soco.config module

This module contains configuration variables.

They may be set by your code as follows:

from soco import config
config.VARIABLE = value

The class object to use when SoCo instances are created.

Specify the actual callable class object here, not a string. If None, the default SoCo class will be used. Must be set before any instances are created, or it will have unpredictable effects.

soco.config.CACHE_ENABLED = True

Is the cache enabled?

If True (the default), some caching of network requests will take place.

See also

The soco.cache module.

soco.config.EVENT_ADVERTISE_IP = None

The IP on which to advertise to Sonos.

The default of None means that the relevant IP address will be detected automatically.

See also

The soco.events_base module.

soco.config.EVENT_LISTENER_IP = None

The IP on which the event listener listens.

The default of None means that the relevant IP address will be detected automatically.

See also

The soco.events_base module.

soco.config.EVENT_LISTENER_PORT = 1400

The port on which the event listener listens.

The default is 1400. You must set this before subscribing to any events.

See also

The soco.events_base module.

soco.config.EVENTS_MODULE = <module '' from '/home/user/Desktop/shared/documentation/docs/sonos-controller/repository/soco/'>

The events module to be used by the module.

The default of None means the module will be used.

See also

The and soco.events_twisted modules.

soco.config.REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 20.0

The timeout (in seconds) to be used when sending commands to a Sonos device.

A value for REQUEST_TIMEOUT must be set. It can be a float, an int, or None. If set to ‘None’, calls can potentially wait indefinitely. (The default of 20.0s is a long time for network operations, but it’s been determined empirically to be a reasonable upper limit for most circumstances.)

REQUEST_TIMEOUT can be set dynamically during program execution to adjust the timeout at runtime. It can also be overridden for specific calls by using the ‘timeout’ kwarg in the relevant calling functions.

soco.config.ZGT_EVENT_FALLBACK = True

For large Sonos systems (about 20+ players) the standard method of querying a player for the Sonos Zone Group Topology will fail.

By default, SoCo will then fall back to using a method based on ZGT events. If you wish to disable this behaviour, set ‘ZGT_EVENT_FALLBACK’ to ‘False’. Your code should then be prepared to catch NotSupportedException errors when using functions that interrogate system state.