. Modifier specifications are one of: ``"shift"``, ``"lock"``, ``"control"``, ``"mod1"``, ``"mod2"``, ``"mod3"``, ``"mod4"``, ``"mod5"``. key: A key specification, e.g. ``"a"``, ``"Tab"``, ``"Return"``, ``"space"``. commands: One or more :class:`LazyCall` objects to evaluate in sequence upon keypress. Multiple commands should be separated by commas. desc: Description to be added to the key binding. (Optional) swallow: Configures when we swallow the key binding. (Optional) Setting it to False will forward the key binding to the focused window after the commands have been executed. """ def __init__( self, modifiers: list[str], key: str, *commands: LazyCall, desc: str = "", swallow: bool = True, ) -> None: self.modifiers = modifiers self.key = key self.commands = commands self.desc = desc self.swallow = swallow def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<Key (%s, %s)>" % (self.modifiers, self.key)
[docs]class KeyChord: """ Define a key chord aka Vim-like mode. Parameters ========== modifiers: A list of modifier specifications. Modifier specifications are one of: ``"shift"``, ``"lock"``, ``"control"``, ``"mod1"``, ``"mod2"``, ``"mod3"``, ``"mod4"``, ``"mod5"``. key: A key specification, e.g. ``"a"``, ``"Tab"``, ``"Return"``, ``"space"``. submappings: A list of :class:`Key` or :class:`KeyChord` declarations to bind in this chord. mode: Boolean. Setting to ``True`` will result in the chord persisting until Escape is pressed. Setting to ``False`` (default) will exit the chord once the sequence has ended. name: A string to name the chord. The name will be displayed in the Chord widget. desc: A string to describe the chord. This attribute is not directly used by Qtile but users may want to access this when creating scripts to show configured keybindings. swallow: Configures when we swallow the key binding of the chord. (Optional) Setting it to False will forward the key binding to the focused window after the commands have been executed. """ def __init__( self, modifiers: list[str], key: str, submappings: list[Key | KeyChord], mode: bool | str = False, name: str = "", desc: str = "", swallow: bool = True, ): self.modifiers = modifiers self.key = key submappings.append(Key([], "Escape")) self.submappings = submappings self.mode = mode = name self.desc = desc if isinstance(mode, str): logger.warning( "The use of `mode` to set the KeyChord name is deprecated. " "Please use `name='%s'` instead. " "'mode' should be a boolean value to set whether the chord is persistent (True) or not.", mode, ) = mode self.mode = True self.swallow = swallow def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<KeyChord (%s, %s)>" % (self.modifiers, self.key)
class Mouse: def __init__(self, modifiers: list[str], button: str, *commands: LazyCall) -> None: self.modifiers = modifiers self.button = button self.commands = commands self.button_code = int(self.button.replace("Button", "")) self.modmask: int = 0
[docs]class Drag(Mouse): """ Bind commands to a dragging action. On each motion event the bound commands are executed with two additional parameters specifying the x and y offset from the previous position. Parameters ========== modifiers: A list of modifier specifications. Modifier specifications are one of: ``"shift"``, ``"lock"``, ``"control"``, ``"mod1"``, ``"mod2"``, ``"mod3"``, ``"mod4"``, ``"mod5"``. button: The button used to start dragging e.g. ``"Button1"``. commands: A list :class:`LazyCall` objects to evaluate in sequence upon drag. start: A :class:`LazyCall` object to be evaluated when dragging begins. (Optional) warp_pointer: A :class:`bool` indicating if the pointer should be warped to the bottom right of the window at the start of dragging. (Default: `False`) """ def __init__( self, modifiers: list[str], button: str, *commands: LazyCall, start: LazyCall | None = None, warp_pointer: bool = False, ) -> None: super().__init__(modifiers, button, *commands) self.start = start self.warp_pointer = warp_pointer def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<Drag (%s, %s)>" % (self.modifiers, self.button)
[docs]class Click(Mouse): """ Bind commands to a clicking action. Parameters ========== modifiers: A list of modifier specifications. Modifier specifications are one of: ``"shift"``, ``"lock"``, ``"control"``, ``"mod1"``, ``"mod2"``, ``"mod3"``, ``"mod4"``, ``"mod5"``. button: The button used to start dragging e.g. ``"Button1"``. commands: A list :class:`LazyCall` objects to evaluate in sequence upon drag. """ def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<Click (%s, %s)>" % (self.modifiers, self.button)
