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Flashcard Supplement to A First Course in Linear Algebra

Authors Robert A. Beezer

License GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later

      Flashcard Supplement
A First Course in Linear Algebra

             Robert A. Beezer

         University of Puget Sound

  Version 3.00-preview(December 30, 2015)
     Robert A. Beezer is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Puget Sound, where he has
been on the faculty since 1984. He received a B.S. in Mathematics (with an Emphasis in Computer
Science) from the University of Santa Clara in 1978, a M.S. in Statistics from the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1982 and a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign in 1984.
     In addition to his teaching at the University of Puget Sound, he has made sabbatical visits to
the University of the West Indies (Trinidad campus) and the University of Western Australia. He
has also given several courses in the Master’s program at the African Institute for Mathematical
Sciences, South Africa. He has been a Sage developer since 2008.
     He teaches calculus, linear algebra and abstract algebra regularly, while his research inter-
ests include the applications of linear algebra to graph theory. His professional website is at

Version 3.50 Flashcard Supplement
December 30, 2015

Robert A. Beezer Congruent Press Gig Harbor, Washington, USA

c 2004—2015    Robert A. Beezer

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the
GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of
the license is included in the appendix entitled “GNU Free Documentation License”.
Definition SLE System of Linear Equations                                            1
A system of linear equations is a collection of m equations in the variable quantities
x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . , xn of the form,

                               a11 x1 + a12 x2 + a13 x3 + · · · + a1n xn = b1
                               a21 x1 + a22 x2 + a23 x3 + · · · + a2n xn = b2
                               a31 x1 + a32 x2 + a33 x3 + · · · + a3n xn = b3
                           am1 x1 + am2 x2 + am3 x3 + · · · + amn xn = bm

where the values of aij , bi and xj , 1 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ j ≤ n, are from the set of complex numbers,

                                                         c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition SSLE Solution of a System of Linear Equations                                               2
A solution of a system of linear equations in n variables, x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . , xn (such as the system
given in Definition SLE), is an ordered list of n complex numbers, s1 , s2 , s3 , . . . , sn such that if
we substitute s1 for x1 , s2 for x2 , s3 for x3 , , sn for xn , then for every equation of the system
the left side will equal the right side, i.e. each equation is true simultaneously.

                                                         c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition SSSLE Solution Set of a System of Linear Equations                                  3
The solution set of a linear system of equations is the set which contains every solution to the
system, and nothing more.

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition ESYS Equivalent Systems                                                            4
Two systems of linear equations are equivalent if their solution sets are equal.

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition EO Equation Operations                                                               5
Given a system of linear equations, the following three operations will transform the system into
a different one, and each operation is known as an equation operation.

  1. Swap the locations of two equations in the list of equations.
  2. Multiply each term of an equation by a nonzero quantity.
  3. Multiply each term of one equation by some quantity, and add these terms to a second equa-
     tion, on both sides of the equality. Leave the first equation the same after this operation,
     but replace the second equation by the new one.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem EOPSS Equation Operations Preserve Solution Sets                                        6
If we apply one of the three equation operations of Definition EO to a system of linear equations
(Definition SLE), then the original system and the transformed system are equivalent.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition M Matrix                                                                                 7
An m × n matrix is a rectangular layout of numbers from C having m rows and n columns. We
will use upper-case Latin letters from the start of the alphabet (A, B, C, . . . ) to denote matrices
and squared-off brackets to delimit the layout. Many use large parentheses instead of brackets
— the distinction is not important. Rows of a matrix will be referenced starting at the top and
working down (i.e. row 1 is at the top) and columns will be referenced starting from the left (i.e.
column 1 is at the left). For a matrix A, the notation [A]ij will refer to the complex number in
row i and column j of A.

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition CV Column Vector                                                                    8
A column vector of size m is an ordered list of m numbers, which is written in order vertically,
starting at the top and proceeding to the bottom. At times, we will refer to a column vector
as simply a vector. Column vectors will be written in bold, usually with lower case Latin letter
from the end of the alphabet such as u, v, w, x, y, z. Some books like to write vectors with
arrows, such as ~u. Writing by hand, some like to put arrows on top of the symbol, or a tilde
underneath the symbol, as in u. To refer to the entry or component of vector v in location i of
the list, we write [v]i .

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition ZCV Zero Column Vector                                                             9
The zero vector of size m is the column vector of size m where each entry is the number zero,

                                                  
                                                  
                                             0 = 0
                                                  
                                                  .. 

or defined much more compactly, [0]i = 0 for 1 ≤ i ≤ m.

                                                          c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition CM Coefficient Matrix                                                                 10
For a system of linear equations,

                            a11 x1 + a12 x2 + a13 x3 + · · · + a1n xn = b1
                            a21 x1 + a22 x2 + a23 x3 + · · · + a2n xn = b2
                            a31 x1 + a32 x2 + a33 x3 + · · · + a3n xn = b3
                         am1 x1 + am2 x2 + am3 x3 + · · · + amn xn = bm

the coefficient matrix is the m × n matrix
                                                                     
                                      a11 a12      a13      ...   a1n
                                     a21 a22      a23      ...   a2n 
                                                                     
                               A =  a31 a32       a33      ...   a3n 
                                     ..                              
                                     .                               
                                    am1    am2    am3       ...   amn

                                                          c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition VOC Vector of Constants                                                             11
For a system of linear equations,

                             a11 x1 + a12 x2 + a13 x3 + · · · + a1n xn = b1
                             a21 x1 + a22 x2 + a23 x3 + · · · + a2n xn = b2
                             a31 x1 + a32 x2 + a33 x3 + · · · + a3n xn = b3
                          am1 x1 + am2 x2 + am3 x3 + · · · + amn xn = bm

the vector of constants is the column vector of size m
                                                 
                                                 b2 
                                                 
                                           b =  b3 
                                                 
                                                 .. 
                                                 . 

                                                        c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition SOLV Solution Vector                                                                12
For a system of linear equations,

                             a11 x1 + a12 x2 + a13 x3 + · · · + a1n xn = b1
                             a21 x1 + a22 x2 + a23 x3 + · · · + a2n xn = b2
                             a31 x1 + a32 x2 + a33 x3 + · · · + a3n xn = b3
                          am1 x1 + am2 x2 + am3 x3 + · · · + amn xn = bm

the solution vector is the column vector of size n
                                                     
                                                  x2 
                                                  
                                             x =  x3 
                                                  
                                                  .. 
                                                  . 

                                                        c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition MRLS Matrix Representation of a Linear System                                     13
If A is the coefficient matrix of a system of linear equations and b is the vector of constants,
then we will write LS(A, b) as a shorthand expression for the system of linear equations, which
we will refer to as the matrix representation of the linear system.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition AM Augmented Matrix                                                              14
Suppose we have a system of m equations in n variables, with coefficient matrix A and vector of
constants b. Then the augmented matrix of the system of equations is the m × (n + 1) matrix
whose first n columns are the columns of A and whose last column (n + 1) is the column vector
b. This matrix will be written as [ A | b].

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition RO Row Operations                                                                   15
The following three operations will transform an m × n matrix into a different matrix of the same
size, and each is known as a row operation.

  1. Swap the locations of two rows.
  2. Multiply each entry of a single row by a nonzero quantity.
  3. Multiply each entry of one row by some quantity, and add these values to the entries in
     the same columns of a second row. Leave the first row the same after this operation, but
     replace the second row by the new values.

We will use a symbolic shorthand to describe these row operations:

  1. Ri ↔ Rj : Swap the location of rows i and j.
  2. αRi : Multiply row i by the nonzero scalar α.
  3. αRi + Rj : Multiply row i by the scalar α and add to row j.

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition REM Row-Equivalent Matrices                                                     16
Two matrices, A and B, are row-equivalent if one can be obtained from the other by a sequence
of row operations.

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem REMES Row-Equivalent Matrices represent Equivalent Systems                 17
Suppose that A and B are row-equivalent augmented matrices. Then the systems of linear
equations that they represent are equivalent systems.

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition RREF Reduced Row-Echelon Form                                                        18
A matrix is in reduced row-echelon form if it meets all of the following conditions:

  1. If there is a row where every entry is zero, then this row lies below any other row that
     contains a nonzero entry.
  2. The leftmost nonzero entry of a row is equal to 1.
  3. The leftmost nonzero entry of a row is the only nonzero entry in its column.
  4. Consider any two different leftmost nonzero entries, one located in row i, column j and the
     other located in row s, column t. If s > i, then t > j.

A row of only zero entries is called a zero row and the leftmost nonzero entry of a nonzero row
is a leading 1. A column containing a leading 1 will be called a pivot column. The number
of nonzero rows will be denoted by r, which is also equal to the number of leading 1’s and the
number of pivot columns.
The set of column indices for the pivot columns will be denoted by D = {d1 , d2 , d3 , . . . , dr }
where d1 < d2 < d3 < · · · < dr , while the columns that are not pivot columns will be denoted as
F = {f1 , f2 , f3 , . . . , fn−r } where f1 < f2 < f3 < · · · < fn−r .

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem REMEF Row-Equivalent Matrix in Echelon Form                                       19
Suppose A is a matrix. Then there is a matrix B so that

  1. A and B are row-equivalent.
  2. B is in reduced row-echelon form.

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem RREFU Reduced Row-Echelon Form is Unique                                          20
Suppose that A is an m × n matrix and that B and C are m × n matrices that are row-equivalent
to A and in reduced row-echelon form. Then B = C.

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition CS Consistent System                                                                21
A system of linear equations is consistent if it has at least one solution. Otherwise, the system
is called inconsistent.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition IDV Independent and Dependent Variables                                         22
Suppose A is the augmented matrix of a consistent system of linear equations and B is a row-
equivalent matrix in reduced row-echelon form. Suppose j is the index of a pivot column of B.
Then the variable xj is dependent. A variable that is not dependent is called independent or

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem RCLS        Recognizing Consistency of a Linear System                               23

Suppose A is the augmented matrix of a system of linear equations with n variables. Suppose
also that B is a row-equivalent matrix in reduced row-echelon form with r nonzero rows. Then
the system of equations is inconsistent if and only if column n + 1 of B is a pivot column.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem CSRN Consistent Systems, r and n                                                     24
Suppose A is the augmented matrix of a consistent system of linear equations with n variables.
Suppose also that B is a row-equivalent matrix in reduced row-echelon form with r pivot columns.
Then r ≤ n. If r = n, then the system has a unique solution, and if r < n, then the system has
infinitely many solutions.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem FVCS Free Variables for Consistent Systems                                          25
Suppose A is the augmented matrix of a consistent system of linear equations with n variables.
Suppose also that B is a row-equivalent matrix in reduced row-echelon form with r rows that are
not completely zeros. Then the solution set can be described with n − r free variables.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem PSSLS Possible Solution Sets for Linear Systems                                        26
A system of linear equations has no solutions, a unique solution or infinitely many solutions.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem CMVEI Consistent, More Variables than Equations, Infinite solutions27
Suppose a consistent system of linear equations has m equations in n variables. If n > m, then
the system has infinitely many solutions.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition HS Homogeneous System                                                         28
A system of linear equations, LS(A, b) is homogeneous if the vector of constants is the zero
vector, in other words, if b = 0.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem HSC Homogeneous Systems are Consistent                                           29
Suppose that a system of linear equations is homogeneous. Then the system is consistent and
one solution is found by setting each variable to zero.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition TSHSE Trivial Solution to Homogeneous Systems of Equations                      30
Suppose a homogeneous system of linear equations has n variables. The solution x1 = 0, x2 = 0,
, xn = 0 (i.e. x = 0) is called the trivial solution.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem HMVEI Homogeneous, More Variables than Equations, Infinite solutions
Suppose that a homogeneous system of linear equations has m equations and n variables with
n > m. Then the system has infinitely many solutions.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition NSM Null Space of a Matrix                                                        32
The null space of a matrix A, denoted N (A), is the set of all the vectors that are solutions to
the homogeneous system LS(A, 0).

