# pylint:disable-msg=E0611,I1101
All functions related to XML generation, processing and validation.
## This file is available from https://github.com/adbar/trafilatura
## under GNU GPL v3 license
import logging
import lzma
from html import unescape
from json import dumps as json_dumps
from pathlib import Path
from pickle import load as load_pickle
try: # Python 3.8+
from importlib.metadata import version
except ImportError:
from importlib_metadata import version
from lxml.etree import (Element, RelaxNG, SubElement, XMLParser, fromstring,
from .filters import text_chars_test
from .utils import sanitize, sanitize_tree
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
PKG_VERSION = version("trafilatura")
# validation
TEI_SCHEMA = str(Path(__file__).parent / 'data/tei-schema-pickle.lzma')
TEI_VALID_TAGS = {'ab', 'body', 'cell', 'code', 'del', 'div', 'graphic', 'head', 'hi', \
'item', 'lb', 'list', 'p', 'quote', 'ref', 'row', 'table'}
TEI_VALID_ATTRS = {'rend', 'rendition', 'role', 'target', 'type'}
TEI_RELAXNG = None # to be downloaded later if necessary
TEI_REMOVE_TAIL = {"ab", "p"}
CONTROL_PARSER = XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
'cell': '|',
'item': '\n- ',
**{tag: '\n' for tag in ['code', 'graphic', 'head', 'lb', 'list', 'p', 'quote', 'row', 'table']}
SPECIAL_FORMATTING = {'del', 'head', 'hi'}
WITH_ATTRIBUTES = {'cell', 'del', 'graphic', 'head', 'hi', 'item', 'list', 'ref'}
NESTING_WHITELIST = {"cell", "figure", "item", "note", "quote"}
'sitename', 'title', 'author', 'date', 'url', 'hostname',
'description', 'categories', 'tags', 'license', 'id',
'fingerprint', 'language'
HI_FORMATTING = {'#b': '**', '#i': '*', '#u': '__', '#t': '`'}
def build_json_output(docmeta):
'''Build JSON output based on extracted information'''
outputdict = {slot: getattr(docmeta, slot, None) for slot in docmeta.__slots__}
'source': outputdict.pop('url'),
'source-hostname': outputdict.pop('sitename'),
'excerpt': outputdict.pop('description'),
'categories': ';'.join(outputdict.pop('categories')),
'tags': ';'.join(outputdict.pop('tags')),
'text': xmltotxt(outputdict.pop('body'), include_formatting=False),
commentsbody = outputdict.pop('commentsbody')
if commentsbody is not None:
outputdict['comments'] = xmltotxt(commentsbody, include_formatting=False)
return json_dumps(outputdict, ensure_ascii=False)
def clean_attributes(tree):
'''Remove unnecessary attributes.'''
for elem in tree.iter('*'):
if elem.tag not in WITH_ATTRIBUTES:
return tree
def remove_empty_elements(tree):
'''Remove text elements without text.'''
for element in tree.iter('*'): # 'head', 'hi', 'item', 'p'
if len(element) == 0 and text_chars_test(element.text) is False and text_chars_test(element.tail) is False:
parent = element.getparent()
# not root element or element which is naturally empty
# do not remove elements inside <code> to preserve formatting
if parent is not None and element.tag != "graphic" and parent.tag != 'code':
return tree
def strip_double_tags(tree):
"Prevent nested tags among a fixed list of tags."
