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Arch Linux Magazine Issue #1


License CC-BY-SA-3.0

                                                      The content of this magazine is released under
                                                      the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike
                                                      3.0 Unported license. For more information visit
     A simple, lightweight linux distribution.

                                                                                   Issue #1 - August 2009
                                                      EDITORS DESK ................................ 3
                                                      DEVLAND & SCHWAG REPORT .... 4
                                                      FEATURED INTERVIEW .................. 5
                                                      COMMUNITY HIGHLIGHTS ............ 6
                                                      REVISION CONTROL SYSTEM ....... 7
                                                      TIPS & TRICKS ............................... 9
                                                      THE FUN SECTION ......................... 10
                                                      SOFTWARE REVIEW ..................... 11


                            NEW TO ARCH?
    Arch Linux is a lightweight, flexible Linux® distribution that tries to Keep It Simple.

  Our strong community is diverse and helpful, and we pride ourselves on the range of
skillsets and uses for Arch that stem from it. Please check out our forums and mailing lists
 to get your feet wet. Also glance through our wiki if you want to learn more about Arch.

                Welcome to the new Arch Linux Magazine!                                              ARCH USER STAFF

      This month, a new era begins for Arch Linux users. Daniel Griffiths
      (Ghost1227) and I have been discussing ways to further benefit our loyal          Eduardo Romero (Kensai) .. Editor in Chief
      readers for several weeks. We came to the conclusion that if we joined our        Daniel Griffiths (Ghost1227) ........... Editor
efforts, we could create the ultimate publication, something that Arch Linux users      David Crouse (Crouse) .......... Contributor
would enjoy the most and remember for a long time. This new publication would
serve the same purpose as the newsletter, keeping the users informed about the          Denis Martinez (Denis) .......... Contributor
current events in the community and the development of Arch Linux, as well as           Ivy Foster (joyfulgirl) ................ Contributor
ways to enjoy it even more.                                                             Kevin Eldridge (LeoSolaris) ..... Contributor
                                                                                        Loui Chang (louipc) ................. Contributor
Unfortunately, I couldn't do much for the magazine this month, or at least not as
much as I want, as I have been very busy in real life. Thankfully, Daniel has taken     Sam Harada (Peasantoid) ...... Contributor
over the responsibility of filling the gap left by me not being available this month.
And from what I have read, he did a great job at successfully compiling the best
digital magazine for a Linux operating system there is. Thanks Daniel.

For the die hard fans of digital magazines there is a PDF version, and for those of
you that like to keep it simple there is the traditional HTML version, so both crowds
are being provided with the same quality publication.

And now, on behalf of the Arch Linux Magazine team, I present to you the first Arch
Linux Magazine. Enjoy!

Eduardo Romero (Kensai)
Editor in Chief, Arch Linux Magazine

          Change to /dev/tty*                         2009.08 RC is available!                     Arch Linux Schwag Report

Those of you who haven't updated your          The snapshot RC for the upcoming               Unfortunately, we were not able to get an
system recently might want to take note.       2009.08 installation media was recently        updated schwag report for the month due
We recently implemented a change that          released for public testing. This latest       to time constraints. However, this does not
switched us from the old /dev/vc* to           revision includes more extensive use of the    mean that you should stop supporting us!
/dev/tty*. This change involved altering the   AIF installer, a better disk editor, support   Visit our schwag merchants and show how
filesystem, syslog-ng, udev and initscripts    for automated installations, replacement of    much you love Arch!
packages. If you are one of the few who        unionfs with aufs, and much more!
hasn't caught this update yet, be ready.                                                      Schwag @ Zazzle:
This update will point out who doesn't pay     Read more:                           
attention to pacman's warnings!      
                                               public/2009-August/012713.html                 Dusty's Schwag Shop:
Read more:                                                                                 KDE 4.3 packaged and split
                                               The recently released KDE update features
    dbscripts update: arch=any                 many upstream enhancements, as well as
                                               a new set of packages that allow you to
Thanks to Aaron, the most recent dbscripts     only install those packages you like. The
update has potential support for the much      most notable of these changes are split
anticipated features arch=('any') and split    packages and meta packages to ensure a
packages. While this does not affect AUR       smooth update.
packagers yet, once it is implemented
system-wide, packagers will finally be able    Read more:
to list their packages as arch=('any')
instead of arch=('i686' 'x86_64').

