DOKK Library

Dependently Typed Haskell in Industry (Experience Report)

Authors David Thrane Christiansen Iavor S. Diatchki Joe Hendrix Robert Dockins Tristan Ravitch

License CC-BY-4.0

Dependently Typed Haskell in Industry (Experience Report)

JOE HENDRIX, Galois, Inc., USA
Recent versions of the Haskell compiler GHC have a number of advanced features that allow many idioms
from dependently typed programming to be encoded. We describe our experiences using this “dependently
typed Haskellž to construct a performance-critical library that is a key component in a number of verification
tools. We have discovered that it can be done, and it brings significant value, but also at a high cost. In this
experience report, we describe the ways in which programming at the edge of what is expressible in Haskell’s
type system has brought us value, the difficulties that it has imposed, and some of the ways we coped with the
CCS Concepts: · Software and its engineering → Functional languages; Software development tech-
niques; Data types and structures.
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Haskell, dependent types, performance
ACM Reference Format:
David Thrane Christiansen, Iavor S. Diatchki, Robert Dockins, Joe Hendrix, and Tristan Ravitch. 2019. De-                      100
pendently Typed Haskell in Industry (Experience Report). Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 3, ICFP, Article 100
(August 2019), 16 pages.

Galois, Inc. specializes in solving hard problems in computer science, with an emphasis on security,
often using programming languages and verification. Symbolic simulation is a key technique that
we use to reason about low-level, imperative programs. Galois has developed a general framework
for writing symbolic simulators called Crucible. The implementation of Crucible makes heavy
use of what is often referred to as “dependently typed Haskell,ž with many techniques that are
reminiscent of those used in languages such as Coq, Agda, Idris, or Lean. These techniques statically
ensure that a number of well-formedness properties are never violated, e.g. that all expressions
are well-typed, that register references in control-flow graphs (CFGs) are well-scoped, and that
evaluation order is explicit.
   Based on our experiences, developing a large, performance-critical code base with these advanced
Haskell features can be done in industry, and it brings significant value. However, this value comes
with a high cost: this style of programming can require additional run-time checks to ensure
type safety, and there is an especially high barrier to entry for new developers. We describe our
experiences and detail the compromises that have been necessary to achieve acceptable performance
without giving up key correctness checks.
   Section 2 describes the context and background for Crucible’s development. Section 3 provides
an overview of how we have used some of the features of GHC Haskell to arrange for static
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                                  Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 3, No. ICFP, Article 100. Publication date: August 2019.
100:2                                                 D. Christiansen, I. Diatchki, R. Dockins, J. Hendrix, and T. Ravitch

checking of many key invariants. In order to successfully implement Crucible, Galois needed to
develop a “standard libraryž for our style of mixed type- and value-level programming, called
parameterized-utils, which is described in Section 4. We were not always able to achieve
sufficient performance by using only the safe features of Haskell, and Section 5 describes our use of
unsafe features. In Section 6, we reflect on the practicalities of using advanced type system features.
In Section 7, we describe our reasoning for not pursuing particular related technologies, and in
Section 8 we speculate about future developments in functional language design and implementation
that would be beneficial to use cases like ours.
   While Crucible is implemented in Haskell, and we have used Haskell’s type-level programming
features to implement it, we expect that many of the same challenges that we have experienced
would arise when using other languages with comparable features. In particular, we expect that
our experiences will provide useful input to designers and implementors of dependently typed
languages that aim to be usable for large systems in which good performance is a requirement.

One important technique that Galois uses for mathematically reasoning about programs written
in low-level, imperative languages is symbolic simulation, where imperative programs whose
termination conditions are clear can be converted into functional models [Dockins et al. 2016]. These
extracted models can be reasoned about directly, compared against hand-written specifications for
correctness, or be further compiled, such as in the RAMPARTS project1 in which Julia programs
are compiled into fully-homomorphic-encryption circuits.
   Writing a symbolic simulator is a demanding task. Because we rely on the output of the simulation
for security arguments, it must be correct. Additionally, because the simulator must explore every
case when the program branches on a symbolic value, the simulation must also be performant.
   Crucible is Galois’s third symbolic simulator, following the JVM Symbolic Simulator (JSS) and the
LLVM Symbolic Simulator (LSS). While JSS simulated JVM bytecode directly, LSS first translated
LLVM to an intermediate representation more amenable to simulation. Crucible began as a simulator
for MATLAB®, as part of a project called Grackle.2 We realized that we would likely write more
symbolic simulators and decided to implement a general-purpose framework for writing simulators
in the intermediate-representation style. Crucible has been continually updated with more and
more of the features from Grackle. Today, Crucible is used to implement robust simulators for
Matlab, LLVM IR, x86_64 and PowerPC machine code, and JVM bytecode, as well as experimental
simulators for Julia, Rust, and Go.
   The run-time values of Crucible programs are formulas written in an abstraction layer called
What4, named in honor of Bobot et al.’s Why3 [2011]. What4’s features are a superset of those
provided by a number of solvers, so a particular program may or may not work with a particular
solver, depending on which features it uses. In addition to acting as a lingua franca between different
solvers, What4 is also designed to be a convenient value representation for Crucible by simplifying
symbolic formulas into concrete formulas where possible, which can decrease the search space.
   Crucible was developed after two related tools: Cryptol [Lewis and Martin 2003] (a language
for specifying cryptographic algorithms with support for statically-tracked bitvector widths) and
SAWCore [Dockins et al. 2016] (a verification tool based on dependent type theory). These prior ex-
periences gave us familiarity with dependently-typed intermediate representations, which informed
the design of the Crucible IR. From the beginning, Crucible made heavy use of GADTs [Augustsson
and Petersson 1994; Peyton Jones et al. 2006], type families [Chakravarty et al. 2005; Schrijvers


