"""Useful utility decorators. """
from __future__ import print_function, division
import sys
import types
import inspect
from functools import update_wrapper
from sympy.core.decorators import wraps
from sympy.core.compatibility import class_types, get_function_globals, get_function_name, iterable
[docs]def threaded_factory(func, use_add):
"""A factory for ``threaded`` decorators. """
from sympy.core import sympify
from sympy.matrices import MatrixBase
def threaded_func(expr, *args, **kwargs):
if isinstance(expr, MatrixBase):
return expr.applyfunc(lambda f: func(f, *args, **kwargs))
elif iterable(expr):
return expr.__class__([func(f, *args, **kwargs) for f in expr])
except TypeError:
return expr
expr = sympify(expr)
if use_add and expr.is_Add:
return expr.__class__(*[ func(f, *args, **kwargs) for f in expr.args ])
elif expr.is_Relational:
return expr.__class__(func(expr.lhs, *args, **kwargs),
func(expr.rhs, *args, **kwargs))
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
return threaded_func
[docs]def threaded(func):
"""Apply ``func`` to sub--elements of an object, including :class:`Add`.
This decorator is intended to make it uniformly possible to apply a
function to all elements of composite objects, e.g. matrices, lists, tuples
and other iterable containers, or just expressions.
This version of :func:`threaded` decorator allows threading over
elements of :class:`Add` class. If this behavior is not desirable
use :func:`xthreaded` decorator.
Functions using this decorator must have the following signature::
def function(expr, *args, **kwargs):
return threaded_factory(func, True)
[docs]def xthreaded(func):
"""Apply ``func`` to sub--elements of an object, excluding :class:`Add`.
This decorator is intended to make it uniformly possible to apply a
function to all elements of composite objects, e.g. matrices, lists, tuples
and other iterable containers, or just expressions.
This version of :func:`threaded` decorator disallows threading over
elements of :class:`Add` class. If this behavior is not desirable
use :func:`threaded` decorator.
Functions using this decorator must have the following signature::
def function(expr, *args, **kwargs):
return threaded_factory(func, False)
[docs]def conserve_mpmath_dps(func):
"""After the function finishes, resets the value of mpmath.mp.dps to
the value it had before the function was run."""
import functools
import mpmath
def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
dps = mpmath.mp.dps
return func(*args, **kwargs)
mpmath.mp.dps = dps
func_wrapper = functools.update_wrapper(func_wrapper, func)
return func_wrapper
[docs]class no_attrs_in_subclass(object):
"""Don't 'inherit' certain attributes from a base class
>>> from sympy.utilities.decorator import no_attrs_in_subclass
>>> class A(object):
... x = 'test'
>>> A.x = no_attrs_in_subclass(A, A.x)
>>> class B(A):
... pass
>>> hasattr(A, 'x')
>>> hasattr(B, 'x')
def __init__(self, cls, f):
self.cls = cls
self.f = f
def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):
if owner == self.cls:
if hasattr(self.f, '__get__'):
return self.f.__get__(instance, owner)
return self.f
raise AttributeError
[docs]def doctest_depends_on(exe=None, modules=None, disable_viewers=None):
"""Adds metadata about the dependencies which need to be met for doctesting
the docstrings of the decorated objects."""
pyglet = False
if modules is not None and 'pyglet' in modules:
pyglet = True
def depends_on_deco(fn):
fn._doctest_depends_on = dict(exe=exe, modules=modules,
# once we drop py2.5 support and use class decorators this evaluates
# to True
if inspect.isclass(fn):
fn._doctest_depdends_on = no_attrs_in_subclass(fn, fn._doctest_depends_on)
return fn
return depends_on_deco
[docs]def public(obj):
Append ``obj``'s name to global ``__all__`` variable (call site).
By using this decorator on functions or classes you achieve the same goal
as by filling ``__all__`` variables manually, you just don't have to repeat
yourself (object's name). You also know if object is public at definition
site, not at some random location (where ``__all__`` was set).
Note that in multiple decorator setup (in almost all cases) ``@public``
decorator must be applied before any other decorators, because it relies
on the pointer to object's global namespace. If you apply other decorators
first, ``@public`` may end up modifying the wrong namespace.
>>> from sympy.utilities.decorator import public
>>> __all__
Traceback (most recent call last):
NameError: name '__all__' is not defined
>>> @public
... def some_function():
... pass
>>> __all__
if isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType):
ns = get_function_globals(obj)
name = get_function_name(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, (type(type), class_types)):
ns = sys.modules[obj.__module__].__dict__
name = obj.__name__
raise TypeError("expected a function or a class, got %s" % obj)
if "__all__" not in ns:
ns["__all__"] = [name]
return obj
[docs]def memoize_property(storage):
"""Create a property, where the lookup is stored in ``storage``"""
def decorator(method):
name = method.__name__
def wrapper(self):
if name not in storage:
storage[name] = method(self)
return storage[name]
return property(update_wrapper(wrapper, method))
return decorator