Read more:

ALM: Hello Loui. First off, we would like to   cool stuff has been done by others. The                    Official Arch Linux Sites
thank you for taking time out of your busy     Json interface and the initial site re-styling
schedule to talk to us. Can you tell us a      was implemented by Eli Janssen, for
little bit about yourself and how you          example. I guess I've just been here to
became a Trusted User?                         help push things along and guide                  Forums   
                                               development. I think most of my work lies         Wiki      
Loui: Hmm that's a very open question.         in the back-end, and refactoring code. As         Bugs     
When it comes to Linux or computers I'm        for the future, I'd like to attempt a complete
really just a hobbyist. I actually work as a   reimplementation with a more 'robust'             AUR       
machinist. I've used several different Linux   client/server model. I'd like to make it a real
distros, but when I finally came to Arch I     application from the ground up rather than                  Arch Around the World
was pleasantly surprised at how easy it        a web app with add-ons. I don't want to get
seemed to be able to contribute something      anyone's hopes up though. It has been
via the AUR. Even though I didn't use it       attempted at least twice already.                 Brasil
that much, there were some nagging bugs                                                          Chile     
so I decided to grab the source code and       ALM: Alright. Generally speaking, is there        Czech Republic
start patching. I became a Trusted User        any new technology that you are looking
because I wanted to have a look into the       forward to?
way they were doing things so that maybe I                                                       France          
could help improve those systems if they       Loui: I'm looking forward to trying out btrfs,    Germany  
were lacking. I'm not a big package            getting a phone with Android, USB 3.0, and        Hungary     
maintainer though.                             autonomous killer robots.
ALM: You have made a bit of a name for         ALM: Nice... Loui, thank you for your time,       Poland   
yourself with your work on the AUR. Can        as well as your continued work with Arch.         Romania         
you tell us what some of the notable           Do you have anything else you'd like to say
enhancements you've made are and what          to our loyal readers?
big changes are still in the works?                                                              Spain      
                                               Loui: Be prepared... Oh, and get hacking!         Sweden         
Loui: Haha. Well, it's all been a very                                                           Turkey 
incremental process. I think most of the

   [community] Switched to SVN                      Introducing OBFileBrowser                        Stapler: PDFs in Python

The community repository has finally been      Once again, Arch user Xyne has outdone         For those of you who have worked with
moved to SVN! After a hectic day of            himself. OBFileBrowser is a perfect            PDFs from the command line, PDFtk was
rebuilds, we completed the boost and           example of what happens when a good            probably an important part of your toolkit.
libjpeg rebuilds and froze community long      programmer gets bored, but it's still cool!    Unfortunately, PDFtk has gone the way of
enough to transition to the new server and     Any OpenBox users looking for a pipe-          the dodo. However! Archer Heller_Barde
convert everything to subversion. Although     menu file browser should definitely check      has stepped up to the plate and written
this involves a bit of a learning curve for    this one out!                                  Stapler, a python utility for manipulating
some, it should be beneficial in the long                                                     PDF documents based on pyPDF.
run.                                           Read more:
                                        Read more:
Read more:                                     197                                                                                         388
general/2009-July/005844.html                            Arch-Home Redux
                                                                                                        Desktop Workshop
             CAW Taskbar                       For those of you who missed it the first
                                               time around, Pyther has given his Arch-        Any OpenBox users in the house? What
Arch user dcurtis has begun work on a          Home script an overhaul and found it a         started as an off-hand remark by MrGreen
new, updated panel written in Python. But      home. Arch-Home is a simple webpy script       has turned into a full-fledged obsession for
why another panel? dcurtis found the           that generates an ideal startpage for Arch     Archer Ghost1227. After rising to the
existing options to be generally outdated      Linux users. If you use Arch (and a graphic    unintentional challenge, Ghost1227 took
and uncustomizable, so he took ideas from      browser), you need to check this out!          over the thread and started a companion
various sources (including the Awesome                                                        website for custom OpenBox desktops. If
taskbar, dzen, and PyPanel) and began          Read more:                                     you don't think OpenBox can look good,
work on his own!                        think again!
Read more:                                                                                    Read more:                                        
889                                                                                           915