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et al. 2008], datakinds [Yorgey et al. 2012], and kind-indexed GADTs [Weirich et al. 2013]. Early in
Crucible’s development in 2014, we realized that large parts of the code could be used in a number
of projects, so we extracted a library of commonly-used typeclasses and datatypes for working at
higher kinds, called parameterized-utils, which has been developed together with Crucible.
   The parameterized-utils library is more than just a collection of tools for relating types to their
run-time witnesses. It also contains generalized versions of commonly-used Haskell typeclasses,
such as Eq, Show, and Traversable [Gibbons and Oliveira 2009; McBride and Paterson 2008], that
have been generalized to types of higher kind, as well as Template Haskell [Sheard and Peyton Jones
2002] metaprograms to make up for the lack of instance derivation for our new classes.

While developing Crucible, our persistent aim has been to use Haskell’s type system to enforce
static invariants of our embedded languages. This includes type-correctness of both the run-time
values and the static program representation of Crucible, as well as variable scoping and SSA
invariants in our representation of control-flow graphs. While we were frequently able to base our
work on existing techniques, they sometimes required extensions or adaptations to our needs.

3.1 Run-Time Representatives
Eisenberg and Weirich [2012] describe a technique for writing dependently typed programs in
Haskell in which types are assigned run-time representatives (called singletons, because each has
but a single non-⊥ inhabitant) that contain witnesses of type equality from which the represented
type can be recovered. parameterized-utils doesn’t use Eisenberg and Weirich’s library, nor the
exact same technique, because some of our needs require type witnesses that contain structure
beyond that imposed by singletons. For instance, some parts of Crucible require that bitvectors
have a size greater than one, but we are not able to effectively lift this constraint to the type level.
By requiring a representative for the size that enforces the invariant, however, we can maintain the
static safety that we desire. Additionally, manually constructing value representatives for types
allows their names to be carefully chosen and their documentation to be written and made public,
while code generation often leads to names and documentation that are not what a human would
write. We find that making the singleton type definitions explicit makes them easier for developers
to understand and engage with than auto-generated definitions would be. We judge this advantage
to be worth the additional boilerplate code that must be written and maintained manually.
   We have not yet explored the techniques described by Lindley and McBride [2013] for using the
typeclass constraint solver to dispatch proof obligations. This is potentially an interesting area for
future work.

3.2 Typed Abstract Syntax
The data constructors in Figure 1 are a selection of Crucible’s expression formers, slightly simplified
for presentation. The App datatype represents applications of syntactic formers of the expression
language. Note that the datatype is written in an “open recursionž style, where subterm occurrences
are abstracted by the higher-kinded f parameter. We heavily use this style because it allows the
expression datatype’s pattern functor to be re-used in other contexts. For instance, App can be used
in a traditional syntax tree by taking a fixed point, in an explicit-sharing DAG structure by applying
it to the DAG nodes, and in A-normal form [Sabry and Felleisen 1993] by applying it to variable
   The expression formers in Figure 1 exhibit a number of features of Crucible’s type system.
The most obvious is that subterms and the type of the resulting term are expressly given by the
CrucibleType arguments to f and App. The type system includes (among others) types for booleans,

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  import GHC.TypeLits (Nat)

  data Ctx k = EmptyCtx | Ctx k ::> k

  data CrucibleType =
    BoolType | IntegerType | BVType Nat |
    FunctionHandleType (Ctx CrucibleType) CrucibleType

  data NatRepr (n :: Nat) where ...

  data App (f :: CrucibleType -> Type) (tp :: CrucibleType) :: Type where
    BoolLit :: Bool -> App f BoolType
    And :: f BoolType -> f BoolType -> App f BoolType
    IntLe :: f IntegerType -> f IntegerType -> App f BoolType
    BVLit :: (1 <= w) => NatRepr w -> Integer -> App f (BVType w)
    BVAdd :: (1 <= w) => NatRepr w -> f (BVType w) -> f (BVType w) -> App f (BVType w)