class EzConfig: """ Helper class for defining key and button bindings in an Emacs-like format. Inspired by Xmonad's XMonad.Util.EZConfig. Splits an emacs keydef into modifiers and keys. For example: "m-s-a" -> ['mod4', 'shift'], 'a' "a-<minus>" -> ['mod1'], 'minus' "C-<Tab>" -> ['control'], 'Tab' """ modifier_keys = { "M": "mod4", "A": "mod1", "S": "shift", "C": "control", } def parse(self, spec: str) -> tuple[list[str], str]: mods = [] keys: list[str] = [] for key in spec.split("-"): if not key: break if key in self.modifier_keys: if keys: msg = "Modifiers must always come before key/btn: %s" raise utils.QtileError(msg % spec) mods.append(self.modifier_keys[key]) continue if len(key) == 1: keys.append(key) continue if len(key) > 3 and key[0] == "<" and key[-1] == ">": keys.append(key[1:-1]) continue if not keys: msg = "Invalid key/btn specifier: %s" raise utils.QtileError(msg % spec) if len(keys) > 1: msg = "Key chains are not supported: %s" % spec raise utils.QtileError(msg) return mods, keys[0]
[docs]class EzKey(EzConfig, Key): """ Defines a keybinding using the Emacs-like format. Parameters ========== keydef: The Emacs-like key specification, e.g. ``"M-S-a"``. commands: A list :class:`LazyCall` objects to evaluate in sequence upon keypress. desc: Description to be added to the key binding. (Optional) """ def __init__(self, keydef: str, *commands: LazyCall, desc: str = "") -> None: modkeys, key = self.parse(keydef) super().__init__(modkeys, key, *commands, desc=desc)
class EzKeyChord(EzConfig, KeyChord): """ Define a key chord using the Emacs-like format. Parameters ========== keydef: The Emacs-like key specification, e.g. ``"M-S-a"``. submappings: A list of :class:`Key` or :class:`KeyChord` declarations to bind in this chord. mode: Boolean. Setting to ``True`` will result in the chord persisting until Escape is pressed. Setting to ``False`` (default) will exit the chord once the sequence has ended. name: A string to name the chord. The name will be displayed in the Chord widget. desc: A string to describe the chord. This attribute is not directly used by Qtile but users may want to access this when creating scripts to show configured keybindings. """ def __init__( self, keydef: str, submappings: list[Key | KeyChord], mode: bool | str = False, name: str = "", desc: str = "", ): modkeys, key = self.parse(keydef) super().__init__(modkeys, key, submappings, mode, name, desc)
[docs]class EzClick(EzConfig, Click): """ Bind commands to a clicking action using the Emacs-like format. Parameters ========== btndef: The Emacs-like button specification, e.g. ``"M-1"``. commands: A list :class:`LazyCall` objects to evaluate in sequence upon drag. """ def __init__(self, btndef: str, *commands: LazyCall) -> None: modkeys, button = self.parse(btndef) button = "Button%s" % button super().__init__(modkeys, button, *commands)
class EzDrag(EzConfig, Drag): """ Bind commands to a dragging action using the Emacs-like format. Parameters ========== btndef: The Emacs-like button specification, e.g. ``"M-1"``. commands: A list :class:`LazyCall` objects to evaluate in sequence upon drag. start: A :class:`LazyCall` object to be evaluated when dragging begins. (Optional) """ def __init__(self, btndef: str, *commands: LazyCall, start: LazyCall | None = None) -> None: modkeys, button = self.parse(btndef) button = "Button%s" % button super().__init__(modkeys, button, *commands, start=start) class ScreenRect: def __init__(self, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int) -> None: self.x = x self.y = y self.width = width self.height = height def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<%s %d,%d %d,%d>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height, ) def hsplit(self, columnwidth: int) -> tuple[ScreenRect, ScreenRect]: assert 0 < columnwidth < self.width return ( self.__class__(self.x, self.y, columnwidth, self.height), self.__class__(self.x + columnwidth, self.y, self.width - columnwidth, self.height), ) def vsplit(self, rowheight: int) -> tuple[ScreenRect, ScreenRect]: assert 0 < rowheight < self.height return ( self.__class__(self.x, self.y, self.width, rowheight), self.__class__(self.x, self.y + rowheight, self.width, self.height - rowheight), )
[docs]class Screen(CommandObject): """ A physical screen, and its associated paraphernalia. Define a screen with a given set of :class:`Bar`s of a specific geometry. Also, ``x``, ``y``, ``width``, and ``height`` aren't specified usually unless you are using 'fake screens'. The ``wallpaper`` parameter, if given, should be a path to an image file. How this image is painted to the screen is specified by the ``wallpaper_mode`` parameter. By default, the image will be placed at the screens origin and retain its own dimensions. If the mode is ``"fill"``, the image will be centred on the screen and resized to fill it. If the mode is ``"stretch"``, the image is stretched to fit all of it into the screen. The ``x11_drag_polling_rate`` parameter specifies the rate for drag events in the X11 backend. By default this is set to