Developed by staff from Isle of Wight School Division This work, compiled and developed with identified partners, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Collaboration Communication Critical Thinking Creativity Citizenship
K-3 1. I participate in team activities. 1. I have good eye contact when listening to others. 1. I find new information using texts and technology. 1. I create my own ideas for a task. 1. I respect others' space, belongings, and thoughts.
2. I listen to others. 2. I use different ways to share my ideas. 2. I come up with new questions about my learning. 2. I use my best ideas to do the task. 2. I tell the truth.
I use respectful body language when listening to I am responsible for my space, belongings, and
3. I use kind, specific, and helpful feedback. 3. others. 3. I think about my actions. 3. My work may look different from others. 3. actions.
4. I help my team by doing my part. 4. I explain my work by using detail. 4. I change my thinking based on my new learning. 4. 4. I use kind words and actions.
I will gather information using evidence from
4-6 1. I listen to other's ideas and questions. 1. I listen to others with my whole body. 1. reliable sources. 1. 1. I act with integrity.
2. I contribute to group work/conversations. 2. I seek to understand before being understood. 2. I come up with new questions about my learning. 2. 2. I do my best every day.
3. I am dependable for completing assigned tasks. 3. I give verbal and non-verbal encouragement. 3. I think about my actions. 3. 3. I work collaboratively with peers and teachers.
I am helpful to partners and others who need I express ideas clearly with an appropriate amount
4. assistance. 4. of detail and description. 4. I change my thinking based on my new learning. 4. 4. I use critical thinking skills to solve problems.
5. I follow classroom norms and culture. 5. I use appropriate pitch and tone to express myself. 5. 5. 5. I strive to be creative and innovative.
6. 6. 6. 6. 6.
Listens to others, fully present to other’s ideas and Gathers and evaluates information using Try new things that may require original thinking and Model qualities that a person is expected to have
questions. Listens to others, fully present to other’s meaning. evidence from reliable sources. (SMS: I ask lead to unpredictable results. (Be open to new ideas.) as a member of a community. (SMS: I am
7-8 1. (SMS: 1. I listen ) 1. (SMS: I listen) 1. questions.) 1. (SMS: I use ordinary to make extrordinary.) 1. responsible for my behavior.)
Uses inquiry to conduct research, generate
new questions, and get expert
opinions/feedback. OR Generate and respond
Contributes to group’s work/conversations. Seek to understand before being understood. to purposeful questions. (SMS: I collect Be imaginative and act on ideas. (SMS: I use my
2. (SMS: I participate) 2. (SMS: I am open to other's ideas) 2. information from good sources.) 2. imagination.) 2. (SMS: I treat others with care.)
Encouraging through verbal and nonverbal Considers alternative positions and counter
Dependable for completing assigned tasks. cues (Interpersonal).(SMS: I use positive arguments through evaluation of positions as
3. (SMS: I assist) 3. words and actions) 3. supported by evidence. (SMS: I reflect.) 3. (SMS: I can be different.) 3. (SMS: I do the right thing.)
Reflective of one’s actions and thinking for
changes, improvements, and/or validation. OR:
Express ideas and questions in clear and Reflect on one’s roles as critical thinkers
Helpful to partners’ who need assistance with their concise language. (SMS: I clearly share my and/or problems solvers and set goals for
4. responsibilities/tasks 4. ideas.) 4. future growth. (I am open to new ideas.) 4. (SMS: I am not afraid to try new things.) 4. (SMS: I make things better.)
Follow classroom/group norms that support
learning and professional culture. Uses pitch and tone to express thoughts in Justify decision-making and/or problem-solving
5. (SMS: I can flexible) 5. appropriate manners. 5. practices. 5. 5.
Mindful of communication skills when having
6. 6. difficult conversations. 6. 6. 6.
7. 7. 7. 7. 7.
Collaboration Communication Critical Thinking Creativity Citizenship
I generate and examine ideas in unique and
9-12 1. I can articulate the group’s goals clearly. 1. I proofread, edit, and revise my writing. 1. I generate thought-provoking questions. 1. imaginative ways. 1. I act with integrity and fairness.
I stay focused, organize work, and check on
2. progress. 2. I write with a clear focus and given purpose. 2. I select and categorize information appropriately. 2. I ask complex questions that lead to new ideas. 2. I take responsibility for my words and actions.
I question the accuracy and relevance of I take risks, tolerate ambiguity, learn from my I respect other’s space, belongings, thoughts, and
3. I can perform each role in my group. 3. I can organize ideas in a logical manner. 3. information. 3. mistakes and display a willingness to grow. 3. backgrounds.
I make compromises, build consensus and set a I draw logical conclusions and can explain my I critically examine traditional ideas and challenge my
4. positive tone. 4. I use appropriate vocabulary and tone. 4. rationale. 4. own beliefs. 4. I give my best effort in every situation.
I show respect and empathy for the ideas, opinions, I demonstrate excitement and passion about my I can describe how parts of a whole interact with I use logical and spontaneous thinking skills to turn I act in the best interests of the learning
5. and feelings of others. 5. topic. 5. each other to produce outcomes. 5. ideas into solutions. 5. community.
I seek, receive, and provide feedback that is kind, I use organization, creativity and/or digital media to I identify and test a variety of solutions to a
6. specific, and helpful. 6. inform and engage my audience. 6. problem. 6. I engage in self-critique. 6.
I support group members in using technology I ask appropriate questions and invite others to
7. responsively and productively. 7. participate. 7. I evaluate solutions based on clear criteria. 7. 7.
I am considerate of others' opinions, backgrounds
8. I engage in self-critique. 8. and beliefs. 8. I analyze my thinking and validate my results.
9. I identify and solve communication challenges.