
Version 3.1.0

Released 2023-10-10

Version 3.0.1

Released 2021-12-23

Version 3.0.0

Released 2021-11-07

Version 3.0.0a1

Released 2020-11-23

  • Drop support for Python < 3.6. #554

  • StringField sets data to None when form data is empty and an initial value was not provided. Although it previously set an empty string, None is consistent with the behavior of other fields. #355

  • Specified version of Babel required for setup to avoid errors. #430

  • Replaced use of getattr/setattr with regular variable access. #482

  • ValueError raised by a validator are handled like regular exceptions. Validators need to raise ValidationError or StopValidation to make a validation fail. #445

  • SelectField, SelectMultipleField and RadioField choices parameter can be a callable. #608

  • Choices shortcut for SelectMultipleField. #603 #605

  • Forms can have form-level errors. #55 #595

  • Implemented MonthField. #530 #593

  • Filters can be inline. form.BaseForm.process() takes a extra_filters parameter. #128 #592

  • Fields can be passed the name argument to use a HTML name different than their Python name. #205, #601

  • Render attribute names like for_ and class_ are normalized consistently so later values override those specified earlier. #449, #596

  • Flags should now be stored in dicts and can take non-boolean values. A DeprecationWarning is issued when tuples are used. #406 #467

  • Widgets are HTML5 by default. #594 #614

  • Fixed a bug when the SelectField choices are list of strings. #598

  • Error messages standardization. #613 #620 #626 #627

  • SelectMultipleField validate_choice bugfix. #606 #642

  • Fixed SelectMultipleField validation when using choices list shortcut. #612 #661

  • Removed form._get_translations(). Use Meta.get_translations instead.

Version 2.3.3

Released 2020-07-30

  • This release includes the translation files that were missing in the 2.3.2 release. #641

Version 2.3.2

Released 2020-07-29

Version 2.3.1

Released 2020-04-22

  • All modules in wtforms.ext show a deprecation warning on import. They will be removed in version 3.0.

  • Fixed a bug when SelectField choices is None. #572, #585

  • Restored HTMLString and escape_html as aliases for MarkupSafe functions. Their use shows a DeprecationWarning. #581, #583

  • Form.validate takes an extra_validators parameter, mapping field names to lists of extra validator functions. This matches BaseForm.validate. #584

  • Update locale catalogs.

Version 2.3.0

Released 2020-04-21

  • Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.3, and 3.4.

  • SelectField uses list() to construct a new list of choices. #475

  • Permitted underscores in HostnameValidation. #463

  • URL validator now allows query parameters in the URL. #523, #524

  • Updated false_values param in BooleanField docs. #483, #485

  • Fixed broken format string in Arabic translation #471

  • Updated French and Japanese translations. #506, #514

  • Updated Ukrainian translation. #433

  • FieldList error list keeps entries in order for easier identification of which fields had errors. #257, #407

  • Length gives a more helpful error message when min and max are the same value. #266

  • SelectField no longer coerces None to "None" allowing use of "None" as an option. #289, #288

  • The TextArea widget prepends a \r\n newline when rendering to account for browsers stripping an initial line for display. This does not affect the value. #238, #395

  • HTML5 IntegerField and RangeInput don’t render the step="1" attribute by default. #343

  • aria_ args are rendered the same way as data_ args, by converting underscores to hyphens. aria_describedby="name-help" becomes aria-describedby="name-help". #239, #389

  • Added a check_validators method to Field which checks if the given validators are both callable, and not classes. #298, #410

  • form.errors is not cached and will update if an error is appended to a field after access. #568

  • NumberRange correctly handle NaN values. #505, #548

  • IntegerField checks input type when processing data. #451

  • Added a parameter to SelectField to skip choice validation. #434, #493

  • Choices which name and data are the same do not need to use tuples. #526

  • Added more documentation on HTML5 fields. #326, #409

  • HTML is escaped using MarkupSafe instead of the previous internal implementation. escape_html() is removed, replaced by markupsafe.escape(). HTMLString is removed, replaced by markupsafe.Markup. #400

  • Fixed broken IPv6 validator, validation now uses the ipaddress package. #385, #403

  • Label text is escaped before rendering. #315, #375

  • Email validation is now handled by an optional library, email_validator. #429

Version 2.2.1

Released 2018-06-07

  • StringField only sets data = '' when form data is empty and an initial value was not provided. This fixes an issue where the default value wasn’t rendered with the initial form. #291, #401, #355

Version 2.2

Released 2018-06-02

  • Merged new and updated translations from the community.

