# pylint: disable=not-context-manager,import-error,wrong-import-position
# NOTE: The pylint not-content-manager warning is disabled pending the fix of
# a bug in pylint. See https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/782
# Disable while we have Python 2.x compatability
# pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance
"""Classes to handle Sonos UPnP Events and Subscriptions.
The `Subscription` class from this module will be used in
:py:mod:`soco.services` if `config.EVENTS_MODULE` is set
to point to this module.
Run this code, and change your volume, tracks etc::
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import soco
from pprint import pprint
from soco import events_twisted
soco.config.EVENTS_MODULE = events_twisted
from twisted.internet import reactor
def print_event(event):
pprint (event.variables)
except Exception as e:
pprint ('There was an error in print_event:', e)
def main():
# pick a device at random and use it to get
# the group coordinator
device = soco.discover().pop().group.coordinator
print (device.player_name)
sub = device.renderingControl.subscribe().subscription
sub2 = device.avTransport.subscribe().subscription
sub.callback = print_event
sub2.callback = print_event
def before_shutdown():
'before', 'shutdown', before_shutdown)
if __name__=='__main__':
.. _Deferred: https://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/api/\
.. _Failure: https://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/api/\
import sys
import logging
# Hack to make docs build without twisted installed
if "sphinx" in sys.modules:
[docs] class Resource: # pylint: disable=no-init
"""Fake Resource class to use when building docs"""
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.web.server import Site
from twisted.web.resource import Resource
import twisted.internet.error
from twisted.internet import task, defer
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from twisted.web.client import Agent, BrowserLikeRedirectAgent
from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers
# Event is imported for compatibility with events.py
# pylint: disable=unused-import
from .events_base import Event # noqa: F401
from .events_base import ( # noqa: E402
from .exceptions import SoCoException # noqa: E402
log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=C0103
[docs]class EventNotifyHandler(Resource, EventNotifyHandlerBase):
"""Handles HTTP ``NOTIFY`` Verbs sent to the listener server.
Inherits from `soco.events_base.EventNotifyHandlerBase`.
isLeaf = True
def __init__(self):
# The SubscriptionsMapTwisted instance created when this module is
# imported. This is referenced by
# soco.events_base.EventNotifyHandlerBase.
self.subscriptions_map = subscriptions_map
[docs] def render_NOTIFY(self, request): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Serve a ``NOTIFY`` request by calling `handle_notification`
with the headers and content.
headers = {}
for header in request.requestHeaders.getAllRawHeaders():
decoded_key = header[0].decode("utf8").lower()
decoded_header = header[1][0].decode("utf8")
headers[decoded_key] = decoded_header
content = request.content.read()
self.handle_notification(headers, content)
return b"OK"
# pylint: disable=no-self-use, missing-docstring
def log_event(self, seq, service_id, timestamp):
log.debug("Event %s received for %s service at %s", seq, service_id, timestamp)
[docs]class EventListener(EventListenerBase):
"""The Event Listener.
Runs an http server which is an endpoint for ``NOTIFY``
requests from Sonos devices. Inherits from
def __init__(self):
#: :py:class:`twisted.internet.tcp.Port`: set at `listen`
self.port = None
[docs] def listen(self, ip_address):
"""Start the event listener listening on the local machine at
port 1400 (default). If this port is unavailable, the
listener will attempt to listen on the next available port,
within a range of 100.
Make sure that your firewall allows connections to this port.
This method is called by `soco.events_base.EventListenerBase.start`
Handling of requests is delegated to an instance of the
`EventNotifyHandler` class.
ip_address (str): The local network interface on which the server
should start listening.
int: The port on which the server is listening.
The port on which the event listener listens is configurable.
factory = Site(EventNotifyHandler())
for port_number in range(
self.requested_port_number, self.requested_port_number + 100
if port_number > self.requested_port_number:
log.debug("Trying next port (%d)", port_number)
# pylint: disable=no-member
self.port = reactor.listenTCP(
port_number, factory, interface=ip_address
# pylint: disable=invalid-name,used-before-assignment
except twisted.internet.error.CannotListenError as e:
if self.port:
log.debug("Event listener running on %s", (ip_address, self.port.port))
return self.port.port
return None
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def stop_listening(self, address):
"""Stop the listener."""
port, self.port = self.port, None
[docs]class Subscription(SubscriptionBase):
"""A class representing the subscription to a UPnP event.