RCS, or the GNU Revision Control                 enough to pique the interest of even the            every directory you want to work in,
System, is a system used to keep track of        most reluctant of users. I know it's not            and RCS will automatically store files
files that can be edited by many people or       always fun, but the old adage "Backup,              there, and keep your work area
that may need to be reverted to an earlier       backup, backup" has been ringing in my              clean.
state at some point in time. For the             ears and RCS proves to be just the tool for
purposes of this article, I will concentrate     many of those simple backup jobs that         You could get creative and create symlinks
on the latter simply because I think it will     might otherwise not get done.                 to a single master directory, but that is
actually pertain to the larger majority of our                                                 beyond the scope of this article. Besides,
readers.                                         Using a revision control system does not      having a RCS subdirectory in your working
                                                 have to be hard. It should be easy enough     directory lets you know quickly that you
If you have multiple people working on a         to become second nature and allow you to      should use RCS to edit those particular
coding project, you probably already know        fluidly incorporate it into your day to day   files. See? It's not so hard. Moving on...
what a revision control system is. However,      work. So, let's get started, shall we?
for those of you who don't already know,                                                       There are two commands that users will
read on! It's much easier than it sounds. I      First and formost, install RCS.               find themselves using regularly. These two
really love using Arch Linux as a server                                                       commands are 'ci' and 'co' (check in and
distro. While many think that it is not up to     $ pacman -S rcs                              check out, respectively). Pretty darn
the task, I think they are sadly mistaken. I                                                   complicated so far isn't it? Ok, let's see
believe it is a great server distro that is      To ensure correct usage, we should verify     how we start using RCS with a new file.
extremely flexible and easy to maintain.         two things.
                                                    1. We have a log of all changes we         Let's say that we have a file called
But I digress, that is not what I intended to          have made to the file.                  "" that we want revision
talk to you about today. My point was that if       2. We can revert back to previous          control on. The very first thing we need to
you run a server, you make changes to                  versions of the file with ease.         do is check the file in to RCS. This is done
configuration files quite often and having a                                                   through the following command:
revision control system can come in quite        There are two primary ways to use RCS.
handy. However, regardless of your reason          1. Use "co" and "ci" on files in any        $ ci -u
for using a revision control system, RCS              directory. This will cause files to be
should prove to be worth the time it will             created that match <file> but have a     This will initialize the RCS version of the
take you to do a bit of research. Its short           ",v" at the end.                         file. It will also ask you for a DESCRIPTION
learning curve and usefulness should be            2. Create a subdirectory called RCS in      of the file. This is not a change log entry, it

