
class splinter.cookie_manager.CookieManagerAPI(driver)

An API that specifies how a splinter driver deals with cookies.

You can add cookies using the add method, and remove one or all cookies using the delete method.

A CookieManager acts like a dict, so you can access the value of a cookie through the [] operator, passing the cookie identifier:

>>> cookie_manager.add({'name': 'Tony'})
>>> assert cookie_manager['name'] == 'Tony'
add(cookie, **kwargs) None

Add a cookie.

Extra arguments will be used to build the cookie.


cookie (dict) – Each key is an identifier for the cookie value.


>>> cookie_manager.add({'name': 'Tony'})
>>> browser.cookies.add({'cookie_name': 'cookie_value'}, path='/cookiePath')
all(verbose: bool = False)

Get all of the cookies.

Note: If you’re using any webdriver and want more info about the cookie, set the verbose parameter to True (in other drivers, it won’t make any difference). In this case, this method will return a list of dicts, each with one cookie’s info.


>>> cookie_manager.add({'name': 'Tony'})
>>> cookie_manager.all()
[{'name': 'Tony'}]

All the available cookies.

delete(*cookies) None

Delete one or more cookies.

You can pass all the cookies identifier that you want to delete.

If identifiers are provided, all cookies are deleted.


cookies (list) – Identifiers for each cookie to delete.


>>> cookie_manager.delete() # deletes all cookies
>>> cookie_manager.delete(
    'name', 'birthday', 'favorite_color') # deletes these three cookies
>>> cookie_manager.delete('name') # deletes one cookie
delete_all() None

Delete all cookies.