Source code for ZODB.Connection

# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""Database connection support
from __future__ import print_function

import logging
import os
import tempfile
import time
import warnings

import six

import transaction
from persistent import PickleCache
# interfaces
from persistent.interfaces import IPersistentDataManager
from transaction.interfaces import IDataManagerSavepoint
from transaction.interfaces import ISavepointDataManager
from transaction.interfaces import ISynchronizer
from zope.interface import implementer

import ZODB
from ZODB import POSException
from ZODB import utils
from ZODB.blob import SAVEPOINT_SUFFIX
from ZODB.blob import Blob
from ZODB.blob import remove_committed_dir
from ZODB.blob import rename_or_copy_blob
from ZODB.ExportImport import ExportImport
from ZODB.interfaces import IBlobStorage
from ZODB.interfaces import IConnection
from ZODB.interfaces import IStorageTransactionMetaData
from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
from ZODB.POSException import ConnectionStateError
from ZODB.POSException import InvalidObjectReference
from ZODB.POSException import ReadConflictError
from ZODB.POSException import ReadOnlyHistoryError
from ZODB.POSException import Unsupported
from ZODB.serialize import ObjectReader
from ZODB.serialize import ObjectWriter
from ZODB.utils import oid_repr
from ZODB.utils import p64
from ZODB.utils import positive_id
from ZODB.utils import u64
from ZODB.utils import z64

from . import valuedoc
from ._compat import _protocol
from ._compat import dumps
from ._compat import loads
from .mvccadapter import HistoricalStorageAdapter

global_reset_counter = 0

def noop():
    return None

def resetCaches():
    """Causes all connection caches to be reset as connections are reopened.

    Zope's refresh feature uses this.  When you reload Python modules,
    instances of classes continue to use the old class definitions.
    To use the new code immediately, the refresh feature asks ZODB to
    clear caches by calling resetCaches().  When the instances are
    loaded by subsequent connections, they will use the new class
    global global_reset_counter
    global_reset_counter += 1

def className(obj):
    cls = type(obj)
    return "%s.%s" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__)

[docs]@implementer(IConnection, ISavepointDataManager, IPersistentDataManager, ISynchronizer) class Connection(ExportImport, object): """Connection to ZODB for loading and storing objects. Connections manage object state in collaboration with transaction managers. They're created by calling the :meth:`` method on :py:class:`database <ZODB.DB>` objects. """ _code_timestamp = 0 #: Transaction manager associated with the connection when it was opened. transaction_manager = valuedoc.ValueDoc('current transaction manager') ########################################################################## # Connection methods, ZODB.IConnection def __init__(self, db, cache_size=400, before=None, cache_size_bytes=0): """Create a new Connection.""" self._log = logging.getLogger('ZODB.Connection') self._debug_info = () self._db = db self.large_record_size = db.large_record_size # historical connection self.before = before # Multi-database support self.connections = {self._db.database_name: self} storage = db._mvcc_storage if before: try: before_instance = storage.before_instance except AttributeError: def before_instance(before): return HistoricalStorageAdapter( storage.new_instance(), before) storage = before_instance(before) else: storage = storage.new_instance() self._normal_storage = self._storage = storage self._savepoint_storage = None # Do we need to join a txn manager? self._needs_to_join = True self.transaction_manager = None self.opened = None # time.time() when opened us self._reset_counter = global_reset_counter self._load_count = 0 # Number of objects unghosted self._store_count = 0 # Number of objects stored # Cache which can ghostify (forget the state of) objects not # recently used. Its API is roughly that of a dict, with # additional gc-related and invalidation-related methods. self._cache = PickleCache(self, cache_size, cache_size_bytes) # The pre-cache is used by get to avoid infinite loops when # objects immediately load their state whern they get their # persistent data set. self._pre_cache = {} # List of all objects (not oids) registered as modified by the # persistence machinery. # All objects of this list are either in _cache or in _added. self._registered_objects = [] # [object] # ids and serials of objects for which readCurrent was called # in a transaction. self._readCurrent = {} # {oid ->serial} # Dict of oid->obj added explicitly through add(). Used as a # preliminary cache until commit time when objects are all moved # to the real _cache. The objects are moved to _creating at # commit time. self._added = {} # {oid -> object} # During