Authors Albin Correya Dmitry Bogdanov Luis Joglar-Ongay Xavier Serra
License CC-BY-4.0
ESSENTIA.JS: A JAVASCRIPT LIBRARY FOR MUSIC AND AUDIO ANALYSIS ON THE WEB Albin Correya1 Dmitry Bogdanov1 Luis Joglar-Ongay1,2 Xavier Serra1 1 Music Technology Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain 2 SonoSuite, Barcelona, Spain, ABSTRACT applications arguably makes it one of the most used com- puter programming languages in the recent years [2]. JS is Open-source software libraries for audio/music analysis also widely used as an entry-level programming language and feature extraction have a significant impact on the de- by the thinkers from design, art, computer graphics, archi- velopment of Audio Signal Processing and Music Infor- tecture, and spaces in between where audio processing and mation Retrieval (MIR) systems. Despite the abundance analysis can be relevant. of such tools on the native computing platforms, there is With the adoption of both HTML5 and the W3C Web a lack of an extensive and easy-to-use reference library Audio API specifications [14], modern web browsers are for audio feature extraction on the Web. In this paper, capable of audio processing, synthesis, and analysis with- we present Essentia.js, an open-source JavaScript (JS) li- out any third-party dependencies on proprietary software. brary for audio and music analysis on both web clients This allows developers to move most of the audio process- and JS-based servers. Along with the Web Audio API, it ing code from the server to the client and can provide better can be used for efficient and robust real-time audio fea- scalability and deployment, considering that the web-client ture extraction on the web browsers. Essentia.js is modu- has computational resources for the required processing. lar, lightweight, and easy-to-use, deploy, maintain and in- Web Audio API provides a JS interface to various prede- tegrate into the existing plethora of JS libraries and Web fined nodes for audio processing, synthesis, and analysis. technologies. It is powered by a WebAssembly back-end Even though the provided capabilities are limited, the API of the Essentia C++ library, which facilitates a JS interface includes the ScriptProcessorNode for developers to add to a wide range of low-level and high-level audio features. custom JS code for audio processing. 2 The design of this It also provides a higher-level JS API and add-on MIR util- node has been criticized by the audio developer commu- ity modules along with extensive documentation, usage ex- nity since it runs the JS audio processing code on the main amples, and tutorials. We benchmark the proposed library UI thread, which can result in unreliable performance and on two popular web browsers, Node.js engine, and An- audio glitching [15]. As an alternative, AudioWorklet [10] droid devices, comparing it to the native performance of has been introduced to mitigate this design issue to a great Essentia and Meyda JS library. extent by allowing running custom audio processing code on a dedicated audio thread. It also allows bi-directional communication between the audio thread and the control 1. INTRODUCTION thread of Web Audio API asynchronously using the web The Web has become one of the most used computing message ports. platforms with billions of web pages served daily, and JS Despite all of these recent developments of Web Audio being an essential part of building modern web applica- technologies, the Audio Signal Processing and MIR com- tions. Using HTML, CSS, and JS, developers can make munities still lack reliable and modular software tools and dynamic, interactive, and responsive web pages by imple- libraries that could be easily used for building audio and menting custom client-side scripts. At the same time, the music analysis applications for web browsers and JS run- developers can also use cross-platform run-time engines time engines. To the best of our knowledge, Meyda [11] like Node.js 1 to write server-side code in JS. The flexi- and JS-Xtract [18] are the few available JS libraries that bility of using JS on both server and client ends of web are ready-to-use and have implementations of a limited set 1 of MIR audio features. 3 The lack of more extensive al- ternatives is not surprising, given that writing a new JS audio analysis library from scratch would require a lot of c Albin Correya, Dmitry Bogdanov, Luis Joglar-Ongay, effort. Also, JS code for audio processing are prone to per- Xavier Serra. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 In- formance issues due to the just-in-time (JIT) compilation ternational License (CC BY 4.0). Attribution: Albin Correya, Dmitry and garbage collection overhead, which can be critical for Bogdanov, Luis Joglar-Ongay, Xavier Serra. “Essentia.js: A JavaScript Library for Music and Audio Analysis on the Web”, 21st International 2 Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Montréal, Canada, #scriptprocessornode 2020. 