DOKK Library

Autotools Training

Authors Bootlin

License CC-BY-SA-3.0

Autotools Training

Practical Labs

  September 21, 2023
                                                                           Autotools Training

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© 2004-2023, Bootlin,
           This document is released under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY-SA
           3.0 license . This means that you are free to download, distribute and even modify
           it, under certain conditions.
           Corrections, suggestions, contributions and translations are welcome!

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                                                                                       Autotools Training

Training setup
Download files and directories used in practical labs

Install lab data
For the different labs in this course, your instructor has prepared a set of data (kernel images,
kernel configurations, root filesystems and more). Download and extract its tarball from a
$ cd
$ wget
$ tar xvf autotools-labs.tar.xz

Lab data are now available in an autotools-labs directory in your home directory. This di-
rectory contains directories and files used in the various practical labs. It will also be used as
working space, in particular to keep generated files separate when needed.

Update your distribution
To avoid any issue installing packages during the practical labs, you should apply the latest
updates to the packages in your distro:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt dist-upgrade

You are now ready to start the real practical labs!

Install extra packages
Feel free to install other packages you may need for your development environment. In particular,
we recommend to install your favorite text editor and configure it to your taste. The favorite text
editors of embedded Linux developers are of course Vim and Emacs, but there are also plenty
of other possibilities, such as Visual Studio Code1 , GEdit, Qt Creator, CodeBlocks, Geany, etc.
It is worth mentioning that by default, Ubuntu comes with a very limited version of the vi
editor. So if you would like to use vi, we recommend to use the more featureful version by
installing the vim package.

More guidelines
Can be useful throughout any of the labs
  • Read instructions and tips carefully. Lots of people make mistakes or waste time because
    they missed an explanation or a guideline.
  1 This   tool from Microsoft is Open Source! To try it on Ubuntu: sudo snap install code --classic

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                                                                            Autotools Training

    • Always read error messages carefully, in particular the first one which is issued. Some
      people stumble on very simple errors just because they specified a wrong file path and
      didn’t pay enough attention to the corresponding error message.
    • Never stay stuck with a strange problem more than 5 minutes. Show your problem to
      your colleagues or to the instructor.
    • You should only use the root user for operations that require super-user privileges, such
      as: mounting a file system, loading a kernel module, changing file ownership, configuring
      the network. Most regular tasks (such as downloading, extracting sources, compiling...)
      can be done as a regular user.
    • If you ran commands from a root shell by mistake, your regular user may no longer be
      able to handle the corresponding generated files. In this case, use the chown -R command
      to give the new files back to your regular user.
      Example: $ sudo chown -R myuser.myuser linux/

4                                                      © 2004-2023 Bootlin, CC BY-SA license
                                                                                 Autotools Training

Usage of existing autotools projects
  • First build of an autotools package
  • Out of tree build and cross-compilation
  • Overriding cache variables
  • Using autoreconf

Download ethtool
Go to the \$HOME/autotools-labs/ directory.
To start our exploration of autotools, we’ll use the ethtool set of programs. Download the
5.17 version from the project home page at
ethtool/ and extract it.

Exploration of the sources
Inside the sources, look at the various files available, and pay special attention to
and Even though we haven’t yet discussed their syntax and contents, try to get
some idea about what they could be doing.
Compare their length with the length of their corresponding generated files configure and Also, check if there is already a Makefile or not in the project.
Read the output of ./configure --help.

First build
Run ./configure, and look at the output. You may need to install the libmnl-dev package if
it is not already installed on your system. Also look at the contents of the config.log file.
Then, run the build with make.
Finally, try to run the installation with make install. As you can see, it fails with Permission
denied messages, because it tries to install to /usr/local, which is the default prefix.
Since we don’t want to install to /usr/local, let’s configure ethtool to install to a different place:
mkdir $HOME/sys
./configure --prefix=$HOME/sys/
make install
This time, in $HOME/sys, you should have the ethtool program an man pages installed.