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition SQM Square Matrix                                                                 33
A matrix with m rows and n columns is square if m = n. In this case, we say the matrix has
size n. To emphasize the situation when a matrix is not square, we will call it rectangular.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition NM Nonsingular Matrix                                                           34
Suppose A is a square matrix. Suppose further that the solution set to the homogeneous linear
system of equations LS(A, 0) is {0}, in other words, the system has only the trivial solution.
Then we say that A is a nonsingular matrix. Otherwise we say A is a singular matrix.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition IM Identity Matrix                                                               35
The m × m identity matrix, Im , is defined by

                                        1   i=j
                             [Im ]ij =                1 ≤ i, j ≤ m
                                        0   i 6= j

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem NMRRI Nonsingular Matrices Row Reduce to the Identity matrix 36
Suppose that A is a square matrix and B is a row-equivalent matrix in reduced row-echelon form.
Then A is nonsingular if and only if B is the identity matrix.

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem NMTNS Nonsingular Matrices have Trivial Null Spaces                                37
Suppose that A is a square matrix. Then A is nonsingular if and only if the null space of A is
the set containing only the zero vector, i.e. N (A) = {0}.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem NMUS Nonsingular Matrices and Unique Solutions                                       38
Suppose that A is a square matrix. A is a nonsingular matrix if and only if the system LS(A, b)
has a unique solution for every choice of the constant vector b.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem NME1 Nonsingular Matrix Equivalences, Round 1                                        39
Suppose that A is a square matrix. The following are equivalent.

  1. A is nonsingular.
  2. A row-reduces to the identity matrix.
  3. The null space of A contains only the zero vector, N (A) = {0}.
  4. The linear system LS(A, b) has a unique solution for every possible choice of b.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition VSCV Vector Space of Column Vectors                                                40
The vector space Cm is the set of all column vectors (Definition CV) of size m with entries from
the set of complex numbers, C.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition CVE Column Vector Equality                                                    41
Suppose that u, v ∈ Cm . Then u and v are equal, written u = v if

                        [u]i = [v]i                       1≤i≤m

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition CVA Column Vector Addition                                                    42
Suppose that u, v ∈ Cm . The sum of u and v is the vector u + v defined by

                    [u + v]i = [u]i + [v]i                   1≤i≤m

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition CVSM Column Vector Scalar Multiplication                                      43
Suppose u ∈ Cm and α ∈ C, then the scalar multiple of u by α is the vector αu defined by

                       [αu]i = α [u]i                      1≤i≤m

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem VSPCV Vector Space Properties of Column Vectors                                 44
Suppose that Cm is the set of column vectors of size m (Definition VSCV) with addition and
scalar multiplication as defined in Definition CVA and Definition CVSM. Then
   • ACC Additive Closure, Column Vectors: If u, v ∈ Cm , then u + v ∈ Cm .
   • SCC Scalar Closure, Column Vectors: If α ∈ C and u ∈ Cm , then αu ∈ Cm .
   • CC Commutativity, Column Vectors: If u, v ∈ Cm , then u + v = v + u.
   • AAC Additive Associativity, Column Vectors: If u, v, w ∈ Cm , then u + (v + w) =
     (u + v) + w.
   • ZC Zero Vector, Column Vectors: There is a vector, 0, called the zero vector, such that
     u + 0 = u for all u ∈ Cm .
   • AIC Additive Inverses, Column Vectors: If u ∈ Cm , then there exists a vector −u ∈ Cm so
     that u + (−u) = 0.
   • SMAC Scalar Multiplication Associativity, Column Vectors: If α, β ∈ C and u ∈ Cm , then
     α(βu) = (αβ)u.
   • DVAC Distributivity across Vector Addition, Column Vectors: If α ∈ C and u, v ∈ Cm ,
     then α(u + v) = αu + αv.
   • DSAC Distributivity across Scalar Addition, Column Vectors: If α, β ∈ C and u ∈ Cm ,
     then (α + β)u = αu + βu.
   • OC One, Column Vectors: If u ∈ Cm , then 1u = u.
                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition LCCV Linear Combination of Column Vectors                                                       45
Given n vectors u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , un from Cm and n scalars α1 , α2 , α3 , . . . , αn , their linear com-
bination is the vector

                                   α1 u1 + α2 u2 + α3 u3 + · · · + αn un

                                                           c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem SLSLC Solutions to Linear Systems are Linear Combinations                               46
Denote the columns of the m×n matrix A as the vectors A1 , A2 , A3 , . . . , An . Then x ∈ Cn is a
solution to the linear system of equations LS(A, b) if and only if b equals the linear combination
of the columns of A formed with the entries of x,

                           [x]1 A1 + [x]2 A2 + [x]3 A3 + · · · + [x]n An = b

                                                           c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem VFSLS Vector Form of Solutions to Linear Systems                                             47
Suppose that [ A | b] is the augmented matrix for a consistent linear system LS(A, b) of m
equations in n variables. Let B be a row-equivalent m × (n + 1) matrix in reduced row-echelon
form. Suppose that B has r pivot columns, with indices D = {d1 , d2 , d3 , . . . , dr }, while the
n − r non-pivot columns have indices in F = {f1 , f2 , f3 , . . . , fn−r , n + 1}. Define vectors c, uj ,
1 ≤ j ≤ n − r of size n by

                                         0          if i ∈ F
                                 [c]i =
                                         [B]k,n+1 if i ∈ D, i = dk
                                                    if i ∈ F , i = fj
                                [uj ]i = 0           if i ∈ F , i 6= fj .
                                        − [B]
                                               k,fj  if i ∈ D, i = dk

Then the set of solutions to the system of equations LS(A, b) is

          S = { c + α1 u1 + α2 u2 + α3 u3 + · · · + αn−r un−r | α1 , α2 , α3 , . . . , αn−r ∈ C}

                                                         c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem PSPHS Particular Solution Plus Homogeneous Solutions                                 48
Suppose that w is one solution to the linear system of equations LS(A, b). Then y is a solution
to LS(A, b) if and only if y = w + z for some vector z ∈ N (A).

                                                         c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition SSCV Span of a Set of Column Vectors                                                         49
Given a set of vectors S = {u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , up }, their span, hSi, is the set of all possible linear
combinations of u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , up . Symbolically,

                   hSi = { α1 u1 + α2 u2 + α3 u3 + · · · + αp up | αi ∈ C, 1 ≤ i ≤ p}
                         ( p                             )
                       =       αi ui αi ∈ C, 1 ≤ i ≤ p

                                                            c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem SSNS Spanning Sets for Null Spaces                                                          50
Suppose that A is an m × n matrix, and B is a row-equivalent matrix in reduced row-echelon
form. Suppose that B has r pivot columns, with indices given by D = {d1 , d2 , d3 , . . . , dr }, while
the n − r non-pivot columns have indices F = {f1 , f2 , f3 , . . . , fn−r , n + 1}. Construct the n − r
vectors zj , 1 ≤ j ≤ n − r of size n,
                                                   if i ∈ F , i = fj
                                [zj ]i = 0          if i ∈ F , i 6= fj
                                        − [B]
                                               k,fj if i ∈ D, i = dk
Then the null space of A is given by

                                   N (A) = h{z1 , z2 , z3 , . . . , zn−r }i

                                                            c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition RLDCV Relation of Linear Dependence for Column Vectors                                      51
Given a set of vectors S = {u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , un }, a true statement of the form

                               α1 u1 + α2 u2 + α3 u3 + · · · + αn un = 0
is a relation of linear dependence on S. If this statement is formed in a trivial fashion, i.e. αi = 0,
1 ≤ i ≤ n, then we say it is the trivial relation of linear dependence on S.

                                                         c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition LICV Linear Independence of Column Vectors                                                  52
The set of vectors S = {u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , un } is linearly dependent if there is a relation of linear
dependence on S that is not trivial. In the case where the only relation of linear dependence on
S is the trivial one, then S is a linearly independent set of vectors.

                                                         c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem LIVHS          Linearly Independent Vectors and Homogeneous Systems                        53

Suppose that S = {v1 , v2 , v3 , . . . , vn } ⊆ Cm is a set of vectors and A is the m × n matrix whose
columns are the vectors in S. Then S is a linearly independent set if and only if the homogeneous
system LS(A, 0) has a unique solution.

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem LIVRN Linearly Independent Vectors, r and n                                          54
Suppose that S = {v1 , v2 , v3 , . . . , vn } ⊆ Cm is a set of vectors and A is the m × n matrix
whose columns are the vectors in S. Let B be a matrix in reduced row-echelon form that is
row-equivalent to A and let r denote the number of pivot columns in B. Then S is linearly
independent if and only if n = r.

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem MVSLD More Vectors than Size implies Linear Dependence                                 55
Suppose that S = {u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , un } ⊆ Cm and n > m. Then S is a linearly dependent set.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem NMLIC Nonsingular Matrices have Linearly Independent Columns 56
Suppose that A is a square matrix. Then A is nonsingular if and only if the columns of A form
a linearly independent set.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem NME2 Nonsingular Matrix Equivalences, Round 2                                                     57
Suppose that A is a square matrix. The following are equivalent.

   1. A is nonsingular.
   2. A row-reduces to the identity matrix.
   3. The null space of A contains only the zero vector, N (A) = {0}.
   4. The linear system LS(A, b) has a unique solution for every possible choice of b.
   5. The columns of A form a linearly independent set.

                                                           c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem BNS Basis for Null Spaces                                                                          58
Suppose that A is an m × n matrix, and B is a row-equivalent matrix in reduced row-echelon
form with r pivot columns. Let D = {d1 , d2 , d3 , . . . , dr } and F = {f1 , f2 , f3 , . . . , fn−r } be the
sets of column indices where B does and does not (respectively) have pivot columns. Construct
the n − r vectors zj , 1 ≤ j ≤ n − r of size n as
                                                    if i ∈ F , i = fj
                               [zj ]i = 0            if i ∈ F , i 6= fj
                                       − [B]
                                               k,fj  if i ∈ D, i = dk
Define the set S = {z1 , z2 , z3 , . . . , zn−r }.Then

   1. N (A) = hSi.
   2. S is a linearly independent set.

                                                           c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem DLDS Dependency in Linearly Dependent Sets                                                59
Suppose that S = {u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , un } is a set of vectors. Then S is a linearly dependent set
if and only if there is an index t, 1 ≤ t ≤ n such that ut is a linear combination of the vectors
u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , ut−1 , ut+1 , . . . , un .

