.. _adapter-registry: ================== Adapter Registry ================== Adapter registries provide a way to register objects that depend on one or more interface specifications and provide (perhaps indirectly) some interface. In addition, the registrations have names. (You can think of the names as qualifiers of the provided interfaces.) The term "interface specification" refers both to interfaces and to interface declarations, such as declarations of interfaces implemented by a class. Single Adapters =============== Let's look at a simple example, using a single required specification: .. doctest:: >>> from zope.interface.adapter import AdapterRegistry >>> import zope.interface >>> class IRequireBase(zope.interface.Interface): ... pass >>> class IProvideBase(zope.interface.Interface): ... pass >>> class IProvideChild(IProvideBase): ... pass >>> registry = AdapterRegistry() We'll register an object that depends on ``IRequireBase`` and "provides" ``IProvideChild``: .. doctest:: >>> registry.register([IRequireBase], IProvideChild, '', 'Base->Child') Given the registration, we can look it up again: .. doctest:: >>> registry.lookup([IRequireBase], IProvideChild, '') 'Base->Child' Note that we used an integer in the example. In real applications, one would use some objects that actually depend on or provide interfaces. The registry doesn't care about what gets registered, so we'll use integers and strings to keep the examples simple. There is one exception. Registering a value of ``None`` unregisters any previously-registered value. If an object depends on a specification, it can be looked up with a specification that extends the specification that it depends on: .. doctest:: >>> class IRequireChild(IRequireBase): ... pass >>> registry.lookup([IRequireChild], IProvideChild, '') 'Base->Child' We can use a class implementation specification to look up the object: .. doctest:: >>> @zope.interface.implementer(IRequireChild) ... class C2: ... pass >>> registry.lookup([zope.interface.implementedBy(C2)], IProvideChild, '') 'Base->Child' and it can be looked up for interfaces that its provided interface extends: .. doctest:: >>> registry.lookup([IRequireBase], IProvideBase, '') 'Base->Child' >>> registry.lookup([IRequireChild], IProvideBase, '') 'Base->Child' But if you require a specification that doesn't extend the specification the object depends on, you won't get anything: .. doctest:: >>> registry.lookup([zope.interface.Interface], IProvideBase, '') By the way, you can pass a default value to lookup: .. doctest:: >>> registry.lookup([zope.interface.Interface], IProvideBase, '', 42) 42 If you try to get an interface the object doesn't provide, you also won't get anything: .. doctest:: >>> class IProvideGrandchild(IProvideChild): ... pass >>> registry.lookup([IRequireBase], IProvideGrandchild, '') You also won't get anything if you use the wrong name: .. doctest:: >>> registry.lookup([IRequireBase], IProvideBase, 'bob') >>> registry.register([IRequireBase], IProvideChild, 'bob', "Bob's 12") >>> registry.lookup([IRequireBase], IProvideBase, 'bob') "Bob's 12" You can leave the name off when doing a lookup: .. doctest:: >>> registry.lookup([IRequireBase], IProvideBase) 'Base->Child' If we register an object that provides ``IProvideBase``: .. doctest:: >>> registry.register([IRequireBase], IProvideBase, '', 'Base->Base') then that object will be prefered over ``O('Base->Child')``: .. doctest:: >>> registry.lookup([IRequireBase], IProvideBase, '') 'Base->Base' Also, if we register an object for ``IRequireChild``, then that will be preferred when using ``IRequireChild``: .. doctest:: >>> registry.register([IRequireChild], IProvideBase, '', 'Child->Base') >>> registry.lookup([IRequireChild], IProvideBase, '') 'Child->Base' Finding out what, if anything, is registered -------------------------------------------- We can ask if there is an adapter registered for a collection of interfaces. This is different than lookup, because it looks for an exact match: .. doctest:: >>> print(registry.registered([IRequireBase], IProvideBase)) Base->Base >>> print(registry.registered([IRequireBase], IProvideChild)) Base->Child >>> print(registry.registered([IRequireBase], IProvideChild, 'bob')) Bob's 12 >>> print(registry.registered([IRequireChild], IProvideBase)) Child->Base >>> print(registry.registered([IRequireChild], IProvideChild)) None In the last example, ``None`` was returned because nothing was registered