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Enhancing a Theory-Focused Course Through the Introduction of Automatically Assessed Programming Exercises – Lessons Learned

Authors Chris Biemann Louis Kobras Marcus Soll Melf Johannsen

License CC-BY-4.0

                       Enhancing a Theory-Focused Course Through
                        the Introduction of Automatically Assessed
                         Programming Exercises – Lessons Learned

                        Marcus Soll Q1[0000−0002−6845−9825] , Louis Kobras1[0000−0003−4855−2878] ,
                                        Melf Johannsen2 , and Chris Biemann3
                           Universität Hamburg, Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30, 22527 Hamburg, Germany
                      Universität Hamburg, Center for Optical Quantum Technologies, Luruper Chaussee
                                              149, 22761 Hamburg, Germany
                       Universität Hamburg, Language Technology Group, Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30, 22527
                                                    Hamburg, Germany

                              Abstract. In this paper, we describe our lessons learned during the in-
                              troduction of automatically assessed programming exercises to a Bache-
                              lor’s level course on algorithms and data structures in the Winter semester
                              2019/2020, which is yearly taken by around 300 students. The course
                              used to mostly focus on theoretical and formal aspects of selected algo-
                              rithms and data structures. While still maintaining the primary focus of
                              a theoretical computer science course, we introduce a secondary objective
                              of enhancing programming competence by giving practical programming
                              exercises based on select topics from the course. With these assignments,
                              the students should improve their understanding of the theoretical as-
                              pects as well as their programming skills. The programming assignments
                              were given in regular intervals during lecture period with a thematic
                              alignment between assignments and lectures. To compensate for the new
                              set of tasks, the workload of assignments on theoretical aspect was re-
                              duced. We describe the different experiences and lessons learned through
                              the introduction and conduction of these exercises. A user study with 44
                              participants shows that the introduction was perceived well by the stu-
                              dents, although improvements are still possible, especially in the area of
                              feedback to the students.

                              Keywords: Automatic Assessment of Programming Exercises · CodeRun-
                              ner · Lessons Learned · Moodle

                   1     Introduction
                   One of the key competences a student of computer science should possess at the
                   end of his or her study should be the competence to write computer programs.

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                   2        M. Soll et al.

                   To support students in learning this important skills, many tools for automat-
                   ically assessed programming exercises have been developed over the last years
                   [2,14]. To help the students improve their programming skills, new automatically
                   assessed programming exercises were introduced in the course Algorithmen und
                   Datenstrukturen (algorithms and data structures) at the Universität Hamburg,
                   taken by around 300 students in the Winter semester 2019/2020. In total, six
                   blocks of exercises were created, in which the students had to participate. In this
                   paper, we share our experiences and lessons learned when implementing these
                   programming exercises in practice.

                   2     Related Work

                   There are many publications about the details of different tools for automatic
                   assessment of programming tasks (e.g. see the reviews [1,2,7,14]). All of those
                   reviews have a slightly different focus on the topic of automatically assessed pro-
                   gramming exercises. While Caiza and Del Alamo [2] present a list of assessment
                   tools, Ihantola et al. [7] discusses the technical features found in different assess-
                   ment software. Both Ala-Mutka [1] and Souza et al. [14] include methodological
                   aspects (e.g. testing for different quality measures like efficiency or test coverage
                   in [1] or specialisation of tools like quizzes or contests in [14]) in their analysis.
                       In comparison, literature of the actual experience of introducing these tools
                   into regular classes seems to be relatively sparse. However, there are publications
                   describing the experiences of introducing automatically assessed (programming)
                   tasks in regard to exercise design [3], plagiarism [3], resource usage [3], resubmis-
                   sion policies [12] (although they do not describe programming tasks, their tasks
                   assess the understanding of algorithms on a concept level), and even redesigning
                   of whole courses [8,11] including exams [13].
                       In our work, we use the CodeRunner tool for automatic assessment. The tool
                   was developed by Lobb and Harlow [10]. Croft and England [4] described their
                   experiences of introducing Coderunner, however, their publication focuses on
                   the technical details and less on their actual experiences in deploying and using

                   3     Context and Prior State

                   Currently, e-learning at Universität Hamburg is mainly used for the distribution
                   of files (like lecture notes or exercise sheets) and for communication, to the
                   best knowledge of the authors. There are only few cases where the potential of
                   blended learning [5] is used. One example of such a project is the CaTS project
                   [6], in which our department participated. In that project, online self assessment
                   tests were developed for the class Formale Grundlagen der Informatik I und II
                   (theoretical foundations of computer science, level 1 and level 2).
                        The goal of the Bachelor’s level course Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (al-
                   gorithms and data structures) is to teach the students the principles of efficient

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                   Enhancing a Course through Automatically Assessed Programming Exercises                        3

                   algorithms, both in theoretical and practical terms. Each year, around 300 stu-
                   dents participate in the course. Prior to the introduction of the programming
                   exercises, the main focus of the module was set on the theoretical and formal
                   aspects of selected algorithms and data structures. Because programming skills
                   were mainly taught in different modules, the practical aspects (sample applica-
                   tions, programming tasks) were not discussed. With this development, our goal
                   is to blur the distinction of theoretical and practical courses, thereby allowing
                   students to implement theoretical concepts from scratch.
                       In the course, the available e-learning platform Moodle4 was previously used
                   for sharing documents and for communication through a forum. In addition,
                   students were able to check the progress on their course achievements, these,
                   however, had to be input manually by the instructors. The introduction of online
                   tests in the form of automatically assessed programming exercises is a novelty
                   for the course. The implementation of these new exercises was done using the
                   CodeRunner plugin [10] for Moodle.

                   4      Design and Deployment

                   By developing these programming exercises, we wanted to allow the students to
                   deepen their understanding of the algorithms and data structures discussed in
                   the lecture. This was done by letting the students implement different algorithms
                   and sometimes let them use the algorithms to solve different tasks. One welcomed
                   side effect was to improve the programming skills of the students through these
                   exercises. To compensate for the additional work caused by the new exercises,
                   the workload of assignments in the area of theory had to be reduced.
                       All exercises were created based on the topics of the lecture. We created the
                   different tasks by first defining the requirements of the tasks. Based on these, we
                   chose suitable algorithms and data structures for the programming tasks. Those
                   were transformed into the actual task, the test cases and an example solution.
                   The same procedure was used to create example programs for the actual lecture
                       It was required for the students to pass the exercises in order to complete
                   the course. As such, the students were externally motivated to complete the
                   programming exercises. One example of such a task from the point of view of the
                   students (including short explanations of all important user interface elements)
                   can be seen in Fig. 1. In total, 10 tasks were created, which were combined into
                   6 blocks. The students could choose whether they wanted to use Java or Python,
                   for each block the better result was counted. For each block, the students were
                   given two weeks to complete the tasks. For each task, the students had 10 tries to
                   develop a correct solution that passes all test cases, however, they could also test
                   their solution on a smaller set of pre-test cases. The test cases were composed of
                   corner cases (e.g. empty input, maximum input value), normal cases and random
                   tests. The random tests prevented the students from hard-coding the test results

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                   4        M. Soll et al.

                   into their programs. All test cases were restricted in execution time and memory
                   usage, however, the provided limitations were more than enough to pass all test
                   cases even with inefficient solutions. Feedback to the students was only send
                   through the result of the test cases, since manual feedback would have put a lot
                   of additional work on the instructors and thus was not feasible. In addition, a
                   sample solution was provided for each task. The average length of the provided
                   sample solution, including source code comments, amounted to 24.5 and 19.7
                   lines of code for Java and Python, respectively, with both peaking at 41. All
                   tasks were perceived as easy by all instructors.

                   Fig. 1. Example of programming the least common denominator (LCD) in Java. Re-
                   alised using the CodeRunner plugin [10] for Moodle. All important user interface ele-
                   ments are explained.

                       To facilitate communication with the students, multiple ways of communica-
                   tion were offered, both for announcements as well as for questions. These include
                   a mailing list, Moodle-based communication (a forum as well as announcements)
                   and special tutorials, which could be joined by students at will.

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                   Enhancing a Course through Automatically Assessed Programming Exercises                        5

                   5     Lessons Learned
                   While the technical setup did not pose notable issues and overall the students
                   were able to use the system and achieve their learning goals, we encountered
                   some issues. These are described below.

                   5.1     Heterogeneity of Student Knowledge
                   Due to the curricular structure of the Universität Hamburg as well as possible
                   extracurricular activity, the knowledge of the students when starting the course
                   is highly diverse. Firstly, the students are enrolled in different study programs.
                   Because of this, there is not one single programming language everyone is trained
                   in. As a consequence, we had to develop the tasks in different programming
                   languages (Java and Python), which significantly increased the efforts, as this
                   does not only imply creating the tasks twice, but also requires modelling this on
                   the side of automatic score reporting. In addition, the students greatly diverged
                   in programming skill levels. While some perceived the tasks as quite difficult,
                   there was also a smaller group who found the tasks to be extremely easy.

                   5.2     Abstraction of CodeRunner
                   CodeRunner adds an extra layer of abstraction between the student and the
                   system on which the code is actually run. This extra layer caused many problems
                   for the students.
                       Once, it is not directly visible what exactly the underlying system is do-
                   ing, and especially what effect the different user interface elements have on the
                   system. To reduce difficulties, we used different counter-measures: a live demon-
                   stration at the beginning of the semester, as well as a user manual that students
                   could consult on any questions. Still, the students had problems with the user
                   interface in the first weeks.
                       In addition, errors in students’ solutions are not easy to debug. Although any
                   compiler errors or failed test cases are shown, the execution of the source code
                   could not directly be analysed by standard tools like a debugger. It has been
                   proven helpful to provide special source code files, which allowed the students
                   to develop solutions on their own computer by emulating the behaviour of the
                       Finally, students were quick to blame the system for any error instead of
                   searching them in their own solution. For example, one student has blamed
                   the system for not allowing enough execution time for his solution although he
                   programmed an infinite loop in his solution. Because of this and similar cases,
                   we had a high demand of support (see below).

                   5.3     Students’ Creativity
                   We could observe the problems of many students to apply the knowledge they
                   gained in the lecture to the programming exercises. As a result, many students

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                   6        M. Soll et al.

                   tried to use their self-developed, creative, algorithms instead of using the algo-
                   rithms presented during the lecture. This was also the case for tasks like ’Im-
                   plement algorithm X’. Often, these algorithms had many problems in different
                   cases (especially in corner cases), which causes malfunction in both normal exe-
                   cution and our test cases. Because of this, it is proven to be especially important
                   to cover each possible cause of errors with its own respective test case, some
                   of which were hard to anticipate. This way, students could analyse each failed
                   test case individually and easily find their errors. Whenever there was a cause
                   of error we did not anticipate (and therefore did not have a test case) we could
                   observe the students having more problems.
                       In addition, there were cases where a student had problems with the random
                   test cases while at the same time they passed all other test cases. This shows
                   two things: There might be some hidden problems in the student’s solution, and
                   there were some test cases we had missing. While we plan to improve our test
                   cases by collecting these issues, it is not always possible to avoid such problems
                   since tasks might have to be changed each year in order to ensure unseenness.

                   5.4     High Demand of Support

                   Although there were no major problems with the programming exercises and the
                   systems ran stable, there was still a high demand of support from the students
                   in the form of questions and support requests whenever they were not able to
                   solve an issue on their own. This includes for example questions concerning the
                   interpretation of the given task, technical difficulties, issues with their solution,
                   and organizational questions. Since most of the aforementioned problems and
                   resolutions were very specific to the students’ solutions, the support was highly
                   individual and therefore caused high time and effort demands.

                   6     Evaluation

                   To evaluate the acceptance of the programming exercises by the students, we
                   conducted a user study. The study is carried out following Kreidl [9], who defined
                   multiple variables (grouped into 4 categories) that contribute to the acceptance
                   of e-learning systems by students. For the evaluation, we used a modified version
                   of his questionnaire (which was originally in German, and we conducted the
                   user study in German). The scale used in the survey is inverted compared to
                   the original publication by Kreidl. The variables voluntariness and incentives
                   (the participation was mandatory to pass the course) and exam preparation (the
                   programming exercises were not relevant for the exam) were not tested for the
                   given reasons.
                       Out of the 300 students that partook in the course, 44 students additionaly
                   participated in the user study on a voluntary basis. As can be seen in Tab. 1, the
                   programming exercises were accepted well by the students in general (all values
                   are around 2). However, improvements can be made especially in the area of
                   feedback to the students (variables availability of tasks and learning causes and

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                   Enhancing a Course through Automatically Assessed Programming Exercises                        7

                   Table 1. Average of measured variables by the user study of the acceptance of the
                   programming exercises. The scale is 1 (worst) to 5 (best), with 3 being the middle.

                              Category     Variable                                  Average σ
                              didactics    understandable content                      4.0  1.0
                                           availability of tasks and learning causes   3.4  1.0
                                           feedback to the students                    3.6  1.2
                                           communication and cooperation               4.0  0.9
                                           overall quality of system                   4.1  0.9
                              organisation supporting measures                         4.1  0.9
                                           technical realisation                       4.3  0.8
                              incentive    usage of platform                           3.7  1.2
                                           motivation for learning                     3.8  1.1
                                           satisfaction                                3.9  1.0
                              usage        intensity of usage                          2.7  1.3

                   feedback to the students). The value intensity of usage is low in comparison to
                   the others, however, this is expected, since it was intended that the students do
                   the programming exercises only a single time.
                       We also evaluated the amount and difficulty of the tasks. The students could
                   rate the difficulty on a scale of 1 (too easy) to 5 (too difficult), with 3 equal to
                   being adequate. The amount of tasks was evaluated on a similar scale, from 1
                   (too many) to 5 (too few), with 3 equal to being a good number of tasks. The
                   tasks received a difficulty of 3.0 (σ = 0.7) whereas the amount received a rating
                   of 2.7 (σ = 0.7). This shows that our tasks where perceived as having the right
                   number and difficulty for the course.

                   7     Conclusion

                   In this paper, we described our experiences of introducing automatically assessed
                   programming exercises in a Bachelor’s level course focusing on algorithms and
                   data structures in computer science with around 300 yearly participants. The
                   course is mostly focused on theoretical and formal aspects. Overall, the intro-
                   duction of the programming exercises was successful, although we experienced
                   some difficulties in the area of the mixed prior knowledge of participants, stu-
                   dents’ creativity, the extra abstraction layer of CodeRunner, and a high demand
                   of support. A user study shows that the programming exercises were accepted
                   by the students, although there is still room for improvement especially in the
                   area of feedback to the students concerning the specific issues of their solutions.
                       Currently, it is planned to continue the programming exercises in next year’s
                   course. Improvements are especially planned for including better feedback. Since
                   manual feedback by instructors is not feasible for the course, it is planned to
                   improve feedback by both improving the test cases and the feedback included in
                   the test cases (e.g. purpose of the test case and common mistakes).

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                   8        M. Soll et al.

                   Acknowledgements. This research was supported by MINTFIT Hamburg.
                   MINTFIT Hamburg is a joint project of Hamburg University of Applied Sci-
                   ences (HAW), HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU), Hamburg University of
                   Technology (TUHH), University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) as
                   well as Universität Hamburg (UHH) and is funded by the Hamburg Authority
                   for Science, Research and Gender Equality.

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