Server side search API

You can integrate our server side search in your documentation by using our API.

If you are using About Read the Docs for Business you will need to replace with in all the URLs used in the following examples. Check Authentication and authorization if you are using private versions.

API v3

GET /api/v3/search/

Return a list of search results for a project or subset of projects. Results are divided into sections with highlights of the matching term.

Query Parameters:
  • q – Search query (see Search query syntax)

  • page – Jump to a specific page

  • page_size – Limits the results per page, default is 50

Response JSON Object:
  • type (string) – The type of the result, currently page is the only type.

  • project (string) – The project object

  • version (string) – The version object

  • title (string) – The title of the page

  • domain (string) – Canonical domain of the resulting page

  • path (string) – Path to the resulting page

  • highlights (object) – An object containing a list of substrings with matching terms. Note that the text is HTML escaped with the matching terms inside a <span> tag.

  • blocks (object) –

    A list of block objects containing search results from the page. Currently, there are two types of blocks:

    • section: A page section with a linkable anchor (id attribute).

    • domain: A Sphinx domain with a linkable anchor (id attribute).

Example request:

$ curl ""

Example response:

    "count": 41,
    "next": "",
    "previous": null,
    "projects": [
         "slug": "docs",
         "versions": [
           {"slug": "latest"}
    "query": "server side search",
    "results": [
            "type": "page",
            "project": {
               "slug": "docs",
               "alias": null
            "version": {
               "slug": "latest"
            "title": "Server Side Search",
            "domain": "",
            "path": "/en/latest/server-side-search.html",
            "highlights": {
                "title": [
                    "<span>Server</span> <span>Side</span> <span>Search</span>"
            "blocks": [
                  "type": "section",
                  "id": "server-side-search",
                  "title": "Server Side Search",
                  "content": "Read the Docs provides full-text search across all of the pages of all projects, this is powered by Elasticsearch.",
                  "highlights": {
                     "title": [
                        "<span>Server</span> <span>Side</span> <span>Search</span>"
                     "content": [
                        "You can <span>search</span> all projects at https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;<span>search</span>&#x2F"
                  "type": "domain",
                  "role": "http:get",
                  "name": "/_/api/v2/search/",
                  "id": "get--_-api-v2-search-",
                  "content": "Retrieve search results for docs",
                  "highlights": {
                     "name": [""],
                     "content": ["Retrieve <span>search</span> results for docs"]

Migrating from API v2

Instead of using query arguments to specify the project and version to search, you need to do it from the query itself, this is if you had the following parameters:

  • project: docs

  • version: latest

  • q: test

Now you need to use:

  • q: project:docs/latest test

The response of the API is very similar to V2, with the following changes:

  • project is an object, not a string.

  • version is an object, not a string.

  • project_alias isn’t present, it is contained in the project object.

When searching on a parent project, results from their subprojects won’t be included automatically, to include results from subprojects use the subprojects paramater.

Authentication and authorization

If you are using private versions, users will only be allowed to search projects they have permissions over. Authentication and authorization is done using the current session, or any of the valid sharing methods.

To be able to use the user’s current session you need to use the API from the domain where your docs are being served (<you-docs-domain>/_/api/v3/search/). This is for the project, for example.

API v2 (deprecated)


Please use our API v3 instead, see Migrating from API v2.

GET /api/v2/search/

Return a list of search results for a project, including results from its Subprojects: host multiple projects on a single domain. Results are divided into sections with highlights of the matching term.

Query Parameters:
  • q – Search query

  • project – Project slug

  • version – Version slug

  • page – Jump to a specific page

  • page_size – Limits the results per page, default is 50

Response JSON Object:
  • type (string) – The type of the result, currently page is the only type.

  • project (string) – The project slug

  • project_alias (string) – Alias of the project if it’s a subproject.

  • version (string) – The version slug

  • title (string) – The title of the page

  • domain (string) – Canonical domain of the resulting page

  • path (string) – Path to the resulting page

  • highlights (object) – An object containing a list of substrings with matching terms. Note that the text is HTML escaped with the matching terms inside a <span> tag.

  • blocks (object) –

    A list of block objects containing search results from the page. Currently, there are two types of blocks:

    • section: A page section with a linkable anchor (id attribute).

    • domain: A Sphinx domain with a linkable anchor (id attribute).

Example request:

$ curl ""

Example response:

    "count": 41,
    "next": "",
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "type": "page",
            "project": "docs",
            "project_alias": null,
            "version": "latest",
            "title": "Server Side Search",
            "domain": "",
            "path": "/en/latest/server-side-search.html",
            "highlights": {
                "title": [
                    "<span>Server</span> <span>Side</span> <span>Search</span>"
            "blocks": [
                  "type": "section",
                  "id": "server-side-search",
                  "title": "Server Side Search",
                  "content": "Read the Docs provides full-text search across all of the pages of all projects, this is powered by Elasticsearch.",
                  "highlights": {
                     "title": [
                        "<span>Server</span> <span>Side</span> <span>Search</span>"
                     "content": [
                        "You can <span>search</span> all projects at https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;<span>search</span>&#x2F"
                  "type": "domain",
                  "role": "http:get",
                  "name": "/_/api/v2/search/",
                  "id": "get--_-api-v2-search-",
                  "content": "Retrieve search results for docs",
                  "highlights": {
                     "name": [""],
                     "content": ["Retrieve <span>search</span> results for docs"]