SQLAlchemy Documentation

Getting Started

A high level view and getting set up.

Overview | Installation Guide | Frequently Asked Questions | Migration from 1.1 | Glossary | Error Messages | Changelog catalog

SQLAlchemy ORM

Here, the Object Relational Mapper is introduced and fully described. If you want to work with higher-level SQL which is constructed automatically for you, as well as automated persistence of Python objects, proceed first to the tutorial.

SQLAlchemy Core

The breadth of SQLAlchemy’s SQL rendering engine, DBAPI integration, transaction integration, and schema description services are documented here. In contrast to the ORM’s domain-centric mode of usage, the SQL Expression Language provides a schema-centric usage paradigm.

Dialect Documentation

The dialect is the system SQLAlchemy uses to communicate with various types of DBAPIs and databases. This section describes notes, options, and usage patterns regarding individual dialects.

PostgreSQL | MySQL | SQLite | Oracle | Microsoft SQL Server

More Dialects …