Wet Circles
.. |rec00007| image:: ../img/phantom_00007_00000.png
:width: 20pt
:height: 20pt
.. |gt00007| image:: ../img/phantom_00007_ground_truth.png
:width: 20pt
:height: 20pt
.. |phan_00007| replace:: :download:`gen_script.py <../../../docs/demo/phantom_00007.py>`
.. _phan_00007: https://app.globus.org/file-manager?origin_id=9f00a780-4aee-42a7-b7f4-6a2773c8da30&origin_path=%2Fphantom_00007%2F
These phantom use `XDesign `_
version `0.2.0.dev0+1d67599 `_
are generated as follows:
.. code:: python
ccd_x = 256
ccd_y = 1
n_proj = 512
phantom_00007 = xdesign.WetCircles()
The ground truth, sinogram and projection are obtained with:
.. code:: python
ground_truth = discrete_phantom(phantom, ccd_x, prop='mass_atten')
sino, probe = sinogram(n_proj, ccd_x, phantom)
proj = np.expand_dims(sino, 1)
To load the phantom data sets and perform a basic reconstruction using `tomopy `_ use the
:download:`tomopy_rec.py <../../demo/tomopy_rec.py>` python script:
tomopy recon --file-name phantom_00007.h5
| Phantom ID | Facility | Sample | Ground Truth | Grirec | Downloads |
| phan_00007_ | XDesign | Wet Circles | |gt00007| | |rec00007| | |phan_00007| |