                                       Fig. 1. Crucible expression datatypes

integers, real numbers, bitvectors of arbitrary non-zero width, and functions. The Nat parameter of
the BVType constructor is a type-level natural number index that gives the number of bits in the
classified bitvectors. The NatRepr w arguments of some of bitvector operations give a run-time
representation of this type-level data; it is a singleton type for Nat, to use the terminology from
Eisenberg and Weirich [2012].
   The Ctx datakind is part of parameterized-utils. Ctx k represents a list of types of kind k
that grows on the right. Here, Ctx is used here to represent the argument list for function types.
   This strong typing discipline ensures that we cannot e.g. accidentally construct expressions for
adding together integers and bitvectors, or even adding bitvectors of different widths. This type
discipline is applied to the run-time representations as well; this ensures that the evaluator is able
to rely on the input arguments being of the expected run-time type. As a result, the expression
evaluation code has very few run-time error conditions that can occur; those that can are related to
properties that are not tracked statically, such as index-in-bounds conditions for vectors of values.
   Another example of rich type system features occurs in the static single assignment (SSA) form of
control-flow graphs, which is Crucible’s main program representation. A CFG consists of a collection
of basic blocks, and each basic block consists of a sequence of straight-line statements followed by a
block terminator. Each non-terminal statement may exist purely for its side effects, or it may assign
a value to a fresh temporary variable. We maintain the SSA invariant by tracking, at each program
point, a context of all temporary variables in scope so far in the given block. Statements may
only extend this context by adding new temporaries, and the expressions appearing in statements
may only rely on temporaries already in scope. Basic blocks have annotations that describe which
temporaries are expected to be in scope at their start, so that control-flow transfer terminator
statements are guaranteed to provide the expected number and types of values.
   Figure 2 demonstrates a sample of the Crucible statement language, simplified for presenta-
tion. Ctx CrucibleType is used to represent the shape of the current local scope. The data type
Assignment f ctx represents a collection of values whose types are computed using the type op-
erator f for each element in the ctx. The type Assignment f (EmptyCtx ::> a ::> b ::> c),
of three-element assignments, is isomorphic to the tuple type (f a, f b, f c).

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           data Assignment (f :: k -> Type) (ctx :: Ctx k) where ...
           data Index (ctx :: Ctx k) (a :: k) where ...

           lookup :: Assignment f ctx -> Index ctx tp -> f tp

           data TypeRepr      (tp :: CrucibleType) where
             BoolRepr         :: TypeRepr BoolType
             IntegerRepr      :: TypeRepr Integer
             BVRepr           :: (1 <= w) => NatRepr n -> TypeRepr (BVType n)

           newtype Expr (ctx :: Ctx CrucibleType) (tp :: CrucibleType)
              = App { expr :: App (Index ctx) tp }

           data Stmt (ctx :: Ctx CrucibleType) (ctx' :: Ctx CrucibleType) where
             SetReg :: TypeRepr tp -> Expr ctx tp -> Stmt ext ctx (ctx ::> tp)
             CallHandle ::
               TypeRepr ret -> Assignment TypeRepr args ->
               Index ctx (FunctionHandleType args ret) ->
               Assignment (Index ctx) args -> Stmt ctx (ctx ::> ret)
             Assert :: Index ctx BoolType -> Index ctx StringType -> Stmt ctx ctx

                                       Fig. 2. Some Crucible statements

   The type Index ctx tp represents an index into ctx that points at the type tp; here, we use
these to represent temporary variables of a basic block. An Index ctx tp can be used to project
a value of type f tp from an Assignment f ctx. By construction, values of Index ctx tp are
valid indices into the context, so context lookup is a typed, total operation.
   The Expr datatype in Figure 2 is constructed from the App type seen above, and enforces an
A-normal form invariant by instantiating the f parameter as Index ctx, so subterms may only be
variable references. The Stmt datatype takes two context arguments: the context prior to executing
the statement and the context after. Statements that introduce a new temporary (like SetReg)
extend the context with new types, and ones that do not (like Assert) pass it through unchanged.

When working with the sorts of Haskell features discussed in this paper, one runs almost immedi-
ately into a number of practical issues. One of these is that the usual Haskell support for automatic
instance deriving fails on GADT datatypes for Eq, Ord, Show and similar instances. Another diffi-
culty is that a variety of standard programming idioms, such as Functor and Applicative oriented
programming, simply fail to apply and need to be generalized. In addition, wholly new idioms are
required for working with run-time representatives of datakinds.
   The extensive use of values indexed by datakinds imparts a need for a significant amount of
support infrastructure, which is provided by parameterized-utils. This infrastructure includes:
    • comparison classes that accommodate datakind-indexed values (OrdF, which complements
    • canonical versions of common utilies, such as existential packages,
    • type-level lists and their run-time counterparts (the Context and Assignment mentioned in
      Section 3.2),

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100:6                                                  D. Christiansen, I. Diatchki, R. Dockins, J. Hendrix, and T. Ravitch

                      data a :~: b where
                        Refl :: a :~: a

                      class TestEquality (f :: k -> Type) where
                        testEquality :: f a -> f b -> Maybe (a :~: b)

                      data OrderingF x y       where
                        LTF :: OrderingF       x y
                        EQF :: OrderingF       x x
                        GTF :: OrderingF       x y

                      class TestEquality f => OrdF (f :: k -> Type) where
                        comparef :: f a -> f b -> OrderingF a b

                      MapF :: (tp -> Type) -> (tp -> Type) -> Type
                      insert :: OrdF k => k tp -> v tp -> MapF k v -> MapF k v
                      lookup :: OrdF k => k tp -> MapF k v -> Maybe (v tp)