commit this is turned into a list, which receives # objects added as a side-effect of storing a modified object. self._added_during_commit = None # During commit, all objects go to either _modified or _creating: # Dict of oid->flag of new objects (without serial), either # added by add() or implicitly added (discovered by the # serializer during commit). The flag is True for implicit # adding. Used during abort to remove created objects from the # _cache, and by persistent_id to check that a new object isn't # reachable from multiple databases. self._creating = {} # {oid -> implicitly_added_flag} # List of oids of modified objects, which have to be invalidated # in the cache on abort and in other connections on finish. self._modified = [] # [oid] # To support importFile(), implemented in the ExportImport base # class, we need to run _importDuringCommit() from our commit() # method. If _import is not None, it is a two-tuple of arguments # to pass to _importDuringCommit(). self._import = None self._reader = ObjectReader(self, self._cache, self._db.classFactory) def new_oid(self): return self._storage.new_oid()
[docs] def add(self, obj): """Add a new object 'obj' to the database and assign it an oid.""" if self.opened is None: raise ConnectionStateError("The database connection is closed") marker = object() oid = getattr(obj, "_p_oid", marker) if oid is marker: raise TypeError("Only first-class persistent objects may be" " added to a Connection.", obj) elif obj._p_jar is None: self._add(obj, self.new_oid()) elif obj._p_jar is not self: raise InvalidObjectReference(obj, obj._p_jar)
def _add(self, obj, oid): assert obj._p_oid is None oid = obj._p_oid = oid obj._p_jar = self if self._added_during_commit is not None: self._added_during_commit.append(obj) self._register(obj) # Add to _added after calling register(), so that _added # can be used as a test for whether the object has been # registered with the transaction. self._added[oid] = obj
[docs] def get(self, oid): """Return the persistent object with oid 'oid'.""" if self.opened is None: raise ConnectionStateError("The database connection is closed") obj = self._cache.get(oid, None) if obj is not None: return obj obj = self._added.get(oid, None) if obj is not None: return obj obj = self._pre_cache.get(oid, None) if obj is not None: return obj p, _ = self._storage.load(oid) obj = self._reader.getGhost(p) # Avoid infiniate loop if obj tries to load its state before # it is added to the cache and it's state refers to it. # (This will typically be the case for non-ghostifyable objects, # like persistent caches.) self._pre_cache[oid] = obj self._cache.new_ghost(oid, obj) self._pre_cache.pop(oid) return obj
[docs] def cacheMinimize(self): """Deactivate all unmodified objects in the cache. """ for connection in six.itervalues(self.connections): connection._cache.minimize()
# TODO: we should test what happens when cacheGC is called mid-transaction.
[docs] def cacheGC(self): """Reduce cache size to target size. """ for connection in six.itervalues(self.connections): connection._cache.incrgc()
__onCloseCallbacks = None
[docs] def onCloseCallback(self, f): """Register a callable, f, to be called by close().""" if self.__onCloseCallbacks is None: self.__onCloseCallbacks = [] self.__onCloseCallbacks.append(f)
[docs] def close(self, primary=True): """Close the Connection.""" if not self._needs_to_join: # We're currently joined to a transaction. raise ConnectionStateError("Cannot close a connection joined to " "a transaction") self._cache.incrgc() # This is a good time to do some GC # Call the close callbacks. if self.__onCloseCallbacks is not None: callbacks = self.__onCloseCallbacks self.__onCloseCallbacks = None for f in callbacks: try: f() except: # noqa: E722 do not use bare 'except' f = getattr(f, 'im_self', f) self._log.exception("Close callback failed for %s", f) self._debug_info = () if self.opened and self.transaction_manager is not None: # transaction_manager could be None if one of the # __onCloseCallbacks closed the DB already, .e.g, ZODB.connection() # does this. self.transaction_manager.unregisterSynch(self) am = self._db._activity_monitor if am is not None: am.closedConnection(self) # Drop transaction manager to release resources and help prevent errors self.transaction_manager = None if hasattr(self._storage, 'afterCompletion'): self._storage.afterCompletion() if primary: for connection in self.connections.values(): if connection is not self: connection.close(False) # Return the connection to the pool. if self.opened is not None: self._db._returnToPool(self) # _returnToPool() set self.opened to None. # However, we can't assert that here, because self may # have been reused (by another thread) by the time we # get back here. else: self.opened = None
# We may have been reused by another thread at this point so # we can't manipulate or check the state of `self` any more.
