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Risk justice: Boosting the contribution of risk management to sustainable development

Authors John Handmer Mathilde de Goër de Herve Thomas Schinko

License CC-BY-4.0

DOI: 10.1111/risa.14157


Risk justice: Boosting the contribution of risk management to
sustainable development

Mathilde de Goër de Herve1,2,3                                     Thomas Schinko4                              John Handmer4

  Risk and Environmental Studies, Karlstad             Abstract
University, Karlstad, Sweden
                                                       Comprehensively addressing different aspects of justice is essential to enable risk man-
  Centre for Research on Sustainable Societal          agement to contribute to sustainable development. This article offers a new conceptual
Transformation (CRS), Karlstad University,
Karlstad, Sweden
                                                       framework called risk justice that comprises procedural, distributive, and corrective jus-
                                                       tice in four dimensions related to sustainable development: social, ecological, spatial,
  Centre for Societal Risk Research (CSR),
Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden                  and temporal issues. Risk justice is defined as the quality of being fair and reasonable
                                                       while governing and managing a possible negative event. After explaining the concep-
  International Institute for Applied Systems
Analysis (IIASA), Population and Just Societies        tual framework, a detailed content analysis of two international guidelines for disaster
Program, Laxenburg, Austria                            risk management (the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 and
                                                       the European Floods Directive) illustrates the analytical potential of the risk justice
Correspondence                                         framework. Findings show strong emphasis on social and spatial aspects of distribu-
Mathilde de Goër de Herve, Risk and
Environmental Studies, Karlstad University,            tive and procedural justice in the two documents, whereas considerations of corrective
Universitetsgatan 2, 65188 Karlstad, Sweden.           justice and temporal and ecological issues are scarce or indirect. This may result in con-
Email:                   flicting impacts of disaster risk management on sustainable development. Therefore,
                                                       discussing risk management with a risk justice viewpoint while elaborating guidelines
Funding information
Swedish Research council for Sustainable
                                                       or choosing risk management strategies provides new avenues for sustainable devel-
Development                                            opment and facilitates transparent trade-offs. Our risk justice framework enables risk
                                                       practitioners and researchers to reflect systemically about justice in risk management
                                                       in different risk contexts and can be used both as a proactive and as a retrospective tool.

                                                       disaster risk management, flood risk governance, risk justice, sustainable development

1         INTRODUCTION                                                                     the other hand, justice is critical in risk management (Adger
                                                                                           & Nelson, 2010) and key for successful sustainable develop-
Two of the global challenges the world is facing are sus-                                  ment (Agyeman, 2013). Yet, no umbrella framework in the
tainable development and increasing inequalities, and these                                literature addresses the different justice issues related to the
challenges are intertwined in the sense that justice is a key                              various facets of sustainable development within risk man-
aspect of sustainable development. In addition, as risks are                               agement (de Goër de Herve, 2022). That is why this article
affecting the durability of the activity they threaten, it is not                          presents a framework called risk justice. The framework itself
surprising that risk management is an essential part of sus-                               is meant to be generally applicable to all types of risks, as
tainable development. Yet, conflicts arise when managing                                   defined later, and the second part of the article illustrates
risks because of perceived or real injustices, and therefore,                              its application in the context of disaster risk management
one needs to think concretely about justice in risk manage-                                specifically.
ment to contribute effectively to sustainable development. In                                 The risk justice framework can be employed for sev-
other words, on the one hand, risk management is important                                 eral purposes by many stakeholders, such as risk managers,
to build a path toward sustainable societies (Hunjra et al.,                               decision-makers, evaluators, and researchers. It may be used
2022; Izumi et al., 2020; Šakić Trogrlić et al., 2022), and on                           in practice either as a forward-looking (proactive) tool when

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.
© 2023 The Authors. Risk Analysis published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Society for Risk Analysis.

Risk Analysis. 2023;1–15.                                                                                                         1
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2                                                                                                                 GOËR DE HERVE ET AL.

