SoCo 0.12 release notes
**SoCo 0.12** is a new version of the SoCo library. This release adds new
features and fixes several bugs.
`SoCo (Sonos Controller) `_ is a simple Python class
that allows you to programmatically control Sonos speakers.
New Features and Improvements
* New ``MusicService`` class for access to all the music services known to
Sonos. Note that some of this code is still unstable, and in particular
the data structures returned by methods such as ``get_metadata`` may change
in future. (`#262 `_,
`#358 `_)
* Add information to the docs about how to put SoCo in the Python path, for
test execution (`#327 `_,
`#319 `_)
* added ``to_dict()`` / ``from_dict()`` to ``DidlResource``
(`#330 `_,
`#318 `_)
* All tests have been moved from the ``unittests`` directory to the tests
directory (`#336 `_)
* For developers, more ``make`` targets, and a better sdist build
(`#346 `_)
* Added ``discovery.any_soco()``, for when you need a ``SoCo`` instance, but
you don't care which. This is slightly better than the traditional
``device =`` since it will return an existing instance
if one is available, without sending discovery packets
(`#262 `_)
* Modified ``DidlObject.to_dict()`` so that any associated resources list will
be also returned as a list of dictionaries instead of returning a list of
``DidlResource`` objects. (`#340 `_,
`#338 `_)
* Added a ``sonosdump`` tool in ``dev_tools``, which can print out the various
UPnP methods which Sonos uses
(`#344 `_)
* Added methods for sonos playlist management: ``reorder_sonos_playlist``,
``clear_sonos_playlist``, ``move_in_sonos_playlist``,
``remove_from_sonos_playlist``, ``get_sonos_playlist_by_attr``
(`#352 `_,
`#348 `_,
`#353 `_) and
``remove_sonos_playlist`` (`#341 `_,
`#345 `_)
* Support playmodes repeat-one (``REPEAT_ONE``) and shuffle-repeat-one
(``SHUFFLE_REPEAT_ONE``) introduced by Sonos 6.0
(`#387 `_)
* Better discovery: SoCo tries harder to find devices on the local network,
particularly where there are multiple network interfaces. The default
discovery timeout is also increased to 5 seconds
(`#395 `_,
`#432 `_)
* Large work package on the docs, which contains a new front page, more
sections, some advanced topics and an example page
(`#406 `_,
`#360 `_,
`#368 `_,
`#362 `_,
`#326 `_,
`#369 `_).
* Added optional timeout argument to be passed onto requests when getting
speaker info (`#302 `_)
* Ignore ``.#`` specified subclasses in Didl xml. Several music services seem
to use an out-of-spec way to make sub classes in Didl, by specifying the
subclass name or function after a #. This caused our implementation of Didl
to reject it. This has now been fixed by simple ignoring these un-official
subclasses (`#425 `_)
* Added methods to manipulate sonos sleep functionality: ``set_sleep_timer``,
``get_sleep_timer`` (`#413 `_)
* Various cleanups (`#351 `_)
* Extended ``get_speaker_info`` to return more information about the Sonos
speakers (`#335 `_,
`#320 `_)
* Clear zone group cache and reparse zone group information after join and
unjoin to prevent giving wrong topology information.
(`#323 `_,
`#321 `_)
* Fix typo preventing SoCo from parsing the audio metadata object used when a
TV is playing. (`#331 `_)
* Fix bug where SoCo would raise an exception if music services sent metadata
with invalid XML characters (`#392 `_,
`#386 `_)
* Event lister was (incorrectly) responding to ``GET`` and ``HEAD`` requests,
which could result in local files being served
(`#430 `_)
* Minor fix because ordereddict.values in py3 return ValuesView
(`#359 `_)
* Fixed bugs with parsing events
(`#276 `_)
* Fixed unit tests (`#343 `_,
`#342 `_)
* Fix in MusicLibrary constructor
(`#370 `_)
Backwards Compatability
* Dropped support for Python 3.2
(`#324 `_)
* Methods relating to the music library (``get_artists``,
``get_album_artists``, ``get_albums`` and others) have been moved to the
``music_library`` module. Instead of ``device.get_album_artists()``, please
now use ``device.music_library.get_album_artists()`` etc. Old code will
continue to work for the moment, but will raise deprecation warnings
(`#350 `_)
* Made a hard deprecation of the Spotify plugin since the API it relied on has
been deprecated and it therefore no longer worked
(`#401 `_,
`#423 `_)
* Dropped pylint checks for Python 2.6
(`#363 `_)