Getting Support

There are a several support options available if you need help installing SecureDrop, or are looking for help with your existing SecureDrop instance.


If your installation is up and running, we recommend that you submit your SecureDrop to the SecureDrop directory. This also serves as a first introduction to the SecureDrop team.

Support Portal

Because of the sensitive nature of SecureDrop-related communications, we recommend that you request an account on the support portal at and review our documentation for using it.

As a member of the support portal, you will receive notifications regarding SecureDrop releases and security advisories, and you will be able to open tickets to request technical support.

Membership in the support portal is free of charge and granted at Freedom of the Press Foundation’s sole discretion. To reach out regarding a membership request, please use the contact form.

While we will provide technical assistance within reason and at our discretion, we encourage you to consider a paid support agreement to receive priority support, staff training, or installation help. Visit the Priority Support and Training pages on the SecureDrop website for more information.

Community Based Support

The SecureDrop forum is a good place to discuss SecureDrop and to get help from the international community of SecureDrop users and developers.

You can also connect directly with the SecureDrop development team and the larger SecureDrop community using the SecureDrop Gitter channel .


Remember that both the SecureDrop forum and the Gitter channel are public. Do not post any sensitive information through public channels.