deciding about new risk management strategies, or as a               or not, Johannesson et al. (2022) suggest that it is possible
backward-looking (retrospective) tool when judging past              to agree on a justice assessment framework. The risk justice
and current strategies. The article provides examples of the         framework offers such a structure for justice assessment in the
retrospective application.                                           context of promoting the contribution of risk management to
   To put it another way, our goal is to elaborate a generally       sustainable development.
applicable and multidimensional risk justice framework that             Interestingly, there is no clear definition of sustainable
aims at facilitating considerations of fairness issues within        development that is broad enough to integrate the many
risk management in order for it to contribute to sustainable         aspects of the concept in online dictionaries. The only agree-
development. The application provided as an example shows            ment in the scientific community is that there is no consensus
its analytical potential with the document analysis of some          on the definition, but most scientific discussions include at
international disaster risk management guidelines.                   least one of the following three elements: targets, territories,
   Such conceptual work requires not only examples but also          and time (Martinuzzi & Meyer, 2016). Targets group the dif-
clarification of the keywords (Jaccard & Jacoby, 2020), which        ferent issues related to sustainable development, such social
are developed in the following.                                      and ecological ones. The Sustainable Development Goals
   In order to define risk justice, we decided to go back            (General Assembly Resolution, 2015, 70/1) are an example
to linguistic definitions to explore the concepts of risk and        of this understanding of sustainable development. Territories
justice, drawing on standard dictionaries. A risk is “the pos-       encompass different spatial levels and highlight that actions
sibility of something bad happening” (Cambridge Dictionary,          taken in one place should not hinder sustainable development
n.d.-b) or “the possibility that something unpleasant or dan-        in other places. Time is about the long term and the belief
gerous might happen” (MacMillian Dictionary, n.d.-b). We             that current actions should not limit the well-being of future
note two main characteristics of risk from these definitions:        generations. This is a key part of the definition of sustainable
the uncertainty of the event happening and the potential for         development in the Brundtland Report (World Commission
negative consequences. More elaborated definitions are pre-          on Environment and Development, 1987) that concerns the
sented in the scientific literature (see for instance Haimes,        capacity of future generations to meet their own needs. Fair-
2009) and given by organizations that work with the concept          ness issues emerge in relation to these three elements of
(see e.g., ISO (2018) for a standardized understanding of risk       sustainable development. Even if some have argued that sus-
in organizations; and SRA (2018) for an overview of several          tainable development focuses on economic growth, whereas
qualitative definitions and risk metrics). Turning to the con-       the concept of sustainability encompasses a complex system
cept of justice, it is defined as “fairness in the way people are    analysis of nature and human relationships (Ruggerio, 2021),
dealt with” (Cambridge Dictionary, n.d.-a) or “the fair treat-       we notice that the Sustainable Development Goals, a broadly
ment of people” (Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries, n.d.). Other         accepted conception of sustainable development today, are
definitions also include the idea of reasonableness: Justice is      not focused on economics only (General Assembly resolu-
“the fact that something is reasonable and fair” (MacMillian         tion, 2015, 70/1). As the notion of “sustainability” gives the
Dictionary, n.d.-a) and “the quality of being fair or reason-        impression of a fixed target and leaves out the idea of a per-
able” (Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries, n.d.). In summary, we          petual evolvement toward better well-being, which the word
define the concept of risk justice as the quality of being fair      “development” includes, we have chosen to use the notion of
and reasonable while governing and managing a possible               “sustainable development” in this article.
negative event.                                                         For risk management to contribute to the different “targets”
   We therefore need to provide specific definitions of              of sustainable development, the concept of justice has to be
risk governance and management. Risk governance is “the              extended from a purely anthropocentric perspective (fairness
application of governance principles to the identification,          between people, which includes social and economic issues)
assessment, management and communication of risk. Gov-               to a larger understanding that includes natural systems (fair-
ernance refers to the actions, processes, traditions and             ness between both humans and nonhumans, which includes
institutions by which authority is exercised and decisions are       environmental and ecological issues). As these entities can
taken and implemented” (SRA, 2018, p. 8) and risk man-               be in different places, the fairness between them relates to
agement is the “activities to handle risk such as prevention,        the “territories” aspect of sustainable development. In addi-
mitigation, adaptation or sharing” (SRA, 2018, p. 8).                tion, the entities can also be living at different moments in
   It is important to clarify here that a risk might offer bene-     time, and thus, the fairness between them affects the “time”
fits that explain the willingness to take it, but there are always   element of sustainable development. The many meanings of
negative consequences if the risk materializes (SRA, 2018).          sustainable development increase the likelihood of conflict-
We note as well that the definitions of justice refer to fair-       ing goals, and therefore, the idea of reasonable treatment of
ness, which itself is not defined. This is so because what is        entities included in the concept of justice is also important for
considered fair depends on many factors, including cultural          being able to deal with necessary trade-offs.
and historical contexts, types of risks, and types of manage-           As mentioned previously, the second half of this article
ment strategies (see for instance de Goër de Herve, 2022,            presents an application of the framework in the specific case
concerning the various meanings of fairness in flood risk            of disaster risk management. Disaster risks were selected
management). Even if there is no agreement on what is just           among the many possible examples of risks because their
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RISK JUSTICE                                                                                                                       3

reduction is essential for sustainable development (United          conducted to challenge its content and its relevance. An ini-
Nations, 2015). A disaster risk is a combination of the poten-      tial version focusing on flood management, built following a
tial negative consequences of a hazardous event given the           literature review on justice considerations within flood risk
degree of exposure and vulnerability of the people and assets       management, has been published under the name of “flood
present in a place at a particular moment. Numerous disas-          risk justice” (see de Goër de Herve, 2022). The review led to
ters (such as heatwaves, fires, and floods) in the last years       improvements of the framework while generalizing it to var-
have occurred in Europe and around the world (Bevere &              ious types of risks, with for instance the addition of a third
Remondi, 2022), making an increasing number of people               meta-dimension, corrective justice.
experience their direct effects. Disasters uncover inequitable
situations leading Thomalla et al. (2018) to call for moving
from “current development patterns that increase, create or         2.2       Document analysis
unfairly distribute risks, to forms of development that are
equitable, resilient and sustainable” (p. 1). More than 10 years    We test the framework through the analysis of two docu-
ago, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change intro-           ments. The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
duced the idea that equity is an essential part of disaster         2015–2030 (United Nations, 2015), hereafter “SFDRR”, has
risk management in the face of climate change (IPCC, 2012)          been selected for analysis as an international guideline for
and therefore necessary for sustainable development. Conse-         disaster risk management. It was released in 2015, the same
quently, disaster risk management is a suitable illustration for    year that two other key international agreements for sus-
applying the risk justice framework.                                tainable development were agreed upon: the Sustainable
   The article is divided into five sections. Section 2 describes   Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. In addition, the
the methods for theory-building and document analysis. The          European Floods Directive (Directive 2007/60/EC), hereafter
framework is presented and described in Section 3, and              “FD”, has been selected as it is an example of an international
Section 4 details the illustration of its application as a ret-     binding agreement between the European Union Member
rospective analytical tool. To conclude, Section 5 discusses        States on flood risks, which are one of the risks concerned by
the findings and the risk justice conceptual framework.             the SFDRR. Floods are among the most frequently occurring
                                                                    disasters with globally the greatest impacts and largest num-
                                                                    bers of affected people (CRED, 2022; Delforge et al., 2022).
2       METHODS                                                     Appendix A summarizes the two documents.
                                                                       The document analysis was processed in two parts: a count
2.1       Theorization                                              of the word justice and some synonyms and their antonyms
                                                                    (we searched for “just,” “fair,” “equit,” and “equal” in the
The present article follows a theory-building approach that         text) and a content analysis with coding based on the different
gathers information from previous scientific publications in        dimensions of the framework. The rather limited appearance
order to synthesize multiple theories into a unified frame-         of justice-related words during the word count (see results
work, which is one of the main ways of making a theoretical         in Table 2) called for an in-depth qualitative content analy-
contribution according to Jaccard and Jacoby (2020). “Con-          sis, as some elements can be related to justice issues without
structing a theory is more like crafting an elegant ensemble        being labeled as such in the texts. The content analysis was
of logically connected ideas that depict the world and allow        proceeded in two steps: First, general codes related to the
knowledge to leap forwards” (Series Editor’s Note by T.D.           several dimensions of risk justice were applied to the qual-
Little, Jaccard & Jacoby, 2020, p. vii). To do so, we connect       itative data. Second, the codes were fine-tuned based on the
and bring together ideas from relevant existing literature. The     first step analysis, allowing for a more precise second content
resulting risk justice framework is at the crossroads of two        analysis to elaborate the preliminary findings. The final list
main categories of conceptual works, according to the typol-        of codes is presented in Appendix B. This was undertaken by
ogy developed by MacInnis (2011): revising and delineating.         the lead author with results cross-checked by the coauthors to
Among these categories, there are a number of types of tasks.       strengthen their validity.
The article uses two of these: First, envisioning tasks that
characterize different justice aspects that are sometimes not
labeled as such and second, explicating tasks that show how         3       RISK JUSTICE
the dimensions are relevant when taken together as a whole.
MacInnis (2011) states that “conceptualization is a process         3.1       Conceptual framework
of abstract thinking involving the mental representation of an
idea” (p. 140) and that it is “critical to vitality of academic     The conceptual risk justice framework considers distributive,
fields” (p. 150).                                                   corrective, and procedural justice in four dimensions (social,
   The premises of the framework have been presented during         ecological, spatial, and temporal) related to sustainable
research seminars and conferences (e.g., de Goër de Herve,          development. Risk governance and management can be
2021), and an informal interactive review of the work in            described in a very simplified way as a risk that is identified,
the form of discussions with subject-matter specialists was         a choice of a management strategy, and the consequences of
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4                                                                                                                                         GOËR DE HERVE ET AL.