                                                         c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem BS Basis of a Span                                                                         60
Suppose that S = {v1 , v2 , v3 , . . . , vn } is a set of column vectors. Define W = hSi and let A be
the matrix whose columns are the vectors from S. Let B be the reduced row-echelon form of A,
with D = {d1 , d2 , d3 , . . . , dr } the set of indices for the pivot columns of B. Then

  1. T = {vd1 , vd2 , vd3 , . . . vdr } is a linearly independent set.
  2. W = hT i.

                                                         c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition CCCV Complex Conjugate of a Column Vector                                      61
Suppose that u is a vector from Cm . Then the conjugate of the vector, u, is defined by

                         [u]i = [u]i                        1≤i≤m

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem CRVA Conjugation Respects Vector Addition                                         62
Suppose x and y are two vectors from Cm . Then

                                        x+y =x+y

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem CRSM Conjugation Respects Vector Scalar Multiplication                                   63
Suppose x is a vector from Cm , and α ∈ C is a scalar. Then

                                             αx = α x

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition IP Inner Product                                                                      64
Given the vectors u, v ∈ Cm the inner product of u and v is the scalar quantity in C,
            hu, vi = [u]1 [v]1 + [u]2 [v]2 + [u]3 [v]3 + · · · + [u]m [v]m =         [u]i [v]i

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem IPVA Inner Product and Vector Addition                                 65
Suppose u, v, w ∈ Cm . Then

  1. hu + v, wi = hu, wi + hv, wi
  2. hu, v + wi = hu, vi + hu, wi

                                        c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem IPSM Inner Product and Scalar Multiplication                           66
Suppose u, v ∈ Cm and α ∈ C. Then

  1. hαu, vi = α hu, vi
  2. hu, αvi = α hu, vi

                                        c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem IPAC Inner Product is Anti-Commutative                                                  67
Suppose that u and v are vectors in Cm . Then hu, vi = hv, ui.

                                                         c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition NV Norm of a Vector                                                                  68
The norm of the vector u is the scalar quantity in C
                        q                                                   um
                                 2         2         2               2
                                                                            uX        2
                kuk =       |[u]1 | + |[u]2 | + |[u]3 | + · · · + |[u]m | = t  |[u]i |

                                                         c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem IPN       Inner Products and Norms                                                 69
Suppose that u is a vector in Cm . Then kuk = hu, ui.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem PIP Positive Inner Products                                                        70
Suppose that u is a vector in Cm . Then hu, ui ≥ 0 with equality if and only if u = 0.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition OV Orthogonal Vectors                                                        71
A pair of vectors, u and v, from Cm are orthogonal if their inner product is zero, that is,
hu, vi = 0.

                                                        c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition OSV Orthogonal Set of Vectors                                                            72
Suppose that S = {u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , un } is a set of vectors from Cm . Then S is an orthogonal set
if every pair of different vectors from S is orthogonal, that is hui , uj i = 0 whenever i 6= j.

                                                        c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition SUV Standard Unit Vectors                                                             73
Let ej ∈ Cm , 1 ≤ j ≤ m denote the column vectors defined by

                                                   0 if i 6= j
                                         [ej ]i =
                                                    1 if i = j

Then the set

                             {e1 , e2 , e3 , . . . , em } = { ej | 1 ≤ j ≤ m}

is the set of standard unit vectors in Cm .

                                                          c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem OSLI        Orthogonal Sets are Linearly Independent                                     74

Suppose that S is an orthogonal set of nonzero vectors. Then S is linearly independent.

                                                          c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem GSP Gram-Schmidt Procedure                                                                75
Suppose that S = {v1 , v2 , v3 , . . . , vp } is a linearly independent set of vectors in Cm . Define
the vectors ui , 1 ≤ i ≤ p by

                       hu1 , vi i      hu2 , vi i      hu3 , vi i               hui−1 , vi i
           ui = vi −              u1 −            u2 −            u3 − · · · −                ui−1
                       hu1 , u1 i      hu2 , u2 i      hu3 , u3 i              hui−1 , ui−1 i
Let T = {u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , up }. Then T is an orthogonal set of nonzero vectors, and hT i = hSi.

                                                           c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition ONS OrthoNormal Set                                                                   76
Suppose S = {u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , un } is an orthogonal set of vectors such that kui k = 1 for all
1 ≤ i ≤ n. Then S is an orthonormal set of vectors.

                                                           c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition VSM Vector Space of m × n Matrices                                          77
The vector space Mmn is the set of all m × n matrices with entries from the set of complex

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition ME Matrix Equality                                                              78
The m × n matrices A and B are equal, written A = B provided [A]ij = [B]ij for all 1 ≤ i ≤ m,
1 ≤ j ≤ n.

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition MA Matrix Addition                                                        79
Given the m × n matrices A and B, define the sum of A and B as an m × n matrix, written
A + B, according to

               [A + B]ij = [A]ij + [B]ij               1 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ j ≤ n

                                                 c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition MSM Matrix Scalar Multiplication                                             80
Given the m × n matrix A and the scalar α ∈ C, the scalar multiple of A is an m × n matrix,
written αA and defined according to

                  [αA]ij = α [A]ij                  1 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ j ≤ n

                                                 c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem VSPM Vector Space Properties of Matrices                                        81
Suppose that Mmn is the set of all m × n matrices (Definition VSM) with addition and scalar
multiplication as defined in Definition MA and Definition MSM. Then
   • ACM Additive Closure, Matrices: If A, B ∈ Mmn , then A + B ∈ Mmn .
   • SCM Scalar Closure, Matrices: If α ∈ C and A ∈ Mmn , then αA ∈ Mmn .
   • CM Commutativity, Matrices: If A, B ∈ Mmn , then A + B = B + A.
   • AAM Additive Associativity, Matrices: If A, B, C ∈ Mmn , then A + (B + C) = (A + B) +
   • ZM Zero Matrix, Matrices: There is a matrix, O, called the zero matrix, such that A + O =
     A for all A ∈ Mmn .
   • AIM Additive Inverses, Matrices: If A ∈ Mmn , then there exists a matrix −A ∈ Mmn so
     that A + (−A) = O.
   • SMAM Scalar Multiplication Associativity, Matrices: If α, β ∈ C and A ∈ Mmn , then
     α(βA) = (αβ)A.
   • DMAM Distributivity across Matrix Addition, Matrices: If α ∈ C and A, B ∈ Mmn , then
     α(A + B) = αA + αB.
   • DSAM Distributivity across Scalar Addition, Matrices: If α, β ∈ C and A ∈ Mmn , then
     (α + β)A = αA + βA.
   • OM One, Matrices: If A ∈ Mmn , then 1A = A.
                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition ZM Zero Matrix                                                              82
The m × n zero matrix is written as O = Om×n and defined by [O]ij = 0, for all 1 ≤ i ≤ m,
1 ≤ j ≤ n.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition TM Transpose of a Matrix                                                       83
Given an m × n matrix A, its transpose is the n × m matrix At given by
                            A ij = [A]ji ,   1 ≤ i ≤ n, 1 ≤ j ≤ m.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition SYM Symmetric Matrix                                                           84
The matrix A is symmetric if A = At .

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem SMS Symmetric Matrices are Square                                               85
Suppose that A is a symmetric matrix. Then A is square.

                                                 c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem TMA Transpose and Matrix Addition                                               86
Suppose that A and B are m × n matrices. Then (A + B)t = At + B t .

                                                 c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem TMSM Transpose and Matrix Scalar Multiplication                                87
Suppose that α ∈ C and A is an m × n matrix. Then (αA)t = αAt .

                                                c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem TT      Transpose of a Transpose                                               88
Suppose that A is an m × n matrix. Then (At ) = A.

                                                c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition CCM Complex Conjugate of a Matrix                                             89
Suppose A is an m × n matrix. Then the conjugate of A, written A is an m × n matrix defined
                                        A ij = [A]ij

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem CRMA Conjugation Respects Matrix Addition                                        90
Suppose that A and B are m × n matrices. Then A + B = A + B.

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem CRMSM Conjugation Respects Matrix Scalar Multiplication               91
Suppose that α ∈ C and A is an m × n matrix. Then αA = αA.

                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem CCM Conjugate of the Conjugate of a Matrix                            92
Suppose that A is an m × n matrix. Then A = A.

                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem MCT Matrix Conjugation and Transposes                                           93
Suppose that A is an m × n matrix. Then (At ) = A .

                                                 c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition A Adjoint                                                                    94
If A is a matrix, then its adjoint is A∗ = A .

                                                 c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem AMA Adjoint and Matrix Addition                                                 95
Suppose A and B are matrices of the same size. Then (A + B) = A∗ + B ∗ .

                                                 c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem AMSM Adjoint and Matrix Scalar Multiplication                                   96
Suppose α ∈ C is a scalar and A is a matrix. Then (αA) = αA∗ .

                                                 c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem AA Adjoint of an Adjoint                                                             97
Suppose that A is a matrix. Then (A∗ ) = A.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition MVP Matrix-Vector Product                                                         98
Suppose A is an m × n matrix with columns A1 , A2 , A3 , . . . , An and u is a vector of size n.
Then the matrix-vector product of A with u is the linear combination

                       Au = [u]1 A1 + [u]2 A2 + [u]3 A3 + · · · + [u]n An

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem SLEMM Systems of Linear Equations as Matrix Multiplication                             99
The set of solutions to the linear system LS(A, b) equals the set of solutions for x in the vector
equation Ax = b.

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem EMMVP Equal Matrices and Matrix-Vector Products                              100
Suppose that A and B are m × n matrices such that Ax = Bx for every x ∈ Cn . Then A = B.

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition MM Matrix Multiplication                                                         101
Suppose A is an m × n matrix and B1 , B2 , B3 , . . . , Bp are the columns of an n × p matrix B.
Then the matrix product of A with B is the m × p matrix where column i is the matrix-vector
product ABi . Symbolically,

                   AB = A [B1 |B2 |B3 | . . . |Bp ] = [AB1 |AB2 |AB3 | . . . |ABp ] .

                                                        c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem EMP Entries of Matrix Products                                               102
Suppose A is an m × n matrix and B is an n × p matrix. Then for 1 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ j ≤ p, the
individual entries of AB are given by

               [AB]ij = [A]i1 [B]1j + [A]i2 [B]2j + [A]i3 [B]3j + · · · + [A]in [B]nj
                       =         [A]ik [B]kj

                                                        c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem MMZM Matrix Multiplication and the Zero Matrix                       103
Suppose A is an m × n matrix. Then

  1. AOn×p = Om×p
  2. Op×m A = Op×n

                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem MMIM Matrix Multiplication and Identity Matrix                       104
Suppose A is an m × n matrix. Then

  1. AIn = A
  2. Im A = A

                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem MMDAA Matrix Multiplication Distributes Across Addition                       105
Suppose A is an m × n matrix and B and C are n × p matrices and D is a p × s matrix. Then

  1. A(B + C) = AB + AC
  2. (B + C)D = BD + CD

                                                c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem MMSMM Matrix Multiplication and Scalar Matrix Multiplication 106
Suppose A is an m × n matrix and B is an n × p matrix. Let α be a scalar. Then α(AB) =
(αA)B = A(αB).

                                                c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem MMA Matrix Multiplication is Associative                                     107
Suppose A is an m × n matrix, B is an n × p matrix and D is a p × s matrix. Then A(BD) =

                                                c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem MMIP Matrix Multiplication and Inner Products                                 108
If we consider the vectors u, v ∈ Cm as m × 1 matrices then

                                  hu, vi = ut v = u∗ v

                                                c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem MMCC Matrix Multiplication and Complex Conjugation                              109
Suppose A is an m × n matrix and B is an n × p matrix. Then AB = A B.

