# pylint: disable=star-args
"""Plugin for the Wimp music service (Service ID 20)"""
import locale
import socket
import requests
from ..exceptions import SoCoUPnPException, UnknownXMLStructure
from ..ms_data_structures import (
from ..services import MusicServices
from ..utils import really_utf8
from ..xml import XML
from .__init__ import SoCoPlugin
__all__ = ["Wimp"]
def _post(url, headers, body, retries=3, timeout=3.0):
"""Try 3 times to request the content.
:param headers: The HTTP headers
:type headers: dict
:param body: The body of the HTTP post
:type body: str
:param retries: The number of times to retry before giving up
:type retries: int
:param timeout: The time to wait for the post to complete, before timing
:type timeout: float
retry = 0
out = None
while out is None:
out = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=body, timeout=timeout)
# Due to a bug in requests, the post command will sometimes fail to
# properly wrap a socket.timeout exception in requests own exception.
# See https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/issues/2045
# Until this is fixed, we need to catch both types of exceptions
except (requests.exceptions.Timeout, socket.timeout) as exception:
retry += 1
if retry == retries:
# pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
raise requests.exceptions.Timeout(exception.message)
return out
def _ns_tag(ns_id, tag):
"""Return a namespace/tag item. The ns_id is translated to a full name
space via the NS module variable.
:param ns_id: The name space ID. Translated to a namespace via the module
variable NS
:type ns_id: str
:param tag: The tag
:type str: str
return "{{{}}}{}".format(NS[ns_id], tag)
def _get_header(soap_action):
"""Return the HTTP for SOAP Action.
:param soap_action: The soap action to include in the header. Can be either
'search' or 'get_metadata'
:type soap_action: str
# This way of setting accepted language is obviously flawed, in that it
# depends on the locale settings of the system. However, I'm unsure if
# they are actually used. The character coding is set elsewhere and I think
# the available music in each country is bound to the account.
language, _ = locale.getdefaultlocale()
if language is None:
language = ""
language = language.replace("_", "-") + ", "
header = {
"CONNECTION": "close",
"ACCEPT-LANGUAGE": "{}en-US;q=0.9".format(language),
"Content-Type": 'text/xml; charset="utf-8"',
return header
[docs]class Wimp(SoCoPlugin):
"""Class that implements a Wimp plugin.
There is an (apparent) in-consistency in the use of one data
type from the Wimp service. When searching for playlists, the XML
returned by the Wimp server indicates, that the type is an 'album
list', and it thus suggest, that this type is used for a list of
tracks (as expected for a playlist), and this data type is reported
to be playable. However, when browsing the music tree, the Wimp
server will return items of 'album list' type, but in this case it
is used for a list of albums and it is not playable. This plugin
maintains this (apparent) in-consistency to stick as close to the
reported data as possible, so search for playlists returns
MSAlbumList that are playable and while browsing the content tree
the MSAlbumList items returned to you are not playable.
Wimp in some cases lists tracks that are not available. In these
cases, while it will correctly report these tracks as not being
playable, the containing data structure like e.g. the album they are
on may report that they are playable. Trying to add one of these to
the queue will return a SoCoUPnPException with error code '802'.
def __init__(self, soco, username, retries=3, timeout=3.0):
"""Initialize the plugin.
:param soco: The soco instance to retrieve the session ID for the music
:type: :py:class:`soco.SoCo`
:param username: The username for the music service
:type username: str
:param retries: The number of times to retry before giving up
:type retries: int
:param timeout: The time to wait for the post to complete, before
timing out. The Wimp server seems either slow to respond or to
make the queries internally, so the timeout should probably not be
shorter than 3 seconds.