None, indicating no limit. Because in the X11 backend we already handle motion notify events later, the performance should already be okay. However, to limit these events further you can use this variable and e.g. set it to your monitor refresh rate. 60 would mean that we handle a drag event 60 times per second. """ group: _Group index: int def __init__( self, top: BarType | None = None, bottom: BarType | None = None, left: BarType | None = None, right: BarType | None = None, wallpaper: str | None = None, wallpaper_mode: str | None = None, x11_drag_polling_rate: int | None = None, x: int | None = None, y: int | None = None, width: int | None = None, height: int | None = None, ) -> None: = top self.bottom = bottom self.left = left self.right = right self.wallpaper = wallpaper self.wallpaper_mode = wallpaper_mode self.x11_drag_polling_rate = x11_drag_polling_rate self.qtile: Qtile | None = None # x position of upper left corner can be > 0 # if one screen is "right" of the other self.x = x if x is not None else 0 self.y = y if y is not None else 0 self.width = width if width is not None else 0 self.height = height if height is not None else 0 self.previous_group: _Group | None = None def _configure( self, qtile: Qtile, index: int, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int, group: _Group, reconfigure_gaps: bool = False, ) -> None: self.qtile = qtile self.index = index self.x = x self.y = y self.width = width self.height = height for i in self.gaps: i._configure(qtile, self, reconfigure=reconfigure_gaps) self.set_group(group) if self.wallpaper: self.wallpaper = os.path.expanduser(self.wallpaper) self.paint(self.wallpaper, self.wallpaper_mode) def paint(self, path: str, mode: str | None = None) -> None: if self.qtile: self.qtile.paint_screen(self, path, mode) @property def gaps(self) -> Iterable[BarType]: return (i for i in [, self.bottom, self.left, self.right] if i) @property def dx(self) -> int: return self.x + self.left.size if self.left else self.x @property def dy(self) -> int: return self.y + if else self.y @property def dwidth(self) -> int: val = self.width if self.left: val -= self.left.size if self.right: val -= self.right.size return val @property def dheight(self) -> int: val = self.height if val -= if self.bottom: val -= self.bottom.size return val def get_rect(self) -> ScreenRect: return ScreenRect(self.dx, self.dy, self.dwidth, self.dheight) def set_group( self, new_group: _Group | None, save_prev: bool = True, warp: bool = True ) -> None: """Put group on this screen""" if new_group is None: return if new_group.screen == self: return if save_prev and new_group is not # new_group can be only if the screen is getting configured for # the first time self.previous_group = if new_group.screen: # g1 <-> s1 (self) # g2 (new_group) <-> s2 to # g1 <-> s2 # g2 <-> s1 g1 = s1 = self g2 = new_group s2 = new_group.screen = g1 g1.set_screen(s2, warp) = g2 g2.set_screen(s1, warp) else: assert self.qtile is not None old_group = = new_group with self.qtile.core.masked(): # display clients of the new group and then hide from old group # to remove the screen flickering new_group.set_screen(self, warp) # Can be the same group only if the screen just got configured for the # first time - see `Qtile._process_screens`. if old_group is not new_group: old_group.set_screen(None, warp)"setgroup")"focus_change")"layout_change",[], def _toggle_group(self, group: _Group | None = None, warp: bool = True) -> None: """Switch to the selected group or to the previously active one""" if group in (, None) and self.previous_group: group = self.previous_group self.set_group(group, warp=warp) def _items(self, name: str) -> ItemT: if name == "layout" and is not None: return True, list(range(len( elif name == "window" and is not None: return True, [i.wid for i in] elif name == "bar": return False, [x.position for x in self.gaps if isinstance(x, Bar)] elif name == "widget": bars = (g for g in self.gaps if isinstance(g, Bar)) return False, [ for b in bars for w in b.widgets] elif name == "group": return True, [] return None def _select(self, name: str, sel: str | int | None) -> CommandObject | None: if name == "layout": if sel is None: return else: assert isinstance(sel, int) return utils.lget(, sel) elif name == "window": if sel is None: return else: for i in if i.wid == sel: return i elif name == "bar": assert isinstance(sel, str) bar = getattr(self, sel) if isinstance(bar, Bar): return bar elif name == "widget": for gap in self.gaps: if not isinstance(gap, Bar): continue for widget in gap.widgets: if == sel: return widget elif name == "group": if sel is None: return else: return if sel == else None return None