exactly for the given interfaces. lookup1 ------- Lookup of single adapters is common enough that there is a specialized version of lookup that takes a single required interface: .. doctest:: >>> registry.lookup1(IRequireChild, IProvideBase, '') 'Child->Base' >>> registry.lookup1(IRequireChild, IProvideBase) 'Child->Base' Actual Adaptation ----------------- The adapter registry is intended to support adaptation, where one object that implements an interface is adapted to another object that supports a different interface. The adapter registry supports the computation of adapters. In this case, we have to register adapter factories: .. doctest:: >>> class IR(zope.interface.Interface): ... pass >>> @zope.interface.implementer(IR) ... class X(object): ... pass >>> @zope.interface.implementer(IProvideBase) ... class Y(object): ... def __init__(self, context): ... self.context = context >>> registry.register([IR], IProvideBase, '', Y) In this case, we registered a class as the factory. Now we can call ``queryAdapter`` to get the adapted object: .. doctest:: >>> x = X() >>> y = registry.queryAdapter(x, IProvideBase) >>> y.__class__.__name__ 'Y' >>> y.context is x True We can register and lookup by name too: .. doctest:: >>> class Y2(Y): ... pass >>> registry.register([IR], IProvideBase, 'bob', Y2) >>> y = registry.queryAdapter(x, IProvideBase, 'bob') >>> y.__class__.__name__ 'Y2' >>> y.context is x True Passing ``super`` objects works as expected to find less specific adapters: .. doctest:: >>> class IDerived(IR): ... pass >>> @zope.interface.implementer(IDerived) ... class Derived(X): ... pass >>> class DerivedAdapter(Y): ... def query_next(self): ... return registry.queryAdapter( ... super(type(self.context), self.context), ... IProvideBase) >>> registry.register([IDerived], IProvideBase, '', DerivedAdapter) >>> derived = Derived() >>> adapter = registry.queryAdapter(derived, IProvideBase) >>> adapter.__class__.__name__ 'DerivedAdapter' >>> adapter = adapter.query_next() >>> adapter.__class__.__name__ 'Y' When the adapter factory produces ``None``, then this is treated as if no adapter has been found. This allows us to prevent adaptation (when desired) and let the adapter factory determine whether adaptation is possible based on the state of the object being adapted: .. doctest:: >>> def factory(context): ... if context.name == 'object': ... return 'adapter' ... return None >>> @zope.interface.implementer(IR) ... class Object(object): ... name = 'object' >>> registry.register([IR], IProvideBase, 'conditional', factory) >>> obj = Object() >>> registry.queryAdapter(obj, IProvideBase, 'conditional') 'adapter' >>> obj.name = 'no object' >>> registry.queryAdapter(obj, IProvideBase, 'conditional') is None True >>> registry.queryAdapter(obj, IProvideBase, 'conditional', 'default') 'default' An alternate method that provides the same function as ``queryAdapter()`` is `adapter_hook()`: .. doctest:: >>> y = registry.adapter_hook(IProvideBase, x) >>> y.__class__.__name__ 'Y' >>> y.context is x True >>> y = registry.adapter_hook(IProvideBase, x, 'bob') >>> y.__class__.__name__ 'Y2' >>> y.context is x True The ``adapter_hook()`` simply switches the order of the object and interface arguments. It is used to hook into the interface call mechanism. Default Adapters ---------------- Sometimes, you want to provide an adapter that will adapt anything. For that, provide ``None`` as the required interface: .. doctest:: >>> registry.register([None], IProvideBase, '', 1) then we can use that adapter for interfaces we don't have specific adapters for: .. doctest:: >>> class IQ(zope.interface.Interface): ... pass >>> registry.lookup([IQ], IProvideBase, '') 1 Of course, specific adapters are still used when applicable: .. doctest:: >>> registry.lookup([IRequireChild], IProvideBase, '') 'Child->Base' Class adapters -------------- You can register adapters for class declarations, which is almost the same as registering them for a class: .. doctest:: >>> registry.register([zope.interface.implementedBy(C2)], IProvideBase, '', 'C21') >>> registry.lookup([zope.interface.implementedBy(C2)], IProvideBase, '') 'C21' Dict adapters ------------- At some point it was impossible to register dictionary-based adapters due a bug. Let's make sure this works now: .. doctest:: >>> adapter = {} >>> registry.register((), IQ, '', adapter) >>> registry.lookup((), IQ, '') is adapter True Unregistering ------------- You can unregister by