:type timeout: float
If you are using a phone number as the username and are
experiencing problems connecting, then try to prepend the area
code (no + or 00). I.e. if your phone number is 12345678 and you
are from denmark, then use 4512345678. This must be set up the
same way in the Sonos device. For details see `here
-gyldigt-abonnement->`_ (In Danish)
# Instantiate variables
self._url = "http://client.wimpmusic.com/sonos/services/Sonos"
self._serial_number = soco.get_speaker_info()["serial_number"]
self._username = username
self._service_id = 20
self._http_vars = {"retries": retries, "timeout": timeout}
# Get a session id for the searches
self._music_services = MusicServices(soco)
response = self._music_services.GetSessionId(
[("ServiceId", 20), ("Username", username)]
self._session_id = response["SessionId"]
def name(self):
"""Return the human read-able name for the plugin"""
return "Wimp Plugin for {}".format(self._username)
def username(self):
"""Return the username."""
return self._username
def service_id(self):
"""Return the service id."""
return self._service_id
def description(self):
"""Return the music service description for the DIDL metadata on the
form ``'SA_RINCON5127_...self.username...'``"""
return "SA_RINCON5127_{}".format(self._username)
[docs] def get_tracks(self, search, start=0, max_items=100):
"""Search for tracks.
See get_music_service_information for details on the arguments
return self.get_music_service_information("tracks", search, start, max_items)
[docs] def get_albums(self, search, start=0, max_items=100):
"""Search for albums.
See get_music_service_information for details on the arguments
return self.get_music_service_information("albums", search, start, max_items)
[docs] def get_artists(self, search, start=0, max_items=100):
"""Search for artists.
See get_music_service_information for details on the arguments
return self.get_music_service_information("artists", search, start, max_items)
[docs] def get_playlists(self, search, start=0, max_items=100):
"""Search for playlists.
See get_music_service_information for details on the arguments.
Un-intuitively this method returns MSAlbumList items. See
note in class doc string for details.
return self.get_music_service_information("playlists", search, start, max_items)
[docs] def browse(self, ms_item=None):
"""Return the sub-elements of item or of the root if item is None
:param item: Instance of sub-class of
:py:class:`soco.data_structures.MusicServiceItem`. This object must
have item_id, service_id and extended_id properties
Browsing a MSTrack item will return itself.
This plugin cannot yet set the parent ID of the results
correctly when browsing
:py:class:`soco.data_structures.MSFavorites` and
:py:class:`soco.data_structures.MSCollection` elements.
# Check for correct service
if ms_item is not None and ms_item.service_id != self._service_id:
message = "This music service item is not for this service"
raise ValueError(message)
# Form HTTP body and set parent_id
if ms_item:
body = self._browse_body(ms_item.item_id)
parent_id = ms_item.extended_id
if parent_id is None:
parent_id = ""
body = self._browse_body("root")
parent_id = "0"
# Get HTTP header and post
headers = _get_header("get_metadata")
response = _post(self._url, headers, body, **self._http_vars)
# Check for errors and get XML
result_dom = XML.fromstring(really_utf8(response.text))
# Find the getMetadataResult item ...
xpath_search = ".//" + _ns_tag("", "getMetadataResult")
metadata_result = list(result_dom.findall(xpath_search))
# ... and make sure there is exactly 1
if len(metadata_result) != 1:
raise UnknownXMLStructure(
"The results XML has more than 1 'getMetadataResult'. This "
"is unexpected and parsing will dis-continue."
metadata_result = metadata_result[0]
# Browse the children of metadata result
out = {"item_list": []}
for element in ["index", "count", "total"]:
out[element] = metadata_result.findtext(_ns_tag("", element))
for result in metadata_result:
if result.tag in [
_ns_tag("", "mediaCollection"),
_ns_tag("", "mediaMetadata"),
out["item_list"].append(get_ms_item(result, self, parent_id))
return out
[docs] @staticmethod
def id_to_extended_id(item_id, item_class):
"""Return the extended ID from an ID.
:param item_id: The ID of the music library item
:type item_id: str
:param cls: The class of the music service item
:type cls: Sub-class of
The extended id can be something like 00030020trackid_22757082
where the id is just trackid_22757082. For classes where the prefix is
not known returns None.
out = ID_PREFIX[item_class]
if out:
out += item_id
return out
def _search_body(self, search_type, search_term, start, max_items):
"""Return the search XML body.
