Maintainer information


This is internal documentation, mostly for Zope maintainers who manage software releases and the documentation

Release process


The following persons have access to the Zope package on PyPI (in order to release new versions):

  • Hanno Schlichting

  • Michael Howitz

  • Tres Seaver

  • Jens Vagelpohl

Steps for creating a new Zope release

  • Make sure you have the necessary tools around and install the manually if needed:

    $ bin/pip install -U wheel tox twine
  • Create releases for the packages mentioned in buildout.cfg below auto-checkout enter them into versions-prod.cfg and run bin/buildout to update requirements-full.txt.

  • Garden the change log and check it for spelling issues.

  • Check the future PyPI long description for ReST errors:

    $ cat README.rst <(echo) CHANGES.rst | bin/ >/tmp/test.html && open /tmp/test.html
  • Check in the changes.

  • Update version information in change log and and specify today’s date as release date in the change log:

    $ bin/prerelease  # if you use zest.releaser
    $ vi CHANGES.rst
  • Update the version information in the Sphinx documentation configuration:

    $ vim docs/
  • Pin the Zope version in versions-prod.cfg.

  • Run bin/buildout to update requirements-full.txt.

  • Run all tests:

    $ bin/tox --pall
  • If the tests succeed, commit the changes.

  • Upload the tagged release to PyPI:

    $ bin/release  # if you use zest.releaser
    $ git tag -as <TAG-NAME> -m "- tagging release <TAG-NAME>"
    $ git push --tags
    $ bin/zopepy egg_info -Db '' sdist bdist_wheel
    $ bin/twine upload -s dist/Zope-<TAG-NAME>*
  • Update version information in the change log and

    $ bin/postrelease  # if you use zest.releaser
    $ vi CHANGES.rst
  • Remove the version pin for Zope:

    $ vi versions-prod.cfg (remove Zope pin)
    $ bin/buildout
  • Commit and push the changes.

  • Check that the changes have been propagated to (This should be done automatically via web hooks defined in GitHub and RTD.)

  • Update

    $ git checkout gh-pages
    $ python3
  • Add the newly created files and commit and push the changes.

  • Check on for the new release.

  • Check the versions.cfg file for outdated or updated packages and update version information where necessary. You can get a good overview of outdated packages on

    $ bin/checkversions versions-prod.cfg
    $ bin/checkversions versions.cfg
    $ bin/buildout


This step is done after the release to have time to fix problems which might get introduced by new versions of the dependencies.

There is no version pin for zc.buildout as it has to be installed in the virtual environment but checkversions also prints its version number.

There is no version pin for zc.recipe.egg in versions-prod.cfg as it is only needed for buildout install and not for pip, so we do not want to have it in requirements.txt.

The script is called two times so the rendered version updates can be easily assigned to the correct file.

Maintaining the Zope documentation

Contributing to the documentation

Any signed Zope contributor may contribute to the Sphinx-based documentation in the docs subfolder, including The Zope Book and the Zope Developer’s guide.

Just like with code contributions, please follow best practice. Test your changes locally before creating a pull request or pushing to the repository. Use a reasonable line length (<80).

Building the documentation

After you have bootstrapped and run the buildout, you can build the documentation using the script bin/make-docs to create the documentation HTML output. The script will tell you where it saves the output.

The official documentation site on Read the Docs

Pushes to the Zope repository on GitHub will automatically trigger an automatic documentation refresh on the official documentation site at This is true for the master branch, but also for versions 2.12 and 2.13. The trigger is implemented as a GitHub Webhook, see Settings | Webhooks in the GitHub repository.

The RTD configuration at is currently maintained by the following people:

  • Hanno Schlichting

  • Michael Howitz

  • Tres Seaver

  • Jens Vagelpohl