Typings - tmuxp._internal.types#

Internal, typing.TYPE_CHECKING guarded typings.

These are _not_ to be imported at runtime as typing_extensions is not bundled with tmuxp. Usage example:

>>> import typing as t
...     from tmuxp._internal.types import PluginConfigSchema
class tmuxp._internal.types.PluginConfigSchema[source]#

Bases: TypedDict

plugin_name: str#
tmux_min_version: str#
tmux_max_version: str#
tmux_version_incompatible: List[str]#
libtmux_min_version: str#
libtmux_max_version: str#
libtmux_version_incompatible: List[str]#
tmuxp_min_version: str#
tmuxp_max_version: str#
tmuxp_version_incompatible: List[str]#