for elem in reversed(tree.xpath(".//head | .//code | .//p")):
for subelem in elem.iterdescendants("code", "head", "p"):
if subelem.getparent().tag in NESTING_WHITELIST:
if subelem.tag == elem.tag:
return tree
def build_xml_output(docmeta):
'''Build XML output tree based on extracted information'''
output = Element('doc')
output = add_xml_meta(output, docmeta)
docmeta.body.tag = 'main'
# clean XML tree
if docmeta.commentsbody is not None:
docmeta.commentsbody.tag = 'comments'
# XML invalid characters
# https://chase-seibert.github.io/blog/2011/05/20/stripping-control-characters-in-python.html
return output
def control_xml_output(output_tree, output_format, tei_validation, docmeta):
'''Make sure the XML output is conform and valid if required'''
output_tree = sanitize_tree(output_tree)
# necessary for cleaning
control_string = tostring(output_tree, encoding='unicode')
output_tree = fromstring(control_string, CONTROL_PARSER)
# validate
if output_format == 'xmltei' and tei_validation is True:
result = validate_tei(output_tree)
LOGGER.debug('TEI validation result: %s %s %s', result, docmeta.id, docmeta.url)
return tostring(output_tree, pretty_print=True, encoding='unicode').strip()
def add_xml_meta(output, docmeta):
'''Add extracted metadata to the XML output tree'''
for attribute in META_ATTRIBUTES:
value = getattr(docmeta, attribute, None)
if value is not None:
output.set(attribute, value if isinstance(value, str) else ';'.join(value))
return output
def build_tei_output(docmeta):
'''Build TEI-XML output tree based on extracted information'''
# build TEI tree
output = write_teitree(docmeta)
# filter output (strip unwanted elements), just in case
# check and repair
output = check_tei(output, docmeta.url)
return output
def check_tei(xmldoc, url):
'''Check if the resulting XML file is conform and scrub remaining tags'''
# convert head tags
for elem in xmldoc.iter('head'):
elem.tag = 'ab'
elem.set('type', 'header')
parent = elem.getparent()
if len(elem) > 0:
new_elem = _tei_handle_complex_head(elem)
parent.replace(elem, new_elem)
elem = new_elem
if parent.tag == "p":
# convert <lb/> when child of <div> to <p>
for element in xmldoc.findall(".//text/body//div/lb"):
if element.tail and element.tail.strip():
element.tag = 'p'
element.text = element.tail
element.tail = None
# look for elements that are not valid
for element in xmldoc.findall('.//text/body//*'):
if element.tag in TEI_REMOVE_TAIL and element.tail and element.tail.strip():
# check elements
if element.tag not in TEI_VALID_TAGS:
# disable warnings for chosen categories
# if element.tag not in ('div', 'span'):
LOGGER.warning('not a TEI element, removing: %s %s', element.tag, url)
if element.tag == "div":
# check attributes
for attribute in element.attrib:
if attribute not in TEI_VALID_ATTRS:
LOGGER.warning('not a valid TEI attribute, removing: %s in %s %s', attribute, element.tag, url)
return xmldoc
def validate_tei(xmldoc): # , filename=""
'''Check if an XML document is conform to the guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative'''
if TEI_RELAXNG is None:
# load validator
with lzma.open(TEI_SCHEMA, 'rb') as schemafile:
schema_data = load_pickle(schemafile)
TEI_RELAXNG = RelaxNG(fromstring(schema_data))
result = TEI_RELAXNG.validate(xmldoc)
if result is False:
LOGGER.warning('not a valid TEI document: %s', TEI_RELAXNG.error_log.last_error)
return result
def replace_element_text(element, include_formatting):
'''Determine element text based on text and tail'''
# handle formatting: convert to markdown
if include_formatting is True and element.text is not None:
if element.tag in ('del', 'head'):
if element.tag == 'head':
number = int(element.get('rend')[1])
except (TypeError, ValueError):
number = 2
element.text = f'{"#" * number} {element.text}'
elif element.tag == 'del':
element.text = f'~~{element.text}~~'
elif element.tag == 'hi':
rend = element.get('rend')
if rend in HI_FORMATTING:
element.text = f'{HI_FORMATTING[rend]}{element.text}{HI_FORMATTING[rend]}'
# handle links
if element.tag == 'ref':
if element.text is not None:
link_text = f'[{element.text}]'
if element.get('target') is not None:
element.text = f"{link_text}({element.get('target')})"
LOGGER.warning('missing link attribute: %s %s', element.text, element.attrib)
element.text = link_text
LOGGER.warning('empty link: %s %s', element.text, element.attrib)
# handle text
return (element.text or '') + (element.tail or '')
def merge_with_parent(element, include_formatting=False):
'''Merge element with its parent and convert formatting to markdown.'''
parent = element.getparent()
if not parent:
full_text = replace_element_text(element, include_formatting)
previous = element.getprevious()
if previous is not None:
# There is a previous node, append text to its tail
if previous.tail is not None:
previous.tail = f'{previous.tail} {full_text}'
previous.tail = full_text
elif parent.text is not None:
parent.text = f'{parent.text} {full_text}'
parent.text = full_text
def xmltotxt(xmloutput, include_formatting):
'''Convert to plain text format and optionally preserve formatting as markdown.'''