[docs] @expose_command def resize( self, x: int | None = None, y: int | None = None, w: int | None = None, h: int | None = None, ) -> None: assert self.qtile is not None if x is None: x = self.x if y is None: y = self.y if w is None: w = self.width if h is None: h = self.height self._configure(self.qtile, self.index, x, y, w, h, for bar in [, self.bottom, self.left, self.right]: if bar: bar.draw()
[docs] @expose_command() def info(self) -> dict[str, int]: """Returns a dictionary of info for this screen.""" return dict(index=self.index, width=self.width, height=self.height, x=self.x, y=self.y)
[docs] @expose_command() def next_group(self, skip_empty: bool = False, skip_managed: bool = False) -> None: """Switch to the next group""" n =, skip_managed) self.set_group(n) return
[docs] @expose_command() def prev_group( self, skip_empty: bool = False, skip_managed: bool = False, warp: bool = True ) -> None: """Switch to the previous group""" n =, skip_managed) self.set_group(n, warp=warp) return
[docs] @expose_command() def toggle_group(self, group_name: str | None = None, warp: bool = True) -> None: """Switch to the selected group or to the previously active one""" assert self.qtile is not None group = self.qtile.groups_map.get(group_name if group_name else "") self._toggle_group(group, warp=warp)
[docs] @expose_command() def set_wallpaper(self, path: str, mode: str | None = None) -> None: """Set the wallpaper to the given file.""" self.paint(path, mode)
[docs]class Group: """ Represents a "dynamic" group These groups can spawn apps, only allow certain Matched windows to be on them, hide when they're not in use, etc. Groups are identified by their name. Parameters ========== name: The name of this group. matches: List of :class:`Match` objects whose matched windows will be assigned to this group. exclusive: When other apps are started in this group, should we allow them here or not? spawn: This will be executed (via ``qtile.spawn()``) when the group is created. You can pass either a program name or a list of programs to ``exec()``. layout: The name of default layout for this group (e.g. ``"max"``). This is the name specified for a particular layout in ```` or if not defined it defaults in general to the class name in all lower case. layouts: The group layouts list overriding global layouts. Use this to define a separate list of layouts for this particular group. persist: Should this group stay alive when it has no member windows? init: Should this group be alive when Qtile starts? layout_opts: Options to pass to a layout. screen_affinity: Make a dynamic group prefer to start on a specific screen. position: The position of this group. label: The display name of the group. Use this to define a display name other than name of the group. If set to ``None``, the display name is set to the name. """ def __init__( self, name: str, matches: list[Match] | None = None, exclusive: bool = False, spawn: str | list[str] | None = None, layout: str | None = None, layouts: list[Layout] | None = None, persist: bool = True, init: bool = True, layout_opts: dict[str, Any] | None = None, screen_affinity: int | None = None, position: int = sys.maxsize, label: str | None = None, ) -> None: = name self.label = label self.exclusive = exclusive self.spawn = spawn self.layout = layout self.layouts = layouts or [] self.persist = persist self.init = init self.matches = matches or [] self.layout_opts = layout_opts or {} self.screen_affinity = screen_affinity self.position = position def __repr__(self) -> str: attrs = utils.describe_attributes( self, [ "exclusive", "spawn", "layout", "layouts", "persist", "init", "matches", "layout_opts", "screen_affinity", ], ) return "<config.Group %r (%s)>" % (, attrs)
[docs]class ScratchPad(Group): """ Represents a "ScratchPad" group ScratchPad adds a (by default) invisible group to Qtile. That group is used as a place for currently not visible windows spawned by a :class:`DropDown` configuration. Parameters ========== name: The name of this group. dropdowns: :class:`DropDown` s available on the scratchpad. position: The position of this group. label: The display name of the :class:`ScratchPad` group. Defaults to the empty string such that the group is hidden in :class:`~libqtile.widget.GroupBox` widget. single: If ``True``, only one of the dropdowns will be visible at a time. """ def __init__( self, name: str, dropdowns: list[DropDown] | None = None, position: int = sys.maxsize, label: str = "", single: bool = False, ) -> None: Group.__init__( self, name, layout="floating", init=False, position=position, label=label, ) self.dropdowns = dropdowns if dropdowns is not None else [] self.single = single def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<config.ScratchPad %r (%s)>" % (, ", ".join( for dd in self.dropdowns), )
