DOKK Library

Basic Haskell Cheat Sheet

Authors Rudy Matela

License CC-BY-SA-3.0 GFDL-1.3-or-later

                 Basic Haskell Cheat Sheet                           Declaring Types and Classes                                                   Expressions / Clauses
                                                                      type synonym                   type MyType = Type                              if expression                     ≈     guarded equations
Structure                                                                                            type PairList a b = [(a,b)]                     if boolExpr                             foo ... | boolExpr = exprA
                                                                                                     type String = [Char]     -- from   Prelude      then exprA                                       | otherwise = exprB
function :: type -> type                                                                                                                             else exprB
function x = expr                                                     data (single constructor)      data MyData = MyData Type Type
                                                                                                       deriving (Class, Class )                      nested if expression              ≈     guarded equations
function2 :: type -> [type] -> type                                   data (multi constructor)       data MyData = Simple Type                       if boolExpr1                            foo ... | boolExpr1 = exprA
function2 x xs = expr                                                                                            | Duple Type Type                   then exprA                                       | boolExpr2 = exprB
                                                                                                                 | Nople                             else if boolExpr2                                | otherwise = exprC
main = do                                                                                                                                                 then exprB
                                                                      data (record syntax)           data MDt = MDt { fieldA                              else exprC
                                                                                                                    , fieldB :: TyAB
  ...                                                                                                                                                case expression                   ≈     function pattern matching
                                                                                                                    , fieldC :: TyC }
                                                                                                                                                     case x of pat1 -> exA                   foo pat1 = exA
                                                                      newtype                        newtype MyType = MyType Type                               pat2 -> exB                  foo pat2 = exB
Function Application                                                        (single constr./field)     deriving (Class, Class )

                                                                                                                                                                _    -> exC                  foo _     = exC
 f   x   y         ≡ (f x) y               ≡   ((f) (x))   (y)        typeclass                      class MyClass a where                           2-variable case expression ≈            function pattern matching
 f   x   y   z     ≡ ((f x) y) z           ≡   (f x y) z                                               foo :: a -> a -> b                            case (x,y ) of                          foo pat1 patA = exprA
 f   $   g   x     ≡ f (g x)               ≡   f . g $ x                                               goo :: a -> a                                 (pat1,patA ) -> exprA                   foo pat2 patB = exprB
 f   $   g   $ h x ≡ f (g (h x))           ≡   f . g . h   $ x        typeclass instance             instance MyClass MyType where                   (pat2,patB ) -> exprB                   foo _     _     = exprC
 f   $   g   x y   ≡ f (g x y)             ≡   f . g x $   y                                           foo x y = ...                                 _             -> exprC
 f   g   $   h x   ≡ f g (h x)             ≡   f g . h $   x                                           goo x = ...                                   let expression                    ≈     where clause
                                                                                                                                                     let nameA = exprA                       foo ... = mainExpression
Values and Types                                                     Operators (grouped by precedence)
                                                                                                                                                          nameB = exprB                        where nameA = exprA
                                                                                                                                                     in mainExpression                                nameB = exprB
 has type                     expr               ::   type                                                                                           do notation                       ≈     desugarized do notation
 boolean                      True || False      ::   Bool            List index, function composition        !!,                         .
