Source code for turbustat.statistics.wavelets.wavelet_transform

# Licensed under an MIT open source license - see LICENSE
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division

import numpy as np
import warnings
import astropy.units as u
import statsmodels.api as sm
from warnings import warn
from astropy.utils.console import ProgressBar

from astropy.convolution import convolve_fft
# Use updated kernel name.
    from astropy.convolution import RickerWavelet2DKernel
except ImportError:
    from astropy.convolution import MexicanHat2DKernel

    RickerWavelet2DKernel = MexicanHat2DKernel

    from pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft import fftn, ifftn
    PYFFTW_FLAG = True
except ImportError:
    PYFFTW_FLAG = False

from ..base_statistic import BaseStatisticMixIn
from import common_types, twod_types
from ..fitting_utils import check_fit_limits, residual_bootstrap
from ..lm_seg import Lm_Seg

[docs]class Wavelet(BaseStatisticMixIn): ''' Compute the wavelet transform of a 2D array. Parameters ---------- array : %(dtypes)s 2D data. header : FITS header, optional Header for the array. scales : numpy.ndarray or list The scales where the transform is calculated. num : int, optional Number of scales to compute the transform at. distance : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Physical distance to the region in the data. ''' __doc__ %= {"dtypes": " or ".join(common_types + twod_types)} def __init__(self, data, header=None, scales=None, num=50, distance=None): self.input_data_header(data, header) # NOTE: can't use nan_interpolating from astropy # until the normalization for sum to zeros kernels is fixed!!! isnan = np.isnan( if isnan.any(): =[isnan] = 0. if distance is not None: self.distance = distance if scales is None: a_min = round((5. / 3.), 3) # Smallest scale given by paper a_max = min( / 2. # Log spaces scales up to half of the smallest size of the array scales = np.logspace(np.log10(a_min), np.log10(a_max), num) * u.pix self.scales = scales @property def scales(self): ''' Wavelet scales. ''' return self._scales @scales.setter def scales(self, values): if not isinstance(values, u.Quantity): raise TypeError("scales must be given as a " "astropy.units.Quantity.") # Now make sure that we can convert into pixels before setting. try: pix_scal = self._to_pixel(values) except Exception as e: raise e # The radius should be larger than a pixel if np.any(pix_scal.value < 1): raise ValueError("One of the chosen lags is smaller than one " "pixel." " Ensure that all lag values are larger than one " "pixel.") # Catch floating point issues in comparing to half the image shape half_comp = (np.floor(pix_scal.value) - min( / 2.) if np.any(half_comp > 1e-10): raise ValueError("At least one of the lags is larger than half of" " the image size. Remove these lags from the " "array.") self._scales = values
[docs] def compute_transform(self, show_progress=True, scale_normalization=True, keep_convolved_arrays=False, convolve_kwargs={}, use_pyfftw=False, threads=1, pyfftw_kwargs={}): ''' Compute the wavelet transform at each scale. Parameters ---------- show_progress : bool, optional Show a progress bar during the creation of the covariance matrix. scale_normalization: bool, optional Compute the transform with the correct scale-invariant normalization. keep_convolved_arrays: bool, optional Keep the image convolved at all wavelet scales. For large images, this can require a large amount memory. Default is False. convolve_kwargs : dict, optional Passed to `~astropy.convolution.convolve_fft`. use_pyfftw : bool, optional Enable to use pyfftw, if it is installed. threads : int, optional Number of threads to use in FFT when using pyfftw. pyfftw_kwargs : Passed to See `here <>`_ for a list of accepted kwargs. ''' if use_pyfftw: if PYFFTW_FLAG: use_fftn = fftn use_ifftn = ifftn else: warn("pyfftw not installed. Using numpy.fft functions.") use_fftn = np.fft.fftn use_ifftn = np.fft.ifftn else: use_fftn = np.fft.fftn use_ifftn = np.fft.ifftn n0, m0 = A = len(self.scales) if keep_convolved_arrays: self._Wf = np.zeros((A, n0, m0), dtype=np.float) else: self._Wf = None self._values = np.empty_like(self.scales.value) self._stddev = np.empty_like(self.scales.value) factor = 2 if not scale_normalization: factor = 4 Warning("Transform values are only reliable with the proper scale" " normalization. When disabled, the slope of the transform" " CANNOT be used for physical interpretation.") pix_scales = self._to_pixel(self.scales).value if show_progress: bar = ProgressBar(len(pix_scales)) for i, an in enumerate(pix_scales): psi = RickerWavelet2DKernel(an) conv_arr = \ convolve_fft(, psi, normalize_kernel=False, fftn=use_fftn, ifftn=use_ifftn, nan_treatment='fill', preserve_nan=True, **convolve_kwargs).real * \ an**factor if keep_convolved_arrays: self._Wf[i] = conv_arr self._values[i] = (conv_arr[conv_arr > 0]).mean() # The standard deviation should take into account the number of # kernel elements at that scale. kern_area = np.ceil(0.5 * np.pi * np.log(2) * an**2).astype(int) nindep = np.sqrt(np.isfinite(conv_arr).sum() // kern_area) self._stddev[i] = (conv_arr[conv_arr > 0]).std() / nindep if show_progress: bar.update(i + 1)
