SoCo 0.8 release notes ********************** New Features ============ * Re-added support for Python 2.6 (`#154 `_) * Added :meth:`SoCo.get_sonos_playlists` (`#114 `_) * Added methods for working with speaker topology * :attr:`` retrieves the :class:`soco.groups.ZoneGroup` to which the speaker belongs (`#132 `_). The group itself has a :attr:`soco.groups.ZoneGroup.member` attribute returning all of its members. Iterating directly over the group is possible as well. * Speakers can be grouped using :meth:`soco.SoCo.join` (`#136 `_):: z1 = SoCo('') z2 = SoCo('') z1.join(z2) * :attr:`soco.SoCo.all_zones` and :attr:`soco.SoCo.visible_zones` return all and all visible zones, respectively. * :attr:`soco.SoCo.is_bridge` indicates if the ``SoCo`` instance represents a bridge. * :attr:`soco.SoCo.is_coordinator` indicates if the ``SoCo`` instance is a group coordinator (`#166 `_) * A new :class:`soco.plugins.spotify.Spotify` plugin allows querying and playing the Spotify music catalogue (`#119 `_):: from soco.plugins.spotify import Spotify from soco.plugins.spotify import SpotifyTrack # create a new plugin, pass the soco instance to it myplugin = Spotify(device) print 'index: ' + str(myplugin.add_track_to_queue(SpotifyTrack(' spotify:track:20DfkHC5grnKNJCzZQB6KC'))) print 'index: ' + str(myplugin.add_album_to_queue(SpotifyAlbum(' spotify:album:6a50SaJpvdWDp13t0wUcPU'))) * A :class:`soco.data_structures.URI` item can be passed to ``add_to_queue`` which allows playing music from arbitrary URIs (`#147 `_) :: import soco from soco.data_structures import URI soc = soco.SoCo('...ip_address...') uri = URI('') soc.add_to_queue(uri) * A new ``include_invisible`` parameter to :meth:`` can be used to retrieve invisible speakers or bridges (`#146 `_) * A new ``timeout`` parameter to :meth:``. If no zones are found within ``timeout`` seconds ``None`` is returned. (`#146 `_) * Network requests can be cached for better performance (`#131 `_). * It is now possible to subscribe to events of a service using its :meth:`` method, which returns a `Subscription` object. To unsubscribe, call the `unsubscribe` method on the returned object. (`#121 `_, `#130 `_) * Support for reading and setting crossfade (`#165 `_) Improvements ============ * Performance improvements for speaker discovery (`#146 `_) * Various improvements to the Wimp plugin (`#140 `_). * Test coverage tracking using ` `_ (`#163 `_) Backwards Compatability ======================= * Queue related use 0-based indexing consistently (`#103 `_) * :meth:`soco.SoCo.get_speakers_ip` is deprecated in favour of :meth:`` (`#124 `_)