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem MMT Matrix Multiplication and Transposes                                        110
Suppose A is an m × n matrix and B is an n × p matrix. Then (AB)t = B t At .

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem MMAD Matrix Multiplication and Adjoints                                         111
Suppose A is an m × n matrix and B is an n × p matrix. Then (AB)∗ = B ∗ A∗ .

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem AIP Adjoint and Inner Product                                                   112
Suppose that A is an m × n matrix and x ∈ Cn , y ∈ Cm . Then hAx, yi = hx, A∗ yi.

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition HM Hermitian Matrix                                                               113
The square matrix A is Hermitian (or self-adjoint) if A = A∗ .

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem HMIP Hermitian Matrices and Inner Products                                            114
Suppose that A is a square matrix of size n. Then A is Hermitian if and only if hAx, yi = hx, Ayi
for all x, y ∈ Cn .

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition MI Matrix Inverse                                                       115
Suppose A and B are square matrices of size n such that AB = In and BA = In . Then A is
invertible and B is the inverse of A. In this situation, we write B = A−1 .

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem TTMI         Two-by-Two Matrix Inverse                                             116
                                               a    b
                                                c   d
Then A is invertible if and only if ad − bc 6= 0. When A is invertible, then
                                      −1        1     d −b
                                     A =
                                             ad − bc −c a

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem CINM Computing the Inverse of a Nonsingular Matrix                                 117
Suppose A is a nonsingular square matrix of size n. Create the n × 2n matrix M by placing the
n × n identity matrix In to the right of the matrix A. Let N be a matrix that is row-equivalent
to M and in reduced row-echelon form. Finally, let J be the matrix formed from the final n
columns of N . Then AJ = In .

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem MIU Matrix Inverse is Unique                                                       118
Suppose the square matrix A has an inverse. Then A−1 is unique.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem SS      Socks and Shoes                                                            119

Suppose A and B are invertible matrices of size n. Then AB is an invertible matrix and (AB)−1 =
B −1 A−1 .

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem MIMI        Matrix Inverse of a Matrix Inverse                                     120

Suppose A is an invertible matrix. Then A−1 is invertible and (A−1 )−1 = A.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem MIT        Matrix Inverse of a Transpose                                               121

Suppose A is an invertible matrix. Then At is invertible and (At )−1 = (A−1 )t .

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem MISM         Matrix Inverse of a Scalar Multiple                                       122
                                                                          −1       1 −1
Suppose A is an invertible matrix and α is a nonzero scalar. Then (αA)         =   αA     and αA is

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem NPNT Nonsingular Product has Nonsingular Terms                                   123
Suppose that A and B are square matrices of size n. The product AB is nonsingular if and only
if A and B are both nonsingular.

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem OSIS One-Sided Inverse is Sufficient                                             124
Suppose A and B are square matrices of size n such that AB = In . Then BA = In .

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem NI       Nonsingularity is Invertibility                                           125

Suppose that A is a square matrix. Then A is nonsingular if and only if A is invertible.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem NME3 Nonsingular Matrix Equivalences, Round 3                                      126
Suppose that A is a square matrix of size n. The following are equivalent.

  1. A is nonsingular.
  2. A row-reduces to the identity matrix.
  3. The null space of A contains only the zero vector, N (A) = {0}.
  4. The linear system LS(A, b) has a unique solution for every possible choice of b.
  5. The columns of A are a linearly independent set.
  6. A is invertible.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem SNCM Solution with Nonsingular Coefficient Matrix                                  127
Suppose that A is nonsingular. Then the unique solution to LS(A, b) is A−1 b.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition UM Unitary Matrices                                                              128
Suppose that U is a square matrix of size n such that U ∗ U = In . Then we say U is unitary.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem UMI Unitary Matrices are Invertible                                                   129
Suppose that U is a unitary matrix of size n. Then U is nonsingular, and U −1 = U ∗ .

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem CUMOS Columns of Unitary Matrices are Orthonormal Sets                                 130
Suppose that S = {A1 , A2 , A3 , . . . , An } is the set of columns of a square matrix A of size n.
Then A is a unitary matrix if and only if S is an orthonormal set.

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem UMPIP Unitary Matrices Preserve Inner Products                                  131
Suppose that U is a unitary matrix of size n and u and v are two vectors from Cn . Then

               hU u, U vi = hu, vi                 and                 kU vk = kvk

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition CSM Column Space of a Matrix                                                     132
Suppose that A is an m × n matrix with columns A1 , A2 , A3 , . . . , An . Then the column space
of A, written C(A), is the subset of Cm containing all linear combinations of the columns of A,

                               C(A) = h{A1 , A2 , A3 , . . . , An }i

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem CSCS Column Spaces and Consistent Systems                                          133
Suppose A is an m × n matrix and b is a vector of size m. Then b ∈ C(A) if and only if LS(A, b)
is consistent.

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem BCS Basis of the Column Space                                                           134
Suppose that A is an m×n matrix with columns A1 , A2 , A3 , . . . , An , and B is a row-equivalent
matrix in reduced row-echelon form with r pivot columns. Let D = {d1 , d2 , d3 , . . . , dr } be the
set of indices for the pivot columns of B Let T = {Ad1 , Ad2 , Ad3 , . . . , Adr }. Then

  1. T is a linearly independent set.
  2. C(A) = hT i.

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem CSNM            Column Space of a Nonsingular Matrix                               135

Suppose A is a square matrix of size n. Then A is nonsingular if and only if C(A) = Cn .

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem NME4 Nonsingular Matrix Equivalences, Round 4                                      136
Suppose that A is a square matrix of size n. The following are equivalent.

  1. A is nonsingular.
  2. A row-reduces to the identity matrix.
  3. The null space of A contains only the zero vector, N (A) = {0}.
  4. The linear system LS(A, b) has a unique solution for every possible choice of b.
  5. The columns of A are a linearly independent set.
  6. A is invertible.
  7. The column space of A is Cn , C(A) = Cn .

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition RSM Row Space of a Matrix                                                    137
Suppose A is an m × n matrix. Then the row space of A, R(A), is the column space of At , i.e.
R(A) = C(At ).

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem REMRS         Row-Equivalent Matrices have equal Row Spaces                      138

Suppose A and B are row-equivalent matrices. Then R(A) = R(B).

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem BRS Basis for the Row Space                                                     139
Suppose that A is a matrix and B is a row-equivalent matrix in reduced row-echelon form. Let
S be the set of nonzero columns of B t . Then

  1. R(A) = hSi.
  2. S is a linearly independent set.

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem CSRST         Column Space, Row Space, Transpose                                140

Suppose A is a matrix. Then C(A) = R(At ).

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition LNS Left Null Space                                                             141
Suppose A is an m × n matrix. Then the left null space is defined as L(A) = N (At ) ⊆ Cm .

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition EEF Extended Echelon Form                                                       142
Suppose A is an m × n matrix. Extend A on its right side with the addition of an m × m
identity matrix to form an m × (n + m) matrix M . Use row operations to bring M to reduced
row-echelon form and call the result N . N is the extended reduced row-echelon form of A, and
we will standardize on names for five submatrices (B, C, J, K, L) of N .
Let B denote the m × n matrix formed from the first n columns of N and let J denote the m × m
matrix formed from the last m columns of N . Suppose that B has r nonzero rows. Further
partition N by letting C denote the r × n matrix formed from all of the nonzero rows of B. Let
K be the r × m matrix formed from the first r rows of J, while L will be the (m − r) × m matrix
formed from the bottom m − r rows of J. Pictorially,
                                       RREF                  C K
                          M = [A|Im ] −−−−→ N = [B|J] =
                                                             0 L

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem PEEF Properties of Extended Echelon Form                                         143
Suppose that A is an m × n matrix and that N is its extended echelon form. Then

  1. J is nonsingular.
  2. B = JA.
  3. If x ∈ Cn and y ∈ Cm , then Ax = y if and only if Bx = Jy.
  4. C is in reduced row-echelon form, has no zero rows and has r pivot columns.
  5. L is in reduced row-echelon form, has no zero rows and has m − r pivot columns.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem FS      Four Subsets                                                             144

Suppose A is an m × n matrix with extended echelon form N . Suppose the reduced row-echelon
form of A has r nonzero rows. Then C is the submatrix of N formed from the first r rows and
the first n columns and L is the submatrix of N formed from the last m columns and the last
m − r rows. Then

  1. The null space of A is the null space of C, N (A) = N (C).
  2. The row space of A is the row space of C, R(A) = R(C).
  3. The column space of A is the null space of L, C(A) = N (L).
  4. The left null space of A is the row space of L, L(A) = R(L).

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition VS Vector Space                                                                 145
Suppose that V is a set upon which we have defined two operations: (1) vector addition, which
combines two elements of V and is denoted by “+”, and (2) scalar multiplication, which combines
a complex number with an element of V and is denoted by juxtaposition. Then V , along with
the two operations, is a vector space over C if the following ten properties hold.
   • AC Additive Closure: If u, v ∈ V , then u + v ∈ V .
   • SC Scalar Closure: If α ∈ C and u ∈ V , then αu ∈ V .
   • C Commutativity: If u, v ∈ V , then u + v = v + u.
   • AA Additive Associativity: If u, v, w ∈ V , then u + (v + w) = (u + v) + w.
   • Z Zero Vector: There is a vector, 0, called the zero vector, such that u + 0 = u for all
   • AI Additive Inverses: If u ∈ V , then there exists a vector −u ∈ V so that u + (−u) = 0.
   • SMA Scalar Multiplication Associativity: If α, β ∈ C and u ∈ V , then α(βu) = (αβ)u.
   • DVA Distributivity across Vector Addition: If α ∈ C and u, v ∈ V , then α(u + v) =
     αu + αv.
   • DSA Distributivity across Scalar Addition: If α, β ∈ C and u ∈ V , then (α+β)u = αu+βu.
   • O One: If u ∈ V , then 1u = u.
The objects in V are called vectors, no matter what else they might really be, simply by virtue
of being elements of a vector space.
                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem ZVU Zero Vector is Unique                                                          146
Suppose that V is a vector space. The zero vector, 0, is unique.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem AIU Additive Inverses are Unique                                                  147
Suppose that V is a vector space. For each u ∈ V , the additive inverse, −u, is unique.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem ZSSM Zero Scalar in Scalar Multiplication                                         148
Suppose that V is a vector space and u ∈ V . Then 0u = 0.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem ZVSM Zero Vector in Scalar Multiplication                                   149
Suppose that V is a vector space and α ∈ C. Then α0 = 0.

                                              c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem AISM Additive Inverses from Scalar Multiplication                           150
Suppose that V is a vector space and u ∈ V . Then −u = (−1)u.

                                              c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem SMEZV Scalar Multiplication Equals the Zero Vector                               151
Suppose that V is a vector space and α ∈ C. If αu = 0, then either α = 0 or u = 0.

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition S Subspace                                                                     152
Suppose that V and W are two vector spaces that have identical definitions of vector addition
and scalar multiplication, and that W is a subset of V , W ⊆ V . Then W is a subspace of V .