[docs] def db(self): """Returns a handle to the database this connection belongs to.""" return self._db
[docs] def isReadOnly(self): """Returns True if this connection is read only.""" if self.opened is None: raise ConnectionStateError("The database connection is closed") return self._storage.isReadOnly()
@property def root(self): """Return the database root object.""" return RootConvenience(self.get(z64))
[docs] def get_connection(self, database_name): """Return a Connection for the named database.""" connection = self.connections.get(database_name) if connection is None: new_con = self._db.databases[database_name].open( transaction_manager=self.transaction_manager, before=self.before, ) self.connections.update(new_con.connections) new_con.connections = self.connections connection = new_con return connection
def _implicitlyAdding(self, oid): """Are we implicitly adding an object within the current transaction This is used in a check to avoid implicitly adding an object to a database in a multi-database situation. See serialize.ObjectWriter.persistent_id. """ return (self._creating.get(oid, 0) or ((self._savepoint_storage is not None) and self._savepoint_storage.creating.get(oid, 0) ) )
[docs] def sync(self): """Manually update the view on the database.""" self.transaction_manager.begin()
[docs] def getDebugInfo(self): """Returns a tuple with different items for debugging the connection. """ return self._debug_info
[docs] def setDebugInfo(self, *args): """Add the given items to the debug information of this connection.""" self._debug_info = self._debug_info + args
def getTransferCounts(self, clear=False): """Returns the number of objects loaded and stored.""" res = self._load_count, self._store_count if clear: self._load_count = 0 self._store_count = 0 return res # Connection methods ########################################################################## ########################################################################## # Data manager (ISavepointDataManager) methods def abort(self, transaction): """Abort a transaction and forget all changes.""" # The order is important here. We want to abort registered # objects before we process the cache. Otherwise, we may un-add # objects added in savepoints. If they've been modified since # the savepoint, then they won't have _p_oid or _p_jar after # they've been unadded. This will make the code in _abort # confused. self._abort() if self._savepoint_storage is not None: self._abort_savepoint() self._invalidate_creating() self._tpc_cleanup() def _abort(self): """Abort a transaction and forget all changes.""" for obj in self._registered_objects: oid = obj._p_oid assert oid is not None if oid in self._added: del self._added[oid] if self._cache.get(oid) is not None: del self._cache[oid] del obj._p_jar del obj._p_oid if obj._p_changed: obj._p_changed = False else: # Note: If we invalidate a non-ghostifiable object # (i.e. a persistent class), the object will # immediately reread its state. That means that the # following call could result in a call to # self.setstate, which, of course, must succeed. # In general, it would be better if the read could be # delayed until the start of the next transaction. If # we read at the end of a transaction and if the # object was invalidated during this transaction, then # we'll read non-current data, which we'll discard # later in transaction finalization. Unfortnately, we # can only delay the read if this abort corresponds to # a top-level-transaction abort. We can't tell if # this is a top-level-transaction abort, so we have to # go ahead and invalidate now. Fortunately, it's # pretty unlikely that the object we are invalidating # was invalidated by another thread, so the risk of a # reread is pretty low. self._cache.invalidate(oid) def _tpc_cleanup(self): """Performs cleanup operations to support tpc_finish and tpc_abort.""" self._needs_to_join = True self._registered_objects = [] self._creating.clear() def tpc_begin(self, transaction): """Begin commit of a transaction, starting the two-phase commit.""" self._modified = [] meta_data = TransactionMetaData( transaction.user, transaction.description, transaction.extension) transaction.set_data(self, meta_data) # _creating is a list of oids of new objects, which is used to # remove them from the cache if a transaction aborts. self._creating.clear() self._normal_storage.tpc_begin(meta_data) def commit(self, transaction): """Commit changes to an object""" transaction = if self._savepoint_storage is not None: # We first checkpoint the current changes to the savepoint self.savepoint() # then commit all of the savepoint changes at once self._commit_savepoint(transaction) # No need to call _commit since savepoint did. else: self._commit(transaction) for oid, serial in six.iteritems(self._readCurrent): try: self._storage.checkCurrentSerialInTransaction( oid, serial, transaction) except ConflictError: self._cache.invalidate(oid) raise def _commit(self, transaction): """Commit changes to an object""" if self.before is not None: raise ReadOnlyHistoryError() if self._import: # We are importing an export file. We alsways do this # while making a savepoint so we can copy export data # directly to our storage, typically a TmpStore. self._importDuringCommit(transaction, *self._import) self._import = None # Just in case an object is added as a side-effect of storing # a modified object. If, for example, a __getstate__() method # calls add(), the newly added objects will show up in # _added_during_commit. This sounds insane, but has actually # happened. self._added_during_commit = [] for obj in self._registered_objects: oid = obj._p_oid assert oid if obj._p_jar is not self: raise InvalidObjectReference(obj, obj._p_jar) elif oid in self._added: assert obj._p_serial == z64 elif oid in self._creating or not obj._p_changed: # Nothing to do. It's been said that it's legal, e.g., for # an object to set _p_changed to false after it's been # changed and registered. # And new objects that are registered after any referrer are # already processed. continue self._store_objects(ObjectWriter(obj), transaction) for obj in self._added_during_commit: self._store_objects(ObjectWriter(obj), transaction) self._added_during_commit = None def _store_objects(self, writer, transaction): for obj in writer: oid = obj._p_oid serial = getattr(obj, "_p_serial", z64) if ((serial == z64) and ((self._savepoint_storage is None) or (oid not in self._savepoint_storage.creating) or self._savepoint_storage.creating[oid] )): # obj is a new object # Because obj was added, it is now in _creating, so it # can be removed from _added. If oid wasn't in # adding, then we are adding it implicitly. implicitly_adding = self._added.pop(oid, None) is None self._creating[oid] = implicitly_adding else: self._modified.append(oid) p = writer.serialize(obj) # This calls __getstate__ of obj if len(p) >= self.large_record_size: warnings.warn(large_object_message % (obj.__class__, len(p))) if isinstance(obj, Blob): if not IBlobStorage.providedBy(self._storage): raise Unsupported( "Storing Blobs in %s is not supported." % repr(self._storage)) if obj.opened(): raise ValueError("Can't commit with opened blobs.") blobfilename = obj._uncommitted() if blobfilename is None: assert serial is not None # See _uncommitted self._modified.pop() # not modified continue s = self._storage.storeBlob(oid, serial, p, blobfilename, '', transaction) # we invalidate the object here in order to ensure # that that the next attribute access of its name # unghostify it, which will cause its blob data # to be reattached "cleanly" obj._p_invalidate() else: s =, serial, p, '', transaction) self._store_count += 1 # Put the object in the cache before handling the # response, just in case the response contains the # serial number for a newly created object try: self._cache[oid] = obj except: # noqa: E722 do not use bare 'except' # Dang, I bet it's wrapped: # TODO: Deprecate, then remove, this. if hasattr(obj, 'aq_base'): self._cache[oid] = obj.aq_base else: raise self._cache.update_object_size_estimation(oid, len(p)) obj._p_estimated_size = len(p) # if we write an object, we don't want to check if it was read # while current. This is a convenient choke point to do this. self._readCurrent.pop(oid, None) if s: # savepoint obj._p_changed = 0 # transition from changed to up-to-date obj._p_serial = s def tpc_abort(self, transaction): transaction = if self._import: self._import = None if self._savepoint_storage is not None: self._abort_savepoint() self._storage.tpc_abort(transaction) # Note: If we invalidate a non-ghostifiable object (i.e. a # persistent class), the object will immediately reread its # state. That means that the following call could result in a # call to self.setstate, which, of course, must succeed. In # general, it would be better if the read could be delayed # until the start of the next transaction. If we read at the # end of a transaction and if the object was invalidated # during this transaction, then we'll read non-current data, # which we'll discard later in transaction finalization. We # could, theoretically queue this invalidation by calling # self.invalidate. Unfortunately, attempts to make that # change resulted in mysterious test failures. It's pretty # unlikely that the object we are invalidating was invalidated # by another thread, so the risk of a reread is pretty low. # It's really not worth the effort to pursue this. self._cache.invalidate(self._modified) self._invalidate_creating() while self._added: oid, obj = self._added.popitem() if obj._p_changed: obj._p_changed = False del obj._p_oid del obj._p_jar self._tpc_cleanup() def _invalidate_creating(self, creating=None): """Disown any objects newly saved in an uncommitted transaction.""" if creating is None: creating = self._creating self._creating = {} for oid in creating: o = self._cache.get(oid) if o is not