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                                                                              Autotools Training

Out of tree build and cross-compiling
Now, create a separate build directory, say $HOME/ethtool-arm/, and move to this directory.
Then, call the configure script of ethtool:
This will abort with an error: it doesn’t want to do out of tree build if the source tree has been
configured (which we did in the previous section of this lab). So as suggested, clean up the
ethtool source tree by running make distclean.
To cross-compile ethtool, we’ll first have to install a cross-compiler:
apt install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf
Then you can do:
../ethtool-5.17/configure --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf
Start the build, and verify that the cross-compiler is used. The build will fail because libmnl
isn’t available on our system, cross-compiled for ARM. Let’s build without netlink support to
avoid the libmnl dependency.
../ethtool-5.17/configure --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf --disable-netlink

Overriding cache variables
If you look at the configure output, you can see:
checking for strtol... yes
The configure script is checking for the availability of the strtol() function. Now let’s pretend
for some reason that the detected value is not appropriate (it’s obviously not the case for such
a simple test, but we need to take an example!). We want to override this test by passing the
appropriate value as an environment variable to the configure script.
Before doing this change, look at the config.h configuration header and see the value of the
definition related to strtol. Note that ethtool decided to use a custom name for the configuration
header file, and it’s actually named ethtool-config.h.
Read the config.log, and identify which variable can be used to override the result of the
strtol test. Pass it in the environment of ./configure, and check that configure outputs:
checking for strtol... (cached) no
You can also check in ethtool-config.h the new value for definition related to strtol.
However, it’s interesting to notice that in practice the ethtool source code assumes strtol is
present, without taking into account the HAVE_STRTOL definition. So if the function was really
absent, there would be a build failure.

Now, let’s look at another piece of software, which isn’t distributed with pre-generated configure
and files.
Go back to your $HOME directory (or another directory you created for this training session), and
use Git to fetch the source code of a library called libconfuse:

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                                                                            Autotools Training

git clone
Note: you may need to install Git, using apt install git.
Look at the libconfuse source code, and see that you only have but not the
generated configure script, and only the files, and not the generated
Now, run autoreconf -i, and look at which files where generated.
If you get issues when running autoreconf, it is most likely because your system doesn’t have
the autotools installed. In this case, run:
apt install autoconf automake libtool autopoint gettext
(Note: autopoint and gettext are needed because this package uses internationalization features
provided by gettext, which we won’t cover in this training.)
You can now build and install libconfuse in $HOME/sys. For good measure, don’t forget to disable
building the examples: look at ./configure --help to know how to do that.
When building, you should see a message flex: command not found. Indeed, this tool is not
present on our system. Interestingly, if you look back at the output of the ./configure script,
it did check for flex, concluded it wasn’t available, but did not error out. As you can see not
all configure scripts are properly written!
Install flex:
apt install flex
Re-run ./configure, and restart the build.

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                                                                              Autotools Training

Autotools basics
    • Your first
    • Adding and building a program
    • Going further: autoscan and make dist

Create your first
In $HOME (or the directory you created for this training), create a new folder project for your
first autotools project.
In order to keep a good understanding of real source files as opposed to generated files, we’ll
put our project under version control, using Git. Run git init to initialize a new repository.
Create the absolutely minimal using just AC_INIT and AC_OUTPUT. Use git add to add this file to the Git repository, and git commit -s -m "Initial configure.
ac" to commit this first
Use autoreconf -i, look at which files where generated. Thanks to git status, you can see
which of those files are not under version control.
Test your shiny new configure script. How much does it do? Look at the new files that have
been generated.
Now, prepare your project to support C source code, by adding AC_PROG_CC to your configure.
ac. Run autoreconf -i again, and restart ./configure. It should do a lot more tests now!

Adding and building a program
Create a very simple hello world C program in a file called hello.c:
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
   printf("Hello World\n");
   return 0;
In order to build this file, you’ll have to adjust your to initialize automake and
create a file with the necessary code to build one program.
Run autoreconf -i, and once it autoreconfs properly, build your project!
You can also install it, after re-configuring it with --prefix=$HOME/sys.
As you can see, doing your first autotools project is not very complicated.

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                                                                                Autotools Training

Going further
Run autoscan, read the generated configure.scan and compare it to your What
are the differences?
Run make dist, and look at the tarball that is generated. Your project is ready to be released!
Now, run git add on, and hello.c, and do a new commit: git
commit -s -m "Add a real program". If you run git status, you can see that there are really
a lot of files generated by autotols, so add a .gitignore file to tell Git to simply ignore them.
This file should contain something like:
The files configure.scan and autoscan.log can simply be removed, they would only get re-
created if we run autoscan again.
Commit your .gitignore file
git add .gitignore
git commit -s -m ``Add gitignore file''
Now at any time you can do git clean -xdf to ask Git to remove all the files that are not
under version control. This allows to easily get rid of all the files generated by the autotools and
see more clearly what’s part of your project.

