Splinter Tutorial

Before starting, make sure Splinter is installed

This tutorial provides a simple example, teaching step by step how to:

  • search for splinter - python acceptance testing for web applications' in google.com, and

  • find if splinter official website is listed among the search results

Create a Browser instance

First of all, import Browser class and instantiate it.

from splinter import Browser
browser = Browser()

Note: if you don’t provide any driver argument to the Browser function, firefox will be used (Browser function documentation).

Visit Google website

Visit any website using the browser.visit method. Let’s go to Google search page:


Input search text

After a page is loaded, you can perform actions, such as clicking, filling text input, checking radio and checkbox. Let’s fill Google’s search field with splinter - python acceptance testing for web applications:

browser.fill('q', 'splinter - python acceptance testing for web applications')

Press the search button

Tell Splinter which button should be pressed. A button - or any other element - can be identified using its css, xpath, id, tag or name.

In order to find Google’s search button, do:

button = browser.find_by_name('btnK')

Note that this btnK was found looking at Google’s page source code.

With the button in hands, we can then press it:


Note: Both steps presented above could be joined in a single line, such as:


Find out that Splinter official website is in the search results

After pressing the button, you can check if Splinter official website is among the search responses. This can be done like this:

if browser.is_text_present('splinter.readthedocs.io'):
    print("Yes, found it! :)")
    print("No, didn't find it :(")

In this case, we are just printing something. You might use assertions, if you’re writing tests.

Close the browser

When you’ve finished testing, close your browser using browser.quit:


All together

Finally, the source code will be:

from splinter import Browser

browser = Browser() # defaults to firefox
browser.fill('q', 'splinter - python acceptance testing for web applications')

if browser.is_text_present('splinter.readthedocs.io'):
    print("Yes, the official website was found!")
    print("No, it wasn't found... We need to improve our SEO techniques")
