Quart is only compatible with Python 3.8 or higher and can be installed using pip or your favorite python package manager:
pip install quart
Quart dependends on the following packages, which will automatically be installed with Quart:
aiofiles, to load files in an asyncio compatible manner,
blinker, to manager signals,
click, to manage command line arguments
hypercorn, an ASGI server for development,
importlib_metadata only for Python 3.8,
itsdangerous, for signing secure cookies,
jinja2, for template rendering,
markupsafe, for markup rendering,
typing_extensions only for Python 3.8,
werkzeug, as the basis of many Quart classes.
You can choose to install with the dotenv extra:
pip install quart[dotenv]
Whcih will install the python-dotenv
package which enables support
for automatically loading environment variables when running quart
See also#
Poetry for project management.