
Examples are invaluable for new users who hope to get up and running quickly with statsmodels, and they are extremely useful to those who wish to explore new features of statsmodels. We hope to provide documentation and tutorials for as many models and use-cases as possible! Please consider submitting an example with any PR that introduces new functionality.

User-contributed examples/tutorials/recipes can be placed on the statsmodels examples wiki page That wiki page is freely editable. Please post your cool tricks, examples, and recipes on there!

If you would rather have your example file officially accepted to the statsmodels distribution and posted on this website, you will need to go through the normal patch submission process and follow the instructions that follow.

File Format

Examples are best contributed as Jupyter Notebooks. Save your notebook with all output cells cleared in examples/notebooks.

We have a gallery of example notebooks available here. If you would like your example to show up in this gallery, add a link to the notebook in docs/source/examples/landing.yml. For the thumbnail, take a screenshot of what you think is the best “hook” for the notebook. The image will be displayed at 360 x 225 (W x H). It’s best to save the image as a PNG with a resolution that is some multiple of 360 x 225 (720 x 450 is preferred).

Please remember to shrink the PNG file, if you can. This website can help with that.

Before submitting a PR

To save you some time and to make the new examples nicely fit into the existing ones consider the following points.

Look at examples source code to get a feel for how statsmodels examples should look like.

Build the docs by running make html from the docs directory to see how your example looks in the fully rendered html pages. The html file for your example will appear at docs/build/html/examples/notebooks/generated.

Last update: Jun 10, 2024