@property def Wf(self): ''' The wavelet transforms of the image. Each plane is the transform at different wavelet sizes. ''' if self._Wf is None: warn("`keep_convolved_arrays` was disabled in " "`compute_transform`.") return self._Wf @property def values(self): ''' The 1-dimensional wavelet transform. ''' return self._values @property def stddev(self): ''' Standard deviation of the 1-dimensional wavelet transform. ''' return self._stddev
[docs] def fit_transform(self, xlow=None, xhigh=None, brk=None, min_fits_pts=3, weighted_fit=False, bootstrap=False, bootstrap_kwargs={}, **fit_kwargs): ''' Perform a fit to the transform in log-log space. Parameters ---------- xlow : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Lower scale value to consider in the fit. xhigh : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Upper scale value to consider in the fit. brk : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Give an initial guess for a break point. This enables fitting with a `turbustat.statistics.Lm_Seg`. min_fits_pts : int, optional Minimum number of points required above or below the fitted break for it to be considered a valid fit. Only used when a segmented line is fit, i.e. when a value for `brk` is given. weighted_fit: bool, optional Use the `~Wavelet.stddev` to perform a weighted fit. bootstrap : bool, optional Bootstrap using the model residuals to estimate the standard errors. bootstrap_kwargs : dict, optional Pass keyword arguments to `~turbustat.statistics.fitting_utils.residual_bootstrap`. fit_kwargs : Passed to `turbustat.statistics.Lm_Seg.fit_model` ''' pix_scales = self._to_pixel(self.scales) x = np.log10(pix_scales.value) y = np.log10(self.values) if weighted_fit: y_err = 0.434 * self.stddev / self.values y_err[y_err == 0.] = np.NaN weights = y_err**-2 else: weights = None if xlow is not None: xlow = self._to_pixel(xlow) lower_limit = x >= np.log10(xlow.value) else: lower_limit = \ np.ones_like(self.values, dtype=bool) xlow = pix_scales.min() * 0.99 if xhigh is not None: xhigh = self._to_pixel(xhigh) upper_limit = x <= np.log10(xhigh.value) else: upper_limit = \ np.ones_like(self.values, dtype=bool) xhigh = pix_scales.max() * 1.01 self._fit_range = [xlow, xhigh] within_limits = np.logical_and(lower_limit, upper_limit) y = y[within_limits] x = x[within_limits] if weighted_fit: weights = weights[within_limits] if brk is not None: # Try fitting a segmented model pix_brk = self._to_pixel(brk) if pix_brk < xlow or pix_brk > xhigh: raise ValueError("brk must be within xlow and xhigh.") model = Lm_Seg(x, y, np.log10(pix_brk.value), weights=weights) fit_kwargs['cov_type'] = 'HC3' model.fit_model(**fit_kwargs) = if model.params.size == 5: # Check to make sure this leaves enough to fit to. if sum(x < model.brk) < min_fits_pts: warnings.warn("Not enough points to fit to." + " Ignoring break.") self._brk = None else: good_pts = x.copy() < model.brk x = x[good_pts] y = y[good_pts] self._brk = 10**model.brk / u.pix self._slope = model.slopes if bootstrap: stderrs = residual_bootstrap(, **bootstrap_kwargs) self._slope_err = stderrs[1:-1] self._brk_err = np.log(10) * self.brk.value * \ stderrs[-1] / u.pix else: self._slope_err = model.slope_errs self._brk_err = np.log(10) * self.brk.value * \ model.brk_err / u.pix = else: self._brk = None # Break fit failed, revert to normal model warnings.warn("Model with break failed, reverting to model\ without break.") else: self._brk = None # Revert to model without break if none is given, or if the segmented # model failed. if self.brk is None: x = sm.add_constant(x) if weighted_fit: model = sm.WLS(y, x, missing='drop', weights=weights) else: model = sm.OLS(y, x, missing='drop') ='HC3') self._slope =[1] if bootstrap: stderrs = residual_bootstrap(, **bootstrap_kwargs) self._slope_err = stderrs[1] else: self._slope_err =[1] self._model = model self._bootstrap_flag = bootstrap