                                                                         The risk itself

                                                                                               The management
                                                            The consequences               strategy decision process
                                                             of the strategy

                                                                     Meta level of risk justice

                           DISTRIBUTIVE & CORRECTIVE                                                                 PROCEDURAL
                                    risk justice                                                                       risk justice
                           Who (in)directly carries the burdens,                                        Who decides for whom/what?
                           and who (in)directly benefits?                            Whose voices and what knowledge are considered?
                           Who is responsible for and affected by the (potential) harm,
                           and who corrects it?

                                                    Sustainable development dimensions of risk justice

                                                       SOCIAL                                  ECOLOGICAL
                                                      risk justice                               risk justice

                                    Fairness between                 Fairness between                           Fairness between
                               different groups of people         humans and non-humans                   different non-humans entities

                                                      SPATIAL                                   TEMPORAL
                                                      risk justice                               risk justice

                                                   Fairness between                            Fairness between
                                                   entities present in                     entities living at different
                                             different geographical areas                       moments in time

FIGURE 1       The conceptual risk justice framework.

this strategy once implemented, which should have an impact                          committed and the other has suffered a transactional injus-
on the risk itself (among other consequences) as shown at the                        tice” (p. 349), whereas distributive justice “deals with the
top of Figure 1.                                                                     distribution of whatever is divisible […] among the partici-
   Distributive justice, which is the fairness between those                         pants in a political community” (p. 349), and therefore, “there
who directly and indirectly benefit and those who directly and                       is a conceptual difference between the correlative logic of
indirectly carry the burdens (de Goër de Herve, 2022), applies                       corrective justice and the comparative logic of distributive
both to the risk itself (e.g., Busby & Sedmak, 2011; Dietrich,                       justice” (p. 355). In Aristotle’s understanding, corrective jus-
2021) and to the management strategy (e.g., Kaufmann et al.,                         tice can happen between two parties only because one is
2021; Thaler, 2021). In essence, it can be addressed by asking                       responsible for the loss of the other one, whereas distributive
the following questions: Who is impacted positively and neg-                         justice can happen between an unlimited number of parties
atively by the risk? Is that fair? Who is impacted positively                        (Weinrib, 2002). Yet, in the risk justice framework, we extend
and negatively by the management strategy? Is that fair? In                          this limited understanding of corrective justice by consider-
many cases, distributive justice can be interlinked with cor-                        ing that corrective actions may be taken by a third party, for
rective justice, which is about establishing responsibilities for                    instance when a public policy aims at remediating polluted
the harmful event. Corrective justice raises the questions of                        land in order to restore its ecological value, whereas those
who is responsible for the harm? Who is affected by it? Is                           responsible for the pollution cannot be identified or are other-
that fair? Who should correct the harm, and whether that is                          wise unable to rectify the wrongdoing. Lazar (2008) contends
fair?                                                                                that the harm can be corrected by a different agent than the
   The theoretical distinctions between corrective and dis-                          harmer, as long as it is indeed rectified.
tributive justice are discussed in philosophy (see for instance                         In practice, it might be easier to discuss distributive issues
Perry, 2010), and according to Weinrib (2002), a classi-                             concerning the current and future distributions of resources,
cal fundamental difference comes from Aristotle’s distinc-                           and corrective ones in the case of past and historical situa-
tion: corrective justice “focuses on whether one party has                           tions that lead, or can lead, to loss and damages. For instance,
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RISK JUSTICE                                                                                                                             5

