Feature reference

⏩️ Custom domains

Documentation projects can use their own domain name. A project may define multiple domains, as well as define the canonical domain where all other domains will redirect.

⏩️ Git provider integrations

Read the Docs integrates with GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab. This makes your Git repositories easy to import and configure automatically.

Note that we also support other Git providers through manual configuration.

⏩️ Versioned documentation

We support multiple versions and translations, integrated nicely into the URL of your documentation. This is served at /en/latest/ by default. If you have only one version, or don’t need translations, you can change the versioning scheme of your project.

⏩️ Preview documentation from pull requests

Your project can be configured to build and host documentation for every new pull request. Previewing changes during review makes it easier to catch formatting and display issues.

⏩️ Build notifications via webhooks and email

Build notifications can alert you when your builds fail so you can take immediate action.

⏩️ Analytics for search and traffic

Traffic and Search analytics are built into the platform. This allows you to easily see what the most popular pages are, and what people are searching for.

⏩️ Custom and built-in redirects on Read the Docs

Projects may define their own custom URL redirects, with advanced functionality like folder redirects.

⏩️ Private documentation sharing

It is possible to host private and password protected documentation on Read the Docs for Business.

⏩️ Content Delivery Network (CDN) and caching

Documentation projects are primarily static HTML pages along with media files. This allows us to cache them with our CDN, making them load faster for your users.

⏩️ sitemap.xml support

Sitemaps are generated and hosted automatically, improving search engine optimization. This helps your users find content more effectively on your site.

⏩️ 404 Not Found pages

A 404 page is served when we can’t find a page on your site. We provide a default 404 page, but you can also customize it.

⏩️ robots.txt support

robots.txt files allow you to customize how your documentation is indexed in search engines. We provide a default robots.txt file, but you can also customize it.