is for entering a description of the file, and    RCSedit. It's very basic, but it does the job
can be multiline. Woot! You have now              very nicely. It will use whatever editor you       ci -u <filename> - Initialize a file
checked in your first file to RCS! Ok... so       tell it to, and it checks out the file using       co -l <filename> - Check out & lock a file
how do I check it back out and make some          your editor, then initiates the check in           ci -u <filename> - Check the file back in
changes? It's just as easy! To check out          procedure when you have completed                  rlog <filename> - Shows the long log of, just issue the following        editing. Nice, huh?                                   changes made to a file
command:                                                                                             rcdiff <filename> - Compare revisions
                                                  #!/bin/sh                                          rcs -u <filename> - Override locked file.
$ co -l                          if [ ! "${EDITOR}" ]; then
                                                     EDITOR=vi                                       So now we can do all sorts of stuff with
So, we now have checked          fi                                                 RCS, but wait! How do you revert a file to a
out. We can open it with our favorite editor      /usr/bin/co -l $1                                  previous version? It's quite simple as well.
and make any changes we want. Then we             ${EDITOR} $1                                       We don't even need a new command. Let's
save the file. Now this is the tricky part.       /usr/bin/ci -u $1                                  say we have made several revisions to our
The part after you have saved the file,                                                     script, but we decided the
when you must check the file back into            So now we can initialize RCS by creating           last changes just sucked. We now need to
RCS. This is where people drop the ball           an RCS directory, we can initialize the file       go back one revision to our previous
and forget to recheck in the file. But it's so    by running the check in command, we can            working copy. Not a problem! First, you
simple! We've already used the command            checkout the file and edit it, and finally         would use the rlog command to list all of
once! Once again, just issue the following        check it back in. I sort of feel like hitting my   the revisions and revision numbers. Let's
command:                                          red Staples button that says "That was             say the last revision was 1.2 and you want
                                                  easy". So, what else do we need to do?             to revert to 1.1. Issue the following
$ ci -u                          Well, the following is a rundown of                commands:
                                                  commands that you might find useful. I
This immediately prompts you for a change         highly suggest reading the man pages for           $ rcs -u
log entry. Again, this can span multiple          them and becoming familiar with all the            $ co -l -r1.1
lines if you need it to, just end the log entry   options they provide. This is a very basic         $ ci -u
with a period on a single line. For those of      set of commands that will probably help
you that are like me and will most likely         you accomplish 99% of what you might               It's that simple! It may take some getting
forget to check things back in, I wrote a         want to do with RCS.                               used to, but when you get the hang of it
quick script, amazingly enough called                                                                you'll wonder why you didn't start sooner!

    Piping Without the Plumbing                 application will source it, but mailreaders                 Fast Line Editing
                                                and web browsers will often take a peek
Have you ever wished you could easily           and see what's there. The file itself is plain   Do you know about readline? Readline is
feed a shell command another command's          text. Comments begin with a #, and each          an incredibly handy library that enables
output without dealing with plumbing? Well      uncommented line is an instruction for how       you to manipulate your command line in
wish no more! It is possible, simple even,      to open a specific type of file such as          useful ways. And these commands work in
with a little bash. Anyone with a little bash    "text/plain" or "application/pdf". By using     many programs other than the shell! You
experience will recognize that running          this, you don't have to set your preferred       can cut, paste, and move through text on
`$(someprogram)` will return the output of      applications in every application you use.       the command line just as if you were using
the program of your choice. For example,        Type them in once and let the computer do        a powerful text editor.
here's a oneliner that will get rid of some     the rest of the work! The following is an
pesky file suffix:                              example mailcap file.                            Try opening a shell and type a few words in
                                                                                                 without hitting [enter]. Now hit Ctrl-u. The
$ for i in *.o; do mv $i $(basename $i .o);     # Sample mailcap file                            text is gone! That's called killing text. Hit
  done                                          # Launch images with display                     Ctrl-y. It's back! That's yanking text.
                                                # Launch videos with vlc
Of course, you can still do some plumbing       # etc                                            There are many more ways to manipulate
if you want. Say you wanted to show off         image/gif; display %s                            text on the command line. The following list
one of your cool screenshots, but couldn't      image/jpeg; display %s                           is just a sample of what is available. See
decide which. Let fate (or at least a           image/tiff; display %s                           `man readline` for even more info!
pseudorandom sorting algorithm) decide.         image/x-portable-bitmap; display %s
                                                image/x-xpixmap; display %s                      Alt-b Beginning of current word
$ mutt -s "Screenshot" -a "$(ls sshot/* |       audio/*; sfplay %s                               Alt-f End of current word
  sort -R | head -1)" -- pimpmyarch             video/mpeg; vlc %s                               Ctrl-a Beginning of line                                 video/*; vlc %s                                  Ctrl-e End of line
                                                application/postscript; ghostview %s             Ctrl-w Delete to beginning of word
                                                application/x-dvi; xdvi %s                       Alt-d Delete to end of word
               On Mailcap                       application/pdf; xpdf %s                         Ctrl-u Delete to beginning of line
                                                application/acrobat; xpdf %s                     Ctrl-k Delete to end of line
Although a bit obscure, $HOME/.mailcap
can save you a bit of hastle. Not every