                          Fig. 3. Example type signatures from parameterized-utils

    • a type-indexed map variant, called MapF, where keys and values share the same type index
      (see Figure 3), and
    • variants of Functor, Foldable, and Traversable lifted to higher kinds.
    The TestEquality3 and OrdF classes in Figure 3 are generalizations of Eq and Ord, respectively.
 However, they additionally provide type-equality evidence in the case that the two items being
 compared are actually equal. This is essential when using datakind representatives, as it provides
 an important connection between the value level representatives and the type level datakinds.
    Like the un-indexed Ord, the OrdF class has a means of comparing two values. Unlike Ord, OrdF
 does not require that the values being compared have the same index a priori. Additionally, should
 the two values are in fact be equal, compareF will produce evidence that their indices are also equal.
    To insert a key and value into a MapF, their indices must coincide. Similarly, looking up a key in
 a MapF is guaranteed to produce a value whose index matches that of the key.
    FunctorF, FoldableF, and TraversableF (see Figure 4), which are generalizations of their
-F-less counterparts, demonstrate that an indexed type is respectively functorial, foldable, or
 traversable at each possible index. Some of the typeclasses in parameterized-utils are higher-
 kinded generalizations of classes in the Haskell prelude that only assert a uniform operation at
 all indices, such as EqF, ShowF, and HashableF; the recent introduction of quantified constraints
 to Haskell [Bottu et al. 2017] could obviate the need for these classes. Other typeclasses, such as
TestEquality and OrdF, allow comparisons of terms with different argument types and produce
 evidence of type equality, so they will still be necessary.
    The flexibility afforded by quantified constraints is not sufficient to capture the generalizations of
 Functor, Foldable, and Traversable. This is because both the -F-suffixed and the -FC-suffixed
 class methods take rank-2 polymorphic functions that operate universally over the type indices of
 some contained higher-kinded type. The -F versions are for types that do not themselves have an
 index, whereas the -FC versions are for those that do.
    The TraversableFC class in particular is useful with App, the open-recursive AST representation
 described above. It precisely abstracts over the process of applying an operation uniformly to the
3 TestEquality   and the type-equality proof type :~: are part of the base library module Data.Type.Equality

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       class FunctorF (t :: (k -> Type) -> Type) where
         fmapF :: (forall x. f x -> g x) -> t f -> t g
       class FoldableF (t :: (k -> Type) -> Type) where
         foldrF :: (forall x. e x -> b -> b) -> b -> t e -> b
       class (FunctorF t, FoldableF t) => TraversableF t where
         traverseF :: Applicative m => (forall x. e x -> m (f x)) -> t e -> m (t f)

       class FunctorFC (t :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) where
         fmapFC :: (forall x. f x -> g x) -> (forall x. t f x -> t g x)
       class FoldableFC (t :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) where
         foldrFC :: (forall x. f x -> b -> b) -> (forall x. b -> t f x -> b)
       class (FunctorFC t, FoldableFC t) =>
           TraversableFC (t :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) where
         traverseFC :: Applicative m =>
                       (forall x. f x -> m (g x)) -> (forall x. t f x -> m (t g x))

                                     Fig. 4. parameterized-utils classes

subterms of syntax formers. For instance, using traverseFC to pass through the syntax formers
allows the conversion of syntax expression trees into A-normal form to be described irrespective
of the actual encoding of ASTs. It is also used to traverse all the elements of an Assignment, e.g. to
evaluate the actual arguments of a function call. Similarly, foldrFC is handy for computing the set
of variables that occur in an expression as part of def/use analysis.
   However, actually writing instances for these classes is quite tedious and error-prone for
the datatypes in question. For example, App has over 150 data constructors! To ease this bur-
den, parameterized-utils provides Template Haskell code that generates operations for the
TestEquality, OrdF, TraverseFC, ShowF, and HashableF classes. Much like GHC’s standard “de-
rivingž mechanism, these templates examine the declaration of GADTs and do the expected thing in
the straightforward cases. However, some cases require additional guidance, which is provided via
a collection of type patterns and splices. When the template code encounters a datatype argument
whose type matches one of the given patterns, it pastes in the given splice instead of performing its
default behavior, which is to fall back on non-parameterized instances for Eq, Ord, etc. This allows
developers exert as much control as is necessary, and no more, over code generation.

In some cases, we have found that our strict typing discipline creates unnecessary work at run time
because data structures that straightforwardly witness the necessary type equalities are inefficient.
In other cases, GHC’s type system is not sufficiently expressive to allow us to prove e.g. that
x + x = 2 * x, so we must instead test run-time representatives.
   In some instances, these overheads can be quite significant: we recently discovered they were
that 48% of overall run time on a particular benchmark. To work around these inefficiencies, we
sometimes step outside the bounds of the type system and assert to the typechecker that we know
better than it does by using unsafeCoerce. This warrants extreme care, and we only consider
doing so when there are significant performance issues to be solved. We explain a few examples

5.1   Assignments
Crucible relies heavily on the Assignment data structure to represent function argument lists, local
variable environments, collection of basic blocks in a CFG, etc. Accessing elements in an Assignment

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100:8                                                 D. Christiansen, I. Diatchki, R. Dockins, J. Hendrix, and T. Ravitch

is guaranteed to be type safe and total. parameterized-utils provides two implementations of
Assignment: a safe variant using GADTs that essentially implements a snoc list with unary-encoded
natural number indices, and a more efficient version that uses balanced trees and machine integers,
but requires unsafeCoerce. The experience of profiling Crucible showed that linear access to an
Assignment imposed an unacceptable overhead on the simulator.
   We maintain both implementations so that we can isolate bugs that arise from unsafe code by
testing against the safe, slow implementations. This requires that the safe implementation can
be a drop-in replacement for the unsafe implementation; however, the language and tools do not
provide support for automatically checking that the two versions of the API remain synchronized.
   To ensure that the two APIs remain compatible, we have employed a manual process where the
selected API is controlled by a flag in the build system, which is occasionally toggled for testing
purposes. Beyond simple API drift, substantive differences have arisen. For example, GHC inferred
different type roles [Weirich et al. 2011] for type parameters in the two versions, which allowed
Data.Coerce [Breitner et al. 2014] to work with one but not the other; this was fixed by adding
explicit role annotations after the discrepancy was discovered. Ideally, an ML-style module system
could allow us to inform the compiler that we expect both variants to implement the same API.
We have not yet explored using Backpack [Yang 2017] to ascribe a common signature to the two
implementations due to lack of support in build tools.

