Engine and Connection Use¶
- Engine Configuration
- Working with Engines and Connections
- Basic Usage
- Using Transactions
- Setting Transaction Isolation Levels including DBAPI Autocommit
- Using Server Side Cursors (a.k.a. stream results)
- Translation of Schema Names
- SQL Compilation Caching
- “Insert Many Values” Behavior for INSERT statements
- Engine Disposal
- Working with Driver SQL and Raw DBAPI Connections
- Registering New Dialects
- Connection / Engine API
- Result Set API
- Connection Pooling
- Connection Pool Configuration
- Switching Pool Implementations
- Using a Custom Connection Function
- Constructing a Pool
- Reset On Return
- Pool Events
- Dealing with Disconnects
- Using FIFO vs. LIFO
- Using Connection Pools with Multiprocessing or os.fork()
- Using a pool instance directly
- API Documentation - Available Pool Implementations
- Core Events