     What's your Favorite Taco?
                                                <Animeking> can'tfigureouthowto trywebcamwih kopete
In true Arch form, Acecero has asked for        <Ghost1227> Animeking: apparantlycan't figureouthow tousethe spacebareitherhuh?
everyone's favorite taco. If you haven't told
us your favorite, do it now!
                                                <rson> bruenig: i've decided to stick with your colors
Read more:                                      <rson> i think my eyes will get used to it    <rson> i need a better vim scheme though
753                                             <bruenig> my free colors that I have given to you out of good will
                                                <Ghost1227> lies!
          Remember the 60s?                     <Ghost1227> nothing in life is free!
                                                <Ghost1227> except linux
For our younger users who don't remember        <rson> bruenig: i'm liscensing them under a nonfree liscense and selling them to anyone who
the 60s, watch it and learn! For everyone          wants them. i am also suing you for using them without my permission.
else, watch it and mourn your age!              <Ghost1227> yay!
                                                <Ghost1227> capitalism win
Read more:                                      <rson> i told you i'd be at the top one day    <rson> it starts now
998                                             * Ghost1227 prepares to file an antitrust lawsuit against rson(TM)
                                                <rson> :)
              Kiloseconds?                      <bruenig> nah
                                                <Ghost1227> rson: do we have to pay you everytime we invoke your name?
Have you ever wondered what time it was         <Ghost1227> s/rson/rson(TM)
in kiloseconds? Well wonder no more!            <rson> yes. even when it's embedded in other common words that are unrelated
Archer haxit has started the Kilosecond         <rson> like person
Project (KSP) to answer just that question.
See what the fuss is all about!
                                                <improvement> michael jackson died. hes dead
Read more:                                      <jelly12gen> !next    <phrik> Another satisfied customer! NEXT!
226                                             <jelly12gen> *ouch*.


Avidemux is an open-source, cross-platform multipurpose video editing and processing
program. Designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks, it supports many file
types, including AVI, DVD compatible MPEG, MP4 and ASF, using a variety of codecs.
Featuring task automation and powerful scripting capabilities, avidemux is one of the most
popular video editors available for Linux, and with both Qt and GTK interfaces, it's easy to
see why!

To install avidemux, use the `avidemux` package in [extra].



                                                       Billed as the most advanced non-linear video editor and compositor for Linux, Cinelerra-
                                                       CV (or Cinelerra Community Version) is a community project to extend on the work of
                                                       Heroine Virtual Ltd.'s original Cinelerra. With support for OpenGL shaders, most common
                                                       codecs, realtime effects, and floating point compositing, among other things, it's easy to
                                                       see why Cinelerra has become known for it's power and capabilities.

                                                       To install Cinelerra-CV, use the `cinelerra-cv` package in [community].


With excellent integration with IEEE-1394 for capturing videos, VTR control and recording back
to the camera, multiple video clip support, and an extensive array of supported formats including
DV AVI, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, MPEG, and RAW DV, Kino is another excellent option for Linux video
editing. Built for the GTK+ toolkit, Kino also features an extensible project metadata system and
multilingual support. If you're looking for a lightweight, but still full-featured video editor, this
might be a good place to start!

To install Kino, use the `kino` package in [extra].



                                                      LiVES (or LiVES is a Video Editing System) is an easy to use, but incredibly powerful, video
                                                      editor that mixes realtime video performance and non-linear editing into one quality
                                                      application. Capable of editing almost any video format, stream input and output, perform
                                                      realtime blending of clips, and utilize dozens of effects, LiVES is good enough for a
                                                      professional VJ, while still being simple enough for a beginner.

                                                      To install LiVES, use the `lives` package in the Arch User Repository.