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem TSS Testing Subsets for Subspaces                                           153
Suppose that V is a vector space and W is a subset of V , W ⊆ V . Endow W with the same
operations as V . Then W is a subspace if and only if three conditions are met

  1. W is nonempty, W 6= ∅.
  2. If x ∈ W and y ∈ W , then x + y ∈ W .
  3. If α ∈ C and x ∈ W , then αx ∈ W .

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition TS Trivial Subspaces                                                           154
Given the vector space V , the subspaces V and {0} are each called a trivial subspace.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem NSMS Null Space of a Matrix is a Subspace                                         155
Suppose that A is an m × n matrix. Then the null space of A, N (A), is a subspace of Cn .

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition LC Linear Combination                                                     156
Suppose that V is a vector space. Given n vectors u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , un and n scalars
α1 , α2 , α3 , . . . , αn , their linear combination is the vector

                             α1 u1 + α2 u2 + α3 u3 + · · · + αn un .

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition SS Span of a Set                                                                       157
Suppose that V is a vector space. Given a set of vectors S = {u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , ut }, their span,
hSi, is the set of all possible linear combinations of u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , ut . Symbolically,

                  hSi = { α1 u1 + α2 u2 + α3 u3 + · · · + αt ut | αi ∈ C, 1 ≤ i ≤ t}
                        ( t                             )
                      =       αi ui αi ∈ C, 1 ≤ i ≤ t

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem SSS Span of a Set is a Subspace                                                           158
Suppose V is a vector space. Given a set of vectors S = {u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , ut } ⊆ V , their span,
hSi, is a subspace.

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem CSMS Column Space of a Matrix is a Subspace                                    159
Suppose that A is an m × n matrix. Then C(A) is a subspace of Cm .

                                                 c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem RSMS Row Space of a Matrix is a Subspace                                       160
Suppose that A is an m × n matrix. Then R(A) is a subspace of Cn .

                                                 c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem LNSMS Left Null Space of a Matrix is a Subspace                                          161
Suppose that A is an m × n matrix. Then L(A) is a subspace of Cm .

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition RLD Relation of Linear Dependence                                                      162
Suppose that V is a vector space. Given a set of vectors S = {u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , un }, an equation
of the form

                              α1 u1 + α2 u2 + α3 u3 + · · · + αn un = 0
is a relation of linear dependence on S. If this equation is formed in a trivial fashion, i.e. αi = 0,
1 ≤ i ≤ n, then we say it is a trivial relation of linear dependence on S.

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition LI Linear Independence                                                                   163
Suppose that V is a vector space. The set of vectors S = {u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , un } from V is linearly
dependent if there is a relation of linear dependence on S that is not trivial. In the case where
the only relation of linear dependence on S is the trivial one, then S is a linearly independent
set of vectors.

                                                        c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition SSVS Spanning Set of a Vector Space                                               164
Suppose V is a vector space. A subset S of V is a spanning set of V if hSi = V . In this case, we
also frequently say S spans V .

                                                        c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem VRRB Vector Representation Relative to a Basis                                               165
Suppose that V is a vector space and B = {v1 , v2 , v3 , . . . , vm } is a linearly independent set
that spans V . Let w be any vector in V . Then there exist unique scalars a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . , am such

                              w = a1 v1 + a2 v2 + a3 v3 + · · · + am vm .

                                                        c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition B Basis                                                                        166
Suppose V is a vector space. Then a subset S ⊆ V is a basis of V if it is linearly independent
and spans V .

                                                        c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem SUVB Standard Unit Vectors are a Basis                                                167
The set of standard unit vectors for Cm (Definition SUV), B = { ei | 1 ≤ i ≤ m} is a basis for the
vector space Cm .

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem CNMB Columns of Nonsingular Matrix are a Basis                                  168
Suppose that A is a square matrix of size m. Then the columns of A are a basis of Cm if and
only if A is nonsingular.

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem NME5 Nonsingular Matrix Equivalences, Round 5                                         169
Suppose that A is a square matrix of size n. The following are equivalent.

  1. A is nonsingular.
  2. A row-reduces to the identity matrix.
  3. The null space of A contains only the zero vector, N (A) = {0}.
  4. The linear system LS(A, b) has a unique solution for every possible choice of b.
  5. The columns of A are a linearly independent set.
  6. A is invertible.
  7. The column space of A is Cn , C(A) = Cn .
  8. The columns of A are a basis for Cn .

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem COB Coordinates and Orthonormal Bases                                                  170
Suppose that B = {v1 , v2 , v3 , . . . , vp } is an orthonormal basis of the subspace W of Cm . For
any w ∈ W ,

                  w = hv1 , wi v1 + hv2 , wi v2 + hv3 , wi v3 + · · · + hvp , wi vp

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem UMCOB Unitary Matrices Convert Orthonormal Bases                                        171
Let A be an n × n matrix and B = {x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . , xn } be an orthonormal basis of Cn . Define

                                 C = {Ax1 , Ax2 , Ax3 , . . . , Axn }

Then A is a unitary matrix if and only if C is an orthonormal basis of Cn .

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition D Dimension                                                                            172
Suppose that V is a vector space and {v1 , v2 , v3 , . . . , vt } is a basis of V . Then the dimension
of V is defined by dim (V ) = t. If V has no finite bases, we say V has infinite dimension.

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem SSLD Spanning Sets and Linear Dependence                                                    173
Suppose that S = {v1 , v2 , v3 , . . . , vt } is a finite set of vectors which spans the vector space V .
Then any set of t + 1 or more vectors from V is linearly dependent.

                                                         c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem BIS Bases have Identical Sizes                                                    174
Suppose that V is a vector space with a finite basis B and a second basis C. Then B and C have
the same size.

                                                         c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem DCM Dimension of Cm                                                         175
The dimension of Cm (Example VSCV) is m.

                                              c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem DP Dimension of Pn                                                          176
The dimension of Pn (Example VSP) is n + 1.

                                              c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem DM Dimension of Mmn                                                               177
The dimension of Mmn (Example VSM) is mn.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition NOM Nullity Of a Matrix                                                        178
Suppose that A is an m × n matrix. Then the nullity of A is the dimension of the null space of
A, n (A) = dim (N (A)).

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition ROM Rank Of a Matrix                                                          179
Suppose that A is an m × n matrix. Then the rank of A is the dimension of the column space of
A, r (A) = dim (C(A)).

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem CRN        Computing Rank and Nullity                                            180

Suppose that A is an m×n matrix and B is a row-equivalent matrix in reduced row-echelon form.
Let r denote the number of pivot columns (or the number of nonzero rows). Then r (A) = r and
n (A) = n − r.

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem RPNC Rank Plus Nullity is Columns                                                 181
Suppose that A is an m × n matrix. Then r (A) + n (A) = n.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem RNNM          Rank and Nullity of a Nonsingular Matrix                            182

Suppose that A is a square matrix of size n. The following are equivalent.

  1. A is nonsingular.
  2. The rank of A is n, r (A) = n.
  3. The nullity of A is zero, n (A) = 0.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem NME6 Nonsingular Matrix Equivalences, Round 6                                     183
Suppose that A is a square matrix of size n. The following are equivalent.

  1. A is nonsingular.
  2. A row-reduces to the identity matrix.
  3. The null space of A contains only the zero vector, N (A) = {0}.
  4. The linear system LS(A, b) has a unique solution for every possible choice of b.
  5. The columns of A are a linearly independent set.
  6. A is invertible.
  7. The column space of A is Cn , C(A) = Cn .
  8. The columns of A are a basis for Cn .
  9. The rank of A is n, r (A) = n.
 10. The nullity of A is zero, n (A) = 0.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem ELIS Extending Linearly Independent Sets                                          184
Suppose V is a vector space and S is a linearly independent set of vectors from V . Suppose w
is a vector such that w 6∈ hSi. Then the set S 0 = S ∪ {w} is linearly independent.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem G Goldilocks                                                                         185
Suppose that V is a vector space of dimension t. Let S = {v1 , v2 , v3 , . . . , vm } be a set of
vectors from V . Then

  1. If m > t, then S is linearly dependent.
  2. If m < t, then S does not span V .
  3. If m = t and S is linearly independent, then S spans V .
  4. If m = t and S spans V , then S is linearly independent.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem PSSD        Proper Subspaces have Smaller Dimension                                  186

Suppose that U and V are subspaces of the vector space W , such that U ( V . Then dim (U ) <
dim (V ).

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem EDYES Equal Dimensions Yields Equal Subspaces                                187
Suppose that U and V are subspaces of the vector space W , such that U ⊆ V and dim (U ) =
dim (V ). Then U = V .

                                                c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem RMRT Rank of a Matrix is the Rank of the Transpose                            188
Suppose A is an m × n matrix. Then r (A) = r (At ).

                                                c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem DFS Dimensions of Four Subspaces                                              189
Suppose that A is an m × n matrix, and B is a row-equivalent matrix in reduced row-echelon
form with r nonzero rows. Then

  1. dim (N (A)) = n − r
  2. dim (C(A)) = r
  3. dim (R(A)) = r
  4. dim (L(A)) = m − r

                                                          c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition ELEM       Elementary Matrices                                                       190

  1. For i 6= j, Ei,j is the square matrix of size n with
                                                     k   6= i, k 6= j, ` 6= k
                                                  1   k    6= i, k 6= j, ` = k
                                                0    k     = i, ` 6= j
                                  [Ei,j ]k`   =
                                                 1   k     = i, ` = j
                                                  0   k     = j, ` 6= i
                                                  1   k     = j, ` = i

  2. For α 6= 0, Ei (α) is the square matrix of size n with
                                                             ` 6= k
                                     [Ei (α)]k`   = 1         k 6= i, ` = k
                                                     α        k = i, ` = i

  3. For i 6= j, Ei,j (α) is the square matrix of size n with
                                                 0       k    6 j, ` 6= k
                                                 1       k   6= j, ` = k
                                 [Ei,j (α)]k`   = 0       k     = j, ` 6= i, ` 6= j
                                                         k     = j, ` = j
                                                 α       k     = j, ` = i
                                                          c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem EMDRO          Elementary Matrices Do Row Operations                                 191

Suppose that A is an m × n matrix, and B is a matrix of the same size that is obtained from
A by a single row operation (Definition RO). Then there is an elementary matrix of size m that
will convert A to B via matrix multiplication on the left. More precisely,

  1. If the row operation swaps rows i and j, then B = Ei,j A.
  2. If the row operation multiplies row i by α, then B = Ei (α) A.
  3. If the row operation multiplies row i by α and adds the result to row j, then B = Ei,j (α) A.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem EMN Elementary Matrices are Nonsingular                                              192
If E is an elementary matrix, then E is nonsingular.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem NMPEM Nonsingular Matrices are Products of Elementary Matrices193
Suppose that A is a nonsingular matrix.                   Then there exists elementary matrices
E1 , E2 , E3 , . . . , Et so that A = E1 E2 E3 . . . Et .

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition SM SubMatrix                                                                  194
Suppose that A is an m × n matrix. Then the submatrix A (i|j) is the (m − 1) × (n − 1) matrix
obtained from A by removing row i and column j.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition DM Determinant of a Matrix                                                    195
Suppose A is a square matrix. Then its determinant, det (A) = |A|, is an element of C defined
recursively by:

  1. If A is a 1 × 1 matrix, then det (A) = [A]11 .
  2. If A is a matrix of size n with n ≥ 2, then

               det (A) = [A]11 det (A (1|1)) − [A]12 det (A (1|2)) + [A]13 det (A (1|3)) −
                         [A]14 det (A (1|4)) + · · · + (−1)n+1 [A]1n det (A (1|n))

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem DMST Determinant
                                of Matrices of Size Two                                     196
                 a b
Suppose that A =      . Then det (A) = ad − bc.
                 c d

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem DER Determinant Expansion about Rows                                                197
Suppose that A is a square matrix of size n. Then for 1 ≤ i ≤ n

            det (A) = (−1)i+1 [A]i1 det (A (i|1)) + (−1)i+2 [A]i2 det (A (i|2))
                      + (−1)i+3 [A]i3 det (A (i|3)) + · · · + (−1)i+n [A]in det (A (i|n))

which is known as expansion about row i.

