from __future__ import print_function, division
from sympy.core import Function, S, Mul, Pow, Add
from sympy.core.compatibility import ordered, default_sort_key
from sympy.functions.combinatorial.factorials import binomial, CombinatorialFunction, factorial
from sympy.functions import gamma, sqrt, sin
from sympy.polys import factor, cancel
from sympy.utilities.timeutils import timethis
from sympy.utilities.iterables import sift
from sympy.utilities.iterables import uniq
[docs]def combsimp(expr):
Simplify combinatorial expressions.
This function takes as input an expression containing factorials,
binomials, Pochhammer symbol and other "combinatorial" functions,
and tries to minimize the number of those functions and reduce
the size of their arguments.
The algorithm works by rewriting all combinatorial functions as
expressions involving rising factorials (Pochhammer symbols) and
applies recurrence relations and other transformations applicable
to rising factorials, to reduce their arguments, possibly letting
the resulting rising factorial to cancel. Rising factorials with
the second argument being an integer are expanded into polynomial
forms and finally all other rising factorial are rewritten in terms
of more familiar functions. If the initial expression consisted of
gamma functions alone, the result is expressed in terms of gamma
functions. If the initial expression consists of gamma function
with some other combinatorial, the result is expressed in terms of
gamma functions.
If the result is expressed using gamma functions, the following three
additional steps are performed:
1. Reduce the number of gammas by applying the reflection theorem
gamma(x)*gamma(1-x) == pi/sin(pi*x).
2. Reduce the number of gammas by applying the multiplication theorem
gamma(x)*gamma(x+1/n)*...*gamma(x+(n-1)/n) == C*gamma(n*x).
3. Reduce the number of prefactors by absorbing them into gammas, where
All transformation rules can be found (or was derived from) here:
>>> from sympy.simplify import combsimp
>>> from sympy import factorial, binomial
>>> from import n, k
>>> combsimp(factorial(n)/factorial(n - 3))
n*(n - 2)*(n - 1)
>>> combsimp(binomial(n+1, k+1)/binomial(n, k))
(n + 1)/(k + 1)
# as a rule of thumb, if the expression contained gammas initially, it
# probably makes sense to retain them
as_gamma = expr.has(gamma)
as_factorial = expr.has(factorial)
as_binomial = expr.has(binomial)
expr = expr.replace(binomial,
lambda n, k: _rf((n - k + 1).expand(), k.expand())/_rf(1, k.expand()))
expr = expr.replace(factorial,
lambda n: _rf(1, n.expand()))
expr = expr.rewrite(gamma)
expr = expr.replace(gamma,
lambda n: _rf(1, (n - 1).expand()))
if as_gamma:
expr = expr.replace(_rf,
lambda a, b: gamma(a + b)/gamma(a))
expr = expr.replace(_rf,
lambda a, b: binomial(a + b - 1, b)*gamma(b + 1))
def rule(n, k):
coeff, rewrite = S.One, False
cn, _n = n.as_coeff_Add()
if _n and cn.is_Integer and cn:
coeff *= _rf(_n + 1, cn)/_rf(_n - k + 1, cn)
rewrite = True
n = _n
# this sort of binomial has already been removed by
# rising factorials but is left here in case the order
# of rule application is changed
if k.is_Add:
ck, _k = k.as_coeff_Add()
if _k and ck.is_Integer and ck:
coeff *= _rf(n - ck - _k + 1, ck)/_rf(_k + 1, ck)
rewrite = True
k = _k
if rewrite:
return coeff*binomial(n, k)
expr = expr.replace(binomial, rule)
def rule_gamma(expr, level=0):
""" Simplify products of gamma functions further. """
if expr.is_Atom:
return expr
def gamma_rat(x):
# helper to simplify ratios of gammas
was = x.count(gamma)
xx = x.replace(gamma, lambda n: _rf(1, (n - 1).expand()
).replace(_rf, lambda a, b: gamma(a + b)/gamma(a)))
if xx.count(gamma) < was:
x = xx
return x
def gamma_factor(x):
# return True if there is a gamma factor in shallow args
if x.func is gamma:
return True
if x.is_Add or x.is_Mul:
return any(gamma_factor(xi) for xi in x.args)