  • Passing data_ args to render a field converts all the underscores to hyphens when rendering the HTML attribute, not just the first one. data_foo_bar becomes data-foo-bar. #248

  • The UUID validator uses the uuid.UUID class instead of a regex. #251

  • SelectField copies the list of choices passed to it so modifying an instance’s choices will not modify the global form definition. #286

  • Fields call process_formdata() even if the raw data is empty. #280

  • Added a MultipleFileField to handle a multi-file input. FileField continues to handle only one value. The underlying FileInput widget gained a multiple argument. #281

  • SelectField choices can contain HTML (MarkupSafe Markup object or equivalent API) and will be rendered properly. #302

  • fields.TimeField and html5.TimeField were added. #254

  • Improved Email. Note that it is still unreasonable to validate all emails with a regex and you should prefer validating by actually sending an email. #294

  • Widgets render the required attribute when using a validator that provides the 'required' flag, such as DataRequired. #361

  • Fix a compatibility issue with SQLAlchemy 1.2 that caused QuerySelectField to fail with ValueError: too many values to unpack. #391

Version 2.1

Released 2015-12-15

  • Added render_kw to allow default rendering time options.

  • Updated / added a number of localizations.

  • Updated docs.

  • Allow widgets to set flags.

Version 2.0.2

Released 2015-01-18

  • Added more localizations and updated some.

  • Validators for email and URL can validate IDNA-encoded domain names and new TLDs.

  • Better DeprecationWarnings.

  • Support localization files in /usr/share/locale for distro packaging.

Version 2.0.1

Released 2014-07-01

  • Update wheel install to conditionally install ordereddict for Python 2.6.

  • Doc improvements.

Version 2.0

Released 2014-05-20

  • Add new class Meta paradigm for much more powerful customization of WTForms.

  • Move i18n into core. Deprecate wtforms.ext.i18n.

  • Move CSRF into core. Deprecate wtforms.ext.csrf.

  • Fix issue rendering SelectFields with value=True.

  • Make DecimalField able to use babel locale-based number formatting.

  • Drop Python 3.2 support (Python3 support for 3.3+ only).

  • Passing attr=False to WTForms widgets causes the value to be ignored.

  • Unique validator in wtforms.ext.sqlalchemy has been removed.

  • Deprecate form._get_translations. Use Meta.get_translations instead.

Version 1.0.5

Released 2013-09-10

  • Fix a bug in validators which causes translations to happen once then clobber any future translations.

  • ext.sqlalchemy and ext.appengine minor cleanups / deprecation.

  • Allow blank string and the string false to be considered false values for BooleanField (configurable). This is technically a breaking change, but it is not likely to affect the majority of users adversely.

  • ext.i18n form allows passing LANGUAGES to the constructor.

Version 1.0.4

Released 2013-04-28

  • Add widgets and field implementations for HTML5 specialty input types.

  • ext.appengine add NDB support.

  • Add translations for Korean, Traditional Chinese.

Version 1.0.3

Released 2013-01-24

  • Tests complete in python 3.2/3.3.

  • Localization for ru, fr.

  • Minor fixes in documentation for clarity.

  • FieldList now can take validators on the entire FieldList.

  • Fix issue with ext.sqlalchemy QuerySelectField.

  • Fix issue in ext.sqlalchemy ColumnDefault conversion.

  • ext.sqlalchemy supports Enum type.

  • Field class now allows traversal in Django 1.4 templates.

Version 1.0.2

Released 2012-08-24

  • We now support Python 2.x and 3.x on the same codebase, thanks to a lot of hard work by Vinay Sajip.

  • Add in ability to convert relationships to ext.sqlalchemy model_form.

  • Built-in localizations for more languages.

  • Distinguish Required validator into InputRequired and DataRequired.

  • Better IP address validation, including IPv6 support.

  • AnyOf / NoneOf now work properly formatting other datatypes than strings.

  • Optional validator can optionally pass through whitespace.

Version 1.0.1

Released 2012-02-29

  • Fixed issues related to building for Python 3 and Python pre-releases.

  • Add object_data to fields to get at the originally passed data.

Version 1.0

Released 2012-02-28

  • Output HTML5 compact syntax by default.

  • Substantial code reorg, cleanup, and test improvements.

  • Added ext.csrf for a way to implement CSRF protection.

  • ext.sqlalchemy supports PGInet, MACADDR, and UUID field conversion.

  • ext.sqlalchemy supports callable defaults.

  • ext.appengine model_form now supports generating forms with the same ordering as model.

  • ext.appengine ReferencePropertyField now gets get_label like the other ORM fields.

  • Add localization support for WTForms built-in messages.

  • Python 3 support (via 2to3).

  • An empty label string can be specified on fields if desired.

  • Option widget can now take kwargs customization.

  • Field subclasses can provide default validators as a class property.

  • DateTimeField can take time in microseconds.

  • Numeric fields all set .data to None on coercion error for consistency.

Version 0.6.3

Released 2011-04-24

  • Documentation: Substantial documentation improvements, including adding Crash Course as a Sphinx document.

  • ext.django QuerySetSelectField and ModelSelectField now accept get_label similar to sqlalchemy equivalents.

  • ext.appengine model_form fixes for FloatField, TimeField, and DateTimeField.