returnlist = []
# strip_tags(xmloutput, 'div', 'main', 'span')
# iterate and convert to list of strings
for element in xmloutput.iter('*'):
if element.text is None and element.tail is None:
if element.tag == 'graphic':
# add source, default to ''
text = f'{element.get("title", "")} {element.get("alt", "")}'
returnlist.extend(['![', text.strip(), ']', '(', element.get('src', ''), ')'])
# newlines for textless elements
if element.tag in ('graphic', 'row', 'table'):
# process text
textelement = replace_element_text(element, include_formatting)
# common elements
if element.tag in NEWLINE_ELEMS:
returnlist.extend([NEWLINE_ELEMS[element.tag], textelement, '\n'])
elif element.tag == 'comments':
if element.tag not in SPECIAL_FORMATTING:
LOGGER.debug('unprocessed element in output: %s', element.tag)
returnlist.extend([textelement, ' '])
return unescape(sanitize(''.join(returnlist)))
def write_teitree(docmeta):
'''Bundle the extracted post and comments into a TEI tree'''
teidoc = Element('TEI', xmlns='http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0')
header = write_fullheader(teidoc, docmeta)
textelem = SubElement(teidoc, 'text')
textbody = SubElement(textelem, 'body')
# post
postbody = clean_attributes(docmeta.body)
postbody.tag = 'div'
postbody.set('type', 'entry') # rendition='#pst'
# comments
if docmeta.commentsbody is not None:
commentsbody = clean_attributes(docmeta.commentsbody)
commentsbody.tag = 'div'
commentsbody.set('type', 'comments') # rendition='#cmt'
return teidoc
def _define_publisher_string(docmeta):
'''Construct a publisher string to include in TEI header'''
if docmeta.hostname and docmeta.sitename:
publisherstring = f'{docmeta.sitename.strip()} ({docmeta.hostname})'
elif docmeta.hostname:
publisherstring = docmeta.hostname
elif docmeta.sitename:
publisherstring = docmeta.sitename
LOGGER.warning('no publisher for URL %s', docmeta.url)
publisherstring = 'N/A'
return publisherstring
def write_fullheader(teidoc, docmeta):
'''Write TEI header based on gathered metadata'''
# todo: add language info
header = SubElement(teidoc, 'teiHeader')
filedesc = SubElement(header, 'fileDesc')
bib_titlestmt = SubElement(filedesc, 'titleStmt')
bib_titlemain = SubElement(bib_titlestmt, 'title', type='main')
bib_titlemain.text = docmeta.title
if docmeta.author:
bib_author = SubElement(bib_titlestmt, 'author')
bib_author.text = docmeta.author
publicationstmt_a = SubElement(filedesc, 'publicationStmt')
publisher_string = _define_publisher_string(docmeta)
# license, if applicable
if docmeta.license:
publicationstmt_publisher = SubElement(publicationstmt_a, 'publisher')
publicationstmt_publisher.text = publisher_string
availability = SubElement(publicationstmt_a, 'availability')
avail_p = SubElement(availability, 'p')
avail_p.text = docmeta.license
# insert an empty paragraph for conformity
publicationstmt_p = SubElement(publicationstmt_a, 'p')
notesstmt = SubElement(filedesc, 'notesStmt')
if docmeta.id:
idno = SubElement(notesstmt, 'note', type='id')
idno.text = docmeta.id
fingerprint = SubElement(notesstmt, 'note', type='fingerprint')
fingerprint.text = docmeta.fingerprint
sourcedesc = SubElement(filedesc, 'sourceDesc')
source_bibl = SubElement(sourcedesc, 'bibl')
# determination of sigle string
if docmeta.sitename and docmeta.date:
sigle = docmeta.sitename + ', ' + docmeta.date
elif not docmeta.sitename and docmeta.date:
sigle = docmeta.date
elif docmeta.sitename:
sigle = docmeta.sitename
LOGGER.warning('no sigle for URL %s', docmeta.url)
sigle = ''
if docmeta.title:
source_bibl.text = docmeta.title + '. ' + sigle
source_bibl.text = '. ' + sigle
source_sigle = SubElement(sourcedesc, 'bibl', type='sigle')
source_sigle.text = sigle
biblfull = SubElement(sourcedesc, 'biblFull')
bib_titlestmt = SubElement(biblfull, 'titleStmt')
bib_titlemain = SubElement(bib_titlestmt, 'title', type='main')
bib_titlemain.text = docmeta.title
if docmeta.author:
bib_author = SubElement(bib_titlestmt, 'author')