@property def slope(self): ''' Fitted slope. ''' return self._slope @property def slope_err(self): ''' Standard error on the fitted slope. ''' return self._slope_err @property def brk(self): ''' Break point in the segmented linear model. ''' return self._brk @property def brk_err(self): ''' 1-sigma on the break point in the segmented linear model. ''' return self._brk_err @property def fit_range(self): ''' Range of scales used in the fit. ''' return self._fit_range
[docs] def fitted_model(self, xvals): ''' Computes the fitted power-law in log-log space using the given x values. Parameters ---------- xvals : `~numpy.ndarray` Values of log(lags) to compute the model at (base 10 log). Returns ------- model_values : `~numpy.ndarray` Values of the model at the given values. ''' if isinstance(self._model, Lm_Seg): return self._model.model(xvals) else: return[0] +[1] * xvals
[docs] def plot_transform(self, save_name=None, xunit=u.pix, color='r', symbol='o', fit_color='k', label=None, show_residual=True): ''' Plot the transform and the fit. Parameters ---------- save_name : str, optional Save name for the figure. Enables saving the plot. xunit : `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional Choose the angular unit to convert to when ang_units is enabled. color : {str, RGB tuple}, optional Color to plot the wavelet curve. symbol : str, optional Symbol to use for the data. fit_color : {str, RGB tuple}, optional Color of the 1D fit. label : str, optional Label to later be used in a legend. show_residual : bool, optional Plot the fit residuals. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if fit_color is None: fit_color = color # Check for already existing subplots fig = plt.gcf() axes = plt.gcf().get_axes() if len(axes) == 0: if show_residual: ax = plt.subplot2grid((4, 1), (0, 0), colspan=1, rowspan=3) ax_r = plt.subplot2grid((4, 1), (3, 0), colspan=1, rowspan=1, sharex=ax) else: ax = plt.subplot(111) elif len(axes) == 1: ax = axes[0] else: ax = axes[0] ax_r = axes[1] ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_yscale("log") pix_scales = self._to_pixel(self.scales) scales = self._spatial_unit_conversion(pix_scales, xunit).value # Check for NaNs fin_vals = np.logical_or(np.isfinite(self.values), np.isfinite(self.stddev)) ax.errorbar(scales[fin_vals], self.values[fin_vals], yerr=self.stddev[fin_vals], fmt=symbol + "-", color=color, label=label, markersize=5, alpha=0.5, capsize=10, elinewidth=3) # Plot the fit within the fitting range. low_lim = \ self._spatial_unit_conversion(self._fit_range[0], xunit).value high_lim = \ self._spatial_unit_conversion(self._fit_range[1], xunit).value ax.loglog(scales, 10**self.fitted_model(np.log10(pix_scales.value)), '--', color=fit_color, linewidth=3) ax.axvline(low_lim, color=color, alpha=0.5, linestyle='-') ax.axvline(high_lim, color=color, alpha=0.5, linestyle='-') ax.grid() ax.set_ylabel(r"$T_g$") if show_residual: resids = self.values - \ 10**self.fitted_model(np.log10(pix_scales.value)) ax_r.errorbar(scales, resids, yerr=self.stddev[fin_vals], fmt=symbol + "-", color=color, label=label, markersize=5, alpha=0.5, capsize=10, elinewidth=3) ax_r.axvline(low_lim, color=color, alpha=0.5, linestyle='-') ax_r.axvline(high_lim, color=color, alpha=0.5, linestyle='-') ax_r.axhline(0., color=fit_color, linestyle='--') ax_r.grid() ax_r.set_ylabel("Residuals") ax_r.set_xlabel("Scales ({})".format(xunit)) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) else: ax.set_xlabel("Scales ({})".format(xunit)) plt.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1) if save_name is not None: plt.savefig(save_name) plt.close() else:
[docs] def run(self, show_progress=True, verbose=False, xunit=u.pix, convolve_kwargs={}, use_pyfftw=False, threads=1, pyfftw_kwargs={}, scale_normalization=True, xlow=None, xhigh=None, brk=None, fit_kwargs={}, save_name=None, **plot_kwargs): ''' Compute the Wavelet transform. Parameters ---------- show_progress : bool, optional Show a progress bar during the creation of the covariance matrix. verbose : bool, optional Plot wavelet transform. xunit : u.Unit, optional Choose the unit to convert to when ang_units is enabled. convolve_kwargs : dict, optional Passed to `~astropy.convolution.convolve_fft`. scale_normalization: bool, optional Compute the transform with the correct scale-invariant normalization. use_pyfftw : bool, optional Enable to use pyfftw, if it is installed. threads : int, optional Number of threads to use in FFT when using pyfftw. pyfftw_kwargs : Passed to See `here <>`_ for a list of accepted kwargs. scale_normalization: bool, optional Multiply the wavelet transform