if x.is_Pow and (x.exp.is_integer or x.base.is_positive):
return gamma_factor(x.base)
return False
# recursion step
if level == 0:
expr = expr.func(*[rule_gamma(x, level + 1) for x in expr.args])
level += 1
if not expr.is_Mul:
return expr
# non-commutative step
if level == 1:
args, nc = expr.args_cnc()
if not args:
return expr
if nc:
return rule_gamma(Mul._from_args(args), level + 1)*Mul._from_args(nc)
level += 1
# pure gamma handling, not factor absorbtion
if level == 2:
sifted = sift(expr.args, gamma_factor)
gamma_ind = Mul(*sifted.pop(False, []))
d = Mul(*sifted.pop(True, []))
assert not sifted
nd, dd = d.as_numer_denom()
for ipass in range(2):
args = list(ordered(Mul.make_args(nd)))
for i, ni in enumerate(args):
if ni.is_Add:
ni, dd = Add(*[
rule_gamma(gamma_rat(a/dd), level + 1) for a in ni.args]
args[i] = ni
if not dd.has(gamma):
nd = Mul(*args)
if ipass == 0 and not gamma_factor(nd):
nd, dd = dd, nd # now process in reversed order
expr = gamma_ind*nd/dd
if not (expr.is_Mul and (gamma_factor(dd) or gamma_factor(nd))):
return expr
level += 1
# iteration until constant
if level == 3:
while True:
was = expr
expr = rule_gamma(expr, 4)
if expr == was:
return expr
numer_gammas = []
denom_gammas = []
numer_others = []
denom_others = []
def explicate(p):
if p is S.One:
return None, []
b, e = p.as_base_exp()
if e.is_Integer:
if b.func is gamma:
return True, [b.args[0]]*e
return False, [b]*e
return False, [p]
newargs = list(ordered(expr.args))
while newargs:
n, d = newargs.pop().as_numer_denom()
isg, l = explicate(n)
if isg:
elif isg is False:
isg, l = explicate(d)
if isg:
elif isg is False:
# =========== level 2 work: pure gamma manipulation =========
# Try to reduce the number of gamma factors by applying the
# reflection formula gamma(x)*gamma(1-x) = pi/sin(pi*x)
for gammas, numer, denom in [(
numer_gammas, numer_others, denom_others),
(denom_gammas, denom_others, numer_others)]:
new = []
while gammas:
g1 = gammas.pop()
if g1.is_integer:
for i, g2 in enumerate(gammas):
n = g1 + g2 - 1
if not n.is_Integer:
if n > 0:
for k in range(n):
numer.append(1 - g1 + k)
elif n < 0:
for k in range(-n):
denom.append(-g1 - k)
# /!\ updating IN PLACE
gammas[:] = new
# Try to reduce the number of gammas by using the duplication
# theorem to cancel an upper and lower: gamma(2*s)/gamma(s) =
# 2**(2*s + 1)/(4*sqrt(pi))*gamma(s + 1/2). Although this could
# be done with higher argument ratios like gamma(3*x)/gamma(x),
# this would not reduce the number of gammas as in this case.
for ng, dg, no, do in [(numer_gammas, denom_gammas, numer_others,
(denom_gammas, numer_gammas, denom_others,
while True:
for x in ng:
for y in dg:
n = x - 2*y
if n.is_Integer:
if n > 0:
for k in range(n):
no.append(2*y + k)
elif n < 0:
for k in range(-n):
do.append(2*y - 1 - k)
ng.append(y + S(1)/2)
no.append(2**(2*y - 1))
# Try to reduce the number of gamma factors by applying the
# multiplication theorem (used when n gammas with args differing
# by 1/n mod 1 are encountered).
# run of 2 with args differing by 1/2
# >>> combsimp(gamma(x)*gamma(x+S.Half))
# 2*sqrt(2)*2**(-2*x - 1/2)*sqrt(pi)*gamma(2*x)
# run of 3 args differing by 1/3 (mod 1)
# >>> combsimp(gamma(x)*gamma(x+S(1)/3)*gamma(x+S(2)/3))
# 6*3**(-3*x - 1/2)*pi*gamma(3*x)
# >>> combsimp(gamma(x)*gamma(x+S(1)/3)*gamma(x+S(5)/3))
# 2*3**(-3*x - 1/2)*pi*(3*x + 2)*gamma(3*x)
def _run(coeffs):
# find runs in coeffs such that the difference in terms (mod 1)
# of t1, t2, ..., tn is 1/n
u = list(uniq(coeffs))
for i in range(len(u)):
dj = ([((u[j] - u[i]) % 1, j) for j in range(i + 1, len(u))])
for one, j in dj:
if one.p == 1 and one.q != 1:
n = one.q
got = [i]
get = list(range(1, n))
for d, j in dj:
m = n*d
if m.is_Integer and m in get:
if not get:
for i, j in enumerate(got):
c = u[j]
got[i] = c
return one.q, got[0], got[1:]
def _mult_thm(gammas, numer, denom):