registering ``None``, rather than an object: .. doctest:: >>> registry.register([zope.interface.implementedBy(C2)], IProvideBase, '', None) >>> registry.lookup([zope.interface.implementedBy(C2)], IProvideBase, '') 'Child->Base' Of course, this means that ``None`` can't be registered. This is an exception to the statement, made earlier, that the registry doesn't care what gets registered. Multi-adapters ============== You can adapt multiple specifications: .. doctest:: >>> registry.register([IRequireBase, IQ], IProvideChild, '', '1q2') >>> registry.lookup([IRequireBase, IQ], IProvideChild, '') '1q2' >>> registry.lookup([IRequireChild, IQ], IProvideBase, '') '1q2' >>> class IS(zope.interface.Interface): ... pass >>> registry.lookup([IRequireChild, IS], IProvideBase, '') >>> class IQ2(IQ): ... pass >>> registry.lookup([IRequireChild, IQ2], IProvideBase, '') '1q2' >>> registry.register([IRequireBase, IQ2], IProvideChild, '', '(Base,Q2)->Child') >>> registry.lookup([IRequireChild, IQ2], IProvideBase, '') '(Base,Q2)->Child' Multi-adaptation ---------------- You can adapt multiple objects: .. doctest:: >>> @zope.interface.implementer(IQ) ... class Q: ... pass As with single adapters, we register a factory, which is often a class: .. doctest:: >>> class IM(zope.interface.Interface): ... pass >>> @zope.interface.implementer(IM) ... class M: ... def __init__(self, x, q): ... self.x, self.q = x, q >>> registry.register([IR, IQ], IM, '', M) And then we can call ``queryMultiAdapter`` to compute an adapter: .. doctest:: >>> q = Q() >>> m = registry.queryMultiAdapter((x, q), IM) >>> m.__class__.__name__ 'M' >>> m.x is x and m.q is q True and, of course, we can use names: .. doctest:: >>> class M2(M): ... pass >>> registry.register([IR, IQ], IM, 'bob', M2) >>> m = registry.queryMultiAdapter((x, q), IM, 'bob') >>> m.__class__.__name__ 'M2' >>> m.x is x and m.q is q True Default Adapters ---------------- As with single adapters, you can define default adapters by specifying ``None`` for the *first* specification: .. doctest:: >>> registry.register([None, IQ], IProvideChild, '', '(None,Q)->Child') >>> registry.lookup([IS, IQ], IProvideChild, '') '(None,Q)->Child' Null Adapters ============= You can also adapt **no** specification: .. doctest:: >>> registry.register([], IProvideChild, '', '[]->Child') >>> registry.lookup([], IProvideChild, '') '[]->Child' >>> registry.lookup([], IProvideBase, '') '[]->Child' Listing named adapters ---------------------- Adapters are named. Sometimes, it's useful to get all of the named adapters for given interfaces: .. doctest:: >>> adapters = list(registry.lookupAll([IRequireBase], IProvideBase)) >>> adapters.sort() >>> assert adapters == [(u'', 'Base->Base'), (u'bob', "Bob's 12")] This works for multi-adapters too: .. doctest:: >>> registry.register([IRequireBase, IQ2], IProvideChild, 'bob', '(Base,Q2)->Child for bob') >>> adapters = list(registry.lookupAll([IRequireChild, IQ2], IProvideBase)) >>> adapters.sort() >>> assert adapters == [(u'', '(Base,Q2)->Child'), (u'bob', '(Base,Q2)->Child for bob')] And even null adapters: .. doctest:: >>> registry.register([], IProvideChild, 'bob', 3) >>> adapters = list(registry.lookupAll([], IProvideBase)) >>> adapters.sort() >>> assert adapters == [(u'', '[]->Child'), (u'bob', 3)] Subscriptions ============= Normally, we want to look up an object that most closely matches a specification. Sometimes, we want to get all of the objects that match some specification. We use *subscriptions* for this. We subscribe objects against specifications and then later find all of the subscribed objects: .. doctest:: >>> registry.subscribe([IRequireBase], IProvideChild, 'Base->Child (1)') >>> registry.subscriptions([IRequireBase], IProvideChild) ['Base->Child (1)'] Note that, unlike regular adapters, subscriptions are unnamed. You can have multiple subscribers for the same specification: .. doctest:: >>> registry.subscribe([IRequireBase], IProvideChild, 'Base->Child (2)') >>> registry.subscriptions([IRequireBase], IProvideChild) ['Base->Child (1)', 'Base->Child (2)'] If subscribers are registered for the same required interfaces, they are returned in the order of definition. You can register subscribers for all specifications using ``None``: .. doctest:: >>> registry.subscribe([None], IProvideBase, 'None->Base') >>> registry.subscriptions([IRequireChild], IProvideBase) ['None->Base', 'Base->Child (1)', 'Base->Child (2)'] Note that the new subscriber is returned first. Subscribers defined for less specific required interfaces are returned before subscribers for more specific interfaces: .. doctest:: >>> class IRequireGrandchild(IRequireChild): ... pass >>> registry.subscribe([IRequireChild], IProvideBase, 'Child->Base') >>> registry.subscribe([IRequireGrandchild], IProvideBase, 'Grandchild->Base') >>> registry.subscriptions([IRequireGrandchild], IProvideBase) ['None->Base', 'Base->Child (1)', 'Base->Child (2)', 'Child->Base', 'Grandchild->Base'] Subscriptions may be combined over multiple compatible specifications: .. doctest:: >>> registry.subscriptions([IRequireChild], IProvideBase) ['None->Base', 'Base->Child (1)', 'Base->Child (2)', 'Child->Base'] >>> registry.subscribe([IRequireBase], IProvideBase, 'Base->Base') >>> registry.subscriptions([IRequireChild], IProvideBase) ['None->Base', 'Base->Child (1)', 'Base->Child (2)', 'Base->Base', 'Child->Base'] >>> registry.subscribe([IRequireChild], IProvideChild, 'Child->Child') >>> registry.subscriptions([IRequireChild], IProvideBase) ['None->Base', 'Base->Child (1)', 'Base->Child (2)', 'Base->Base', 'Child->Child', 'Child->Base'] >>> registry.subscriptions([IRequireChild], IProvideChild) ['Base->Child (1)', 'Base->Child (2)', 'Child->Child'] Subscriptions can be on multiple specifications: .. doctest:: >>> registry.subscribe([IRequireBase, IQ], IProvideChild, '(Base,Q)->Child') >>> registry.subscriptions([IRequireBase, IQ], IProvideChild) ['(Base,Q)->Child'] As with single subscriptions and non-subscription adapters, you can specify ``None`` for the first required interface, to specify a default: .. doctest:: >>> registry.subscribe([None, IQ], IProvideChild, '(None,Q)->Child') >>> registry.subscriptions([IS, IQ], IProvideChild) ['(None,Q)->Child'] >>> registry.subscriptions([IRequireBase, IQ], IProvideChild) ['(None,Q)->Child', '(Base,Q)->Child'] You can have subscriptions that are independent of any specifications: .. doctest:: >>> list(registry.subscriptions([], IProvideBase)) [] >>> registry.subscribe([], IProvideChild, 'sub2') >>> registry.subscriptions([], IProvideBase) ['sub2'] >>> registry.subscribe([], IProvideBase, 'sub1') >>> registry.subscriptions([], IProvideBase) ['sub2', 'sub1'] >>> registry.subscriptions([], IProvideChild) ['sub2'] Unregistering subscribers ------------------------- We can unregister subscribers. When unregistering a subscriber, we can unregister a *specific* subscriber: .. doctest:: >>> registry.unsubscribe([IRequireBase], IProvideBase, 'Base->Base') >>> registry.subscriptions([IRequireBase], IProvideBase) ['None->Base', 'Base->Child (1)', 'Base->Child (2)'] If we don't specify a value, then *all* subscribers matching the given interfaces will be unsubscribed: .. doctest:: >>> registry.unsubscribe([IRequireBase], IProvideChild) >>> registry.subscriptions([IRequireBase], IProvideBase) ['None->Base'] Subscription adapters --------------------- We normally register adapter factories, which then allow us to compute adapters, but with subscriptions, we get multiple adapters. Here's an example of multiple-object subscribers: .. doctest:: >>> registry.subscribe([IR, IQ], IM, M) >>> registry.subscribe([IR, IQ], IM, M2) >>> subscribers = registry.subscribers((x, q), IM) >>> len(subscribers) 2 >>> class_names = [s.__class__.__name__ for s in subscribers] >>> class_names.sort() >>> class_names ['M', 'M2'] >>> [(s.x is x and s.q is q) for s in subscribers] [True, True] Adapter factory subscribers can't return ``None`` values: .. doctest:: >>> def M3(x, y): ... return None >>> registry.subscribe([IR, IQ], IM, M3) >>> subscribers = registry.subscribers((x, q), IM) >>> len(subscribers) 2 Handlers -------- A handler is a subscriber factory that doesn't produce any normal output. It returns ``None``. A handler is unlike adapters in that it does all of its work when the factory is called. To register a handler, simply provide ``None`` as the provided interface: .. doctest:: >>> def handler(event): ... print('handler', event) >>> registry.subscribe([IRequireBase], None, handler) >>> registry.subscriptions([IRequireBase], None) == [handler] True Components ========== A :class:`zope.interface.registry.Components` object implements the :class:`zope.interface.interfaces.IComponents` interface. This interface uses multiple adapter registries to implement multiple higher-level concerns (utilities, adapters and handlers), while also providing event notifications and query capabilities.