3 As of May 2020, Meyda only has 20 MIR algorithms. real-time audio and music analysis tasks. Due to these rea- sons, researchers and developers often rely on server-side audio processing solutions using the existing native MIR tools for writing the required web applications. Over the last two decades, the existing software tools for audio analysis have been mostly written in C/C++, Java and Python and delivered as standalone applications, host application plug-ins, or as software library packages. Soft- ware libraries with a Python API, such as Essentia [7], Li- brosa [23], Madmom [6], Yaafe [22] and Aubio [8], have been especially popular within the MIR community due to rapid prototyping and rich environment for scientific com- Figure 1: Overview of the Essentia.js library in terms of putations. Meanwhile, the libraries with a native C/C++ its abstraction levels. back-end offered faster analysis [24] and were often re- quired for writing industrial audio applications. Various web applications for audio processing and analysis have machine learning frameworks. been developed using these tools. Spotify API 4 (formerly In [24], the authors evaluated a wide range of MIR soft- Echonest), Freesound API [13] and AcousticBrainz [25] ware libraries in terms of coverage, effort, presentation, are examples of web services providing precomputed au- time-lag and found Essentia 7 [7] to be an overall best per- dio features to the end users via a REST API. Besides, nu- former with respect to these criteria. Essentia is an open- merous web applications were built for aiding tasks such source library for audio and music analysis released under as crowd sourcing audio annotations [9, 12], audio listen- the AGPLv3 license providing a wide range of optimized ing tests [19, 26] and music education platforms [1, 21] to algorithms (over 250 algorithms) that are successfully used mention a few. All these services manage their audio anal- in various academic and industrial large-scale applications. ysis on the server, which may require a significant effort Essentia includes both low-level and high-level audio fea- and resources to scale to many users. tures, along with some ready-to-use features extractors. With the recent arrival of WebAssembly (WASM) sup- And, it provides an object-oriented interface to fine tune port on most of the modern web browsers [16], one can each algorithm in detail. Given all these advantages and safely port the existing C/C++ audio processing and anal- that the code repository is consistently maintained by its ysis code into the Web Audio ecosystem using com- developers, it is a good potential choice for porting into piler toolchains such as Emscripten. 5 WASM is a low- WASM target for the web platform. level assembly-like language with a compact binary format In this paper, we present Essentia.js, an open-source JS that runs with near-native performances on modern web library for audio and music analysis on the web, released browsers or any WebAssembly-based stacks without com- under the AGPLv3 license. It allows building audio analy- promising security, portability and load time. WASM code sis and MIR applications for web browsers and JS engines was found to be comparatively faster than JS code [17] and such as Node.js. It provides straightforward integration generates no garbage from the code and can run within Au- with the latest W3C Web Audio API specification allow- dioWorkletProcessor. 6 This makes it an ideal solution to ing efficient real-time audio feature extraction on the web the problems that were previously hindering us from build- browsers. Web applications written using the proposed li- ing efficient and reliable JS MIR libraries for the web plat- brary can also be cross-compiled to native targets such as form [20]. However, taking full advantage of all these fea- for PCs, smartphones, and IoT devices using the JS frame- tures can be challenging because it requires understand- works like Electron 8 and React Native. 9 ing concurrent programming wrapped with several JS APIs The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 and dealing with cross-compilation and linking of the na- outlines the design choices, software architecture and var- tive code. Even for experienced developers, compiling na- ious components of Essentia.js. An overview of potential tive code to WASM targets, generating JS bindings, and in- use-cases and usage examples are detailed in Section 3. tegrating them in a regular JS processing code pipeline can A detailed benchmarking of Essentia.js across and against be cumbersome. Hence, it is essential that an ideal JS MIR various platforms and alternative JS libraries can found in software library should encapsulate and abstract all these Section 4. Finally, we conclude in Section 5. steps and be packaged as a compact build which is easy-to- use and extendable using a high-level JS