Wallimann-Helmer et al. (2019) compare compensatory and                the broad frames of social and intragenerational justice, as
distributive justice for climate-related loss and damage and           well as environmental justice, which focuses on social issues
conclude that in practice, compensatory justice (which is one          in the case of environmental risks and resource management
possible application of corrective justice) applies for iden-          (Schlosberg, 2007). The ecological justice dimension of risk
tified harm that has already happened, whereas distributive            justice is inspired by what is also called ecological justice,
justice can be used to foster fairness when implementing new           which is the fairness between human and nonhuman systems
strategies.                                                            and entities, as well as multispecies justice, which is the fair-
    Procedural justice, which is about who takes the decision          ness among different species. In the context of risk justice,
and whose voices and what knowledge are considered dur-                the spatial dimension includes issues raised by climate jus-
ing the decision process (de Goër de Herve, 2022), is key              tice for climate-related risks, such as the responsibility for
when choosing a management strategy (Figure 1). It asks                and impacts of climate change, as well as the capacity to cope
the following questions: Who makes the decision? Is that               with impacts between different countries or regions of the
fair, especially when compared to who is affected? Whose               world. Environmental justice also offers spatial insights about
voices are heard, and whose knowledge is considered? What              environmental risks, and international justice starts out from
information is taken into consideration? Is that fair? There-          national borders to discuss fairness. The understanding of
fore, procedural justice is both about the participation of the        spatial justice in the context of risk justice also includes atten-
relevant stakeholders and the information used to make the             tion to other spatial levels such as different places located
decision.                                                              within the same country. Temporal justice extends the idea of
    Distributive and corrective justices are linked to proce-          intergenerational justice to include nonhuman entities as well.
dural justice, and the other way around. Some argue that               It can also reflect fairness issues between human and nonhu-
there cannot be serious distributive justice without procedu-          man entities who have lived in the past, and the ones living
ral justice, and that there is a need for the fair distribution        today. We understand temporality broadly, covering different
of resources, such as time, money, and knowledge, in order             points in time in the short, medium, and long-term.
to foster procedural justice (Begg, 2018). This meta-level
of risk justice is visible in the middle of Figure 1. Yet, the
causal links among the different forms of justice vary widely          3.2    Details for distributive justice in the
(O’Hare & White, 2018). In addition, there is often a need for         four dimensions
justice of recognition in order to support procedural, distribu-
tive, and corrective justice. Indeed, the recognition of those         Figure 2 presents a matrix that encompasses the scope of dis-
affected by the risk or the harm, and those affected by the            tributive risk justice. The rows detail fairness issues between
management strategies, leads to better delimitations of who            the stakeholders: different human groups and different non-
and what should be included in the decision-making process             human entities. The columns add the spatial–temporal frames
(Kaufmann et al., 2021).                                               to discuss the distribution of the impacts of the risk and the
    The innovative aspect of risk justice is that distributive,        management strategy among these actors.
corrective, and procedural justices are considered in terms of            Each management strategy may be discussed within each
four dimensions related to sustainable development: social,            of the boxes appearing in Figure 2. Is the specific risk and/or
ecological, spatial, and temporal justice, as shown at the             the strategy to handle it concerned with distributional issues
bottom of Figure 1. Social justice is the fairness among dif-          of any box and all the other boxes? If yes, is the situation just,
ferent groups of people, and ecological justice is the fairness        given what is considered fair in the context?
between humans and nonhumans, as well as among different
nonhuman entities. They should both be analyzed together
with spatial–temporal considerations. Spatial justice is the           3.3    Details for corrective justice in the four
fairness between entities present in different geographical            dimensions
areas, and temporal justice is the fairness between entities
present at different moments in time. As human and natu-               Corrective justice establishes responsibilities for harms and
ral systems are interconnected and various spatial–temporal            their corrections between the different groups and entities.
scales are included, the different dimensions overlap. They            “Harm is a damage to a person’s interests” (Lazar, 2008, p.
are relevant for the different facets of sustainable devel-            356) or, in the case of risk justice, a damage to the interest
opment, in particular the target integration of social and             of an entity, whether it is human or nonhuman. Yet, Lazar
ecological justice, the territorial integration for spatial justice,   (2008) states that money, even if it may be “a means for
and the time integration for temporal justice. Therefore, risk         furthering our interests” (p. 356), has certain limitations for
justice is about both humans and nonhumans, here and now               correcting the harm, notably because some harm can never be
as well as elsewhere and in the future.                                compensated, especially if it cannot be undone, and because
    The four sustainable development dimensions included in            some situations cannot be valued in money: They are incom-
the risk justice framework build on existing theories in the           mensurable. Therefore, corrective justice in risk management
justice literature (see Table 1). The social dimension reflects        cannot be reduced to monetary compensation only but can
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6                                                                                                                                       GOËR DE HERVE ET AL.

TA B L E 1       Justice frameworks inspiration

Dimensions of risk justice                                                                        Inspired by existing justice frameworks in the literature

Social                                                                                            -Social justice
                                                                                                  -Intragenerational justice
                                                                                                  -Environmental justice
Ecological                                                                                        -Ecological justice
                                                                                                  -Multispecies justice
Spatial                                                                                           -Spatial justice
                                                                                                  -Climate justice
                                                                                                  -Environmental justice
                                                                                                  -International justice
Temporal                                                                                          -Intergenerational justice

                                                                       FAIRNESS BETWEEN…

              Same place,                          Different places,       Different places,              Same place,
               Same time                              Same time            Different times               Different times

                                  ISSUES                                 Between people now
           Between groups of                      Between people here                                 Between people now
                                                                         and in the future here                                      Between humans
          people here and now                          and there                                        and in the future
                                                                               and there

                                                                         Between humans and
                                   Focus on

          Between humans and                      Between humans and                                  Between humans and             Between humans
                                                                          non-human entities
          non-humans entities                      non-human entities                                  non-human entities
                                                                         now and in the future                                       and non-humans
             here and now                            here and there                                   now and in the future
                                                                            here and there

                                                                          Between non-human
                                                                                                      Between non-human               Between non-
          Between non-human                 Between non-human              entities now and in
                                                                                                       entities now and in
          entities here and now ECOLOGICAL entities here and there         the future here and
                                                                                                            the future                human entities

                                                  SPATIAL                                                     TEMPORAL
                                                  ISSUES                       Focus on                          ISSUES

FIGURE 2          Detailed components of distributive risk justice.

include other actions such as restoration processes. So cor-                     3.4    Details for procedural justice in the
rective actions group monetary and nonmonetary strategies                        four dimensions
as shown at the bottom of Figure 3. Compensatory justice
refers to “the provision of resources to a victim with the goal                  As summarized in Figure 4, procedural justice concerns both
of minimizing or reversing the impact of harm done by the                        the question of who participates during the decision-making
injustice” (Mullen & Okimoto, 2015, p. 478). As it is about                      process and the question of what information is considered
a transfer of resources, for instance money, this type of jus-                   when choosing what strategy to implement. Procedural jus-
tice usually applies to the social dimension of risk justice, the                tice in the social dimension is most often discussed in terms
fairness between humans, and can apply in various spatial–                       of participation in and access to the decision-making pro-
temporal scales. Restorative justice focuses broadly on the                      cess (e.g., Adger & Nelson, 2010). Who can participate in the
recovery and healing process after harm has been done; it                        decision-making process? Who is given the opportunity, and
“calls for a repair of harms done to communities and the                         who does it in practice? This discussion also raises the trick-
environment” (Spurlock et al., 2022, p. 2). It can apply to                      ier question of who should be invited to participate: experts in
humans as well as nonhumans (e.g., the restoration of ecosys-                    the area of study who have theoretical knowledge, or people
tems after an environmental pollution). Restoration processes                    exposed to the risk who have knowledge derived from experi-
may take time and therefore include a temporal dimension.                        ence but may be biased by inaccurate perceptions? Moreover,
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RISK JUSTICE                                                                                                                                7

                                                       SOCIAL            ECOLOGICAL
                                                     An individual/a         A harmer
                                                    group provoking      provoking a risk
                                                    a risk for another    for non-human             THE (POTENTIALLY) HARMED
                                                    socio-economic-       entities and/or
                    Who? or What?                     cultural group        ecosystems                       Who? or What?

