Development Environment Setup

Setting up a splinter development environment is a really easy task. Once you have some basic development tools on your machine, you can set up the entire environment with just one command.

Basic Tools

Let’s deal with those tools first.


If you’re a macOS user, you just need to install Xcode, which can be downloaded from Mac App Store (on Snow Leopard or later) or from Apple website.


If you are running a Linux distribution, you need to install some basic development libraries and headers. For example, on Ubuntu, you can easily install all of them using apt-get:

$ [sudo] apt-get install build-essential python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev

PIP and virtualenv

Make sure you have pip installed. We manage all splinter development dependencies with PIP, so you should use it too.

And please, for the sake of a nice development environment, use virtualenv. If you aren’t using it yet, start now. :)


Once you have all development libraries installed for your OS, just install all splinter development dependencies with make:

$ [sudo] make dependencies

Note: You will need sudo only if you aren’t using virtualenv (which means you’re a really bad guy - no donuts for you).

Also make sure you have properly configured your Chrome driver.