API. Besides the 2. ESSENTIA.JS JS API, the potential users might also need utility tools that are often required while building MIR-based projects, such Essentia.js is much more than just JS bindings to the Es- as plotting audio features on an HTML page, ready-to-use sentia C++ library. It was developed with coherent design feature extractors, and possible integration with web-based and functional objectives that are necessary for building an efficient and easy-to-use MIR library for the Web. In this 4 5 7 6 8 #audioworkletprocessor 9 section, we discuss our design choices, the architecture, the majority of the algorithms in Essentia, 14 while the and various components of Essentia.js. Figure 1 shows an few excluded algorithms can be still integrated into the overview of these components. WASM backend by compiling and linking with the re- quired third-party dependencies using our build tools 2.1 Design and Functionality (Section 2.5). Besides, all the JS code in the library is passed through a code compression process to achieve We chose the following goals and design decisions for de- lightweight builds for the web browsers. With all these veloping the library: efforts we were able to achieve builds of Essentia.js, in- cluding the WASM backend and the JS API, as small as • User-friendly API and utility tools. The Web is a ubiq- 2.5MB approximately. We also provide tools for custom uitous computing platform, and an ideal JS MIR library lightweight builds of the library that only include a sub- should provide a simple, user-friendly API while being set of the selected algorithms to further reduce the build highly configurable for advanced use cases. Essentia.js size (Section 2.5). ships with a simple JS API and add-on utility modules with a fast learning curve for new users. The main JS • Reproducibility. Using the WASM backend of Essen- API is composed of a singleton class with methods im- tia ensures identical analysis results across various de- plementing most of the functionality (each method is an vices and native platforms on which Essentia has been algorithm in Essentia). These methods are automatically previously extensively used and tested. Remarkably, Es- generated from the upstream C++ code and documenta- sentia.js allows reproducing a large amount of existing tion using code templates and scripting as described in code and research based on Essentia as well as, to a cer- Sections 2.2 and 2.3. We also provide add-on modules tain extent, other libraries. In particular, it is possible to with helper classes for feature extraction and visualisa- use Essentia.js to reproduce common input audio rep- tion that can be used for rapid prototyping of web appli- resentations for the existing machine learning models, cations. A quick preview of the JS API can be seen in enabling their usage in web applications. Listing 2. • Easy installation. Essentia.js is easy to install and inte- • Modularity and extensibility. Just like Essentia itself, grate with new or existing web projects. It is available the Essentia.js codebase is modular by design. It con- both as a package on NPM 15 and as static builds on tains a large amount of configurable algorithms that can our public GitHub repository. In addition, we also pro- be arranged into the desired audio processing chains. vide continuous delivery network (CDN) through open The add-on utility modules shipped with the library source web services. leverage this functionality to build custom feature ex- tractors. • Extensive documentation. We provide a complete API reference together with the instructions to get started, • Web standards compliance.Web browsers provide a tutorials, and interactive web application examples. 16 standard set of tools for loading and processing au- The documentation is built automatically using JS- dio files using the HTML5 Audio element 10 and the doc 17 and the algorithm reference is generated from Web Audio API. Essentia.js rely on these standard fea- the upstream Essentia C++ documentation using Python tures for loading audio files or for streaming real-time scripts. audio from various device sources. It also provides seamless integration with the latest tools in the Web 2.2 Essentia WASM backend Audio ecosystem such as AudioWorklets, Web Work- ers, 11 WASM and SharedArrayBuffer. In addition, JS As already mentioned, the core of the library is powered conforms to the ECMAScript specification 12 and it is by the Essentia WASM backend. It contains a lightweight evolving fast with new features added to the language WASM build of Essentia C++ library along with custom every year. For backward and forward compatibility of JS bindings for using it in JS. This backend is generated in our JS code, we wrote our JS API using Typescript (Sec- multiple steps. tion 2.3). Firstly, the Essentia C++ library is compiled to LLVM assembly 18 using Emscripten. Emscripten [28] is a LLVM • Lightweight and few