5.2 Extending Indexed Maps
Because the type-indexed SSA presentation of control-flow graphs can be difficult to construct
programmatically, Crucible includes a separate registerized presentation with fewer type constraints,
and the library contains a facility for constructing a CFG in SSA form from one written in registerized
form. This conversion is another example of a use of unsafe Haskell features that we have found to
be necessary in order to achieve sufficient performance. As with the Assignment type mentioned
above, the relevant operations have both safe and unsafe implementations.
   As discussed in Section 3, the type of each statement constructor includes context parameters that
indicate the local variable scope at that program point. The types of value references are arranged
such that the type checker rejects references to values that are not in scope. SSA conversion
maintains a map from expressions to the SSA registers to which they are bound. Note that this
map includes a reference to the ctx parameter. Extending this map with additional entries during
SSA construction changes the type of the map when a new temporary is bound, as seen in Figure 5.
The safe implementation of this map extension operation reconstructs the map at each step of the
SSA construction, which is immensely expensive for an operation that does not actually change
the value of the map at all. In practice, we use the unsafe version of the operation.

5.3 Nonces
Another pervasive technique is to avoid expensive equality tests between run-time type repre-
sentatives by instead comparing integer proxy values we call nonces and then asserting (with
unsafeCoerce) that when two nonces are equal, their corresponding type indices are equal. They
can be seen as a reification of pointer equality tests, or equivalently as a form of Lisp’s gensym.
  The type of nonces is Nonce (s :: Type) (tp :: k), where s is a state thread parameter
analogous to the parameter in ST [Launchbury and Peyton Jones 1994] and tp is a datakind
index. The intended use is to associate nonces with typed data values so that comparisons of
nonces recover type equalities. Nonces are implemented as 64-bit unsigned integers for efficiency,
where the constructor for Nonce is hidden and generated based on a single source. In this way, as
long as the counter is managed properly (which is enforced by implementation hiding), and as
long as the counter does not overflow, comparison of integers suffices to preserve type equality.

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           #ifdef UNSAFE_OPS
           type AppRegMap ctx = MapF (C.App (C.Reg ctx)) (C.Reg ctx)

           appRegMap_extend :: AppRegMap ctx -> AppRegMap (ctx ::> tp)
           appRegMap_extend = unsafeCoerce
           type AppRegMap ctx = Map (Some (C.App (C.Reg ctx))) (SomeReg ctx)

           appRegMap_extend :: AppRegMap ctx -> AppRegMap (ctx ::> tp)
           appRegMap_extend = Map.fromList . fmap f . Map.toList
             where f (Some app, SomeReg tp reg) =
                   (Some (C.mapApp C.extendReg app), SomeReg tp (C.extendReg reg))

                                           Fig. 5. Unsafe operations

Because the counter is only incremented, a program would need to run for at least one hundred
years before overflow is a worry [Clochard et al. 2016]. The improvements from using nonces are
often noticeable and substantial: replacing structural type equality tests with nonce comparisons
reduced the running time of one large Crucible workload from 175 seconds to 91 seconds, which is
approximately a 48% speedup.

The Crucible source repository, which includes the LLVM and JVM simulators as well as What4,
but not parameterized-utils or the simulators for machine code, contains more that 80,000 lines
of Haskell. This code has been continuously maintained and developed for more than four years,
serving a variety of research projects. There have been around thirty committers. Given this context,
was using dependently typed Haskell an appropriate technical choice? Short of doubling our staff
and implementing it a second time, it is impossible to precisely measure the change in productivity,
prevalence of bugs, or altered user experience compared to the counterfactual situation where
fancy type system features were instead avoided. Nonetheless, we believe that these techniques
have been a net benefit in our particular context. In this section, we describe our concrete positive
and negative experiences so that others can make their own assessments.