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem DT Determinant of the Transpose                                                     198
Suppose that A is a square matrix. Then det (At ) = det (A).

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem DEC Determinant Expansion about Columns                                            199
Suppose that A is a square matrix of size n. Then for 1 ≤ j ≤ n

           det (A) = (−1)1+j [A]1j det (A (1|j)) + (−1)2+j [A]2j det (A (2|j))
                     + (−1)3+j [A]3j det (A (3|j)) + · · · + (−1)n+j [A]nj det (A (n|j))

which is known as expansion about column j.

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem DZRC Determinant with Zero Row or Column                                           200
Suppose that A is a square matrix with a row where every entry is zero, or a column where every
entry is zero. Then det (A) = 0.

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem DRCS Determinant for Row or Column Swap                                              201
Suppose that A is a square matrix. Let B be the square matrix obtained from A by interchanging
the location of two rows, or interchanging the location of two columns. Then det (B) = − det (A).

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem DRCM Determinant for Row or Column Multiples                                        202
Suppose that A is a square matrix. Let B be the square matrix obtained from A by multiplying
a single row by the scalar α, or by multiplying a single column by the scalar α. Then det (B) =
α det (A).

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem DERC Determinant with Equal Rows or Columns                                       203
Suppose that A is a square matrix with two equal rows, or two equal columns. Then det (A) = 0.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem DRCMA Determinant for Row or Column Multiples and Addition 204
Suppose that A is a square matrix. Let B be the square matrix obtained from A by multiplying
a row by the scalar α and then adding it to another row, or by multiplying a column by the
scalar α and then adding it to another column. Then det (B) = det (A).

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem DIM         Determinant of the Identity Matrix                                    205

For every n ≥ 1, det (In ) = 1.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem DEM Determinants of Elementary Matrices                                           206
For the three possible versions of an elementary matrix (Definition ELEM) we have the determi-

  1. det (Ei,j ) = −1
  2. det (Ei (α)) = α
  3. det (Ei,j (α)) = 1

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem DEMMM Determinants, Elementary Matrices, Matrix Multiplication207
Suppose that A is a square matrix of size n and E is any elementary matrix of size n. Then

                                  det (EA) = det (E) det (A)

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem SMZD         Singular Matrices have Zero Determinants                             208

Let A be a square matrix. Then A is singular if and only if det (A) = 0.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem NME7 Nonsingular Matrix Equivalences, Round 7                                       209
Suppose that A is a square matrix of size n. The following are equivalent.

  1. A is nonsingular.
  2. A row-reduces to the identity matrix.
  3. The null space of A contains only the zero vector, N (A) = {0}.
  4. The linear system LS(A, b) has a unique solution for every possible choice of b.
  5. The columns of A are a linearly independent set.
  6. A is invertible.
  7. The column space of A is Cn , C(A) = Cn .
  8. The columns of A are a basis for Cn .
  9. The rank of A is n, r (A) = n.
 10. The nullity of A is zero, n (A) = 0.
 11. The determinant of A is nonzero, det (A) 6= 0.

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem DRMM Determinant Respects Matrix Multiplication                                  210
Suppose that A and B are square matrices of the same size. Then det (AB) = det (A) det (B).

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition EEM Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a Matrix                                          211
Suppose that A is a square matrix of size n, x 6= 0 is a vector in Cn , and λ is a scalar in C. Then
we say x is an eigenvector of A with eigenvalue λ if

                                             Ax = λx

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem EMHE Every Matrix Has an Eigenvalue                                                    212
Suppose A is a square matrix. Then A has at least one eigenvalue.

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition CP Characteristic Polynomial                                                213
Suppose that A is a square matrix of size n. Then the characteristic polynomial of A is the
polynomial pA (x) defined by

                                  pA (x) = det (A − xIn )

                                                 c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem EMRCP Eigenvalues of a Matrix are Roots of Characteristic Polynomials
Suppose A is a square matrix. Then λ is an eigenvalue of A if and only if pA (λ) = 0.

                                                 c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition EM Eigenspace of a Matrix                                                              215
Suppose that A is a square matrix and λ is an eigenvalue of A. Then the eigenspace of A for λ,
EA (λ), is the set of all the eigenvectors of A for λ, together with the inclusion of the zero vector.

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem EMS Eigenspace for a Matrix is a Subspace                                         216
Suppose A is a square matrix of size n and λ is an eigenvalue of A. Then the eigenspace EA (λ)
is a subspace of the vector space Cn .

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem EMNS Eigenspace of a Matrix is a Null Space                                          217
Suppose A is a square matrix of size n and λ is an eigenvalue of A. Then

                                     EA (λ) = N (A − λIn )

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition AME Algebraic Multiplicity of an Eigenvalue                                        218
Suppose that A is a square matrix and λ is an eigenvalue of A. Then the algebraic multiplicity
of λ, αA (λ), is the highest power of (x − λ) that divides the characteristic polynomial, pA (x).

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition GME Geometric Multiplicity of an Eigenvalue                                    219
Suppose that A is a square matrix and λ is an eigenvalue of A. Then the geometric multiplicity
of λ, γA (λ), is the dimension of the eigenspace EA (λ).

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem EDELI Eigenvectors with Distinct Eigenvalues are Linearly Independent
Suppose that A is an n × n square matrix and S = {x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . , xp } is a set of eigenvectors
with eigenvalues λ1 , λ2 , λ3 , . . . , λp such that λi 6= λj whenever i 6= j. Then S is a linearly
independent set.

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem SMZE Singular Matrices have Zero Eigenvalues                                         221
Suppose A is a square matrix. Then A is singular if and only if λ = 0 is an eigenvalue of A.

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem NME8 Nonsingular Matrix Equivalences, Round 8                                       222
Suppose that A is a square matrix of size n. The following are equivalent.

  1. A is nonsingular.
  2. A row-reduces to the identity matrix.
  3. The null space of A contains only the zero vector, N (A) = {0}.
  4. The linear system LS(A, b) has a unique solution for every possible choice of b.
  5. The columns of A are a linearly independent set.
  6. A is invertible.
  7. The column space of A is Cn , C(A) = Cn .
  8. The columns of A are a basis for Cn .
  9. The rank of A is n, r (A) = n.
 10. The nullity of A is zero, n (A) = 0.
 11. The determinant of A is nonzero, det (A) 6= 0.
 12. λ = 0 is not an eigenvalue of A.

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem ESMM Eigenvalues of a Scalar Multiple of a Matrix                                 223
Suppose A is a square matrix and λ is an eigenvalue of A. Then αλ is an eigenvalue of αA.

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem EOMP Eigenvalues Of Matrix Powers                                                224
Suppose A is a square matrix, λ is an eigenvalue of A, and s ≥ 0 is an integer. Then λs is an
eigenvalue of As .

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem EPM Eigenvalues of the Polynomial of a Matrix                                225
Suppose A is a square matrix and λ is an eigenvalue of A. Let q(x) be a polynomial in the
variable x. Then q(λ) is an eigenvalue of the matrix q(A).

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem EIM Eigenvalues of the Inverse of a Matrix                                         226
Suppose A is a square nonsingular matrix and λ is an eigenvalue of A. Then λ−1 is an eigenvalue
of the matrix A−1 .

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem ETM Eigenvalues of the Transpose of a Matrix                                       227
Suppose A is a square matrix and λ is an eigenvalue of A. Then λ is an eigenvalue of the matrix
At .

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem ERMCP          Eigenvalues of Real Matrices come in Conjugate Pairs                  228

Suppose A is a square matrix with real entries and x is an eigenvector of A for the eigenvalue λ.
Then x is an eigenvector of A for the eigenvalue λ.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem DCP Degree of the Characteristic Polynomial                                      229
Suppose that A is a square matrix of size n. Then the characteristic polynomial of A, pA (x),
has degree n.

                                                         c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem NEM Number of Eigenvalues of a Matrix                                                        230
Suppose that λ1 , λ2 , λ3 , . . . , λk are the distinct eigenvalues of a square matrix A of size n. Then
                                                 αA (λi ) = n

                                                         c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem ME Multiplicities of an Eigenvalue                                                   231
Suppose that A is a square matrix of size n and λ is an eigenvalue. Then

                                    1 ≤ γA (λ) ≤ αA (λ) ≤ n

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem MNEM Maximum Number of Eigenvalues of a Matrix                                       232
Suppose that A is a square matrix of size n. Then A cannot have more than n distinct eigenvalues.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem HMRE Hermitian Matrices have Real Eigenvalues                                   233
Suppose that A is a Hermitian matrix and λ is an eigenvalue of A. Then λ ∈ R.

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem HMOE Hermitian Matrices have Orthogonal Eigenvectors                        234
Suppose that A is a Hermitian matrix and x and y are two eigenvectors of A for different
eigenvalues. Then x and y are orthogonal vectors.

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition SIM Similar Matrices                                                          235
Suppose A and B are two square matrices of size n. Then A and B are similar if there exists a
nonsingular matrix of size n, S, such that A = S −1 BS.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem SER Similarity is an Equivalence Relation                                         236
Suppose A, B and C are square matrices of size n. Then

  1. A is similar to A. (Reflexive)
  2. If A is similar to B, then B is similar to A. (Symmetric)
  3. If A is similar to B and B is similar to C, then A is similar to C. (Transitive)

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem SMEE Similar Matrices have Equal Eigenvalues                                237
Suppose A and B are similar matrices. Then the characteristic polynomials of A and B are
equal, that is, pA (x) = pB (x).

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition DIM Diagonal Matrix                                                             238
Suppose that A is a square matrix. Then A is a diagonal matrix if [A]ij = 0 whenever i 6= j.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition DZM Diagonalizable Matrix                                                       239
Suppose A is a square matrix. Then A is diagonalizable if A is similar to a diagonal matrix.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem DC Diagonalization Characterization                                               240
Suppose A is a square matrix of size n. Then A is diagonalizable if and only if there exists a
linearly independent set S that contains n eigenvectors of A.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem DMFE Diagonalizable Matrices have Full Eigenspaces                                 241
Suppose A is a square matrix. Then A is diagonalizable if and only if γA (λ) = αA (λ) for every
eigenvalue λ of A.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem DED Distinct Eigenvalues implies Diagonalizable                                    242
Suppose A is a square matrix of size n with n distinct eigenvalues. Then A is diagonalizable.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition LT Linear Transformation                                                        243
A linear transformation, T : U → V , is a function that carries elements of the vector space U
(called the domain) to the vector space V (called the codomain), and which has two additional

  1. T (u1 + u2 ) = T (u1 ) + T (u2 ) for all u1 , u2 ∈ U
  2. T (αu) = αT (u) for all u ∈ U and all α ∈ C

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem LTTZZ Linear Transformations Take Zero to Zero                                       244
Suppose T : U → V is a linear transformation. Then T (0) = 0.