  • ext.appengine ReferencePropertyField now properly stores model object, not key.

Version 0.6.2

Released 2011-01-22

  • ext.appengine various field fixes.

  • ext.appengine model_form changes.

  • Fix issue in Optional with non-string input.

  • Make numeric fields more consistent.

  • Improve test coverage substantially.

Version 0.6.1

Released 2010-09-17

  • ext.appengine ReferencePropertyField.

  • Dateutil fields render issue, and consistency issue.

  • Optional validator failed when raw_data was absent

  • Documentation: docs now mention HTML escaping functionality.

  • Add preliminary support for providing a translations object that can translate built-in validation and coercion errors.

Version 0.6

Released 2010-04-25

  • HTML is now marked as safe (using __html__) so that compatible templating engines will not auto-escape it.

  • Field._default is now Field.default.

  • All fields now have a raw_data property.

  • Fields which are select fields (including those in .ext) can be iterated to produce options, and have an option_widget kwarg.

  • Minor bugfixes and cleanup in FieldList, Select(Multiple)Field, QuerySelectField to address behavioral consistency.

  • Added FloatField, based on IntegerField.

  • ext.appengine now supports FloatProperty and GeoPtProperty.

  • ext.sqlalchemy QueryMultipleSelectField changed to QuerySelectMultipleField.

Version 0.5

Released 2010-02-13

  • Added a BaseForm class which provides the core processing and validation functionality of Form without requiring declarative subclassing.

  • Field labels now default to a humanized field name.

  • Fields now have a short_name property which is the un-prefixed name.

  • DecimalField now rounds values for display without float coercion. See docs for details on how to format decimals.

  • ext.sqlalchemy.fields now has an additional QuerySelectMultipleField, and all fields can now support multiple-column primary keys.

  • ext.sqlalchemy.orm contains tools for making forms from ORM models.

  • Added ext.dateutil for flexible date-time parsing.

  • Added ext.appengine contributed by Rodrigo Moraes.

  • Added AnyOf and NoneOf validators.

Version 0.4

Released 2009-10-10

  • Fields have much greater control over input processing. Filters have been added to implement a simple way to transform input data.

  • Added fields that encapsulate advanced data structures such as dynamic lists or child forms for more powerful field composing.

  • Fields now use widgets for rendering.

  • All built-in validators have been converted to classes to clean up the code.

  • Form.auto_populate and Field.populate were renamed to populate_obj to clarify that they populate another object, not the Form or Field. This is an API breaking change.

  • Dropped support for Python 2.3.

Version 0.3.1

Released 2009-01-24

  • Several fixes were made to the code and tests to make WTForms compatible with Python 2.3/2.4.

  • Form’s properties can now be accessed via dictionary-style access such as form['author']. This also has the intended effect of making variable lookups in Django templates more reliable.

  • Form and Field construction changes: Form now uses a metaclass to handle creating its _unbound_fields property, and Field construction now gives an instance of the new UnboundField class instead of using a partial function application. These are both internal changes and do not change the API.

Version 0.3

Released 2009-01-18

  • Fields are now responsible for their own validation, instead of mostly relying on Form. There are also new pre_validate and post_validate hooks on subfields, adding a great deal of flexibility when dealing with field-level validation. Note that this is an API breaking change if you have any subfields that override Field.validate. These will need to be updated to use the new hooks.

  • process_data no longer accepts the has_formdata parameter.

  • At form instantiation time, process_data will be called only once for each field. If a model object is provided which contains the property, then this value is used. Otherwise, a keyword argument if specified is used. Failing that, the field’s default value is used.

  • If any form data is sent, process_formdata will be called after process_data for each field. If no form data is available for the given field, it is called with an empty list.

  • wtforms.ext.django has been overhauled, both to mirror features and changes of the Django 1.0 release, and to add some useful fields for working with Django ORM data in forms.

  • The checker keyword argument to SelectField, SelectMultipleField, and RadioField has been renamed to coerce to reflect the actual functionality of this callable.

Version 0.2

Released 2009-01-13

  • We have documentation and unit tests!

  • Fields now have a flags property which contain boolean flags that are set either by the field itself or validators being specified on a field. The flags can then be used in checks in template or Python code.

  • Changed the way fields take parameters, they are no longer quasi magic. This is a breaking change. Please see the documentation for the new syntax.

  • Added optional description argument to Field, accessible on the field as description. This provides an easy way to define e.g. help text in the same place as the form.

  • Added new semantics for validators which can stop the validation chain, with or without errors.

  • Added a regexp validator, and removed the not_empty validator in favour of two validators, optional and required. The new validators allow control over the validation chain in addition to checking emptiness.

  • Renamed wtforms.contrib to wtforms.ext and reorganised wtforms.ext.django. This is a breaking change if you were using the Django extensions, but should only require changing your imports around a little.

  • Better support for other frameworks such as Pylons.

Version 0.1

Released 2008-07-25

  • Initial release.