6.1   Correctness
Our own anecdotal evidence suggests that our use of advanced Haskell type system features has
been very helpful for avoiding shallow bugs, for easing refactoring, for ensuring that sufficient care
is taken with fiddly details, and for reducing time spent on code review by experts. Additionally,
forcing developers to think in an upfront manner about the types of the expressions, values, and
programs they are manipulating has led to more general designs. Forcing bitvector operations to
track their widths has been extremely helpful, for example, to ensure that appropriate size extension
and truncation operations are applied in the implementations of C library function primitives, a
fiddly detail that is otherwise easily overlooked.
   The type discipline was also extremely helpful when implementing SSA conversion because it
forced us to insert sufficient type-checking operations on the Crucible embedded language during
the conversion process to convince GHC itself that the data structures we were building were
type-correct. As a result, we essentially never have type related issues with the resulting CFG
representations, even though the SSA conversion process itself is rather sophisticated. This has, on

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multiple occasions, revealed bugs in earlier program translation phases that would otherwise have
manifested at simulation time, where they would likely have been much more difficult to diagnose.
  We have managed to encode many useful well-formedness properties in the Haskell type system.
For instance, we encode that some operations require equal bitvector widths and that no bitvector
contains zero bits. The type system ensures well-formedness of control flow graphs, including
that function calls are passed the right number and types of arguments. In SSA form, the type
system ensures that all CFGs are well-scoped with respect to the local variables available after
each statement, that we don’t confuse one variable with another, and that the choice of bound
variable names truly does not matter. When we specify the semantics of machine code, the type
system helps us in maintaining the plethora of complicated well-formedness properties, including
the widths of each field.

6.2 Refactoring
Aside from helping us write correct code, our extensive static well-formedness checks are helpful
during maintenance and refactoring, especially large-scale refactorings. Because Crucible is such a
large project that is used and updated by so many other projects at Galois, it is not practical for
one person to have the whole system in their head at once.
   While updating Crucible, we arrange for the compiler to emit type errors in places that have not
yet been updated. This is a very effective means of ensuring that refactorings occur in a coordinated
manner, and our use of a well-typed and well-scoped representation of syntax allows us to glean
this benefit also for the embedded Crucible language itself.

6.3 Difficulties
These benefits come with a cost. It has been difficult to staff projects relying on Crucible, because
most Haskell developers are not intimately familiar with dependent types or their encoding in
Haskell. There are few introductory resources that bridge the gap between idiomatic Haskell and
the style used in Crucible. The interactive tooling for Haskell was not designed for this style, and
pushing the limits of the tools can uncover unique bugs. Finally, any type system rules out good
programs too, and features like polymorphic function types are proving to be difficult to encode.

6.3.1 Training. It is not always easy to recruit developers who are skilled in Haskell, let alone
dependently typed programming. Dependently typed programming in Haskell often seems to carry
a higher cognitive overhead than in languages originally designed for dependent types, and some
developers describe writing Idris or Lean code in their heads, and hand-compiling it to Haskell. Due
to our close ties with the academic research community, Galois is at an advantage: we are often
able to recruit engineers who already have experience in both dependently typed programming
and in advanced Haskell features. As a result, less training is necessary than might be the case
elsewhere. However, not everyone knows all these things. Engineering staff who are interested
in contributing to Crucible and parameterized-utils typically ask for the necessary help from
colleagues in the process of negotiating their involvement in the project. We have occasional short
formal training sessions, but not often, and it’s not nearly sufficient to make someone productive.
We typically rely on one-on-one mentoring to bridge the gap.

6.3.2 Tool Support. Haskell’s developer tooling is a product of its time. The state of the art is
a batch mode compiler (ghc) and a REPL (ghci), rather than an incremental system designed to
support type-aware interactive editing, and tools such as Haddock and profilers either lag behind
or fail to function correctly with new language features.

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   The tooling for Haskell often lags behind the changes and additions to the GHC implementation
of the language. For instance, Haddock does not always render kind-polymorphic type constructors
as one might expect. Until a recent update, the equality type from Figure 3 was rendered:
             data (k :~: (a :: k)) (b :: k) :: forall k. k -> k -> * where
   Interactive environments for languages like Idris and Agda are able to use these languages’
rich type systems to assist in writing programs. For instance, they can generate a covering case
split, taking type indices into account, rather than requiring a programmer to manually enter all
cases, only emitting warnings or errors after the fact. For highly-indexed datatypes like those we
use in Crucible, this would be very convenient. Likewise, most Haskell environments provide no
mechanism for looking up the documentation for a name in its scope, relying on string searching.
   Upgrading GHC versions has often been fraught, as code constructs that work in one version
of GHC sometimes require extra language extensions to work in later versions. Sometimes, the
type checker is able to identify the new extension, but not always. Between GHC 8.0 and 8.6, this
has manifested as more modules requiring -XTypeInType as other type checker bugs are fixed,
and more code comes under the purview of that extension. We attempt to maintain compatibility
with the most recent few releases of GHC at all times. When a new version is released, we build
Crucible in it as soon as the dependencies have been updated. This practice helps us report bugs in
a timely manner, it brings us the very real benefits of new GHC releases, and it keeps the work
required to update from becoming overwhelming.
   We encountered bugs in GHC at a higher rate than other projects. Furthermore, many of these
bugs occur nondeterministically, and are only triggered on very large programs, so they are difficult
to reduce for a bug report. For instance, GHC has generated .hi interface files that it could not
parse again, which we have typically been able to solve by adding explicit kind signatures. As
the TypeInType extension has been implemented, we have seen fewer bugs related to the implicit
lifting of kind parameters. Perhaps the most serious bug we encountered was that we could not
compile with profiling support in GHC 8.4 [GHC Issue #15186 2018]. Maintaining compatibility
with a range of versions allows us to work around compiler bugs by using multiple versions, and it
makes it easier to distribute programs that depend on Crucible.
   Crucible’s use of a large number of type families causes very long compile times. This is especially
noticeable in encodings of machine code semantics, where there are both a large number of terms
in the language (individual machine code instructions) and a large number of type families involved
in specifying their semantics. Partial languages need to evaluate proofs strictly, so techniques like
proof by reflection (see e.g. Bertot and Castéran [2004]) aren’t applicable to speed up type checking.
6.3.3 Type System Limitations. Working at the limit of the Haskell type system, we sometimes
encounter programs that are either very difficult or impossible to write. In particular, we have not
yet succeeded in adding polymorphic functions to Crucible, which would be useful for simulating
higher-level languages. Similarly, while Ctx and Assignment are useful for modeling non-dependent
contexts, we have not yet found a suitable means of modeling telescopes [de Bruijn 1991].
   There was a large fixed cost in the early development of Crucible, as we discovered how to use
these advanced Haskell features. However, we expect that future projects will be able to benefit
from the idioms and libraries in parameterized-utils, so we see this cost as an investment.
   Even though using advanced type system features has a reputation for inducing fearsomely
useless error messages, we have generally found GHC’s error messages to be quite useful input
into the process matching our programs to their specifications. The most difficult to interpret are
those about missing arithmetic constraints, as the error message consists largely of the collection
of facts in scope, which can be daunting in size.