# pull off and analyze the leading coefficient from each gamma arg
# looking for runs in those Rationals
# expr -> coeff + resid -> rats[resid] = coeff
rats = {}
for g in gammas:
c, resid = g.as_coeff_Add()
rats.setdefault(resid, []).append(c)
# look for runs in Rationals for each resid
keys = sorted(rats, key=default_sort_key)
for resid in keys:
coeffs = list(sorted(rats[resid]))
new = []
while True:
run = _run(coeffs)
if run is None:
# process the sequence that was found:
# 1) convert all the gamma functions to have the right
# argument (could be off by an integer)
# 2) append the factors corresponding to the theorem
# 3) append the new gamma function
n, ui, other = run
# (1)
for u in other:
con = resid + u - 1
for k in range(int(u - ui)):
numer.append(con - k)
con = n*(resid + ui) # for (2) and (3)
# (2)
numer.append((2*S.Pi)**(S(n - 1)/2)*
n**(S(1)/2 - con))
# (3)
# restore resid to coeffs
rats[resid] = [resid + c for c in coeffs] + new
# rebuild the gamma arguments
g = []
for resid in keys:
g += rats[resid]
# /!\ updating IN PLACE
gammas[:] = g
for l, numer, denom in [(numer_gammas, numer_others, denom_others),
(denom_gammas, denom_others, numer_others)]:
_mult_thm(l, numer, denom)
# =========== level >= 2 work: factor absorbtion =========
if level >= 2:
# Try to absorb factors into the gammas: x*gamma(x) -> gamma(x + 1)
# and gamma(x)/(x - 1) -> gamma(x - 1)
# This code (in particular repeated calls to find_fuzzy) can be very
# slow.
def find_fuzzy(l, x):
if not l:
S1, T1 = compute_ST(x)
for y in l:
S2, T2 = inv[y]
if T1 != T2 or (not S1.intersection(S2) and
(S1 != set() or S2 != set())):
# XXX we want some simplification (e.g. cancel or
# simplify) but no matter what it's slow.
a = len(cancel(x/y).free_symbols)
b = len(x.free_symbols)
c = len(y.free_symbols)
# TODO is there a better heuristic?
if a == 0 and (b > 0 or c > 0):
return y
# We thus try to avoid expensive calls by building the following
# "invariants": For every factor or gamma function argument
# - the set of free symbols S
# - the set of functional components T
# We will only try to absorb if T1==T2 and (S1 intersect S2 != emptyset
# or S1 == S2 == emptyset)
inv = {}
def compute_ST(expr):
if expr in inv:
return inv[expr]
return (expr.free_symbols, expr.atoms(Function).union(
set(e.exp for e in expr.atoms(Pow))))
def update_ST(expr):
inv[expr] = compute_ST(expr)
for expr in numer_gammas + denom_gammas + numer_others + denom_others:
for gammas, numer, denom in [(
numer_gammas, numer_others, denom_others),
(denom_gammas, denom_others, numer_others)]:
new = []
while gammas:
g = gammas.pop()
cont = True
while cont:
cont = False
y = find_fuzzy(numer, g)
if y is not None:
if y != g:
g += 1
cont = True
y = find_fuzzy(denom, g - 1)
if y is not None:
if y != g - 1:
numer.append((g - 1)/y)
update_ST((g - 1)/y)
g -= 1
cont = True
# /!\ updating IN PLACE
gammas[:] = new
# =========== rebuild expr ==================================
return Mul(*[gamma(g) for g in numer_gammas]) \
/ Mul(*[gamma(g) for g in denom_gammas]) \
* Mul(*numer_others) / Mul(*denom_others)
# (for some reason we cannot use Basic.replace in this case)
was = factor(expr)
expr = rule_gamma(was)
if expr != was:
expr = factor(expr)
if not as_gamma:
if as_factorial:
expr = expr.rewrite(factorial)
elif as_binomial:
expr = expr.rewrite(binomial)
return expr
class _rf(Function):
def eval(cls, a, b):
if b.is_Integer:
if not b:
return S.One
n, result = int(b), S.One
if n > 0:
for i in range(n):
result *= a + i
return result
elif n < 0:
for i in range(1, -n + 1):
result *= a - i
return 1/result
if b.is_Add:
c, _b = b.as_coeff_Add()
if c.is_Integer:
if c > 0:
return _rf(a, _b)*_rf(a + _b, c)
elif c < 0:
return _rf(a, _b)/_rf(a + _b + c, -c)
if a.is_Add:
c, _a = a.as_coeff_Add()
if c.is_Integer:
if c > 0:
return _rf(_a, b)*_rf(_a + b, c)/_rf(_a, c)
elif c < 0:
return _rf(_a, b)*_rf(_a + c, -c)/_rf(_a + b + c, -c)