Printing (Docstrings)



Initializes time derivative printing for all SymPy objects, i.e. any functions of time will be displayed in a more compact notation. The main benefit of this is for printing of time derivatives; instead of displaying as Derivative(f(t),t), it will display f'. This is only actually needed for when derivatives are present and are not in a physics.vector.Vector or physics.vector.Dyadic object. This function is a light wrapper to init_printing(). Any keyword arguments for it are valid here.

Initializes pretty-printer depending on the environment.


pretty_print : boolean, default=True

If True, use pretty_print to stringify or the provided pretty printer; if False, use sstrrepr to stringify or the provided string printer.

order : string or None, default=’lex’

There are a few different settings for this parameter: lex (default), which is lexographic order; grlex, which is graded lexographic order; grevlex, which is reversed graded lexographic order; old, which is used for compatibility reasons and for long expressions; None, which sets it to lex.

use_unicode : boolean or None, default=None

If True, use unicode characters; if False, do not use unicode characters; if None, make a guess based on the environment.

use_latex : string, boolean, or None, default=None

If True, use default LaTeX rendering in GUI interfaces (png and mathjax); if False, do not use LaTeX rendering; if None, make a guess based on the environment; if ‘png’, enable latex rendering with an external latex compiler, falling back to matplotlib if external compilation fails; if ‘matplotlib’, enable LaTeX rendering with matplotlib; if ‘mathjax’, enable LaTeX text generation, for example MathJax rendering in IPython notebook or text rendering in LaTeX documents; if ‘svg’, enable LaTeX rendering with an external latex compiler, no fallback

wrap_line : boolean

If True, lines will wrap at the end; if False, they will not wrap but continue as one line. This is only relevant if pretty_print is True.

num_columns : int or None, default=None

If int, number of columns before wrapping is set to num_columns; if None, number of columns before wrapping is set to terminal width. This is only relevant if pretty_print is True.

no_global : boolean, default=False

If True, the settings become system wide; if False, use just for this console/session.

ip : An interactive console

This can either be an instance of IPython, or a class that derives from code.InteractiveConsole.

euler : boolean, optional, default=False

Loads the euler package in the LaTeX preamble for handwritten style fonts (

forecolor : string or None, optional, default=None

DVI setting for foreground color. None means that either ‘Black’, ‘White’, or ‘Gray’ will be selected based on a guess of the IPython terminal color setting. See notes.

backcolor : string, optional, default=’Transparent’

DVI setting for background color. See notes.

fontsize : string, optional, default=’10pt’

A font size to pass to the LaTeX documentclass function in the preamble. Note that the options are limited by the documentclass. Consider using scale instead.

latex_mode : string, optional, default=’plain’

The mode used in the LaTeX printer. Can be one of: {‘inline’|’plain’|’equation’|’equation*’}.

print_builtin : boolean, optional, default=True

If True then floats and integers will be printed. If False the printer will only print SymPy types.

str_printer : function, optional, default=None

A custom string printer function. This should mimic sympy.printing.sstrrepr().

pretty_printer : function, optional, default=None

A custom pretty printer. This should mimic sympy.printing.pretty().

latex_printer : function, optional, default=None

A custom LaTeX printer. This should mimic sympy.printing.latex().

scale : float, optional, default=1.0

Scale the LaTeX output when using the png or svg backends. Useful for high dpi screens.

settings :

Any additional settings for the latex and pretty commands can be used to fine-tune the output.


>>> from sympy import Function, symbols
>>> t, x = symbols('t, x')
>>> omega = Function('omega')
>>> omega(x).diff()
Derivative(omega(x), x)
>>> omega(t).diff()
Derivative(omega(t), t)

Now use the string printer:

>>> from sympy.physics.vector import init_vprinting
>>> init_vprinting(pretty_print=False)
>>> omega(x).diff()
Derivative(omega(x), x)
>>> omega(t).diff()


sympy.physics.vector.printing.vprint(expr, **settings)[source]

Function for printing of expressions generated in the sympy.physics vector package.

Extends SymPy’s StrPrinter, takes the same setting accepted by SymPy’s sstr(), and is equivalent to print(sstr(foo)).


expr : valid SymPy object

SymPy expression to print.

settings : args

Same as the settings accepted by SymPy’s sstr().


>>> from sympy.physics.vector import vprint, dynamicsymbols
>>> u1 = dynamicsymbols('u1')
>>> print(u1)
>>> vprint(u1)


sympy.physics.vector.printing.vpprint(expr, **settings)[source]

Function for pretty printing of expressions generated in the sympy.physics vector package.

Mainly used for expressions not inside a vector; the output of running scripts and generating equations of motion. Takes the same options as SymPy’s pretty_print(); see that function for more information.


expr : valid SymPy object

SymPy expression to pretty print

settings : args

Same as those accepted by SymPy’s pretty_print.


sympy.physics.vector.printing.vlatex(expr, **settings)[source]

Function for printing latex representation of sympy.physics.vector objects.

For latex representation of Vectors, Dyadics, and dynamicsymbols. Takes the same options as SymPy’s latex(); see that function for more information;


expr : valid SymPy object

SymPy expression to represent in LaTeX form

settings : args

Same as latex()


>>> from sympy.physics.vector import vlatex, ReferenceFrame, dynamicsymbols
>>> N = ReferenceFrame('N')
>>> q1, q2 = dynamicsymbols('q1 q2')
>>> q1d, q2d = dynamicsymbols('q1 q2', 1)
>>> q1dd, q2dd = dynamicsymbols('q1 q2', 2)
>>> vlatex(N.x + N.y)
'\\mathbf{\\hat{n}_x} + \\mathbf{\\hat{n}_y}'
>>> vlatex(q1 + q2)
'q_{1} + q_{2}'
>>> vlatex(q1d)
>>> vlatex(q1 * q2d)
'q_{1} \\dot{q}_{2}'
>>> vlatex(q1dd * q1 / q1d)
'\\frac{q_{1} \\ddot{q}_{1}}{\\dot{q}_{1}}'