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100:12                                                D. Christiansen, I. Diatchki, R. Dockins, J. Hendrix, and T. Ravitch

addLemma :: (1 <= x, x + 1 <= y) => NatRepr x -> q y -> LeqProof 1 y
addLemma x y =
  leqProof one x `leqTrans` leqAdd (leqRefl x) one `leqTrans` leqProof (addNat x one) y
    one :: NatRepr 1
    one = knownNat

                                              Fig. 6. A low-level proof

6.3.4 Proofs. Working with length-indexed types in Haskell typically imposes a manual proof
burden on developers, as GHC does not include a built-in decision procedure for type-level natural
numbers. In the case of bitvector truncation, the expression constructor includes the constraint
(1 <= r, r + 1 <= w), stating that the truncation point r is between 1 and the width of the
vector being truncated.
   When constructing BVTrunc terms, programmers must manually arrange for evidence that the
constraint is satisfied. These proofs are low-level, as there is no built-in support for generating them;
see Figure 6 for an example. Our current codebase has over 100 locations involving manual proofs
of simple properties of natural numbers. Users familiar with dependently typed programming
languages find this style of programming tedious, while programmers unfamiliar with dependently
typed programming often struggle to see the motivation or benefit. Moreover, the error messages
produced by unmet proof obligations (e.g., the (1 <= x, x + 1 <= y) constraint above) are a
serious barrier to entry for both types of programmer.
6.3.5 Run-Time Representatives. In order to construct the bit-vector truncation example from
Section 6.3.4, we were forced to introduce run-time type representatives that allow us to connect
run-time values to types, (as in Singletons [Eisenberg and Weirich 2012]).
   The most significant burden imposed by manual and explicit use of run-time type representatives
lies in the cognitive overhead that they impose throughout a large codebase. These run-time
representatives are a significant source of confusion for developers who are learning this style of
programming. Beyond the cognitive and syntactic burden of managing these representative values,
creating the necessary types and instances presents an additional burden. We use Template Haskell
to generate most of the necessary instances, but keeping the definitions of type representatives
synchronized with the actual types of interest is an infrequent but consistent maintenance issue.
6.3.6 Typed/Untyped Interfaces. While not unsafe in the sense of unsafeCoerce, there is an
interface between strongly-typed (with datakind indexes) code and untyped code that has been a
persistent problem. The parts of Crucible discussed so far have datakind-indexed types for each
term. In addition, the LLVM simulator uses a data structure called a memory model to track reads
and writes to memory. Crucially, the values written to and read from the memory model are
untyped. This interface has consistently been a source of errors, as callers must carefully select the
appropriate Crucible type to use to hold values read from memory. The untyped interface arose
due to the underlying machine being modeled, where reads and writes are essentially untyped (i.e.,
values can be written into memory at one type and read from memory at another type).
   To support other interfaces with untyped data sources and to work around limitations in the
static type system (e.g., polymorphism, as mentioned above), the Crucible IR has a special Any type
that acts as a dynamic “escape hatch.ž Historically, most uses of the Any type in Crucible terms
have led to coercion failures at run-time, indicating human error. A more expressive type system
in Crucible (and, by extension, Haskell) may have been able to obviate the need for the Any type,
though it is not clear that the cost in additional complexity would have paid off.

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   Rewriting programs represented in the Crucible IR after they have been constructed has been a
persistent pain point. The need to rewrite arises from various verification tasks, including cases
where assertions must be inserted after program construction (e.g., because we only know where to
place assertions after performing some analysis on the program). Crucible programs are inherently
difficult to modify, as some modifications require breaking the SSA invariants temporarily, but
those invariants are enforced by the type system. We work around this by preserving the pre-SSA
form of every program that we might need to modify; when necessary, we apply transformations
to the pre-SSA form and then re-construct the SSA from that.

Given that our time and resources were limited, we could not explore all possible options when
writing Crucible. In this section, we describe some of the approaches that we did not explore, and
our reasoning for not exploring them. We hope that the developers of some of these tools can use
this information as a starting point for further development if they are seeking industrial adoption.