                                                       c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem MBLT Matrices Build Linear Transformations                                   245
Suppose that A is an m × n matrix. Define a function T : Cn → Cm by T (x) = Ax. Then T is
a linear transformation.

                                                c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem MLTCV        Matrix of a Linear Transformation, Column Vectors                246

Suppose that T : Cn → Cm is a linear transformation. Then there is an m × n matrix A such
that T (x) = Ax.

                                                c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem LTLC          Linear Transformations and Linear Combinations                                         247

Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation, u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , ut are vectors from U and
a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . , at are scalars from C. Then

    T (a1 u1 + a2 u2 + a3 u3 + · · · + at ut ) = a1 T (u1 ) + a2 T (u2 ) + a3 T (u3 ) + · · · + at T (ut )

                                                            c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem LTDB Linear Transformation Defined on a Basis                                             248
Suppose U is a vector space with basis B = {u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , un } and the vector space V con-
tains the vectors v1 , v2 , v3 , . . . , vn (which may not be distinct). Then there is a unique linear
transformation, T : U → V , such that T (ui ) = vi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

                                                            c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition PI Pre-Image                                                                   249
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation. For each v, define the pre-image of v to be
the subset of U given by

                                T −1 (v) = { u ∈ U | T (u) = v}

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition LTA Linear Transformation Addition                                          250
Suppose that T : U → V and S : U → V are two linear transformations with the same domain
and codomain. Then their sum is the function T + S : U → V whose outputs are defined by

                                 (T + S) (u) = T (u) + S (u)

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem SLTLT Sum of Linear Transformations is a Linear Transformation 251
Suppose that T : U → V and S : U → V are two linear transformations with the same domain
and codomain. Then T + S : U → V is a linear transformation.

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition LTSM Linear Transformation Scalar Multiplication                             252
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation and α ∈ C. Then the scalar multiple is the
function αT : U → V whose outputs are defined by

                                     (αT ) (u) = αT (u)

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem MLTLT Multiple of a Linear Transformation is a Linear Transformation
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation and α ∈ C. Then (αT ) : U → V is a linear

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem VSLT        Vector Space of Linear Transformations                                254

Suppose that U and V are vector spaces. Then the set of all linear transformations from U
to V , LT (U, V ), is a vector space when the operations are those given in Definition LTA and
Definition LTSM.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition LTC Linear Transformation Composition                                      255
Suppose that T : U → V and S : V → W are linear transformations. Then the composition of S
and T is the function (S ◦ T ) : U → W whose outputs are defined by

                                  (S ◦ T ) (u) = S (T (u))

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem CLTLT Composition of Linear Transformations is a Linear Transforma-
tion                                                                                   256
Suppose that T : U → V and S : V → W are linear transformations. Then (S ◦ T ) : U → W is a
linear transformation.

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition ILT Injective Linear Transformation                                          257
Suppose T : U → V is a linear transformation. Then T is injective if whenever T (x) = T (y),
then x = y.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition KLT Kernel of a Linear Transformation                                         258
Suppose T : U → V is a linear transformation. Then the kernel of T is the set

                                 K(T ) = { u ∈ U | T (u) = 0}

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem KLTS Kernel of a Linear Transformation is a Subspace                                 259
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation. Then the kernel of T , K(T ), is a subspace of

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem KPI       Kernel and Pre-Image                                                       260

Suppose T : U → V is a linear transformation and v ∈ V . If the preimage T −1 (v) is nonempty,
and u ∈ T −1 (v) then

                           T −1 (v) = { u + z| z ∈ K(T )} = u + K(T )

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem KILT Kernel of an Injective Linear Transformation                                   261
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation. Then T is injective if and only if the kernel
of T is trivial, K(T ) = {0}.

                                                           c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem ILTLI Injective Linear Transformations and Linear Independence                           262
Suppose that T : U → V is an injective linear transformation and

                                      S = {u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , ut }

is a linearly independent subset of U . Then

                            R = {T (u1 ) , T (u2 ) , T (u3 ) , . . . , T (ut )}

is a linearly independent subset of V .

                                                           c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem ILTB Injective Linear Transformations and Bases                                         263
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation and

                                     B = {u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , um }

is a basis of U . Then T is injective if and only if

                            C = {T (u1 ) , T (u2 ) , T (u3 ) , . . . , T (um )}

is a linearly independent subset of V .

                                                          c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem ILTD Injective Linear Transformations and Dimension                                     264
Suppose that T : U → V is an injective linear transformation. Then dim (U ) ≤ dim (V ).

                                                          c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem CILTI Composition of Injective Linear Transformations is Injective 265
Suppose that T : U → V and S : V → W are injective linear transformations. Then (S ◦ T ) : U →
W is an injective linear transformation.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition SLT Surjective Linear Transformation                                        266
Suppose T : U → V is a linear transformation. Then T is surjective if for every v ∈ V there
exists a u ∈ U so that T (u) = v.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition RLT Range of a Linear Transformation                                             267
Suppose T : U → V is a linear transformation. Then the range of T is the set

                                    R(T ) = { T (u)| u ∈ U }

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem RLTS Range of a Linear Transformation is a Subspace                                 268
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation. Then the range of T , R(T ), is a subspace of

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem RSLT Range of a Surjective Linear Transformation                                     269
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation. Then T is surjective if and only if the range
of T equals the codomain, R(T ) = V .

                                                          c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem SSRLT Spanning Set for Range of a Linear Transformation                                 270
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation and

                                     S = {u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , ut }

spans U . Then

                           R = {T (u1 ) , T (u2 ) , T (u3 ) , . . . , T (ut )}

spans R(T ).

                                                          c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem RPI Range and Pre-Image                                                                 271
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation. Then

                               v ∈ R(T ) if and only if T −1 (v) 6= ∅

                                                          c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem SLTB Surjective Linear Transformations and Bases                                        272
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation and

                                     B = {u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , um }

is a basis of U . Then T is surjective if and only if

                            C = {T (u1 ) , T (u2 ) , T (u3 ) , . . . , T (um )}

is a spanning set for V .

                                                          c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem SLTD Surjective Linear Transformations and Dimension                              273
Suppose that T : U → V is a surjective linear transformation. Then dim (U ) ≥ dim (V ).

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem CSLTS Composition of Surjective Linear Transformations is Surjective
Suppose that T : U → V and S : V → W are surjective linear transformations. Then (S◦T ) : U →
W is a surjective linear transformation.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition IDLT Identity Linear Transformation                                              275
The identity linear transformation on the vector space W is defined as

                                 IW : W → W,         IW (w) = w

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition IVLT Invertible Linear Transformations                                          276
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation. If there is a function S : V → U such that

                         S ◦ T = IU                           T ◦ S = IV

then T is invertible. In this case, we call S the inverse of T and write S = T −1 .

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem ILTLT Inverse of a Linear Transformation is a Linear Transformation277
Suppose that T : U → V is an invertible linear transformation. Then the function T −1 : V → U
is a linear transformation.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem IILT Inverse of an Invertible Linear Transformation                                 278
Suppose that T : U → V is an invertible linear transformation. Then T −1 is an invertible linear
transformation and T −1     = T.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem ILTIS Invertible Linear Transformations are Injective and Surjective279
Suppose T : U → V is a linear transformation. Then T is invertible if and only if T is injective
and surjective.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem CIVLT Composition of Invertible Linear Transformations                          280
Suppose that T : U → V and S : V → W are invertible linear transformations. Then the compo-
sition, (S ◦ T ) : U → W is an invertible linear transformation.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem ICLT Inverse of a Composition of Linear Transformations                      281
Suppose that T : U → V and S : V → W are invertible linear transformations. Then S ◦ T is
invertible and (S ◦ T ) = T −1 ◦ S −1 .

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition IVS Isomorphic Vector Spaces                                                  282
Two vector spaces U and V are isomorphic if there exists an invertible linear transformation
T with domain U and codomain V , T : U → V . In this case, we write U ∼  = V , and the linear
transformation T is known as an isomorphism between U and V .

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem IVSED Isomorphic Vector Spaces have Equal Dimension                                 283
Suppose U and V are isomorphic vector spaces. Then dim (U ) = dim (V ).

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition ROLT Rank Of a Linear Transformation                                             284
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation. Then the rank of T , r (T ), is the dimension
of the range of T ,

                                      r (T ) = dim (R(T ))

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition NOLT Nullity Of a Linear Transformation                                             285
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation. Then the nullity of T , n (T ), is the dimension
of the kernel of T ,

                                       n (T ) = dim (K(T ))

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem ROSLT Rank Of a Surjective Linear Transformation                                286
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation. Then the rank of T is the dimension of V ,
r (T ) = dim (V ), if and only if T is surjective.

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem NOILT Nullity Of an Injective Linear Transformation                                287
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation. Then the nullity of T is zero, n (T ) = 0, if
and only if T is injective.

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem RPNDD Rank Plus Nullity is Domain Dimension                                         288
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation. Then

                                    r (T ) + n (T ) = dim (U )

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition VR Vector Representation                                                          289
Suppose that V is a vector space with a basis B = {v1 , v2 , v3 , . . . , vn }. Define a function
ρB : V → Cn as follows. For w ∈ V define the column vector ρB (w) ∈ Cn by

              w = [ρB (w)]1 v1 + [ρB (w)]2 v2 + [ρB (w)]3 v3 + · · · + [ρB (w)]n vn

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem VRLT Vector Representation is a Linear Transformation                                290
The function ρB (Definition VR) is a linear transformation.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem VRI Vector Representation is Injective                                            291
The function ρB (Definition VR) is an injective linear transformation.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem VRS Vector Representation is Surjective                                           292
The function ρB (Definition VR) is a surjective linear transformation.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem VRILT Vector Representation is an Invertible Linear Transformation293
The function ρB (Definition VR) is an invertible linear transformation.

                                                c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem CFDVS Characterization of Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces                    294
Suppose that V is a vector space with dimension n. Then V is isomorphic to Cn .

                                                c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem IFDVS Isomorphism of Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces                       295
Suppose U and V are both finite-dimensional vector spaces. Then U and V are isomorphic if
and only if dim (U ) = dim (V ).

                                                          c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem CLI Coordinatization and Linear Independence                                            296
Suppose that U is a vector space with a basis B of size n. Then

                                     S = {u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , uk }

is a linearly independent subset of U if and only if

                         R = {ρB (u1 ) , ρB (u2 ) , ρB (u3 ) , . . . , ρB (uk )}

is a linearly independent subset of Cn .