bib_author.text = docmeta.author
publicationstmt = SubElement(biblfull, 'publicationStmt')
publication_publisher = SubElement(publicationstmt, 'publisher')
publication_publisher.text = publisher_string
if docmeta.url:
publication_url = SubElement(publicationstmt, 'ptr', type='URL', target=docmeta.url)
publication_date = SubElement(publicationstmt, 'date')
publication_date.text = docmeta.date
profiledesc = SubElement(header, 'profileDesc')
abstract = SubElement(profiledesc, 'abstract')
abstract_p = SubElement(abstract, 'p')
abstract_p.text = docmeta.description
if len(docmeta.categories) > 0 or len(docmeta.tags) > 0:
textclass = SubElement(profiledesc, 'textClass')
keywords = SubElement(textclass, 'keywords')
if len(docmeta.categories) > 0:
cat_list = SubElement(keywords, 'term', type='categories')
cat_list.text = ','.join(docmeta.categories)
if len(docmeta.tags) > 0:
tags_list = SubElement(keywords, 'term', type='tags')
tags_list.text = ','.join(docmeta.tags)
encodingdesc = SubElement(header, 'encodingDesc')
appinfo = SubElement(encodingdesc, 'appInfo')
application = SubElement(appinfo, 'application', version=PKG_VERSION, ident='Trafilatura')
label = SubElement(application, 'label')
label.text = 'Trafilatura'
pointer = SubElement(application, 'ptr', target='https://github.com/adbar/trafilatura')
return header
def _handle_text_content_of_div_nodes(element):
if element.text and element.text.strip():
if element.getchildren() and element[0].tag == 'p':
p_text = element[0].text or ""
element[0].text = f'{element.text} {p_text}'.strip()
new_child = Element("p")
new_child.text = element.text
element.insert(0, new_child)
element.text = None
if element.tail and element.tail.strip():
if element.getchildren() and element[-1].tag == 'p':
p_text = element[-1].text or ""
element[-1].text = f'{p_text} {element.tail}'.strip()
new_child = Element("p")
new_child.text = element.tail
element.tail = None
def _handle_unwanted_tails(element):
"Handle tail on p and ab elements"
if element.tag == 'p':
if element.text:
element.text += ' ' + element.tail.strip()
element.text = element.tail
new_sibling = Element('p')
new_sibling.text = element.tail.strip()
parent = element.getparent()
parent.insert(parent.index(element) + 1 , new_sibling)
element.tail = None
def _tei_handle_complex_head(element):
new_element = Element('ab', attrib=element.attrib)
new_element.text = element.text.strip() if element.text is not None else None
for child in element.iterchildren():
if child.tag == 'p':
if len(new_element) > 0 or new_element.text:
# add <lb> if <ab> has no children or last tail contains text
if len(new_element) == 0 or new_element[-1].tail:
SubElement(new_element, 'lb')
new_element[-1].tail = child.text
new_element.text = child.text
if element.tail is not None and element.tail.strip():
new_element.tail = element.tail.strip()
return new_element
def _wrap_unwanted_siblings_of_div(div_element):
new_sibling = Element("div")
new_sibling_index = None
parent = div_element.getparent()
# check siblings after target element
for sibling in div_element.itersiblings():
if sibling.tag == "div":
if sibling.tag in {"p", "list", "table", "quote", "ab"}:
if new_sibling_index is None:
new_sibling_index = parent.index(sibling)
# some elements (e.g. <lb/>) can appear next to div, but
# order of elements should be kept, thus add and reset new_sibling
if new_sibling_index is not None and len(new_sibling) != 0:
parent.insert(new_sibling_index, new_sibling)
new_sibling = Element("div")
new_sibling_index = None
if new_sibling_index is not None and len(new_sibling) != 0:
parent.insert(new_sibling_index, new_sibling)
def _move_element_one_level_up(element):
parent = element.getparent()
new_elem = Element("p")
new_elem.extend(sibling for sibling in element.itersiblings())
if element.tail is not None and element.tail.strip():
new_elem.text = element.tail.strip()
element.tail = None
if len(new_elem) != 0 or new_elem.text:
if len(parent) == 0 and parent.text is None: