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Fission: Secure Dynamic Code-Splitting for JavaScript

Authors Arjun Guha Jane Tangen Jean-Baptiste Jeannin Rachit Nigam Rian Shambaugh

License CC-BY-3.0

Fission: Secure Dynamic Code-Splitting for
Arjun Guha1 , Jean-Baptiste Jeannin2 , Rachit Nigam3 ,
Rian Shambaugh4 , and Jane Tangen5

1       University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA, USA
2       Samsung Research America, Mountain View, CA, USA
3       University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA, USA
4       University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA, USA
5       University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA, USA

Traditional web programming involves the creation of two distinct programs: a client-side front-
end, a server-side back-end, and a lot of communications boilerplate. An alternative approach
is to use a tierless programming model, where a single program describes the behavior of both
the client and the server, and the runtime system takes care of communication. Unfortunately,
this usually entails adopting a new language and thus abandoning well-worn libraries and web
programming tools.
    In this paper, we present our ongoing work on Fission, a platform that uses dynamic tier-
splitting and dynamic information flow control to transparently run a single JavaScript program
across the client and server. Although static tier-splitting has been studied before, our focus
on dynamic approaches presents several new challenges and opportunities. For example, Fission
supports characteristic JavaScript features such as eval and sophisticated JavaScript libraries like
React. Therefore, programmers can reason about the integrity and confidentiality of information
while continuing to use common libraries and programming patterns. Moreover, by unifying the
client and server into a single program, Fission allows language-based tools, like type systems
and IDEs, to manipulate complete web applications. To illustrate, we use TypeScript to ensure
that client-server communication does not go wrong.

1998 ACM Subject Classification D.3.2. Multiparadigm Languages

Keywords and phrases JavaScript, information flow control

Digital Object Identifier 10.4230/LIPIcs.SNAPL.2017.5

    1    Introduction
Two decades after the introduction of JavaScript, web application security remains a chal-
lenging problem that continues to grow in significance. For example, over the past three
years, the CVE database has accumulated over 2,500 cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities
in popular open-source web technologies, such as Wordpress and Ruby on Rails [58, 20].
Major technology companies, such as Google, Facebook, and Microsoft regularly award bug
bounties worth several thousand dollars to white-hat hackers who find vulnerabilities in
their websites [25, 22, 10]. These kinds of vulnerabilities have also been making headline

    This work is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under grants CNS-1413985 and
            © Arjun Guha, Jean-Baptiste Jeannin, Rachit Nigam, Rian Shambaugh, and Jane Tangen;
            licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY
2nd Summit on Advances in Programming Languages (SNAPL 2017).
Editors: Benjamin S. Lerner, Rastislav Bodík, and Shriram Krishnamurthi; Article No. 5; pp. 5:1–5:13
                   Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics
                   Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl Publishing, Germany
5:2   Fission: Secure Dynamic Code-Splitting for JavaScript

      news, since hackers exploited a web-based SQL injection vulnerability to gain access to the
      computer systems of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission [42].

      Existing Approaches. The programming languages research community has addressed the
      web application security problem in several different ways. For example, there is a large
      body of work on type systems [36, 14, 50, 35, 29, 47, 30, 5, 55, 16, 56, 57, 11] and program
      analyses [37, 6, 27, 15, 26, 54, 33] for JavaScript. Since many security vulnerabilities are
      caused by JavaScript’s confounding dynamic semantics [38, 23, 46, 28, 39, 49, 45, 44, 9], a
      security-conscious programmer could leverage a type system or program analysis to avoid
      JavaScript’s pitfalls. Naturally, static disciplines impose restrictions: it is difficult for tools
      to reason statically about dynamically-loaded code (eval) and other characteristic features
      of JavaScript. Moreover, client-side JavaScript is only half of any web application. Many
      security vulnerabilities occur on the server, where a variety of languages, such as PHP,
      Perl, Python, Ruby, and even JavaScript (using NodeJS) are in use. These other scripting
      languages have also been subjected to type systems and static analyses [24, 4]. However, to
      formally reason about the behavior and security of a web application, a tool has to consider
      the client-side and server-side programs together. Reasoning about multi-lingual systems is
      a challenging problem that is an active area of research [1, 40, 43].1
          An alternative approach is to abandon the traditional web programming model and use
      a tierless programming language, where a single program written in a single programming
      language describes the behavior of the client and the server. For example, Links [18] and
      Ur/Web [12] provide a unified language for programming the client, server, and the database.
      SELinks enhances the Links model with statically-checked, label-based security policies [19].
      In contrast, Swift [13] automatically partitions security-typed programs written in JIF [32]
      into client-side and server-side components. Tierless languages thus enable a variety of
      creative security solutions, but their defining characteristic is that the entire application
      is written in a single language, which allows programmers and developer tools to reason
      algebraically about their code.

      JavaScript Is Hard To Let Go. Unfortunately, a key shortcoming of the aforementioned
      tierless languages is that they are not JavaScript, thus they abandon the large and vibrant
      JavaScript ecosystem. For example, web programmers have grown dependent on libraries
      like jQuery to build cross-platform web applications; modern applications use frameworks
      like Facebook React, which bring elements of reactive programming to the mainstream; and
      language extensions like JSX that allow programmers to use XML notation within JavaScript;
      and tools like TypeScript bring a modicum of safety to everyday JavaScript code, despite
      deliberately abandoning soundness. If we ask programmers to use a newly designed language,
      we are asking them to give up this ecosystem of libraries and language-based tools.

      Our Approach. In this paper, we present Fission, a new approach to web application
      security that is not only compatible with the JavaScript ecosystem, but can even make
      existing JavaScript tools more effective. Fission allows web applications to be written as
      a single JavaScript program and uses dynamic information flow control and dynamic tier-
      splitting to automatically and securely split it into client-side and server-side code. Although

          Even if JavaScript is also used on the server, the client and server operate as two independent programs
          that communicate over HTTP. Therefore, one cannot reason about these programs using only the
          semantics of JavaScript.
A. Guha, J. B. Jeannin, R. Nigam, R. Shambaugh, and J. Tangen                                           5:3

static information flow control and tier-splitting has been explored before, we show that
doing both of these dynamically has several advantages:
   By eschewing static approaches, Fission places no restrictions on JavaScript. Fission is
   fully compatible with ECMAScript 5, including characteristic JavaScript features, such
   as prototype inheritance and eval.
   We apply Fission to several large programs that use ECMAScript 6 (via Babel), JSX, and
   React on the client and NodeJS on the server. By fusing the client-side and server-side
   into a single program, Fission lets us delete a lot of brittle serialization and communication
   boilerplate code.
   Fission’s dynamic tier-splitting allows the client and server to share code. In particular,
   certain higher-order function can be evaluated on either the client or the server, based on
   the context in which they are applied.

Beyond Security. Fission’s information flow control can help programmers reason about
the confidentiality and integrity of data. However, Fission’s tierless design provides additional
benefits. A shortcoming of the two-tier, web programming model is that it limits our ability
to reason linguistically about program behavior. HTTP requests and web servers are an
extra-linguistic feature and aren’t part of the semantics of JavaScript. One way to address
this issue is to add new language features to JavaScript [53]. However, since Fission makes
web requests completely transparent, it allows us to reason about our code using just the
semantics of JavaScript. Although it is rare for programmers to reason about web programs,
there are several tools that do reason about JavaScript and these can be applied to Fission
programs with minimal effort:
    We use Fission to develop server-side APIs (e.g., file I/O) for Elm [21]. Elm is a wonderful
    alternative to JavaScript, but without Fission, Elm programmers have to step outside the
    language to get any work done on the server. Furthermore, Fission could also be used
    with other languages that compile to JavaScript.
    We use Fission and TypeScript to write statically-typed web applications, where types
    ensure that client-server communication does not go wrong.
    Finally, we are able to use IDE features, such as refactoring tools, to consistently transform
    the client-side and server-side components of a program.

    All these applications are possible because Fission faithfully implements JavaScript instead
of requiring an entirely new programming language. Moreover, it is precisely because we do
not design a new tierless language that Fission presents several new challenges. First, we
introduce the Fission programming model in more depth.

 2     A Fission Example
Figure 1 shows a two-tier program where both client and server are written in JavaScript.
The purpose of this program is to display files stored on the server. When the user enters
a filename and clicks “Load”, the client sends a request to the server. The server either
responds with the file contents or fails gracefully if the file is unreadable. Even in this
trivial program, several shortcomings are apparent. First, the control-flow of the program is
disjointed and bounces back and forth between the client and the server (indicated by the
arrows in the figure). Second, about half the code is boilerplate needed to make requests,
setup request handlers, and serialize data (highlighted in red). Finally, since the client and
server are two logically distinct programs, it is difficult for programmers and tools to reason

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5:4   Fission: Secure Dynamic Code-Splitting for JavaScript

                                                                 < input id = ’ name ’ >
      var express = require(’express’);                          < button onclick = ’ loadHandler ’ > Load </ button >
      var app = express();                                       < div id = ’ contents ’ > </ div >
                                                                 function loadHandler () {
      app.get(’/index.html’, function (req, res) {                 var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
        res.sendFile(’index.html’);                      ’GET’, ’/load’);
      });                                                          req . onload = function () {
                                                                      var rng = document . createRange ();
      app.get(’/read’, function(req, res) {                           rng . s e l e c t N o d e C o n t e n t s ( contents )
         try {                                                           . del eteConte nts ();
           var name = req.body.toString();                           var resp = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
           var b = fs . readFileSync ( name ,                         var txt = resp . ok ? resp . body : " Error ";
                                        ’ utf8 ’);                    var elt = document . createElement ( ’ div ’);
           var r = { ok : true , body : b };                          elt . appendChild (
           res.send(JSON.stringify(r));                                  document . createTe xtNode ( txt ));
         } catch ( e ) {                                              contents . appendChild ( elt );
           res.send(JSON.stringify({ ok; false }));                }
         }                                                         req.send(name.value);
      }                                                          }

         Figure 1 A canonical two-tier web application.

      < input id = ’ name ’ >
      < button onclick = ’ loadHandler ’ > Load </ button >
      < div id = ’ contents ’ > </ div >
      function loadHandler () {
        var rng = document . createRange ();
        rng . s e l e c t N o d e C o n t e n t s ( contents ). d eleteCon tents ();
        var txt ;
        try {
          txt = declassify ( fs . readFileSync ( name . value ));
        catch ( e ) { txt = " Error "; }
        var elt = document . createElement ( ’ div ’);
        elt . appendChild ( document . createT extNode ( txt ));
        contents . appendChild ( elt );

         Figure 2 A tierless version of Fig. 1.

      about their behavior. JavaScript tools cannot catch the trivial bug in the figure: the client
      requests /load, but the server has a handler for /read.
         Figure 2 refactors the program to use Fission, which addresses the problems listed above.
      First, the boilerplate that was highlighted in the previous figure has been eliminated, since
      Fission handles serialization transparently. Second, the control-flow of the program is more
      natural since a single function can use both client and server APIs. Finally, since we no
      longer have two programs that explicitly communicate over HTTP, the bug in the previous
      program has been eliminated. Moreover, we can now leverage JavaScript tools to manipulate
      the entire program without breaking client/server consistency. For example, we could use an
      IDE to rename the txt variable which is written on the server but read on the client. With
      Fission, JavaScript developer tools can work on the whole program and aren’t limited to
      only the client-side code.

      Attacker Model. Fission adopts the standard web attacker model [2] and assumes that an
      attacker can compromise the client and the network. Therefore, all values sent to the client
      are public to the attacker and all values received from the client are untrusted.

      Information Flow Control. Fission uses dynamic information flow control, to securely
      partition code and data across the client and server. To a first approximation, all Fission
      values have two tags. A secrecy tag indicates whether a value is secret or public and an
      integrity tag indicates whether a value is trusted or untrusted. Therefore, Fission incorporates
      its attacker model as follows: Fission assumes that all client-side functions (i.e., all DOM
A. Guha, J. B. Jeannin, R. Nigam, R. Shambaugh, and J. Tangen                                                    5:5

 var found = ’ Looking ... ’;
 var txt = fs . readFileSync (
             ’/ etc / passwd ’ , ’ utf8 ’);
 if ( txt . indexOf ( ’ alice ’) >= 0) {
   found = true ;
 } else {
   found = false ;

        Figure 3 Indirect information flow.

APIs) produce public, untrusted values and that all server-side functions (i.e., all NodeJS
APIs) produce secret, trusted values.2 Moreover, Fission will not send secret values to the
client. Therefore, when a program needs to write a secret value to the client, it needs to be
declassified. Untrusted values from the client can be endorsed in a similar way.
    Fission asks programmers not to think about requests, responses, and serialization, but
to think about the provenance of their data. This is not a new idea, but our experience with
Fission shows that dynamic information flow control and dynamic tier-splitting is a powerful
combination. Moreover, since Fission faithfully implements JavaScript, it supports several
existing JavaScript libraries and tools with no changes required.

The Last Event Handler. Readers who enjoy functional reactive programming may be
unhappy that the Fission code in Fig. 2 has one imperative event handler left. Instead of
rehashing reactive programming for JavaScript, it is easy to reuse an existing JavaScript
reactive programming library with Fission. Alternatively, the program could be rewritten in
a language like Elm, using Fission to add support for transparent file I/O.

Overview. The rest of this paper summarizes Fission’s technical approach, discusses some
of the language design and implementation challenges we had to address, and some open
research questions.

    3      Faceted Execution
Faceted execution [7] is a form of termination-insensitive dynamic information flow control
(IFC). The key idea in faceted execution is a faceted value (or facet for short), which is a
pair of two values, where one is secret and the other is public. Which value is observed
depends on the permissions of the observer. For example, when writing to the client, a facet
is projected to its public component because all values on the client are visible to the attacker.
Conversely, when reading from a secret file on the server, we create a facet where the private
component has the file contents and the public component is a special unreadable value (⊥).
    Let’s consider a concrete example that has an indirect information flow. The program in
Fig. 3 reads the user database from a server, tests if the account alice exists, and then sets
the variable found to true or false. Since readFileSync is a NodeJS function, the variable
txt holds a facet, where the secret component is the file contents and the public component
is ⊥, thus the client cannot directly read the file. Since the expression in the conditional
uses the txt variable, the value of the conditional is a facet too, where the secret component
is a boolean and the public component is ⊥. Therefore, the assignment to found is affected
by a secret value, even though no secret is directly written to found. Fortunately, faceted
execution updates found to hold a facet, where the secret component is the boolean and

    A programmer can write more sophisticated, multi-principal policies, but these are reasonable defaults.

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      the public component is the original public value (the string ’Looking ...’). Therefore,
      the server can observe the boolean which indicates whether the user alice exists, whereas
      the client sees the original value, thus cannot determine which branch was taken, unless the
      program is modified to declassify the value.
          Therefore, to implement faceted execution, the control operators and primitive operations
      of JavaScript have to be lifted to manipulate faceted values appropriately. Facets can be
      nested and labeled to implement both confidentiality and integrity policies with several
      principals. Although Fission supports all these features, a typical Fission program only needs
      to reason about one principal, the server, and the programmer only needs to reason about
      whether values originated on the client or the server.

      Cooperating Faceted Evaluators. A distinguishing characteristic of Fission is that it
      requires two faceted evaluators – one on the client and the other on the server – to cooperatively
      evaluate the program. Moreover, since the attacker model entails that the server-side evaluator
      cannot trust the client-side evaluator in any way, the server-side evaluator can neither send
      secrets to the client nor trust any information sent by the client.
          Prior work on faceted execution has been based on a big-step semantics, which lends
      itself to a simple, direct-style interpreter. However, we had to develop a small-step faceted
      semantics with an explicit stack3 because a context-switch requires an evaluator to examine
      its own stack, serialize it, and send it to the other evaluator. For example, if the server-side
      evaluator is running and the current stack frame is an application of a client-side function,
      at least that frame has to be serialized and transferred to the client.
          It would be unsafe for the server to transfer stack frames that contain secrets to the client.
      So, what should happen if program applies a client-side function to a faceted argument that
      contain secrets? Since the Fission programming model assumes that client-side function only
      consume public values, a well-behaved client would simply discard the secret part of the
      argument and only use the public part. Instead of assuming that the client is well-behaved,
      the Fission server can instead project stack frames to only contain public values before
      transferring them to the client. This does not change the behavior of a well-behaved client,
      but prevents an attacker from observing secret values. Fission follows a similar approach
      with client-side state. The Fission programming model assumes that a web page’s title, URL,
      cookies, etc. are always public. Therefore, when client-side state is updated to a new value,
      that value is projected to its public component before being transferred to the client.

      Compilation and Taint Tracking. Our current implementation of Fission is an interpreter
      that is fast enough for interactive web pages. However, compiling Fission (or any faceted
      language) is challenging because each side of a facet may (or may not) follow a different
      branch. However, recent work [51] shows that faceted execution can be applied to taint
      tracking and that faceted taint tracking can be compiled in a relatively straightforward
      manner. Therefore, in situations where implicit flows are not a concern, a taint-tracking
      variant of Fission may be faster and easier to use.

          4    Tier Splitting
      The Fission programming model lends itself to several different implementations with a
      variety of tradeoffs. In particular, since the transfer of control between client and server is
      transparent to the program, tier splitting can be implemented in several ways.

          In essence, a faceted CEK machine.
A. Guha, J. B. Jeannin, R. Nigam, R. Shambaugh, and J. Tangen                                        5:7

Static Splitting. Although JavaScript is not statically typed, it should be possible to
statically place expressions on the client or server. In brief, we could build a static control
flow and data flow graph of the program, determine which expressions compute high-integrity
values or consume secret values and ensure that these expressions are evaluated on the server.
Swift [13] uses a richer variant of this approach, along with support for replicated data to
keep the user interface responsive. We have yet to evaluate this approach in Fission, but we
suspect that it may be too conservative for modern JavaScript that makes extensive use of
higher-order functions. Even if programmers don’t use higher-order functions themselves,
they are generated by tools like Babel to implement modules. In these situations, a context-
insensitive control flow graph may force too much code to needlessly run on the server. In
addition, Fission supports eval, which gives fully static methods a lot of trouble.

Dynamic Splitting. In Fission, we tier-split the program dynamically because it produces
better results for programs that use higher-order functions. The key idea is that the server
can dynamically transfer control to the client (or vice versa) by transferring a prefix of the
stack. However, since data sent to the client cannot contain secrets and data returned from
the client cannot be trusted, the server cannot send an arbitrary portion of the stack. We
use a lightweight, conservative analysis to determine which stack frames can be sent to the
client without violating any of these requirements.
    For example, suppose a program runs an expensive computation and displays its result
on the client.
 var x = fibonacci (50);
 alert ( x )
 fs . writeFile ( ’ result . txt ’ , x );

Since the value is not needed on the server, the expression can be evaluated entirely on the
client, as long as the computation doesn’t need to read secrets or update trusted values.
However, if the value is also stored on the server, the computation needs to be performed on
the server too.
    Dynamic tier-splitting is particularly effective when a program uses higher-order functions
that cannot be statically placed on either the client or the server. Consider the canonical
apply higher-order function, which can be applied to either a function that must run on the
client or a function that must run on the server.
 function app (f , x ) {
   return f ( x );

 app ( fs . readFileSync , ’ secret . txt ’);
 app ( window . alert , ’ hello ’);

Therefore, we cannot statically determine where app(x) should be evaluated without con-
sidering the context where the evaluation occurs, and context-sensitive static analyses are
very expensive. However, by examining the dynamic context, Fission can find a sequence
of stack frames that do not read secrets, do not update trusted values, and do not execute
operations like declassification and endorsement that have to be performed in a trusted
context. Stack frames that meet these requirements can be evaluated on the client. These
are broad requirements that allow a variety of tier-splitting mechanisms. We’ve developed
a lightweight, conservative analysis that is effective on our benchmark programs, but it is
straightforward to write contorted code that defeats the analysis and causes unnecessary
context switching. A more precise analysis may be better at tier-splitting complicated code,
but also have a longer running time. There is a large space of tier-splitting policies that can
be explored.

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       5     JavaScript and Interoperability
      Fission supports the ECMAScript 5.1 language standard, which is a close approximation of
      the JavaScript currently supported by major browsers. Unfortunately, ECMAScript is a fairly
      complicated language that includes getters and setters, object-oriented meta-programming
      features, and two language modes, in addition to well-known JavaScript pain-points, such
      as prototype inheritance, dynamic code-loading with eval, and more. Fission tackles this
      complexity by compiling JavaScript to a core language based on λJS [28] and S5 [45]. Fission’s
      core language has additional features to support faceted execution as described above.
          Let us now highlight Fission’s implementation of eval, which is deeply affected by the
      attacker model. Note that Fission cannot implement eval by directly calling JavaScript’s
      built-in eval function. If it did, the evaluated JavaScript code would not be able to
      interoperate with Fission’s faceted JavaScript. Instead, Fission’s implementation of eval
      builds a JavaScript AST, compiles it to a core language expression, and evaluates it using
      the Fission interpreter. If the call to eval is made in a trusted context, the JavaScript AST
      may even have sensitive operations like declassification and endorsement. Fission already
      ensures that the client is untrusted, therefore, a trusted call to eval may only occur on the
      server. In contrast, an untrusted call to eval may occur on either the client or the server.
      However, the code generated by an untrusted eval can neither neither access secret values nor
      endorse/declassify values. Notably, Fission does not need any additional mechanism to ensure
      that these properties hold when untrusted strings are evaluated. The same mechanisms in
      Fission that mediate interactions between the client and the server also ensure that untrusted
      strings can be safely evaluated. Although web programming best practices eschew using
      eval, it is still a commonly used construct [49], which is why put in the effort to support it.
          Fission is carefully designed to support JavaScript’s event-driven programming model.
      Therefore, a server-side event handler can transfer control to the client and vice versa. This
      requires full bidirectional communication, which Fission builds atop WebSockets. Moreover,
      if two events occur simultaneously on the client and the server, Fission serializes them to
      preserve JavaScript’s single-threaded semantics. The current implementation of Fission
      suspends the client when the server is executing and vice versa, which is a reasonable default.
      However, there are scenarios where it is desirable to run client and server code in parallel.
      Other tierless languages expose server-side concurrency using libraries or special linguistic
      constructs [12, 18]. For the moment, we are evaluating Fission on existing NodeJS and Elm
      applications that do not require concurrency.

       6     Applications
      React-based Web applications. We have used Fission to refactor a handful of applications
      written for a final project in an undergraduate web programming class. All these applications
      use JavaScript on the client and NodeJS on the server, so refactoring involved directly
      calling request handlers at request sites (instead of making HTTP requests) and deleting
      serialization code. In addition, we had to insert declassification and endorsement operations,
      which is easy to do when server-side code is already factored into separate functions: we
      endorse all arguments and declassify the result. These applications have several hundred to
      two thousand lines of student-written code. However, all applications use Facebook React
      and several other JavaScript libraries. When they are linked together using Babel, each
      application has over 50,000 lines of code. Therefore, these are non-trivial examples that truly
      exercise the implementation. The Fission interpreter, which is written in JavaScript, takes a
      few seconds to load these programs, which start instantly without Fission. However, since
A. Guha, J. B. Jeannin, R. Nigam, R. Shambaugh, and J. Tangen                                        5:9

these are interactive programs that are not compute-heavy, the slowdown is not noticeable
when they are in use.

Elm. For readers who dislike JavaScript and would rather program in a statically-typed,
ML-based language, we have used Fission to implement an Elm module that adds support
for reading and writing files on the server. The library requires about five lines of code for
each NodeJS function exported to Elm and leverages Fission to automatically context switch
between the client and server. It would be straightforward to add wrappers for more NodeJS
functions to enable pure Elm applications to seamlessly run on the client and server.

TypeScript and IDEs. There exist canonical TypeScript type definitions for both the
NodeJS API and the Web browser DOM API. It usually does not make sense to import both
type definitions in a single program, but the TypeScript compiler does not complain if you
do so. With trivial type definitions for endorse and declassify, we can write statically-
typed, tierless programs using TypeScript and Fission. Moreover, we can leverage IDEs like
Visual Studio which have powerful support for TypeScript programming. Without Fission,
TypeScript cannot reason about the client and server code in tandem, but Fission makes it
trivial for TypeScript to do so.

 7     Fission for Other Languages

Although Fission is engineered to support JavaScript, it is hopefully clear to the reader that
the approach is not JavaScript-specific and could be applied to other programming languages
too. The most natural candidates are other dynamic languages. For example Ruby and
Python are not dissimilar to JavaScript and have support programming idioms that have
been challenging to statically-check [24, 4, 34]. Therefore, the Fission approach is likely to
suit these languages too.
    The Fission approach is useful even with certain statically typed languages. Whereas
languages like Links [18], Ur/Web [12], and Swift [13] have type systems that are explicitly
designed to support tier-splitting, the Fission approach can be applied to statically languages
that were not designed with tier-splitting and information flow control in mind. For example,
Section 6 describes we applied Fission to (the JavaScript output of) programs written in
TypeScript and Elm.

 8     Related Work

Fission builds on a long line of research on tierless web programming languages, some of
which we’ve already mentioned. Fission is directly inspired by Swift [13] which uses static
IFC and static analysis to partition JIF programs across the client and server. Fission’s
emphasis on dynamic techniques and JavaScript makes it easy for us to support reams of
existing JavaScript code and presents new challenges and opportunities.
    Hop.js [53] is a tierless language that is also ECMAScript-compatible and supports both
NodeJS and browser APIs. Unlike Fission, Hop.js is a syntactic superset of JavaScript
because it uses a special quoting syntax to explicitly demarcate the boundary between client
and server code. In contrast, Fission does not change the syntax of JavaScript and thus can
be used in several ways that Hop.js cannot. First, a Hop.js program cannot be consumed by
ordinary JavaScript analyses and refactoring tools. Second, Hop.js cannot be used to add

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       server-side features to Elm (without changing the Elm compiler to generate Hop.js). Finally,
       Hop.js does not implement information flow control.
           Fission does not syntactically distinguish client-side and server-side code, which is similar
       to the design of Swift and Links.4 In contrast, in languages like Ur/Web [12], Hop [52], and
       Hop.js [53] it is syntactically evident when control crosses tiers. It is not clear to the authors
       which language design is intrinsically superior. However, since Fission does not add any new
       syntax to JavaScript, we get to reuse existing libraries and JavaScript developer tools.
           Most web applications have three tiers: client, server, and database, and tierless languages
       like Links and Ur/Web unify all three tiers into a single language. Fission, with its emphasis
       on JavaScript, only unifies the client and the server. It is unclear if all three tiers can be
       unified satisfactorily for JavaScript without intentional language design (e.g., LINQ [41]).
           Fission’s tierless programming abstraction is built on top of an implementation of remote
       procedure calls [8] and distributed shared memory [3]. These abstractions require inter-
       machine communication, which can be optimized in several ways. For example, Remote
       Batch Invocation [31, 17] adds a language construct to batch several remote procedure
       calls together, which reduces the number of message round-trips incurred. These kinds of
       techniques are likely to improve Fission’s performance, which currently uses very simple
       implementation techniques.
           Fission’s dynamic information flow control mechanism is based on faceted execution,
       which dynamically tracks implicit and explicit information flows in a fine-grained manner.
       However, there are alternative language-based approaches, such as Laminar [48], which is
       designed to make it easy to retrofit information flow control. For performance, the Laminar
       system requires virtual machine and operating system changes. However, Laminar’s language
       abstractions could be adapted for JavaScript (with or without changing the VM). A possible
       future avenue for research may be to leverage Laminar-style “security regions” to make
       tier-splitting more efficient.

       Acknowledgments. We thank the SNAPL’17 reviewers and our shepherd, Ranjit Jhala, for
       their thoughtful feedback and suggestions.

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                                                                                                   SNAPL 2017