                                                                      raise to: Non-neg. Int, Int, Float                        ^, ^^, **            do patA <- action1                      action1 >>= \patA ->
 character                    ’a’                ::   Char                                                                                              action2                                action2 >>
 fixed-precision integer      1                  ::   Int             multiplication, fractional division     *, /
                                                                      integral division (⇒ −∞), modulus ‘div‘, ‘mod‘                                    patB <- action3                        action3 >>= \patB ->
 integer (arbitrary sz.)      31337              ::   Integer                                                                                           action4                                  action4
                              31337^10           ::   Integer         integral quotient (⇒ 0), remainder      ‘quot‘, ‘rem‘
 single precision float       1.2                ::   Float           addition, subtraction                   +, -
 double precision float       1.2                ::   Double          list construction, append lists                                :, ++         Pattern Matching                     (fn. declaration, lambda, case, let, where)
 list                         []                 ::   [a]             list difference                                        \\
                              [1,2,3]            ::   [Integer]       comparisons:                               >, >=, <, <=, ==, /=                fixed            number 3        3           character ’a’          ’a’
                              [’a’,’b’,’c’]      ::   [Char]          list membership                             ‘elem‘, ‘notElem‘                                   ignore value _              empty string           ""
                              "abc"              ::   [Char]          boolean and                                                        &&          list             empty                          []
                              [[1,2],[3,4]]      ::   [[Integer]]     boolean or                                                         ||                           head x and tail xs             (x:xs)
 string                       "asdf"             ::   String          sequencing: bind and then               >>=, >>                                                 tail xs (ignore head)          (_:xs)
 tuple                        (1,2)              ::   (Int,Int)       application, strict apl., sequencing    $, $!, ‘seq‘                                            list with 3 elements           [a,b,c]
                              ([1,2],’a’)        ::   ([Int],Char)   NOTE: Highest precedence (first line) is 9, lowest precedence is 0.                              list where 2nd element is 3    (x:3:xs)
 ordering relation            LT, EQ, GT         ::   Ordering       Operator listings aligned left, right, and center indicate left-, right-,       tuple            pair values a and b                 (a,b)
 function (λ)                 \x -> e            ::   a -> b         and non-associativity.                                                                           ignore second element               (a,_)
 maybe (just something        Just 10            ::   Maybe Int                                                                                                       triple values a, b and c            (a,b,c)
         or nothing)          Nothing            ::   Maybe a                              non associative                  infix 0-9 ‘op‘
                                                                                           left associative                 infixl 0-9 +-+           mixed            first tuple on list                 ((a,b):xs)
                                                                     Defining fixity:
                                                                                           right associative                infixr 0-9 -!-           maybe            just constructor                    Just a
Values and Typeclasses                                                                     default (when none given)        infixl 9                                  nothing constructor                 Nothing
 given context, has type      expr    ::   constraint => type                                                                                        custom           user-defined type                   MyData a b c
 Numeric (+,-,*)              137     ::   Num a => a                Functions ≡ Infix operators                                                                      ignore second field                 MyData a _ c
 Fractional (/)               1.2     ::   Fractional a => a                                                                                                          user-defined record type            MyR {f1=x, f2=y}
                                                                      f a b   ≡        a ‘f‘ b
 Floating                     1.2     ::   Floating a => a            a + b   ≡        (+) a b                                                       as-pattern       tuple s and its values              s@(a,b)
 Equatable (==)               ’a’     ::   Eq a => a                  (a +) b ≡        ((+) a) b                                                                      list a, its head and tail           a@(x:xs)
 Ordered (<=,>=,>,<)          731     ::   Ord a => a                 (+ b) a ≡        (\x -> x + b) a
Copyright 2014-2021, Rudy Matela – Compiled on November 8, 2021                                                                                   This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Licence,
Upstream:                                   Basic Haskell Cheat Sheet v1.2                           or (at your option), the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 or Later.
Prelude functions                           (Ato few  types have been simplified
                                                  their list instances, e.g.: foldr )   Tuples                                                                Tracing and monitoring (unsafe)                                 Debug.Trace
                                                                                        fst       :: (a, b) -> a        fst (x,y ) ≡ x                          Print string, return expr         trace string $ expr
                                                                                        snd       :: (a, b) -> b        snd (x,y ) ≡ y                          Call show before printing         traceShow expr $ expr
id           ::   a -> a                 id x ≡             x -- identity               curry     :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c                               Trace function f x y |           traceShow (x,y) False = undefined
const        ::   a -> b -> a    (const x ) y ≡             x                                                curry (\(x,y ) -> e ) ≡ \x y -> e                   call values       f x y =       ...