Inherits from `soco.events_base.SubscriptionBase`.
def __init__(self, service, event_queue=None):
service (Service): The SoCo `Service` to which the subscription
should be made.
event_queue (:class:`~queue.Queue`): A queue on which received
events will be put. If not specified, a queue will be
created and used.
super().__init__(service, event_queue)
#: :py:obj:`function`: callback function to be called whenever an
#: `Event` is received. If it is set and is callable, the callback
#: function will be called with the `Event` as the only parameter and
#: the Subscription's event queue won't be used.
self.callback = None
# The SubscriptionsMapTwisted instance created when this module is
# imported. This is referenced by soco.events_base.SubscriptionBase.
self.subscriptions_map = subscriptions_map
# The EventListener instance created when this module is imported.
# This is referenced by soco.events_base.SubscriptionBase.
self.event_listener = event_listener
# Used to keep track of the auto_renew loop
self._auto_renew_loop = None
# Used to serialise calls to subscribe, renew and unsubscribe
self._queue = []
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def subscribe(self, requested_timeout=None, auto_renew=False, strict=True):
"""Subscribe to the service.
If requested_timeout is provided, a subscription valid for that number
of seconds will be requested, but not guaranteed. Check
`timeout` on return to find out what period of validity is
actually allocated.
This method calls `events_base.SubscriptionBase.subscribe`.
SoCo will try to unsubscribe any subscriptions which are still
subscribed on program termination, but it is good practice for
you to clean up by making sure that you call :meth:`unsubscribe`
requested_timeout(int, optional): The timeout to be requested.
auto_renew (bool, optional): If `True`, renew the subscription
automatically shortly before timeout. Default `False`.
strict (bool, optional): If True and an Exception occurs during
execution, the returned Deferred_ will fail with a Failure_
which will be passed to the applicable errback (if any has
been set by the calling code) or, if False, the Failure will
be logged and the Subscription instance will be passed to
the applicable callback (if any has
been set by the calling code). Default `True`.
Deferred_: A Deferred_ the result of which will be the
Subscription instance and the subscription property of which
will point to the Subscription instance.
subscribe = super().subscribe
return self._wrap(subscribe, strict, requested_timeout, auto_renew)
[docs] def renew(self, requested_timeout=None, is_autorenew=False, strict=True):
Renew the event subscription.
You should not try to renew a subscription which has been
unsubscribed, or once it has expired.
This method calls `events_base.SubscriptionBase.renew`.
requested_timeout (int, optional): The period for which a renewal
request should be made. If None (the default), use the timeout
requested on subscription.
is_autorenew (bool, optional): Whether this is an autorenewal.
Default `False`.
strict (bool, optional): If True and an Exception occurs during
execution, the returned Deferred_ will fail with a Failure_
which will be passed to the applicable errback (if any has
been set by the calling code) or, if False, the Failure will
be logged and the Subscription instance will be passed to
the applicable callback (if any has
been set by the calling code). Default `True`.
Deferred_: A Deferred_ the result of which will be the
Subscription instance and the subscription property of which
will point to the Subscription instance.
renew = super().renew
return self._wrap(renew, strict, requested_timeout, is_autorenew)
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, strict=True):
Unsubscribe from the service's events.
Once unsubscribed, a Subscription instance should not be reused
This method calls `events_base.SubscriptionBase.unsubscribe`.
strict (bool, optional): If True and an Exception occurs during
execution, the returned Deferred_ will fail with a Failure_
which will be passed to the applicable errback (if any has
been set by the calling code) or, if False, the Failure will
be logged and the Subscription instance will be passed to
the applicable callback (if any has
been set by the calling code). Default `True`.
Deferred_: A Deferred_ the result of which will be the
Subscription instance and the subscription property of which
will point to the Subscription instance.
unsubscribe = super().unsubscribe
return self._wrap(unsubscribe, strict)
def _auto_renew_start(self, interval):
"""Starts the auto_renew loop."""
self._auto_renew_loop = task.LoopingCall(
self.renew, is_autorenew=True, strict=False
# False means wait for the interval to elapse, rather than fire at once
self._auto_renew_loop.start(interval, False)
def _auto_renew_cancel(self):
"""Cancels the auto_renew loop"""
if self._auto_renew_loop:
self._auto_renew_loop = None
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
def _request(self, method, url, headers, success, unconditional=None):
"""Sends an HTTP request.
method (str): 'SUBSCRIBE' or 'UNSUBSCRIBE'.
url (str): The full endpoint to which the request is being sent.
headers (dict): A dict of headers, each key and each value being
of type `str`.
success (function): A function to be called if the
request succeeds. The function will be called with a dict
of response headers as its only parameter.
unconditional (function): An optional function to be called after
the request is complete, regardless of its success. Takes
no parameters.
agent = BrowserLikeRedirectAgent(Agent(reactor))
if headers:
for k in list(headers.keys()):
header = headers[k]
del headers[k]
if isinstance(header, (list,)):
header = header[0]
if not isinstance(header, (bytes, bytearray)):
header = header.encode("latin-1")
k = k.encode("latin-1")
headers[k] = [header]
args = (method.encode("latin-1"), url.encode("latin-1"), Headers(headers))
d = agent.request(*args) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
def on_success(response): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
response_headers = {}
for header in response.headers.getAllRawHeaders():
decoded_key = header[0].decode("utf8").lower()
decoded_header = header[1][0].decode("utf8")
response_headers[decoded_key] = decoded_header
return self
if unconditional:
return d
def _wrap(self, method, strict, *args, **kwargs):
"""This is a wrapper for `Subscription.subscribe`, `Subscription.renew`
and `Subscription.unsubscribe` which:
* Returns a deferred, the result of which will be the`Subscription`
* Sets deferred.subscription to point to the `Subscription`
instance so a calling function can access the Subscription
instance immediately without registering a Callback and waiting
for it to fire.
