Installing from sources#

  1. Please follow the installation instructions for your system first up to installing Weblate:

  2. Grab the latest Weblate sources using Git (or download a tarball and unpack that):

    git clone weblate-src

    Alternatively you can use released archives. You can download them from our website <>. Those downloads are cryptographically signed, please see Verifying release signatures.

  3. Install current Weblate code into the virtualenv:

    . ~/weblate-env/bin/activate
    pip install -e 'weblate-src[all]'
  4. Copy weblate/ to weblate/

  5. Adjust the values in the new file to your liking. You will need to provide at least the database credentials and Django secret key, but you will want more changes for production setup, see Adjusting configuration.

  6. Create the database used by Weblate, see Database setup for Weblate.

  7. Build Django tables, static files and initial data (see Filling up the database and Serving static files):

    weblate migrate
    weblate collectstatic
    weblate compress


    This step should be repeated whenever you update the repository.