dependencies. It is important for to JS compiler which provides a wide range of tools for a JS library to be lightweight since the load times of JS compiling the C/C++ code-base or the intermediate LLVM code can directly impact the UI/UX and performance of builds into various targets such as asm.js 19 and WASM. web applications. This includes having fewer dependen- Secondly, we need a custom C++ interface in order to gen- cies, which also makes the library much more maintain- erate the corresponding JS bindings which would allow us able. Taking this into account, Essentia WASM backend access the algorithms in Essentia on the JS side. We used is built without any third-party software dependencies of the Essentia library except for Kiss FFT. 13 It includes 14 As of May 2020, over 200 algorithms are supported. 15 10 16 11 17 12 18 13 19 Embind [4] for generating this C++ interface that binds Es- sentia native code to JS. Writing custom JS bindings for all Essentia algorithms can be tedious considering their large amount. Hence, we created Python scripts to automate the generation of the re- quired C++ code for the C++ wrapper from the upstream library Python bindings. Using this scripts, it is possible to configure which algorithms to include in the bindings by their name and category. Therefore, it is possible to cre- ate extremely lightweight builds of the library with only a few specific algorithms required for a particular applica- tion. The Essentia WASM backend is built by compiling the generated wrapper C++ code and linking with the pre- compiled Essentia LLVM using Emscripten. Essentia WASM backend provides compact WASM bi- Figure 2: Screenshot of a example web application that nary files along with the JS bindings to over 200 Essentia use Essentia.js and its add-on modules. algorithms. We provide these binaries and a JS glue code for both asynchronous and synchronous import of Essen- • essentia.js-plot provides helper functions for visualiza- tia WASM backend, covering a wide range of use cases. tion of MIR features, allowing both real-time and offline The build for asynchronous import can be instantly loaded plotting in a given HTML element. It uses the Plotly.js into a HTML page. The synchronous-import build sup- data visualization library, which has a design layout and ports the new ES6 style class imports characteristic of the functionalities much alike of Matplotlib, 20 and is eas- modern JS libraries. This build can be also seamlessly in- ily configurable. Currently, we provide object-oriented tegrated with AudioWorklet and Web Workers for better classes for plotting basic MIR features like melody/pitch performance demanding web applications. contours, spectrograms, chroma, MFCC, etc. The mod- 2.3 High-level JS API ule is functionally similar to the display module in Li- brosa [23]. Even though it is possible to use the Essentia WASM back- end with its bindings directly, they have limitations due to A full reference of the modules can be found in the doc- the specifics of using Embind with Essentia: a user needs umentation of the library. Both modules can be easily ex- to manually specify all parameter values for the algorithms tended with more functionalities as per the demands of the because the default values are not supported. This is cum- user community. bersome and to solve this issue we developed a high-level 2.5 Build and packaging tools JS API written using Typescript [5]. Typescript is a typed superset of JS that can be compiled to various ECMA tar- We provide tools for custom builds and packaging of Es- gets of JS. In addition, this gives us the benefit of having a sentia.js for the developers and the end-level users: typed JS API which can provide better exception handling. • Command-line interface (CLI). We provide CLI for Again we used custom Python scripts and code templates building Essentia.js using some customised shell scripts. to automatically generate the Typescript wrapper in a sim- ilar way to the C++ wrapper for the WASM backend. The • Docker. We provide a Docker image with static builds high-level JS API of Essentia.js provides a singleton class of Essentia with Emscripten and other development de- Essentia with all the algorithms and helper functions en- pendencies required for building Essentia.js. capsulated as its methods All the algorithm methods are • Web application. We also host a website for building configurable similarly to the Essentia’s C++/Python API custom Essentia.js online. 