               Where?            When?                 SPATIAL            TEMPORAL                      Where?          When?
                                                        A harmer             A harmer
                                                    provoking a risk     provoking a risk
                                                     for someone or       for someone or
                                                       something           something at
                                                    somewhere else       some other point
                                                                               in time

                                                        CORRECTIVE ACTIONS
                                                                From whom?

                                                        Where?                When?


                                                    Monetary                 Non-monetary
                                                     E.g.                            E.g.
                                                     Compensatory             Restorative
                                                     justice                      justice

FIGURE 3        Corrective risk justice mapped.

a critical issue is to consider whether or not increasing the               disaggregated data in order to analyze the potential impacts
number of participants in the decision-making process always                on different communities. Including an ecological dimension
increases fairness. Previous research has shown that taking                 requires information about the consequences of the potential
part can sometimes turn into a burden for the participants and              strategies on nonhumans, and including a temporal dimension
result in a transfer of responsibilities rather than power (Begg,           can be represented by the consideration of long-term scenar-
2018).                                                                      ios and the inclusion of foresight methodologies to support
   In addition, the other dimensions of sustainable devel-                  decision-making. The spatial dimension requires a check on
opment bring challenging decisions: how to enable the                       the potential consequences of the actions on different geo-
participation of future generations or nonhumans? Even more                 graphical areas and not only the one where the hazard and/or
challenging is how to enable the participation of nonhumans                 the strategy is located.
that will live in the future? Hypothetical reasoning can guide                 As mentioned in the introduction, the risk justice frame-
decisions about risks affecting people who cannot take part                 work can be applied to very different types of uncertain and
in the decision procedure such as future generations (Her-                  negative events. The next section uses it to look specifically
mansson, 2010). As a minimum, their interests should be                     at disaster risk management.
considered during the decision-making process, for instance
through the invitation of representatives of specific NGOs
(see Pahl-Wostl et al. (2013) referred to by Begg (2018)).                  4   ILLUSTRATION: ANALYSIS OF
Among the various actors that should be included in jus-                    DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT
tice assessments, Johannesson et al. (2022) suggest a “justice              INTERNATIONAL GUIDELINES
caller,” who would present “a justice claim on behalf of an                 THROUGH THE RISK JUSTICE
actor who cannot exercise her rights directly” (p. 7). They                 FRAMEWORK
state that “with relevance to sustainable development and cli-
mate justice, we note that some actors may not be able to                   To illustrate the analytical potential of the risk justice frame-
come in contact with the system directly. […] Separate indi-                work, we applied it to official documents used as compulsory
viduals and activist groups may act as justice callers for future           or voluntary guidelines for disaster risk management. The
generations who do not yet have a voice in climate issues or                SFDRR (United Nations, 2015) is an international voluntary
on the behalf of ecosystems that cannot speak for themselves                agreement on how to support disaster risk reduction world-
by definition” (p. 7).                                                      wide. It clearly states that disaster risk management is a way
   When it comes to what knowledge is considered, and                       to contribute to sustainable development. We present the find-
therefore, what information is processed during the decision-               ings of the analysis of the SFDRR through the risk justice lens
making process, including a social dimension can call for                   in the first part of the results section. Then follows a more
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8                                                                                                                                 GOËR DE HERVE ET AL.

                                                       PARTICIPATION                              INFORMATION
                                                       during the decision-                     processed for making
                                                         making process                                choices

                                                                                                 Who is the source of
                                                                                                  information? e.g.
                                                                                            expert/traditional knowledge
                                                Who is participating compared to
                        SOCIAL                  who is impacted by the decision?           To what level of disaggregation
                                                                                          are the data available (depending
                                                                                                on socio-eco-cultural

                                                                                            Is there information about the
                                                Is there a representative for non-        ecological impacts? At what level
                        ECOLOGICAL                       human interests?                  of disaggregation (e.g. entities,
                                                                                                  ecosystems, etc.)?

                                                                                             Is there information about the
                                                   What is the role of local                          consequences
                                                                                          - at different spatial scales (local,
                        SPATIAL                 Where are situated the instances            regional, national, global, etc.)
                                                 deciding compared to the risk
                                                           exposure?                      - and in other places than the risk

                                                                                            Are scenarios used? For what
                                                   Is there a representative for                    timeframe?
                         TEMPORAL                future (human and non-human)
                                                           generations?                        Are historical data and
                                                                                              experience considered?

FIGURE 4       Non-exhaustive list of procedural justice concerns in the four sustainable development dimensions.

specific example focusing on flood management. The basis                      4.1    Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk
for the establishment of flood management plans and their                     Reduction 2015–2030 (SFDRR)
implementation within the European Union is the FD (Direc-
tive 2007/60/EC), which is analyzed in the second part of the                 The SFDRR includes several elements of procedural and
result section.                                                               distributive justice but limited consideration of corrective jus-
   Table 2 shows a very limited mention of justice or syn-                    tice. A more detailed description of the issues presented in the
onyms and antonyms in the two documents, as well as in                        SFDRR through the risk justice lens is available in the Sup-
the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC) of                       porting Information section. In summary, the justice-related
the European Union, hereafter “WFD”, a key directive to                       elements of the SFDRR contain a strong focus on social
which the FD often refers. The results presented thereafter are               and spatial sustainability with many explicit statements in
therefore based on the in-depth-content analysis described in                 these contexts, whereas less emphasis is put on the tem-
Section 2. We present only a summary in the article because                   poral dimension, and the ecological dimension is relatively
of length limitation, and the longer version can be found in                  underrepresented.
the material.
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RISK JUSTICE                                                                                                                                                                           9

TA B L E 2         Word count of justice and synonyms/antonyms

                         Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction                                  EU Floods Directive                        EU Water Framework
                         2015–2030 (SFDRR)                                                             (FD)                                       Directive (WFD)

*just*                   0                                                                             0                                          0a
*fair*                   0                                                                             1 (“fair” sharing of                       0
*equit*                  3 (“gender equitable”: once in the core text, once in                         0                                          1 (“equitable” water use)
                            the index, and once in the chart)
*equal*                  2 (“inequality” as a driver of disaster risks: once in                        0                                          1b (the parties are “equal” in the
                            the core text, and once in the index)                                                                                   decision-making process…)
Note: Only the words related to justice appear in the table (excluding a) “adjusted”; “justified”; “just” as a meaning of “only”; b) “equally” in the meaning of “as well”; “equal” for a
color code).