:param search_type: The search type
:type search_type: str
:param search_term: The search term e.g. 'Jon Bon Jovi'
:type search_term: str
:param start: The start index of the returned results
:type start: int
:param max_items: The maximum number of returned results
:type max_items: int
The XML is formed by adding, to the envelope of the XML returned by
``self._base_body``, the following ``Body`` part:
.. code :: xml
<search xmlns="http://www.sonos.com/Services/1.1">
xml = self._base_body()
# Add the Body part
XML.SubElement(xml, "s:Body")
item_attrib = {"xmlns": "http://www.sonos.com/Services/1.1"}
search = XML.SubElement(xml[1], "search", item_attrib)
XML.SubElement(search, "id").text = search_type
XML.SubElement(search, "term").text = search_term
XML.SubElement(search, "index").text = str(start)
XML.SubElement(search, "count").text = str(max_items)
return XML.tostring(xml)
def _browse_body(self, search_id):
"""Return the browse XML body.
The XML is formed by adding, to the envelope of the XML returned by
``self._base_body``, the following ``Body`` part:
.. code :: xml
<getMetadata xmlns="http://www.sonos.com/Services/1.1">
.. note:: The XML contains index and count, but the service does not
seem to respect them, so therefore they have not been included as
xml = self._base_body()
# Add the Body part
XML.SubElement(xml, "s:Body")
item_attrib = {"xmlns": "http://www.sonos.com/Services/1.1"}
search = XML.SubElement(xml[1], "getMetadata", item_attrib)
XML.SubElement(search, "id").text = search_id
# Investigate this index, count stuff more
XML.SubElement(search, "index").text = "0"
XML.SubElement(search, "count").text = "100"
return XML.tostring(xml)
def _base_body(self):
"""Return the base XML body, which has the following form:
.. code :: xml
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<credentials xmlns="http://www.sonos.com/Services/1.1">
item_attrib = {
"xmlns:s": "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/",
xml = XML.Element("s:Envelope", item_attrib)
# Add the Header part
XML.SubElement(xml, "s:Header")
item_attrib = {"xmlns": "http://www.sonos.com/Services/1.1"}
credentials = XML.SubElement(xml[0], "credentials", item_attrib)
XML.SubElement(credentials, "sessionId").text = self._session_id
XML.SubElement(credentials, "deviceId").text = self._serial_number
XML.SubElement(credentials, "deviceProvider").text = "Sonos"
return xml
def _check_for_errors(self, response):
"""Check a response for errors.
:param response: the response from requests.post()
if response.status_code != 200:
xml_error = really_utf8(response.text)
error_dom = XML.fromstring(xml_error)
fault = error_dom.find(".//" + _ns_tag("s", "Fault"))
error_description = fault.find("faultstring").text
error_code = EXCEPTION_STR_TO_CODE[error_description]
message = "UPnP Error {} received: {} from {}".format(
error_code, error_description, self._url
raise SoCoUPnPException(
"get_metadata": '"http://www.sonos.com/Services/1.1#getMetadata"',
"search": '"http://www.sonos.com/Services/1.1#search"',
# Note UPnP exception 802 while trying to add a Wimp track indicates that these
# are tracks that not available in Wimp. Do something with that.
EXCEPTION_STR_TO_CODE = {"unknown": 20000, "ItemNotFound": 20001}
SEARCH_PREFIX = "00020064{search_type}:{search}"
MSTrack: "00030020",
MSAlbum: "0004002c",
MSArtist: "10050024",
MSAlbumList: "000d006c",
MSPlaylist: "0006006c",
MSArtistTracklist: "100f006c",
MSFavorites: None, # This one is unknown
MSCollection: None, # This one is unknown
MIME_TYPE_TO_EXTENSION = {"audio/aac": "mp4"}
URIS = {
MSTrack: "x-sonos-http:{item_id}.{extension}?sid={service_id}&flags=32",
MSAlbum: "x-rincon-cpcontainer:{extended_id}",
MSAlbumList: "x-rincon-cpcontainer:{extended_id}",
MSPlaylist: "x-rincon-cpcontainer:{extended_id}",
MSArtistTracklist: "x-rincon-cpcontainer:{extended_id}",
NS = {
"s": "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/",
"": "http://www.sonos.com/Services/1.1",