21 It allows users to select itself. Listing 1, shows an example of using the high-level specific set algorithms and build settings. API of Essentia.js. The official Essentia.js builds are bundled using 2.4 Add-on utility modules Rollup 22 and then packaged and hosted using NPM. Essentia.js is shipped with a few add-on modules to facil- itate common MIR tasks. These add-on modules are writ- 3. GETTING STARTED ten entirely in Typescript using the Essentia.js high-level In this section, we outline several usage examples and ap- JS API. Currently, we provide two add-on modules: plication scenarios for getting started with Essentia.js. The library can be imported into a web application us- • essentia.js-extractor contains predefined feature ex- ing the following methods: tractors for common MIR tasks, computing BPM, beat positions, pitch, predominant melody, key, chords, • HTML <script> tag. The most simple way to use Es- chroma features, MFCC, etc. Each extractor implements sentia.js is by using it with the HTML <script> tag. the entire processing chain starting from audio input and 20 outputs the resulting track-level or frame-level features. 21 These extractors are configurable as well. 22 • NPM. Essentia.js can be also installed from NPM using // Imports Essentia WASM backend the command npm install essentia.js. import {EssentiaWASM} from ’essentia-wasm.module.js’; // Imports Essentia.js core API import Essentia from ’’; • ES6 class imports. Essentia.js can be imported using the ES6 class style imports in JS. This allows to inte- // Creates Essentia.js instance const essentia = new Essentia(EssentiaWASM); grate the library into any modern JS framework. Listing 1 shows an example of using ES6 style imports for an // Instance of Web Audio API AudioContext const audioContext = new AudioContext(); offline feature extraction task. // URL of an audio file let audioURL = " • CDN. We also provide CDN links for instantly serv- /328/328857_230356-lq.mp3"; ing Essentia.js online using free third-party web services // Decode audio file as Float32 typed array such as Jsdelivr 23 and Unpkg. 24 const audioData = await essentia. getAudioChannelDataFromURL(audioURL, audioContext, 0); // audioContext, channel number There are a lot of potential web applications that can be built with Essentia.js. The library provides algorithms // Convert audioData array into vector const audioVector = essentia.arrayToVector(audioData); for typical sound and music analysis tasks, including spec- tral, tonal, and rhythmic characterization. In particular, // Onset detection with SuperFluxExtractor algorithm let bt = essentia.SuperFluxExtractor(audioVector); it is suitable for onset detection, beat tracking and tempo console.log(bt.onsets); estimation, melody extraction, key and chord estimation, // Pitch estimation with PitchYinProbabilistic sound and music classification, cover song similarity, loud- algorithm ness metering, and audio problems detection among oth- let pyYin = essentia.PitchYinProbabilistic(audioVector, 4096, 256); // frameSize, hopSize ers. Figure 2 shows the screenshot of an example web ap- plication that we include with the library. Below we outline console.log(pyYin.pitch); some of the common application use cases of the library. // Shutdown Essentia.js instance and free memory We provide an extensive collection of analysis examples essentia.shutdown(); essentia.delete(); on our website. 25 Listing 1: A simple example of offline audio feature 3.1 Offline feature extraction extraction using Essentia.js via ES6 style imports. Many MIR use cases rely on an offline audio analysis and feature extraction. Listing 1 shows a simple JS example using AudioWorkletNode. 26 Currently, the only limita- of using the library for offline analysis of pitch and on- tion is that it is only supports in the latest Firefox and sets. For features computed on overlapping frames, Es- Chromium-based web browsers. sentia.js provides the FrameGenerator method similarly to Essentia’s Python API. Frames generated by this method can be used as an input to other algorithms in the process- 3.3 Machine learning applications ing chain. The offline feature extraction can be run inside In the recent years, machine learning (ML) techniques, es- a Web Worker to improve the efficiency in performance- pecially deep learning have been widely used in a wide demanding web applications. range of MIR tasks. With the support of WebGL and WASM, modern web browsers are also capable of running 3.2 Real-time feature extraction ML applications. Essentia.js can be easily integrated with Essentia.js can be used for efficient real-time audio/music popular JS ML frameworks such as TensorFlow.js [27] and analysis in web browsers along with the Web Audio API. Onnx.js 27 for training and inference. Pre-trained audio This can be done by using the ScriptProcessorNode or the ML models using features computed with Essentia as an newly introduced AudioWorklet in the Web Audio API: input (e.g., mel-spectrograms, Constant-Q transform, or chroma) can be easily ported and used for inference in • ScriptProcessorNode allows users to provide custom web browsers. In particular, Essentia now ships with a JS code for audio feature extraction in its onprocess collection of pre-trained TensorFlow models for music au- callback. Even though the ScriptProcessorNode is dep- dio tagging and