4.1.1            Social issues                                                                 environmental heritage. However, suggestions of corrective
                                                                                               measures for ecological purposes are missing.
The SFDRR argues that the management of disaster risks
should be preventive, people-centered, and assist those who
are disproportionately affected by disasters (such as women,                                   4.1.3             Spatial issues
the elderly, migrants, and indigenous groups). The main strat-
egy is to invest in the resilience of people and communities                                   The guidelines for each priority in the SFDRR are presented
according to their respective vulnerabilities and needs in                                     for different spatial levels, and there is a section dedi-
order to reduce potential losses and damages, with a focus                                     cated to “International cooperation and global partnership.”
on tackling root causes of disaster risks by for instance                                      Cooperation among various spatial levels and international
investing in reducing poverty and hunger, and improving                                        collaboration mechanisms are essential for coherent manage-
educational, health, and telecommunication infrastructure.                                     ment. In general, local characteristics of disaster risks should
Clear tasks and responsibilities for risk management should                                    be taken into consideration during the decision-making pro-
be assigned to relevant stakeholders, which is connected                                       cess. There is an emphasis on the “developed” countries
to the allocation of needed resources. The SFDRR high-                                         helping “developing” countries, and this help should be based
lights procedural elements and encourages whole-of-society                                     on the needs and priorities identified by the beneficiaries
engagement in the decision-making process, with special                                        themselves. The SFDRR acknowledges that some countries
attention to giving voice to people disproportionally affected                                 face specific challenges because of higher vulnerability and
by disasters. The process should be empowering and inclu-                                      hazard levels and are therefore disproportionally affected by
sive with accessible and nondiscriminatory participation.                                      disasters. Finally, the SFDRR encourages some actions that
Decision-making collaboration includes all stakeholders in                                     can be interpreted as corrective, for example strengthening
society: public and private, at different institutional levels                                 the resilience of affected people and that of host communities,
and in different sectors. Scientific, traditional, and indige-                                 and relocating public facilities and infrastructure to places
nous knowledge, as well as knowledge from experience, must                                     outside the hazardous areas in the post-disaster reconstruction
inform the decision-making process. Disaggregated data (i.e.,                                  process.
by sex and age) helps with identifying the needs of different
affected people. Corrective justice aspects refer to the need
for accountability for disaster risk creation at all levels. The                               4.1.4             Temporal issues
SFDRR also suggests the promotion of mechanisms that can
be interpreted as international corrective measures such as                                    According to the SFDRR, the management of disaster risks
risk transfer and insurance.                                                                   should first and foremost prevent future losses by focusing
                                                                                               on prevention and preparedness. This includes an emphasis
                                                                                               on investment in resilience through tackling root causes of
4.1.2            Ecological issues                                                             disaster risks and other strategies such as building back bet-
                                                                                               ter. The participation and leadership of children and youth
According to the SFDRR, the management of disaster risks                                       are strongly encouraged as they are agents of change. Infor-
aims, among other goals, at protecting environmental assets                                    mation about the factors and scenarios for disaster risks in
and ecosystems, with a focus on investing in environmental                                     the medium and long term should be considered, in particular
resilience, which necessitates for example resource man-                                       in the light of climate change. To make decisions, it is also
agement and biodiversity promotion. The choices should                                         important to learn from past programs and disaster reviews.
be made considering the vulnerability and exposure of the                                      There is no specific mention of corrective actions related to
environment and the effects of disasters on ecosystems and                                     temporal justice.
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10                                                                                                                                       GOËR DE HERVE ET AL.

   The SFDRR is an international voluntary agreement that                                   limited ecological value. As flood management is integrated
advises disaster risk reduction in a broad sense. The next part                             into general water management, most ecological elements
focuses on one of these disaster risks, namely floods, within                               in the FD are indirectly included through the WFD and
the European Union spatial context.                                                         its environmental objectives. No particular participation of
                                                                                            stakeholders representing nonhuman interests is mentioned in
                                                                                            the FD but some specific information should be considered,
4.2           European Floods Directive (FD)                                                such as the potential environmental pollution resulting from
                                                                                            floods and the assessment of the effects of potential flood
The FD touches upon all elements included in the risk jus-                                  management measures on the environment. Moreover, the
tice framework, although some are addressed only indirectly                                 WFD recommends taking into account the vulnerability of
through reference to other documents; such as the WFD and                                   aquatic ecosystems. In general, the strategies should reduce
the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union                                     damage to the environment due to floods and promote envi-
(2012/C 326/02)1 . The FD mentions the contribution of flood                                ronmental objectives, in line with the WFD and the Charter
management to sustainable practices, through environmen-                                    of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. In addition,
tal protection, sustainable land use practices, and sustainable                             flood risk management should consider giving more space to
human activities. A more detailed analysis of the FD elements                               rivers and using some floodplains as natural flood retention
is available in the Supporting Information section.                                         areas. Although the FD does not mention responsibilities for
                                                                                            ecological harm, the restoration of floodplains is suggested,
                                                                                            and it is for example possible to use the European Union Sol-
4.2.1            Social issues                                                              idarity Fund to help natural zones to return to pre-disaster
                                                                                            conditions. The WFD suggests the polluter-pays principle for
The FD recommends an active involvement of all interested                                   the restoration of aquatic environments.
parties in the production and update of management plans
through public information and consultation. All costs and
benefits of the strategies must be considered in decision-                                  4.2.3        Spatial issues
making. The plans should be inspired by best practice cases
and best available technology and adapted in line with sci-                                 The FD recognizes that different types of floods affect dif-
entific and technical progress. The measures should prevent                                 ferent places in the European Union, and that the causes and
damage, and, if possible, reduce the likelihood of flooding.                                consequences of floods vary across geographical locations.
The FD argues that there must be a “fair sharing of responsi-                               Spatial aspects are strongly emphasized: Whereas each Mem-
bilities” (p. 28) for measures jointly decided for the common                               ber State is responsible for the flood risk management on its
benefit of the European Community, in light of the solidar-                                 own territory, coordination must take place at the river basin
ity principle. As the FD respects the Charter of Fundamental                                level even if it is an international one. Therefore, collabora-
Rights of the European Union, it must consider the right to                                 tion with neighboring countries is essential, and transnational
life for everyone (article 2), the right to property (article 17),                          effects must be considered in cost and benefit analyses.
and the prohibition of discrimination (article 21). The FD also                             Decision-making should consider the particular needs and
recognizes that some human activities and climate change                                    priorities of the specific geographical area at stake, and map-
contribute to the harm generated by floods. In the case of a                                ping risk assessments need to be done at the appropriate scale.
disaster event, the European Solidarity Fund can grant rapid                                Given the European solidarity principle, a Member State is
financial assistance to help people return to preflood condi-                               not allowed to implement a measure that reduces flood risks
tions, which is a corrective measure. In general, the WFD                                   on its own territory if it increases the risk of floods in another
recommends basing corrective measures on the polluter-pays                                  Member State, unless there is a specific agreement between
principle.                                                                                  them. In addition, a Member State facing an emergency can
                                                                                            receive support and assistance from other Member States.