7.1       Type Checker Plugins
Section 6.3.4 describes difficulties that we have experienced while using type-level natural number
arithmetic. These difficulties occur because Haskell’s type system does not automatically apply
arithmetic identities such as n + m = m + n or 1 + n + 1 = 2 + n. Similarly to Idris, Agda, Lean,
or Coq, it becomes necessary to provide evidence of these identities, leading to the difficulties of
writing proofs in a language not originally designed for them.
   An alternative approach would be to use GHC’s type checker plugin mechanism to extend
Haskell’s notion of type equivalence to include more natural number equalities. For instance, Iavor
Diatchki developed a plugin [Diatchki 2015] that uses an SMT solver to dispatch many constraints
that GHC would not otherwise solve. While type checker plugins are a great way to experiment
with type system extensions without needing to rebuild the entire compiler, there are a number of
pragmatic reasons not to use type checker plugins in production code. First, type checker plugins
extend the trusted code base of the type checker, and bugs that undermine type soundness can
be very subtle.4 Second, plugins that rely on specific versions of SMT solvers make it even more
difficult to build the system in a variety of contexts. Finally, depending on a specific type checker
plugin makes the entire toolchain more difficult to use, as every tool that processes source code
must be configured to use the plugin.

7.2 Full Dependent Types
Given the difficulties involved in being an early adopter of dependently typed Haskell, it would
be natural to consider using a language that was designed from the start with dependently typed
programming in mind. In particular, these languages usually feature interactive environments and
tooling that is far superior to Haskell’s, at least with respect to dependently typed programming.
However, we chose not to pursue these languages for a number of reasons.
   In a performance-sensitive code base like Crucible, it is absolutely essential to have a profiler to
determine where time is being spent. When we embarked on this project, no dependently typed
language had a profiler. While Agda has excellent support for the kind of indexed structures that
we are working with, and compiles via Haskell, the increased distance between the profiler report
and the source code makes it more difficult to interpret the information.
   Additionally, Crucible is a part of a large suite of Haskell libraries that Galois uses in a variety of
projects. Furthermore, we rely on the large number of high-quality libraries available for Haskell.
4 For   an example of the subtle bugs that can result, please see

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100:14                                                D. Christiansen, I. Diatchki, R. Dockins, J. Hendrix, and T. Ravitch

Using a different language, even one that compiles via Haskell, would likely introduce a number
of difficulties at the boundaries between languages. We were also afraid of becoming compiler
maintainers in addition to tool implementors.
   Finally, we believe that it is easier to teach a skilled Haskell programmer how to use our techniques
than it is to teach them Agda, and the skills gained are more portable to other projects at Galois.

Much of this report is concerned with describing the techniques that were necessary to achieve
a program that both runs fast and uses advanced GHC type system features for safety, and we
have described some of the costs that adopters should be willing to pay if they want to achieve the
benefits of these techniques. In addition to those considering adopting some of these features of
GHC Haskell, we believe that our experiences are also relevant to the designers of other languages
with rich type systems, especially dependently typed languages, who are aiming for industrial
adoption. As GHC approaches the expressive power of these languages, prior paradigms of user
interaction with the system begin to break down.
   While we have done our best to reduce the risks inherent in the use of unsafe language features,
such as providing equivalent safe implementations for testing purposes, key parts of our libraries
essentially amount to language extensions or new compiler primitives. We hope that documenting
them here will help the community of researchers find opportunities to better support large-scale
production use of advanced type system features, whether in Haskell or elsewhere.
   In particular, certain additions to GHC and/or the Haskell language could make this style of
programming more convenient. A decision procedure for linear arithmetic over type-level natural
numbers could greatly reduce the time spent with manual proofs. If the StableName mechanism in
GHC were extended with kind polymorphism and a TestEquality instance, we could drop our
explicit nonce feature, which would simultaneously simplify a great deal of code, because there
would no longer be a need to propagate the ST phantom type throughout the code. Extensions to the
deriving mechanism could reduce our reliance on Template Haskell to generate instances And we
eagerly await the upcoming pi quantifier to reduce the need for manual run-time type representative
creation, as well as the need to juggle the trade-offs of explicitly-passed representatives vs type class
dictionaries. While we do not expect that GHC will change its representations of algebraic datatypes
in ways that are incompatible with our uses of unsafeCoerce, we do use a trick similar to Edward
Kmett’s reflection library (based on a paper by Kiselyov and Shan [2004]) to coerce between
KnownNat dictionaries and NatReprs, which does depend deeply on GHC’s current representations.
   Liquid Haskell [Vazou et al. 2014] is not particularly well-suited to representing things like
well-typed ASTs because refinement types essentially restrict the elements of a type to the subset
that satisfies a predicate. The Haskell code that implements an operation indexed by CrucibleType
types can be completely different at each individual Crucible type. However, Liquid Haskell’s
SMT-backed logic is very convenient when reasoning about inequalities of natural numbers. It
is worth exploring whether we can replace some of our Nat-indexed types by Liquid Haskell
refinement types.
   Based on our experience with a large, multi-year, multi-developer project, we believe that the
benefits of low-stress refactoring and confidence in the system’s correctness have been worth the
considerable costs of employing dependent Haskell in Crucible.

We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their suggestions and questions. The final
version has been greatly improved as a result of their input.

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Dependently Typed Haskell in Industry (Experience Report)                                                            100:15

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