None: del self._cache[oid] if o._p_changed: o._p_changed = False del o._p_jar del o._p_oid def tpc_vote(self, transaction): """Verify that a data manager can commit the transaction.""" try: vote = self._storage.tpc_vote except AttributeError: return transaction = try: s = vote(transaction) except ReadConflictError as v: if v.oid: self._cache.invalidate(v.oid) raise if s: # Resolved conflicts. for oid in s: obj = self._cache.get(oid) if obj is not None: del obj._p_changed # transition from changed to ghost def tpc_finish(self, transaction): """Indicate confirmation that the transaction is done. """ transaction = serial = self._storage.tpc_finish(transaction) assert type(serial) is bytes, repr(serial) for oid_iterator in self._modified, self._creating: for oid in oid_iterator: obj = self._cache.get(oid) # Ignore missing objects and don't update ghosts. if obj is not None and obj._p_changed is not None: obj._p_changed = 0 obj._p_serial = serial self._tpc_cleanup() def sortKey(self): """Return a consistent sort key for this connection.""" return "%s:%s" % (self._storage.sortKey(), id(self)) # Data manager (ISavepointDataManager) methods ########################################################################## ########################################################################## # Transaction-manager synchronization -- ISynchronizer def beforeCompletion(self, txn): # We don't do anything before a commit starts. pass def newTransaction(self, transaction, sync=True): self._readCurrent.clear() self._storage.sync(sync) invalidated = self._storage.poll_invalidations() if invalidated is None: # special value: the transaction is so old that # we need to flush the whole cache. invalidated = self._cache.cache_data.copy() self._cache.invalidate(invalidated) def afterCompletion(self, transaction): # Note that we we call newTransaction here for 2 reasons: # a) Applying invalidations early frees up resources # early. This is especially useful if the connection isn't # going to be used in a while. # b) Non-hygienic applications might start new transactions by # finalizing previous ones without calling begin. We pass # False to avoid possiblyt expensive sync calls to not # penalize well-behaved applications that call begin. if hasattr(self._storage, 'afterCompletion'): self._storage.afterCompletion() if not self.explicit_transactions: self.newTransaction(transaction, False) # Now is a good time to collect some garbage. self._cache.incrgc() # Transaction-manager synchronization -- ISynchronizer ########################################################################## ########################################################################## # persistent.interfaces.IPersistentDatamanager
[docs] def oldstate(self, obj, tid): """Return copy of 'obj' that was written by transaction 'tid'.""" assert obj._p_jar is self p = self._storage.loadSerial(obj._p_oid, tid) return self._reader.getState(p)
def setstate(self, obj): """Load the state for an (ghost) object """ oid = obj._p_oid if self.opened is None: msg = ("Shouldn't load state for %s %s " "when the connection is closed" % (className(obj), oid_repr(oid))) try: raise ConnectionStateError(msg) except: # noqa: E722 do not use bare 'except' self._log.exception(msg) raise try: p, serial = self._storage.load(oid) self._load_count += 1 self._reader.setGhostState(obj, p) obj._p_serial = serial self._cache.update_object_size_estimation(oid, len(p)) obj._p_estimated_size = len(p) # Blob support if isinstance(obj, Blob): obj._p_blob_uncommitted = None obj._p_blob_committed = self._storage.loadBlob(oid, serial) except ConflictError: raise except: # noqa: E722 do not use bare 'except' self._log.exception("Couldn't load state for %s %s", className(obj), oid_repr(oid)) raise def register(self, obj): """Register obj with the current transaction manager. A subclass could override this method to customize the default policy of one transaction manager for each thread. obj must be an object loaded from this Connection. """ assert obj._p_jar is self if obj._p_oid is None: # The actual complaint here is that an object without # an oid is being registered. I can't think of any way to # achieve that without assignment to _p_jar. If there is # a way, this will be a very confusing exception. raise ValueError("assigning to _p_jar is not supported") elif obj._p_oid in self._added: # It was registered before it was added to _added. return self._register(obj) def _register(self, obj=None): # The order here is important. We need to join before # registering the object, because joining may take a # savepoint, and the savepoint should not reflect the change # to the object. if self._needs_to_join: self.transaction_manager.get().join(self) self._needs_to_join = False if obj is not None: self._registered_objects.append(obj) def readCurrent(self, ob): assert ob._p_jar is self assert ob._p_oid is not None and ob._p_serial is not None if ob._p_serial != z64: self._readCurrent[ob._p_oid] = ob._p_serial # persistent.interfaces.IPersistentDatamanager ########################################################################## ########################################################################## # PROTECTED stuff (used by e.g. ZODB.DB.DB) def _cache_items(self): # find all items on the lru list items = self._cache.lru_items() # fine everything. some on the lru list, some not everything = self._cache.cache_data # remove those items that are on the lru list for k, v in items: del everything[k] # return a list of [ghosts....not recently used.....recently used] return list(everything.items()) + items def open(self, transaction_manager=None, delegate=True): """Register odb, the DB that this Connection uses. This method is called by the DB every time a Connection is opened. Any invalidations received while the Connection was closed will be processed. If the global module function resetCaches() was called, the cache will be cleared. Parameters: odb: database that owns the Connection transaction_manager: transaction manager to use. None means use the default transaction manager. register for afterCompletion() calls. """ if transaction_manager is None: # The .manager bit below unwraps the threaded # manager so we can call unregisterSynch in close # when close is called from another thread. transaction_manager = transaction.manager.manager self.transaction_manager = transaction_manager self.explicit_transactions = getattr(transaction_manager, 'explicit', False) self.opened = time.time() if self._reset_counter != global_reset_counter: # New code is in place. Start a new cache. self._resetCache() if not self.explicit_transactions: # This newTransaction is to deal with some pathalogical cases: # # a) Someone opens a connection when a transaction isn't # active and proceeeds without calling begin on a # transaction manager. We initialize the transaction for # the connection, but we don't do a storage sync, since # this will be done if a well-nehaved application calls # begin, and we don't want to penalize well-behaved # transactions by syncing twice, as storage syncs might be # expensive. # b) Lots of tests assume that connection transaction # information is set on open. # # Fortunately, this is a cheap operation. It doesn't # really cost much, if anything. Well, except for # RelStorage, in which case it adds a server round # trip. self.newTransaction(None, False) transaction_manager.registerSynch(self) self._cache.incrgc() # This is a good time to do some GC if delegate: # delegate open to secondary connections for connection in self.connections.values(): if connection is not self:, False) def _resetCache(self): """Creates a new cache, discarding the old one. See the docstring for the resetCaches() function. """ self._reset_counter = global_reset_counter cache_size = self._cache.cache_size cache_size_bytes = self._cache.cache_size_bytes self._cache = cache = PickleCache(self, cache_size, cache_size_bytes) if getattr(self, '_reader', None) is not None: self._reader._cache = cache def _release_resources(self): for c in six.itervalues(self.connections): if c._storage is not None: c._storage.release() c._storage = c._normal_storage = None c._cache = PickleCache(self, 0, 0) c.close(False) ########################################################################## # Python protocol def __repr__(self): return '<Connection at %08x>' % (positive_id(self),) # Python protocol ########################################################################## ########################################################################## # DEPRECATION candidates __getitem__ = get def exchange(self, old, new): # called by a ZClasses method that isn't executed by the test suite oid = old._p_oid new._p_oid = oid new._p_jar = self new._p_changed = 1 self._register(new) self._cache[oid] = new # DEPRECATION candidates ########################################################################## ########################################################################## # DEPRECATED methods # None at present. # DEPRECATED methods ########################################################################## ##################################################################### # Savepoint support def savepoint(self): if self._savepoint_storage is None: tmpstore = TmpStore(self._normal_storage) self._savepoint_storage = tmpstore self._storage = self._savepoint_storage self._creating.clear() self._commit(None) self._storage.creating.update(self._creating) self._creating.clear() self._registered_objects = [] state = (self._storage.position, self._storage.index.copy(), self._storage.creating.copy(), ) result = Savepoint(self, state) # While the interface doesn't guarantee this, savepoints are # sometimes used just to "break up" very long transactions, and as # a pragmatic matter this is a good time to reduce the cache # memory burden. self.cacheGC() return result def _rollback_savepoint(self, state): self._abort() self._registered_objects = [] src = self._storage # Invalidate objects created *after* the savepoint. self._invalidate_creating((oid for oid in src.creating if oid not in state[2])) index = src.index src.reset(*state) self._cache.invalidate(index) def _commit_savepoint(self, transaction): """Commit all changes made in savepoints and begin 2-phase commit """ src = self._savepoint_storage self._storage = self._normal_storage self._savepoint_storage = None try: self._log.debug("Committing savepoints of size %s", src.getSize()) oids = sorted(src.index.keys()) # Copy invalidating and creating info from temporary storage: self._modified.extend(oids) self._creating.update(src.creating) for oid in oids: data, serial = src.load(oid) obj = self._cache.get(oid, None) if obj is not None: self._cache.update_object_size_estimation( obj._p_oid, len(data)) obj._p_estimated_size = len(data) if isinstance(self._reader.getGhost(data), Blob): blobfilename = src.loadBlob(oid, serial) self._storage.storeBlob( oid, serial, data, blobfilename, '', transaction) # we invalidate the object here in order to ensure # that that the next attribute access of its name # unghostify it, which will cause its blob data # to be reattached "cleanly" self._cache.invalidate(oid) else:, serial, data, '', transaction) self._readCurrent.pop(oid, None) # same as in _store_objects() finally: src.close() def _abort_savepoint(self): """Discard all savepoint data.""" src = self._savepoint_storage self._invalidate_creating(src.creating) self._storage = self._normal_storage self._savepoint_storage = None # Note: If we invalidate a non-ghostifiable object (i.e. a # persistent class), the object will immediately reread it's # state. That means that the following call could result in a # call to self.setstate, which, of course, must succeed. In # general, it would be better if the read could be delayed # until the start of the next transaction. If we read at the # end of a transaction and if the object was invalidated # during this transaction, then we'll read non-current data, # which we'll discard later in transaction finalization. We # could, theoretically queue this invalidation by calling # self.invalidate. Unfortunately, attempts to make that # change resulted in mysterious test failures. It's pretty # unlikely that the object we are invalidating was invalidated # by another thread, so the risk of a reread is pretty low. # It's really not worth the effort to pursue this. # Note that we do this *after* resetting the storage so that, if # data are read, we read it from the reset storage! self._cache.invalidate(src.index) src.close() # Savepoint support ##################################################################### def prefetch(self, *args): try: self._storage.prefetch(self._prefetch_flatten(args)) except AttributeError: if not hasattr(self._storage, 'prefetch'): self.prefetch = lambda *a: None else: raise def _prefetch_flatten(self, args): for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, bytes): yield arg elif hasattr(arg, '_p_oid'): yield arg._p_oid else: for ob in arg: if isinstance(ob, bytes): yield ob else: yield ob._p_oid
@implementer(IDataManagerSavepoint) class Savepoint(object): def __init__(self, datamanager, state): self.datamanager = datamanager self.state = state def rollback(self): self.datamanager._rollback_savepoint(self.state) @implementer(IBlobStorage) class TmpStore(object): """A storage-like thing to support savepoints.""" def __init__(self, storage): self._storage = storage for method in ( 'getName', 'new_oid', 'sortKey', 'isReadOnly' ): setattr(self, method, getattr(storage, method)) self._file = tempfile.TemporaryFile(prefix='TmpStore') # position: current file position. If objects are only stored # once, this is approximately the byte size of object data stored. self.position = 0 # index: map oid to pos of last committed version self.index = {} self.creating = {} self._blob_dir = None def getSize(self): return self.position def __len__(self): return len(self.index) def close(self): self._file.close() if self._blob_dir is not None: remove_committed_dir(self._blob_dir) self._blob_dir = None def load(self, oid, version=''): pos = self.index.get(oid) if pos is None: return self._storage.load(oid) h = oidlen = u64(h) read_oid = if read_oid != oid: raise POSException.StorageSystemError('Bad temporary storage') h = size = u64(h[8:]) serial = h[:8] return, serial def store(self, oid, serial, data, version, transaction): # we have this funny signature so we can reuse the normal non-commit # commit logic assert version == '' lenght = len(data) if serial is None: serial = z64 header = p64(len(oid)) + oid + serial + p64(lenght) self._file.write(header) self._file.write(data) self.index[oid] = self.position self.position += lenght + len(header) return serial def storeBlob(self, oid, serial, data, blobfilename, version, transaction): assert version == '' serial =, serial, data, '', transaction) targetpath = self._getBlobPath() if not os.path.exists(targetpath): os.makedirs(targetpath) targetname = self._getCleanFilename(oid, serial) rename_or_copy_blob(blobfilename, targetname, chmod=False) def loadBlob(self, oid, serial): """Return the filename where the blob file can be found. """ if not IBlobStorage.providedBy(self._storage): raise Unsupported( "Blobs are not supported by the underlying storage %r." % self._storage) filename = self._getCleanFilename(oid, serial) if not os.path.exists(filename): return self._storage.loadBlob(oid, serial) return filename def openCommittedBlobFile(self, oid, serial, blob=None): blob_filename = self.loadBlob(oid, serial) if blob is None: return open(blob_filename, 'rb') else: return ZODB.blob.BlobFile(blob_filename, 'r', blob) def _getBlobPath(self): blob_dir = self._blob_dir if blob_dir is None: blob_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.temporaryDirectory(), prefix='savepoints') self._blob_dir = blob_dir return blob_dir def _getCleanFilename(self, oid, tid): return os.path.join( self._getBlobPath(), "%s-%s%s" % (utils.oid_repr(oid), utils.tid_repr(tid), SAVEPOINT_SUFFIX,) ) def temporaryDirectory(self): return self._storage.temporaryDirectory() def reset(self, position, index, creating): self._file.truncate(position) self.position = position # Caution: We're typically called as part of a savepoint rollback. # Other machinery remembers the index to restore, and passes it to # us. If we simply bind self.index to `index`, then if the caller # didn't pass a copy of the index, the caller's index will mutate # when self.index mutates. This can be a disaster if the caller is a # savepoint to which the user rolls back again later (the savepoint # loses the original index it passed). Therefore, to be safe, we make # a copy of the index here. An alternative would be to ensure that # all callers pass copies. As is, our callers do not make copies. self.index = index.copy() self.creating = creating class RootConvenience(object): def __init__(self, root): self.__dict__['_root'] = root def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self._root[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) def __setattr__(self, name, v): self._root[name] = v def __delattr__(self, name): try: del self._root[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) def __call__(self): return self._root def __repr__(self): names = " ".join(sorted(self._root)) if len(names) > 60: names = names[:57].rsplit(' ', 1)[0] + ' ...' return "<root: %s>" % names large_object_message = """The %s object you're saving is large. (%s bytes.) Perhaps you're storing media which should be stored in blobs. Perhaps you're using a non-scalable data structure, such as a PersistentMapping or PersistentList. Perhaps you're storing data in objects that aren't persistent at all. In cases like that, the data is stored in the record of the containing persistent object. In any case, storing records this big is probably a bad idea. If you insist and want to get rid of this warning, use the large_record_size option of the ZODB.DB constructor (or the large-record-size option in a configuration file) to specify a larger size. """ class overridable_property(object): """ Same as property() with only a getter, except that setting a value overrides the property rather than raising AttributeError. """ def __init__(self, func): self.__doc__ = func.__doc__ self.func = func def __get__(self, obj, cls): return self if obj is None else self.func(obj) @implementer(IStorageTransactionMetaData) class TransactionMetaData(object): def __init__(self, user=u'', description=u'', extension=None): if not isinstance(user, bytes): user = user.encode('utf-8') self.user = user if not isinstance(description, bytes): description = description.encode('utf-8') self.description = description if isinstance(extension, bytes): self.extension_bytes = extension else: self.extension = {} if extension is None else extension @overridable_property def extension(self): extension_bytes = self.extension_bytes return loads(extension_bytes) if extension_bytes else {} @overridable_property def extension_bytes(self): extension = self.extension return dumps(extension, _protocol) if extension else b'' def note(self, text): # for tests text = text.strip() if not isinstance(text, bytes): text = text.encode('utf-8') if self.description: self.description = self.description.strip() + b' ' + text else: self.description = text @property def _extension(self): warnings.warn("_extension is deprecated, use extension", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.extension @_extension.setter def _extension(self, v): self.extension = v def data(self, ob): try: return self._data[id(ob)] except (AttributeError, KeyError): raise KeyError(ob) def set_data(self, ob, ob_data): try: data = self._data except AttributeError: data = self._data = {} data[id(ob)] = ob_data