4.2.2            Ecological issues
                                                                                            4.2.4        Temporal issues
The environment is always mentioned together with human
health, cultural heritage, and economic activity when the                                   The management of flood risk should focus on preven-
FD describes the purpose of flood risk management and                                       tion, protection, and preparedness, and as the FD respects
the adverse consequences of floods. The FD recognizes that                                  the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union,
floods damage the environment; however, the risk is con-                                    there are responsibilities and duties toward future generations
sidered insignificant if it threatens an unpopulated area with                              (preamble). The FD requires the consideration of long-term
                                                                                            socioeconomic and natural developments, such as the impact
                                                                                            of climate change on the occurrence and the impacts of
 The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union was first published in 2000
and has been updated in 2012. In this analysis, we have used the updated version in spite   floods. The FD does not directly include representatives of
of the fact that the FD was published in 2007.                                              the interests of future generations in the decision-making pro-
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RISK JUSTICE                                                                                                                      11

cess, but the participation of children is indirectly encouraged   nation involves the type of guidelines that are analyzed here.
through the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European          Both documents focus on the management of potential future
Union (article 24). Regular reviews and updates of flood           risks rather than already existing harm, which would be the
risk management plans help distribute the effects over time.       remit of corrective actions in risk management practice. Yet,
In addition, past flood events, their impacts, and the likeli-     we suggest that discussing justice issues proactively before
hood of similar events in the future guide strategy choices.       harm occurs could support implementation of actions to cor-
Finally, according to the WFD, the selection of recovery mea-      rect it. Although the influence of international agreements
sures needs an economic analysis of water services based on        on disaster risk reduction has been limited because of resis-
long-term forecasts, and the measures taken to face excep-         tant sociopolitical structures (Raikes et al., 2022), we argue
tional circumstances such as floods should not compromise          that discussing justice issues explicitly in international guide-
the recovery of water quality once the circumstances are over.     lines such as the SFDRR and the FD could be a first step
                                                                   toward an institutional change in the direction of sustainable

To conclude, we discuss both the results from the documents        5.2    Benefits of the conceptual framework
analysis and the benefits of the risk justice framework. We        and further research
also suggest some ideas for further research.
                                                                   The risk justice framework presented here enables decision-
                                                                   makers, researchers, evaluators, and all affected stakeholders
5.1  Similarities and differences between the                      to address justice issues explicitly and comprehensively in
SFDRR and the FD                                                   risk governance and management relating to different risk
                                                                   contexts. It connects and adds to other existing justice
The content analysis of the SFDRR and FD through the lens          frameworks by enabling a systemic understanding of jus-
of our conceptual risk justice framework has underlined that       tice considerations in different risk management situations,
many elements of these guidelines relate, even if only implic-     thereby proactively addressing potential conflicts about what
itly, to several forms and dimensions of justice. In particular,   is perceived as fair processes and outcomes in order to eventu-
social and spatial dimensions of procedural and distribu-          ally contribute to sustainable development. As our framework
tive justice are highlighted in the two documents, and both        offers a new conceptual understanding, it promotes new ideas
have a similar emphasis on the importance of prevention and        and encourages new ways of thinking, which is the benefit of
preparedness rather than reactive actions. This aligns with        conceptual research (MacInnis, 2011).
increasing the well-being of current and future generations           As shown in our application, using a risk justice framework
by reducing risks, which is an essential aspect of sustain-        to analyze international guidelines for disaster risk manage-
able development. Yet, we have identified some gaps in the         ment enables us to identify gaps and omissions and hence
SFDRR and the FD that may reduce the contribution of dis-          question the contribution of disaster risk reduction to the
aster and flood risk management to sustainable development.        well-being of human populations, natural ecosystems, and
Notably, although ecological issues are considered, they are       future living entities. The risk justice framework has there-
mostly focused on environmental protection for the purpose         fore been a useful retrospective analytical tool for pointing
of human well-being. Elements related to fairness among            out what dimensions of justice are included in the guide-
different nonhuman entities are scarce in the documents. In        lines, explicitly or implicitly, and what dimensions are not.
addition, the ecological and temporal aspects of procedu-          By extension, this provides information on the potential con-
ral justice focus mostly on the consideration of information       tributions to (un)sustainable development practices. When
regarding impacts on future generations and ecosystems, and        fairness issues are not explicitly addressed, they may in
very little on the inclusion of participants representing their    practice be left open for the personal interpretation of the
interests. For the temporal aspect, hearing the voices of chil-    decision-makers. Future international guidelines for disaster
dren and youth is recommended; however, there is nothing           risk reduction could benefit from a discussion facilitated with
on the interests of further generations. Corrective justice ele-   the help of the risk justice framework presented in this article
ments are also limited in both documents. In the SFDRR,            in order to explicitly point out the different forms of justice
some elements can be related to the restoration of the pre-        related to sustainable development. Doing so can help min-
disaster situation, but no attribution of harm is explicit. In     imize potential conflicts associated with the implementation
the case of flood risk management, the suggestion to apply         of disaster risk management strategies and make the choices
a polluter-pays principle for environmental injustices due to      of what should or should not be included to promote fairness
floods is indirect through the WFD and is not made explicit        more transparent.
in the FD. These absences of direct statements may reflect            Stakeholders willing to operationalize risk justice as a
the low priority given to some fairness aspects compared           proactive decision-making tool will have to determine justice
to others that are more explicit in the text. Concerning the       principles that guide the answer to the question of “what is
limited attention given to corrective justice, a possible expla-   fair?,” and these principles are very much context-dependent
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12                                                                                                                                    GOËR DE HERVE ET AL.