undefined    ::   a                 undefined ≡             ⊥ (lifts error)
                                                                                        uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
error        ::   [Char] -> a        error cs ≡             ⊥ (lifts error cs)
                                                                                                           uncurry (\x y -> e ) ≡ \(x,y ) -> e                IO – Must be “inside” the IO Monad
not          ::   Bool -> Bool       not True ≡             False
flip         ::   (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c                                          Numeric                                                                 Write char c to stdout                                putChar c
                               flip f $ x y ≡               f y x                                                                                               Write string cs to stdout                             putStr cs
                                                                                        abs       :: Num a => a -> a          abs (-9) ≡ 9
                                                                                                                                                                Write string cs to stdout w/ a newline                putStrLn cs
Lists                                                                                   even, odd :: Integral a => a -> Bool   even 10 ≡ True
                                                                                                                                                                Print x , a show instance, to stdout                  print x
                                                                                        gcd, lcm :: Integral a => a -> a -> a gcd 6 8 ≡ 2
null :: [a] -> Bool                    null [] ≡ True --                         ∅?                                                                             Read char from stdin                                  getChar
                                                                                        recip     :: Fractional a => a -> a    recip x ≡ 1/x
length :: [a] -> Int           length [x,y,z ] ≡ 3                                                                                                              Read line from stdin as a string                      getLine
                                                                                        pi        :: Floating a => a                pi ≡ 3.14...
elem :: a -> [a] -> Bool       y ‘elem‘ [x,y ] ≡ True --                         ∈?                                                                             Read all input from stdin as a string                 getContents
                                                                                        sqrt, log :: Floating a => a -> a       sqrt x ≡ x **0.5
head :: [a] -> a               head [x,y,z,w ] ≡ x                                                                                                              Bind stdin/out to foo (:: String -> String )          interact foo
                                                                                        exp, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos :: Floating a => a -> a
last :: [a] -> a               last [x,y,z,w ] ≡ w                                                                                                              Write string cs to a file named fn                    writeFile fn cs
                                                                                        truncate, round :: (RealFrac a, Integral b) => a -> b
tail :: [a] -> [a]             tail [x,y,z,w ] ≡ [y,z,w ]                                                                                                       Append string cs to a file named fn                   appendFile fn cs
                                                                                        ceiling, floor :: (RealFrac a, Integral b) => a -> b
init :: [a] -> [a]             init [x,y,z,w ] ≡ [x,y,z ]                                                                                                       Read contents from a file named fn                    readFile fn
reverse :: [a] -> [a]         reverse [x,y,z ] ≡ [z,y,x ]
take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]      take 2 [x,y,z ] ≡ [x,y ]                                 Strings
drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a]      drop 2 [x,y,z ] ≡ [z ]                                                                                                         List Comprehensions
                                                                                        lines     :: String -> [String]
takeWhile, dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
                                                                                                            lines "ab\ncd\ne" ≡ ["ab","cd","e"]               Take pat from list. If boolPredicate, add element expr to list:
                  takeWhile (/= z ) [x,y,z,w ] ≡ [x,y ]
                                                                                                                                                               [expr | pat <- list, boolPredicate, ...]
zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]                                                           unlines :: [String] -> String
                    zip [x,y,z ] [a,b ] ≡ [(x,a ),(y,b )]                                           unlines ["ab","cd","e"] ≡ "ab\ncd\ne\n"                     [x |   x <- xs ]            ≡ xs
                                                                                                                                                                [f x   | x <- xs, p x]      ≡ map f $ filter p xs
Infinite Lists                                                                          words     :: String -> [String]
                                                                                                                                                                [x |   x <- xs, p x, q x] ≡ filter q $ filter p xs
                                                                                                              words "ab cd e" ≡ ["ab","cd","e"]
repeat    :: a -> [a]   repeat x            ≡ [x,x,x,x,x,x,...]                                                                                                 [x+y   | x <- [a,b ], y <- [i,j ]] ≡ [a +i, a +j, b +i, b +j ]
cycle     :: [a] -> [a] cycle xs            ≡ xs ++xs ++xs ++...                        unwords :: [String] -> String                                           [x |   boolE ]              ≡ if boolE then [x ] else []
                     cycle [x,y ]           ≡ [x,y,x,y,x,y,...]                                    unwords ["ab","cd","ef"] ≡ "ab cd ef"
iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
                     iterate f x            ≡ [x,f x,f (f x ),...]                      Read and Show classes                                                 GHC - Glasgow Haskell Compiler (and Cabal)
Higher-order / Functors                                                                 show :: Show a => a -> String             show 137 ≡ "137"              compiling program.hs                 $   ghc program.hs
                                                                                        read :: Show a => String -> a             read "2" ≡ 2                  running                              $   ./program
map       :: (a->b) -> [a] -> [b]                                                                                                                               running directly                     $   run_haskell program.hs
                        map f [x,y,z ] ≡ [f x, f y, f z ]                               Ord Class                                                               interactive mode (GHCi)              $   ghci
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]                                           min     :: Ord a => a -> a -> a                 min ’a’ ’b’ ≡ ’a’       GHCi load                            >   :l program.hs
           zipWith f [x,y,z ] [a,b ] ≡ [f x a, f y b ]                                  max     :: Ord a => a -> a -> a                max "b" "ab" ≡ "b"       GHCi reload                          >   :r
filter    :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]                                                  compare :: Ord a => a->a->Ordering              compare 1 2 ≡ LT        GHCi activate stats                  >   :set +s
                 filter (/=y) [x,y,z ] ≡ [x,z ]                                                                                                                 GHCi help                            >   :?
                                                                                                                                                                Type of an expression                >   :t expr
foldr     :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b                                             Libraries / Modules                                                     Info (oper./func./class)             >   :i thing
                     foldr f z [x,y ] ≡ x ‘f ‘ (y ‘f ‘ z )                                                                                                      Installed GHC packages               $   ghc-pkg list [pkg_name]
foldl     :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a                                              importing                 import    Some.Module
                                                                                                                                                                Activating some pragma               {-# LANGUAGE Pragma #-}
                     foldl f x [y,z ] ≡ (x ‘f ‘ y ) ‘f ‘ z                                 (qualified)             import    qualified Some.Module as SM
                                                                                                                                                                Same, via GHC call                   $ ghc -XSomePragma ...
                                                                                           (subset)                import    Some.Module (foo,goo )
Special folds                                                                              (hiding)                import    Some.Module hiding (foo,goo )      install package pkg                  $   cabal   install pkg
and :: [Bool] ->      Bool          and [p,q,r ] ≡ p && q && r                             (typeclass instances)   import    Some.Module ()                     update package list                  $   cabal   update
or :: [Bool] ->       Bool           or [p,q,r ] ≡ p || q || r                                                                                                  list packages matching pat           $   cabal   list pat
                                                                                         declaring                 module Module.Name
                                                                                                                                                                information about package            $   cabal   info pkg
sum     :: Num a      => [a]   -> a        sum [i,j,k ] ≡ i +j +k                                                    ( foo, goo )
                                                                                                                                                                help on commands                     $   cabal   help [command]
product :: Num a      => [a]   -> a   product [i,j,k ] ≡ i *j *k                                                   where
                                                                                                                                                                run executable/test/bench            $   cabal   run/test/bench [name]
maximum :: Ord a      => [a]   -> a    maximum [9,0,5] ≡ 9                                                         ...
                                                                                                                                                                initialize sandbox                   $   cabal   sandbox init
minimum :: Ord a      => [a]   -> a    minimum [9,0,5] ≡ 0
                                                                                         ./File/On/Disk.hs         import File.On.Disk                          add custom sandbox source            $   cabal   sandbox add-source dir
concat :: [[a]]       ->[a]     concat [xs,ys,zs ] ≡ xs ++ys ++zs

Copyright 2014-2021, Rudy Matela – Compiled on November 8, 2021                                                                                              This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Licence,
Upstream:                                                  Basic Haskell Cheat Sheet v1.2                       or (at your option), the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 or Later.