Security policy

Read the Docs adheres to the following security policies and procedures with regards to development, operations, and managing infrastructure. You can also find information on how we handle specific user data in our Privacy Policy.

Our engineering team monitors several sources for security threats and responds accordingly to security threats and notifications.

  • We monitor 3rd party software included in our application and in our infrastructure for security notifications. Any relevant security patches are applied and released immediately.

  • We monitor our infrastructure providers for signs of attacks or abuse and will respond accordingly to threats.


Read the Docs infrastructure is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS). We also use Cloudflare services to mitigate attacks and abuse.

Data and data center

All user data is stored in the USA in multi-tenant datastores in Amazon Web Services data centers. Physical access to these data centers is secured with a variety of controls to prevent unauthorized access.


Encryption in transit

All documentation, application dashboard, and API access is transmitted using SSL encryption. We do not support unencrypted requests, even for public project documentation hosting.

Temporary repository storage

We do not store or cache user repository data, temporary storage is used for every project build on Read the Docs.


Read the Docs supports SSO with GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and Google Workspaces (formerly G Suite).

Payment security

We do not store or process any payment details. All payment information is stored with our payment provider, Stripe – a PCI-certified level 1 payment provider.

Engineering and operational practices

Immutable infrastructure

We don’t make live changes to production code or infrastructure. All changes to our application and our infrastructure go through the same code review process before being applied and released.

Continuous integration

We are constantly testing changes to our application code and operational changes to our infrastructure.

Incident response

Our engineering team is on a rotating on-call schedule to respond to security or availability incidents.

Account security

  • All traffic is encrypted in transit so your login is protected.

  • Read the Docs stores only one-way hashes of all passwords. Nobody at Read the Docs has access to your passwords.

  • Account login is protected from brute force attacks with rate limiting.

  • While most projects and docs on Read the Docs are public, we treat your private repositories and private documentation as confidential and Read the Docs employees may only view them with your explicit permission in response to your support requests, or when required for security purposes.

  • You can read more about account privacy in our Privacy Policy.