                                                          c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem CSS Coordinatization and Spanning Sets                                                    297
Suppose that U is a vector space with a basis B of size n. Then

                                      u ∈ h{u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , uk }i

if and only if

                       ρB (u) ∈ h{ρB (u1 ) , ρB (u2 ) , ρB (u3 ) , . . . , ρB (uk )}i

                                                            c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition MR Matrix Representation                                                                298
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation, B = {u1 , u2 , u3 , . . . , un } is a basis for U of
size n, and C is a basis for V of size m. Then the matrix representation of T relative to B and
C is the m × n matrix,
                 MB,C = [ ρC (T (u1 ))| ρC (T (u2 ))| ρC (T (u3 ))| . . . |ρC (T (un )) ]

                                                            c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem FTMR Fundamental Theorem of Matrix Representation                                  299
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation, B is a basis for U , C is a basis for V and
MB,C is the matrix representation of T relative to B and C. Then, for any u ∈ U ,
                                 ρC (T (u)) = MB,C (ρB (u))
or equivalently

                                T (u) = ρ−1  T
                                         C  MB,C (ρB (u))

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem MRSLT Matrix Representation of a Sum of Linear Transformations 300
Suppose that T : U → V and S : U → V are linear transformations, B is a basis of U and C is a
basis of V . Then
                                    T +S    T      S
                                   MB,C  = MB,C + MB,C

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem MRMLT Matrix Representation of a Multiple of a Linear Transformation
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation, α ∈ C, B is a basis of U and C is a basis of
V . Then
                                        αT      T
                                       MB,C = αMB,C

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem MRCLT Matrix Representation of a Composition of Linear Transforma-
tions                                                                                  302
Suppose that T : U → V and S : V → W are linear transformations, B is a basis of U , C is a
basis of V , and D is a basis of W . Then
                                      S◦T    S    T
                                     MB,D = MC,D MB,C

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem KNSI        Kernel and Null Space Isomorphism                                        303

Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation, B is a basis for U of size n, and C is a basis
for V . Then the kernel of T is isomorphic to the null space of MB,C ,

                                       K(T ) ∼    T
                                             = N MB,C

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem RCSI        Range and Column Space Isomorphism                                       304

Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation, B is a basis for U of size n, and C is a basis
for V of size m. Then the range of T is isomorphic to the column space of MB,C    ,

                                       R(T ) ∼    T
                                             = C MB,C

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem IMR Invertible Matrix Representations                                                   305
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation, B is a basis for U and C is a basis for V .
Then T is an invertible linear transformation if and only if the matrix representation of T relative
to B and C, MB,C    is an invertible matrix. When T is invertible,
                                        T  −1
                                       MC,B = MB,C

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem IMILT Invertible Matrices, Invertible Linear Transformation                       306
Suppose that A is a square matrix of size n and T : Cn → Cn is the linear transformation
defined by T (x) = Ax. Then A is an invertible matrix if and only if T is an invertible linear

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem NME9 Nonsingular Matrix Equivalences, Round 9                                       307
Suppose that A is a square matrix of size n. The following are equivalent.

  1. A is nonsingular.
  2. A row-reduces to the identity matrix.
  3. The null space of A contains only the zero vector, N (A) = {0}.
  4. The linear system LS(A, b) has a unique solution for every possible choice of b.
  5. The columns of A are a linearly independent set.
  6. A is invertible.
  7. The column space of A is Cn , C(A) = Cn .
  8. The columns of A are a basis for Cn .
  9. The rank of A is n, r (A) = n.
 10. The nullity of A is zero, n (A) = 0.
 11. The determinant of A is nonzero, det (A) 6= 0.
 12. λ = 0 is not an eigenvalue of A.
 13. The linear transformation T : Cn → Cn defined by T (x) = Ax is invertible.

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition EELT Eigenvalue and Eigenvector of a Linear Transformation                       308
Suppose that T : V → V is a linear transformation. Then a nonzero vector v ∈ V is an eigenvector
of T for the eigenvalue λ if T (v) = λv.

                                                      c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition CBM Change-of-Basis Matrix                                                           309
Suppose that V is a vector space, and IV : V → V is the identity linear transformation on V .
Let B = {v1 , v2 , v3 , . . . , vn } and C be two bases of V . Then the change-of-basis matrix from
B to C is the matrix representation of IV relative to B and C,

               CB,C = MB,C
                     = [ ρC (IV (v1 ))| ρC (IV (v2 ))| ρC (IV (v3 ))| . . . |ρC (IV (vn )) ]
                     = [ ρC (v1 )| ρC (v2 )| ρC (v3 )| . . . |ρC (vn ) ]

                                                            c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem CB Change-of-Basis                                                                        310
Suppose that v is a vector in the vector space V and B and C are bases of V . Then

                                         ρC (v) = CB,C ρB (v)

                                                            c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem ICBM Inverse of Change-of-Basis Matrix                                            311
Suppose that V is a vector space, and B and C are bases of V . Then the change-of-basis matrix
CB,C is nonsingular and
                                        CB,C = CC,B

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem MRCB Matrix Representation and Change of Basis                                  312
Suppose that T : U → V is a linear transformation, B and C are bases for U , and D and E are
bases for V . Then
                                   T           T
                                  MB,D = CE,D MC,E CB,C

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem SCB Similarity and Change of Basis                                               313
Suppose that T : V → V is a linear transformation and B and C are bases of V . Then
                                   T      −1   T
                                  MB,B = CB,C MC,C CB,C

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem EER Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Representations                                   314
Suppose that T : V → V is a linear transformation and B is a basis of V . Then v ∈ V is an
eigenvector of T for the eigenvalue λ if and only if ρB (v) is an eigenvector of MB,B for the
eigenvalue λ.

                                                  c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition UTM Upper Triangular Matrix                                                   315
The n × n square matrix A is upper triangular if [A]ij = 0 whenever i > j.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition LTM Lower Triangular Matrix                                                   316
The n × n square matrix A is lower triangular if [A]ij = 0 whenever i < j.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem PTMT Product of Triangular Matrices is Triangular                                 317
Suppose that A and B are square matrices of size n that are triangular of the same type. Then
AB is also triangular of that type.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem ITMT Inverse of a Triangular Matrix is Triangular                                    318
Suppose that A is a nonsingular matrix of size n that is triangular. Then the inverse of A, A−1 ,
is triangular of the same type. Furthermore, the diagonal entries  of A−1 are the reciprocals of
the corresponding diagonal entries of A. More precisely, A ii = [A]ii .

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem UTMR Upper Triangular Matrix Representation                                         319
Suppose that T : V → V is a linear transformation. Then there is a basis B for V such that the
matrix representation of T relative to B, MB,B   , is an upper triangular matrix. Each diagonal
entry is an eigenvalue of T , and if λ is an eigenvalue of T , then λ occurs αT (λ) times on the

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem OBUTR Orthonormal Basis for Upper Triangular Representation 320
Suppose that A is a square matrix. Then there is a unitary matrix U , and an upper triangular
matrix T , such that

                                          U ∗ AU = T

and T has the eigenvalues of A as the entries of the diagonal.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition NRML Normal Matrix                                                              321
The square matrix A is normal if A∗ A = AA∗ .

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem OD Orthonormal Diagonalization                                                     322
Suppose that A is a square matrix. Then there is a unitary matrix U and a diagonal matrix D,
with diagonal entries equal to the eigenvalues of A, such that U ∗ AU = D if and only if A is a
normal matrix.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem OBNM Orthonormal Bases and Normal Matrices                                        323
Suppose that A is a normal matrix of size n. Then there is an orthonormal basis of Cn composed
of eigenvectors of A.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition CNE Complex Number Equality                                                  324
The complex numbers α = a + bi and β = c + di are equal, denoted α = β, if a = c and b = d.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition CNA Complex Number Addition                                                     325
The sum of the complex numbers α = a + bi and β = c + di , denoted α + β, is (a + c) + (b + d)i.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition CNM Complex Number Multiplication                                          326
The product of the complex numbers α = a+bi and β = c+di , denoted αβ, is (ac−bd)+(ad+bc)i.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem PCNA Properties of Complex Number Arithmetic                                      327
The operations of addition and multiplication of complex numbers have the following properties.
   • ACCN Additive Closure, Complex Numbers: If α, β ∈ C, then α + β ∈ C.
   • MCCN Multiplicative Closure, Complex Numbers: If α, β ∈ C, then αβ ∈ C.
   • CACN Commutativity of Addition, Complex Numbers: For any α, β ∈ C, α + β = β + α.
   • CMCN Commutativity of Multiplication, Complex Numbers: For any α, β ∈ C, αβ = βα.
   • AACN Additive Associativity, Complex Numbers: For any α, β, γ ∈ C, α + (β + γ) =
     (α + β) + γ.
   • MACN Multiplicative Associativity, Complex Numbers: For any α, β, γ ∈ C, α (βγ) =
     (αβ) γ.
   • DCN Distributivity, Complex Numbers: For any α, β, γ ∈ C, α(β + γ) = αβ + αγ.
   • ZCN Zero, Complex Numbers: There is a complex number 0 = 0+0i so that for any α ∈ C,
     0 + α = α.
   • OCN One, Complex Numbers: There is a complex number 1 = 1+0i so that for any α ∈ C,
     1α = α.
   • AICN Additive Inverse, Complex Numbers: For every α ∈ C there exists −α ∈ C so that
     α + (−α) = 0.
   • MICN Multiplicative
                        Inverse, Complex Numbers: For every α ∈ C, α 6= 0 there exists
     1               1
     α ∈ C so that α α = 1.
                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem ZPCN Zero Product, Complex Numbers                                                 328
Suppose α ∈ C. Then 0α = 0.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem ZPZT Zero Product, Zero Terms                                                    329
Suppose α, β ∈ C. Then αβ = 0 if and only if at least one of α = 0 or β = 0.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition CCN Conjugate of a Complex Number                                             330
The conjugate of the complex number α = a + bi ∈ C is the complex number α = a − bi.

                                                   c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem CCRA Complex Conjugation Respects Addition                                  331
Suppose that α and β are complex numbers. Then α + β = α + β.

                                              c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Theorem CCRM Complex Conjugation Respects Multiplication                            332
Suppose that α and β are complex numbers. Then αβ = αβ.

                                              c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Theorem CCT Complex Conjugation Twice                                                  333
Suppose that α is a complex number. Then α = α.

                                                 c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition MCN Modulus of a Complex Number                                             334
The modulus of the complex number α = a + bi ∈ C, is the nonnegative real number
                                     √        p
                                |α| = αα = a2 + b2 .

                                                 c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition SET Set                                                                             335
A set is an unordered collection of objects. If S is a set and x is an object that is in the set S,
we write x ∈ S. If x is not in S, then we write x 6∈ S. We refer to the objects in a set as its

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition SSET Subset                                                                      336
If S and T are two sets, then S is a subset of T , written S ⊆ T if whenever x ∈ S then x ∈ T .

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition ES Empty Set                                                                   337
The empty set is the set with no elements. It is denoted by ∅.

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition SE Set Equality                                                                338
Two sets, S and T , are equal, if S ⊆ T and T ⊆ S. In this case, we write S = T .

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition C Cardinality                                                                       339
Suppose S is a finite set. Then the number of elements in S is called the cardinality or size of S,
and is denoted |S|.

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition SU Set Union                                                                    340
Suppose S and T are sets. Then the union of S and T , denoted S ∪ T , is the set whose elements
are those that are elements of S or of T , or both. More formally,

                             x ∈ S ∪ T if and only if x ∈ S or x ∈ T

                                                     c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License
Definition SI Set Intersection                                                           341
Suppose S and T are sets. Then the intersection of S and T , denoted S ∩ T , is the set whose
elements are only those that are elements of S and of T . More formally,

                           x ∈ S ∩ T if and only if x ∈ S and x ∈ T

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License

Definition SC Set Complement                                                               342
Suppose S is a set that is a subset of a universal set U . Then the complement of S, denoted S,
is the set whose elements are those that are elements of U and not elements of S. More formally,

                             x ∈ S if and only if x ∈ U and x 6∈ S

                                                    c 2004—2015 Robert A. Beezer, GFDL License