by the correct normalization factor. xlow : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Lower scale value to consider in the fit. xhigh : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Upper scale value to consider in the fit. brk : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Give an initial guess for a break point. This enables fitting with a `turbustat.statistics.Lm_Seg`. fit_kwargs : dict, optional Passed to `~Wavelet.fit_transform` save_name : str,optional Save the figure when a file name is given. plot_kwargs : Passed to `~Wavelet.plot_transform`. ''' self.compute_transform(scale_normalization=scale_normalization, convolve_kwargs=convolve_kwargs, use_pyfftw=use_pyfftw, threads=threads, pyfftw_kwargs=pyfftw_kwargs, show_progress=show_progress) self.fit_transform(xlow=xlow, xhigh=xhigh, brk=brk, **fit_kwargs) if verbose: print( if self._bootstrap_flag: print("Bootstrapping used to find stderrs! " "Errors may not equal those shown above.") self.plot_transform(save_name=save_name, xunit=xunit, **plot_kwargs) return self
[docs]class Wavelet_Distance(object): ''' Compute the distance between the two cubes using the Wavelet transform. We fit a linear model to the two wavelet transforms. The distance is the t-statistic of the interaction term describing the difference in the slopes. Parameters ---------- dataset1 : %(dtypes)s 2D image. dataset2 : %(dtypes)s 2D image. scales : numpy.ndarray or list The scales where the transform is calculated. num : int Number of scales to calculate the transform at. xlow : `astropy.units.Quantity`, optional The lower lag fitting limit. An array with 2 elements can be passed to give separate lower limits for the datasets. xhigh : `astropy.units.Quantity`, optional The upper lag fitting limit. See `xlow` above. fit_kwargs : dict, optional Passed to ``. fit_kwargs2 : dict, optional Passed to `` for `dataset2`. When `None` is given, `fit_kwargs` is used for `dataset2`. ''' __doc__ %= {"dtypes": " or ".join(common_types + twod_types)} def __init__(self, dataset1, dataset2, scales=None, num=50, xlow=None, xhigh=None, fit_kwargs={}, fit_kwargs2=None): super(Wavelet_Distance, self).__init__() xlow, xhigh = check_fit_limits(xlow, xhigh) # if fiducial_model is None: if isinstance(dataset1, Wavelet): self.wt1 = dataset1 needs_run = False if not hasattr(self.wt1, '_slope'): warn("Wavelet class passed as `dataset1` does not have a " "fitted slope. Computing Wavelet transform.") needs_run = True else: self.wt1 = Wavelet(dataset1, scales=scales) needs_run = True if needs_run:[0], xhigh=xhigh[0], **fit_kwargs) if fit_kwargs2 is None: fit_kwargs2 = fit_kwargs if isinstance(dataset2, Wavelet): self.wt2 = dataset2 needs_run = False if not hasattr(self.wt2, '_slope'): warn("Wavelet class passed as `dataset2` does not have a " "fitted slope. Computing Wavelet transform.") needs_run = True else: self.wt2 = Wavelet(dataset2, scales=scales) needs_run = True if needs_run:[1], xhigh=xhigh[1], **fit_kwargs2)
[docs] def distance_metric(self, verbose=False, xunit=u.pix, save_name=None, plot_kwargs1={}, plot_kwargs2={}): ''' Implements the distance metric for 2 wavelet transforms. We fit the linear portion of the transform to represent the powerlaw Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional Enables plotting. xunit : `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional Unit of the x-axis in the plot in pixel, angular, or physical units. save_name : str, optional Name of the save file. Enables saving the figure. plot_kwargs1 : dict, optional Pass kwargs to `~turbustat.statistics.Wavelet.plot_transform` for `dataset1`. plot_kwargs2 : dict, optional Pass kwargs to `~turbustat.statistics.Wavelet.plot_transform` for `dataset2`. ''' # Construct t-statistic self.distance = \ np.abs((self.wt1.slope - self.wt2.slope) / np.sqrt(self.wt1.slope_err**2 + self.wt2.slope_err**2)) if verbose: print( print( import matplotlib.pyplot as plt defaults1 = {'color': 'b', 'symbol': 'D', 'label': '1'} defaults2 = {'color': 'g', 'symbol': 'o', 'label': '2'} for key in defaults1: if key not in plot_kwargs1: plot_kwargs1[key] = defaults1[key] for key in defaults2: if key not in plot_kwargs2: plot_kwargs2[key] = defaults2[key] if 'xunit' in plot_kwargs1: del plot_kwargs1['xunit'] if 'xunit' in plot_kwargs2: del plot_kwargs2['xunit'] self.wt1.plot_transform(xunit=xunit, **plot_kwargs1) self.wt2.plot_transform(xunit=xunit, **plot_kwargs2) axes = plt.gcf().get_axes() axes[0].legend(loc='best', frameon=True) if save_name is not None: plt.savefig(save_name) plt.close() else: return self