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14                                                                                                                                                       GOËR DE HERVE ET AL.

This appendix presents the documents analyzed.

                                         Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
                                         2015–2030                                                                   EU Floods Directive

Purpose                                  Concise, focused, forward-looking, and action-oriented                      “A ‘directive’ is a legislative act that sets out a goal that
                                           international Framework for disaster risk reduction                         all EU countries must achieve. However, it is up to
                                           following the Hyogo Framework for Action                                    the individual countries to devise their own laws on
                                                                                                                       how to reach these goals.” a
Main focus                               “The substantial reduction of disaster risk and losses in                   Prevention and mitigation of floods.
                                           lives, livelihoods and health and in the economic,
                                           physical, social, cultural and environmental assets of
                                           persons, businesses, communities and countries.” p.
Year of publication                      2015                                                                        2007
Source                                   United Nations                                                              European Union

    Definition available on (last access: November 2022)

This appendix details the list of codes used for the content analysis processed in NVIVO.
Name of the code                                          Description of the content                                            Examples

Distr_soc_risk                                            Elements related to social issues in the                              Who benefits from the risk? Directly, and
                                                            distribution of the risk itself                                      indirectly? Who is exposed to the risk? Who
                                                                                                                                 is vulnerable to the risk?
Distr_soc_management                                      Elements related to social issues in the                              Who is targeted by the management strategy?
                                                            distribution of the management strategies                            Who implements it? Who pays for it? Who
                                                                                                                                 would benefit from a different strategy?
Distr_eco_risk                                            Elements related to ecological issues in the                          How are ecosystems impacted by the risk?
                                                            distribution of the risk itself
Distr_eco_management                                      Elements related to ecological issues in the                          How are ecosystems impacted by the
                                                            distribution of the management strategies                             management strategy? Is one type of
                                                                                                                                  ecosystem more impacted than another
Distr_spa_risk                                            Elements related to spatial issues in the                             Where does the risk take place? Are the ones
                                                            distribution of the risk itself                                      benefiting from the risk and the ones at risk
                                                                                                                                 located in different areas?
Distr_spa_management                                      Elements related to spatial issues in the                             Does the management strategy impact
                                                            distribution of the management strategies                             different areas? How? Are the ones who
                                                                                                                                  benefit from the strategy located in a
                                                                                                                                  different place than the ones who carry the
                                                                                                                                  burdens of it?
Distr_temp_risk                                           Elements related to temporal issues in the                            When does the risk take place? Are there early
                                                            distribution of the risk itself                                      warning systems? Are the ones creating the
                                                                                                                                 risk and the ones being at risk present at
                                                                                                                                 different points in time?
Distr_temp_management                                     Elements related to temporal issues in the                            What will be the impacts of the strategy on
                                                            distribution of the management strategies                            future generations? Are the ones benefiting
                                                                                                                                 from the strategy and the ones carrying the
                                                                                                                                 burdens of it in a different moment in time?
Corr_soc_harm                                             Elements related to social issues in the                              Who is responsible for the creation of harm?
                                                            creation or the allocation of the harm                               Who is affected (or potentially affected) by
                                                                                                                                 the harm?
                                                                                                                                   15396924, 0, Downloaded from by CochraneItalia, Wiley Online Library on [13/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
RISK JUSTICE                                                                                                                  15

Name of the code          Description of the content                          Examples

Corr_soc_correction       Elements related to social issues in the actions    Who should correct the harm? How?
                            to correct the harm
Corr_eco_harm             Elements related to ecological issues in the        What ecological entities are harmed? For what
                            creation or the allocation of the harm             purpose?
Corr_eco_correction       Elements related to ecological issues in the        How should ecosystems be restored? Who
                            actions to correct the harm                         should be responsible for it? Who is
                                                                                financing and implementing the restorative
Corr_spa_harm             Elements related to spatial issues in the           Where is the harm done? Where are the ones
                            creation or the allocation of the harm             responsible for the harm based?
Corr_spa_correction       Elements related to spatial issues in the actions   Where are the ones correcting the harm
                            to correct the harm                                situated? Is the harm corrected where it
                                                                               takes place? At what spatial level are the
                                                                               corrective actions decided?
Corr_temp_harm            Elements related to temporal issues in the          Is a given generation harming another one?
                            creation or the allocation of the harm               Are the actions of today harming entities in
                                                                                 the future?
Corr_temp_correction      Elements related to temporal issues in the          How should future harm be corrected? How is
                            actions to correct the harm                         past harm corrected today?
Proc_soc_participation    Elements related to social issues in the            Who should participate in the decision-making
                            involvement of stakeholders during the             process? How?
                            decision-making process
Proc_soc_info             Elements related to social issues in the            What information related to the effects of the
                            information processed to make the decision         risk management on different
                                                                               socioeconomic groups is considered?
Proc_eco_participation    Elements related to ecological issues in the        Is there any representative of nonhumans in
                            involvement of stakeholders during the               the decision-making process? How are
                            decision-making process                              nonhumans represented?
Proc_eco_info             Elements related to ecological issues in the        How are the interests of nonhumans
                            information processed to make the decision          considered? How are the effects of risk
                                                                                management on nonhumans considered?
Proc_spa_participation    Elements related to spatial issues in the           At what spatial level should the decisions be
                            involvement of stakeholders during the              taken? Where are the decision-makers
                            decision-making process                             situated?
Proc_spa_info             Elements related to spatial issues in the           How are the impacts on various geographical
                            information processed to make the decision          scales considered? Are the indirect impacts
                                                                                of risk management in other places taken
                                                                                into consideration?
Proc_temp_participation   Elements related to temporal issues in the          Is there any representative of future
                            involvement of stakeholders during the               generations in the decision-making process?
                            decision-making process                              How are future generations represented?
                                                                                 Should past generations be represented?
Proc_temp_info            Elements related to temporal issues in the          How are the interests of future stakeholders
                            information processed to make the decision          considered? How are considered the effects
                                                                                of risk management in the future? How are
                                                                                past risk management taken into account to
                                                                                inform future ones?