[docs]class Match: """ Window properties to compare (match) with a window. The properties will be compared to a :class:`~libqtile.base.Window` to determine if its properties *match*. It can match by title, wm_class, role, wm_type, wm_instance_class, net_wm_pid, or wid. Additionally, a function may be passed, which takes in the :class:`~libqtile.base.Window` to be compared against and returns a boolean. For some properties, :class:`Match` supports both regular expression objects (i.e. the result of ``re.compile()``) or strings (match as an "include"-match). If a window matches all specified values, it is considered a match. Parameters ========== title: Match against the WM_NAME atom (X11) or title (Wayland). wm_class: Match against the second string in WM_CLASS atom (X11) or app ID (Wayland). role: Match against the WM_ROLE atom (X11 only). wm_type: Match against the WM_TYPE atom (X11 only). wm_instance_class: Match against the first string in WM_CLASS atom (X11) or app ID (Wayland). net_wm_pid: Match against the _NET_WM_PID atom (X11) or PID (Wayland). func: Delegate the match to the given function, which receives the tested client as an argument and must return ``True`` if it matches, ``False`` otherwise. wid: Match against the window ID. This is a unique ID given to each window. """ def __init__( self, title: str | re.Pattern | None = None, wm_class: str | re.Pattern | None = None, role: str | re.Pattern | None = None, wm_type: str | re.Pattern | None = None, wm_instance_class: str | re.Pattern | None = None, net_wm_pid: int | None = None, func: Callable[[base.Window], bool] | None = None, wid: int | None = None, ) -> None: self._rules: dict[str, Any] = {} if title is not None: self._rules["title"] = title if wm_class is not None: self._rules["wm_class"] = wm_class if wm_instance_class is not None: self._rules["wm_instance_class"] = wm_instance_class if wid is not None: self._rules["wid"] = wid if net_wm_pid is not None: try: self._rules["net_wm_pid"] = int(net_wm_pid) except ValueError: error = 'Invalid rule for net_wm_pid: "%s" only int allowed' % str(net_wm_pid) raise utils.QtileError(error) if func is not None: self._rules["func"] = func if role is not None: self._rules["role"] = role if wm_type is not None: self._rules["wm_type"] = wm_type @staticmethod def _get_property_predicate(name: str, value: Any) -> Callable[..., bool]: if name == "net_wm_pid" or name == "wid": return lambda other: other == value elif name == "wm_class": def predicate(other) -> bool: # type: ignore # match as an "include"-match on any of the received classes match = getattr(other, "match", lambda v: v in other) return value and any(match(v) for v in value) return predicate else: def predicate(other) -> bool: # type: ignore # match as an "include"-match match = getattr(other, "match", lambda v: v in other) return match(value) return predicate def compare(self, client: base.Window) -> bool: value: Any for property_name, rule_value in self._rules.items(): if property_name == "title": value = elif "class" in property_name: wm_class = client.get_wm_class() if not wm_class: return False if property_name == "wm_instance_class": value = wm_class[0] else: value = wm_class elif property_name == "role": value = client.get_wm_role() elif property_name == "func": return rule_value(client) elif property_name == "net_wm_pid": value = client.get_pid() elif property_name == "wid": value = client.wid else: value = client.get_wm_type() # Some of the window.get_...() functions can return None if value is None: return False match = self._get_property_predicate(property_name, value) if not match(rule_value): return False if not self._rules: return False return True def map(self, callback: Callable[[base.Window], Any], clients: list[base.Window]) -> None: """Apply callback to each client that matches this Match""" for c in clients: if callback(c) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<Match %s>" % self._rules
[docs]class Rule: """ How to act on a match. A :class:`Rule` contains a list of :class:`Match` objects, and a specification about what to do when any of them is matched. Parameters ========== match: :class:`Match` object or a list of such associated with this rule. float: Should we auto float this window? intrusive: Should we override the group's exclusive setting? break_on_match: Should we stop applying rules if this rule is matched? """ def __init__( self, match: Match | list[Match], group: _Group | None = None, float: bool = False, intrusive: bool = False, break_on_match: bool = True, ) -> None: if isinstance(match, Match): self.matchlist = [match] else: self.matchlist = match = group self.float = float self.intrusive = intrusive self.break_on_match = break_on_match def matches(self, w: base.Window) -> bool: return any(w.match(m) for m in self.matchlist) def __repr__(self) -> str: actions = utils.describe_attributes( self, ["group", "float", "intrusive", "break_on_match"] ) return "<Rule match=%r actions=(%s)>" % (self.matchlist, actions)