* Converts an Exception into a twisted.python.failure.Failure.
* If a Failure (including an Exception converted into a Failure)
has occurred:
* Cancels the Subscription (unless the Failure was caused by a
SoCoException upon subscribe).
* On an autorenew, if the strict flag was set to False, calls
the optional self.auto_renew_fail method with the
* If the strict flag was set to True (the default), passes the
Failure to the next Errback for handling or, if the strict
flag was set to False, logs the Failure instead.
* Calls the `subscribing` and `finished_subscribing` methods of
self.subscriptions_map, so that `count` property of
self.subscriptions_map includes pending subscriptions.
* Serialises calls to the wrapped methods, so that, for example, a
call to unsubscribe will not commence until a call to subscribe
has completed.
action = method.__name__
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def execute(result, method, *args, **kwargs):
"""Execute method"""
# Increment the counter of pending calls to Subscription.subscribe
# if method is subscribe
if method.__name__ == "subscribe":
# Execute method
return method(*args, **kwargs)
def callnext():
"""Call the next deferred in the queue."""
# If there is another deferred in the queue,
# call it
if self._queue:
d = self._queue[0] # pylint: disable=invalid-name
def handle_outcome(outcome):
"""A callback / errback to handle the outcome ofmethod,
after it has been executed
# We start by assuming no Failure occurred
failure = None
if isinstance(outcome, Failure):
failure = outcome
# If a Failure or Exception occurred during execution of
# subscribe, renew or unsubscribe, cancel it unless the
# Failure or Exception was a SoCoException upon subscribe
if failure.type != SoCoException or action == "renew":
msg = (
"An Exception occurred. Subscription to"
+ " {}, sid: {} has been cancelled".format(
self.service.base_url + self.service.event_subscription_url,
# If we're not being strict, log the Failure
if not strict:
msg = (
"Failure received in Subscription"
+ ".{} for Subscription to:\n{}, sid: {}: {}".format(
self.service.base_url + self.service.event_subscription_url,
# If we're not being strict upon a renewal
# (e.g. an autorenewal) call the optional
# self.auto_renew_fail method, if it has been set
if action == "renew":
if self.auto_renew_fail:
if hasattr(self.auto_renew_fail, "__call__"):
# pylint: disable=not-callable
# Decrement the counter of pending calls to Subscription.subscribe
# if completed action was subscribe
if action == "subscribe":
# Remove the previous deferred from the queue
# And call the next deferred in the queue
# If a Failure occurred and we're in strict mode, reraise it
if failure and strict:
# Create a deferred
d = defer.Deferred() # pylint: disable=invalid-name
# Set its subscription property to refer to this Subscription
d.subscription = self
# Set the deferred to execute method, when the
# deferred is called
d.addCallback(execute, method, *args, **kwargs)
# Add handle_outcome as both a callback and errback
# Add the deferred to the queue
# If this is the only deferred in the queue,
# call it
if len(self._queue) == 1:
# Return the deferred
return d
[docs]class SubscriptionsMapTwisted(SubscriptionsMap):
"""Maintains a mapping of sids to `soco.events_twisted.Subscription`
instances. Registers each subscription to be unsubscribed at exit.
Inherits from `soco.events_base.SubscriptionsMap`.
def __init__(self):
# A counter of calls to Subscription.subscribe
# that have started but not completed. This is
# to prevent the event listener from being stopped prematurely
self._pending = 0
[docs] def register(self, subscription):
"""Register a subscription by updating local mapping of sid to
subscription and registering it to be unsubscribed at exit.
subscription(`soco.events_twisted.Subscription`): the subscription
to be registered.
# Add the subscription to the local dict of subscriptions so it
# can be looked up by sid
self.subscriptions[subscription.sid] = subscription
# Register subscription to be unsubscribed at exit if still alive
# pylint: disable=no-member
reactor.addSystemEventTrigger("before", "shutdown", subscription.unsubscribe)
[docs] def subscribing(self):
"""Called when the `Subscription.subscribe` method
commences execution.
# Increment the counter
self._pending += 1
[docs] def finished_subscribing(self):
"""Called when the `Subscription.subscribe` method
completes execution.
# Decrement the counter
self._pending -= 1
def count(self):
`int`: The number of active or pending subscriptions.
return len(self.subscriptions) + self._pending
subscriptions_map = SubscriptionsMapTwisted() # pylint: disable=C0103
event_listener = EventListener() # pylint: disable=C0103