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                                                                             Autotools Training

Autotools advanced
  • Use AC_ARG_ENABLE and config.h
  • Implement a shared library
  • Switch to multiple directories
  • Make the compilation of programs conditional
  • Use pkg-config

Use AC_ARG_ENABLE and config.h
Continue to work on the project started in the previous lab. Start by adding a --enable-message
option in the by using AC_ARG_ENABLE. The purpose of this option, which should
be enabled by default, is to allow you to enable or disable the printing of the Hello World
You will have to combine a configuration header, and AC_DEFINE to let the C source code know
whether the option was enabled or not. AC_DEFINE could for example define a macro named
Once you are done, test that running ./configure or ./configure --enable-message gives a
config.h file with WANTS_HELLO_WORLD defined, and that ./configure --disable-message gives
a config.h without WANTS_HELLO_WORLD.
Change the hello.c program to use WANTS_HELLO_WORLD. Build your hello program with --
enable-message and --disable-message consecutively, and check that in the first case, Hello
World is display, and that in the second case Hello World is not displayed:
$ ./configure --enable-message
$ make
$ ./hello
Hello World
$ ./configure --disable-message
$ make
$ ./hello

Implement a shared library
For the purpose of this training, we’ll implement a small library called libhello, which provides
a single function show_msg() responsible for displaying the Hello World message. Our program
will link against this library and use the function it provides.

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                                                                            Autotools Training

So create a file named core.c, with this function show_msg() (it should continue to use the
WANTS_HELLO_WORLD macro defined in the previous section).
Create a header file named hello.h, which contains the prototype of the show_msg() function.
Then, change the hello.c program so that it calls the show_msg() function.
Once the source preparation is done, it’s time to adapt the build system:
  1. Adapt the script to initialize libtool
  2. Change the to:
       • build the libhello library from the core.c file
       • declare the library version
       • install the hello.h header
       • make the hello program link against the libhello library
Once this is done, autoreconf your project, run configure, build, and run the hello program.
Configure it with --prefix=$HOME/sys, and install it there. You should see the library being
installed in $HOME/sys/lib and the header file in $HOME/sys/include. By running:
readelf -d $HOME/sys/bin/hello
You can verify that hello is indeed linked against libhello.
To finish up this part, if you look back at the autoreconf -i output, it complained about not using AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR. So as explained in the slides, make the needed
changes to and

Switch to multiple directories
Even though our project is small, it’s time to experiment with subdirectories. Since we’re
modern, we’ll use non-recursive make.
Move core.c and hello.h to a folder called lib/, and move hello.c to a folder called src/.
Adjust the main accordingly, and make sure everything continues to build correctly.
Hint: you will have to add a hello_CPPFLAGS variable.

Make the compilation of programs conditional
Since some people may not be interested in building the hello program, we’ll make this optional.
Create a new --enable-programs option in, which should be enabled by default.
Then, use an automake conditional to build the hello program only if enabled. Verify that
when you pass --disable-programs, the hello program is not built.

Use pkg-config
Now we will make our program rely on the libconfig library. You can install this library on
your system, and its development files by running:
apt install libconfig-dev
Now, change src/hello.c to do the following:

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                                                                                Autotools Training

#include <libconfig.h>
#include "hello.h"

int main(void)
   config_t cfg;
   return 0;
It doesn’t do anything useful, but calls one function of the libconfig library, config_init,
which is enough for our demonstration.
If you try to build the program, it will fail with the following error:
hello.c:7: undefined reference to `config_init'
This is because we are not yet linking with the libconfig library. We will use pkg-config to
detect it and use the appropriate linker flags. To do that, use PKG_CHECK_MODULES in configure.
ac when programs are enabled, and adjust your to use the compiler and linker flags
provided by the PKG_CHECK_MODULES macro.
If everything works fine, you should see the ./configure script detecting pkg-config:
$ ./configure
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
checking for LIBCONFIG... yes
And finally the hello binary being linked with libconfig:
$ make
libtool: link: gcc -g -O2 -o .libs/hello src/hello-hello.o                ./.libs/ -lconfig
Congratulations, your program is now properly using the libconfig library!

Going further
Implement the use of silent rules as explained in the slides, and experiment with make V=1 vs.
make V=0.
Add a README file to your project, and make sure it is properly distributed as part of the
tarball generated by make dist
Use AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR to store the auxilliary files in a custom directory.

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