classification [3]. These models can be recated according to the current W3C Web Audio API run for inference using Essentia.js and TensorFlow.js li- specifications, it is still widely used by the developers braries. Our essentia.js-extractor add-on module provides because of its cross-browser support. a mel-spectrogram extractor for computing the inputs to • AudioWorklet design pattern [10] allows users to write these models. high-performance real-time audio analysis on a dedi- cated audio thread. Users can write custom analysis 4. BENCHMARK code by extending the AudioWorkletProcessor and fur- We tested the performance of Essentia.js in terms of the ther abstract it as a node in the Web Audio API graph analysis time for common MIR audio features on various 23 26 24 #audioworkletnode 25 27 (a) Essentia.js (b) Meyda Figure 3: Average analysis times (in seconds) for common audio features on a 5-second music clip. "Python (Linux)" corresponds to the analysis baseline using native Essentia with Python bindings. platforms, and compared it to the native Essentia library. Chrome on Android, which was not expected. This is In addition, we measured the analysis times for features probably because different vendors have slightly different available in Meyda and compared them to their Essentia.js implementations of WASM support in their platforms or counterparts. To this end, we built a set of test suites using due to some other reasons yet to be found. In addition, the JS library benchmark.js and implemented the equiva- WASM is a relatively new technology in active develop- lent features using both libraries. In our benchmark we ment. 29 Many proposals for improving its performance measure the time it takes for the entire processing chain such as SIMD optimizations and multi-thread support are to compute a feature given a 5-second audio segment as an under way. We also aim to do detailed benchmarking of input. The code used by Essentia.js is equivalent to the one real-time use cases and using the Web Audio API Audio for Essentia used in Python. The benchmarking of Python Worklets in our future work. implementation was done using the library pytest with the benchmark extension. We provide the code and website to 5. CONCLUSIONS reproduce these experiments online. 28 We have presented Essentia.js, an open-source JavaScript The results are reported in Figure 3. They include tests library for music/audio analysis on the Web. It is based on on five different environments: the Essentia C++ library which is commonly used in MIR, • Linux with Chrome 84.0.4147.89 run with disabled ex- ported to JS via WASM, and compatible with the latest tensions. technologies in the Web Audio ecosystem. To the best of our knowledge, this is the most comprehensive library for • Linux with Firefox 78.0.2 in private browsing mode. audio analysis and MIR, which can be run on web browsers • Android 9 (LineageOS 16) with Chrome 84.0.4147.89 as well as JS server applications. We hope that the library in incognito mode. will contribute to the creation of new online music technol- • Android 9 (LineageOS 16) with Firefox Nightly 200727 ogy tools in educational, industrial, and creative contexts. 06:00 The source code of the library is publicly available in our Github repository. 30 Everyone is encouraged to contribute • Linux with Node.js v.13.13.0. to the library. In our future work, we will focus on improving the per- The Linux computer used for all runs is a 2017 DELL formance of the library along with expanding the add-on XPS-15 with a 2.80GHz x 8 Intel Core i7-7700HQ proces- modules, particularly on providing pre-trained audio ML sor, 16GB of RAM and Ubuntu 19.04 as OS. The mobile models for audio analysis, classification, and synthesis on phone is a Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro with a Snapdragon the web client. We also aim to develop interesting web ap- Octa-core 1.7 GHz processor and 6GB RAM. All the tests plications that go beyond typical MIR tasks to attract and were done with the same 5 seconds audio file. build a diverse user community. The detailed information As we can see from Figure 3, the results shows that the about the library is available at the official web page. 31 It performance of Essentia.js algorithms were considerably contains the complete documentation, usage examples and slower when running on Node.js and Firefox and Chrome tutorials needed for one to get started. on Android compared to Firefox and Chrome on Linux. 29 Interestingly, Node.js performed worse than Firefox and 30 28 31 6. REFERENCES Freesound datasets: a platform for the creation of open [1] MusicCritic: An automatic assessment system for audio datasets. In International Society for Music In- musical exercises. https://musiccritic.upf. formation Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2017), pages edu. Accessed: 2020-09-04. 486–93. 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