Source code for sympy.core.cache

""" Caching facility for SymPy """
from __future__ import print_function, division

from distutils.version import LooseVersion as V

class _cache(list):
    """ List of cached functions """

    def print_cache(self):
        """print cache info"""

        for item in self:
            name = item.__name__
            myfunc = item
            while hasattr(myfunc, '__wrapped__'):
                if hasattr(myfunc, 'cache_info'):
                    info = myfunc.cache_info()
                    myfunc = myfunc.__wrapped__
                info = None

            print(name, info)

    def clear_cache(self):
        """clear cache content"""
        for item in self:
            myfunc = item
            while hasattr(myfunc, '__wrapped__'):
                if hasattr(myfunc, 'cache_clear'):
                    myfunc = myfunc.__wrapped__

# global cache registry:
CACHE = _cache()
# make clear and print methods available
print_cache = CACHE.print_cache
clear_cache = CACHE.clear_cache

from sympy.core.compatibility import lru_cache
from functools import update_wrapper

    import fastcache
    from warnings import warn
    # the version attribute __version__ is not present for all versions
    if not hasattr(fastcache, '__version__'):
        warn("fastcache version >= 0.4.0 required", UserWarning)
        raise ImportError
        # ensure minimum required version of fastcache is present
    if V(fastcache.__version__) < '0.4.0':
        warn("fastcache version >= 0.4.0 required, detected {}"\
             .format(fastcache.__version__), UserWarning)
        raise ImportError
    # Do not use fastcache if running under pypy
    import platform
    if platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy':
        raise ImportError

except ImportError:

    def __cacheit(maxsize):
        """caching decorator.

           important: the result of cached function must be *immutable*


           >>> from sympy.core.cache import cacheit
           >>> @cacheit
           ... def f(a, b):
           ...    return a+b

           >>> @cacheit
           ... def f(a, b):
           ...    return [a, b] # <-- WRONG, returns mutable object

           to force cacheit to check returned results mutability and consistency,
           set environment variable SYMPY_USE_CACHE to 'debug'
        def func_wrapper(func):
            cfunc = lru_cache(maxsize, typed=True)(func)

            # wraps here does not propagate all the necessary info
            # for py2.7, use update_wrapper below
            def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
                    retval = cfunc(*args, **kwargs)
                except TypeError:
                    retval = func(*args, **kwargs)
                return retval

            wrapper.cache_info = cfunc.cache_info
            wrapper.cache_clear = cfunc.cache_clear

            # Some versions of update_wrapper erroneously assign the final
            # function of the wrapper chain to __wrapped__, see
            # .
            # To work around this, we need to call update_wrapper first, then
            # assign to wrapper.__wrapped__.
            update_wrapper(wrapper, func)
            wrapper.__wrapped__ = cfunc.__wrapped__

            return wrapper

        return func_wrapper

    def __cacheit(maxsize):
        """caching decorator.

           important: the result of cached function must be *immutable*


           >>> from sympy.core.cache import cacheit
           >>> @cacheit
           ... def f(a, b):
           ...    return a+b

           >>> @cacheit
           ... def f(a, b):
           ...    return [a, b] # <-- WRONG, returns mutable object

           to force cacheit to check returned results mutability and consistency,
           set environment variable SYMPY_USE_CACHE to 'debug'
        def func_wrapper(func):

            cfunc = fastcache.clru_cache(maxsize, typed=True, unhashable='ignore')(func)
            return cfunc

        return func_wrapper

def __cacheit_nocache(func):
    return func

def __cacheit_debug(maxsize):
    """cacheit + code to check cache consistency"""
    def func_wrapper(func):
        from .decorators import wraps

        cfunc = __cacheit(maxsize)(func)

        def wrapper(*args, **kw_args):
            # always call function itself and compare it with cached version
            r1 = func(*args, **kw_args)
            r2 = cfunc(*args, **kw_args)

            # try to see if the result is immutable
            # this works because:
            # hash([1,2,3])         -> raise TypeError
            # hash({'a':1, 'b':2})  -> raise TypeError
            # hash((1,[2,3]))       -> raise TypeError
            # hash((1,2,3))         -> just computes the hash
            hash(r1), hash(r2)

            # also see if returned values are the same
            if r1 != r2:
                raise RuntimeError("Returned values are not the same")
            return r1
        return wrapper
    return func_wrapper

def _getenv(key, default=None):
    from os import getenv
    return getenv(key, default)

# SYMPY_USE_CACHE=yes/no/debug
USE_CACHE = _getenv('SYMPY_USE_CACHE', 'yes').lower()
# SYMPY_CACHE_SIZE=some_integer/None
# special cases :
#  SYMPY_CACHE_SIZE=0    -> No caching
#  SYMPY_CACHE_SIZE=None -> Unbounded caching
scs = _getenv('SYMPY_CACHE_SIZE', '1000')
if scs.lower() == 'none':
        SYMPY_CACHE_SIZE = int(scs)
    except ValueError:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'SYMPY_CACHE_SIZE must be a valid integer or None. ' + \
            'Got: %s' % SYMPY_CACHE_SIZE)

if USE_CACHE == 'no':
    cacheit = __cacheit_nocache
elif USE_CACHE == 'yes':
    cacheit = __cacheit(SYMPY_CACHE_SIZE)
elif USE_CACHE == 'debug':
    cacheit = __cacheit_debug(SYMPY_CACHE_SIZE)   # a lot slower
    raise RuntimeError(
        'unrecognized value for SYMPY_USE_CACHE: %s' % USE_CACHE)