DOKK Library

Introducing Non-PAE

Authors Jason Self

License GPL-3.0-or-later


Introducing Non-PAE                                                                          Home

I received a few requests to provide non-PAE kernels and I'm happy to announce that          Linux-libre
they are now available. In case you don't know PAE is a feature where 32-bit
computers can access more than 4GB of memory. Most modern CPUs support this
but older computers don't necessarily do and are incompatible with PAE-enabled
                                                                                             How To
Some GNU/Linux distributions have stopped providing non-PAE kernels, essentially
dropping support for those with these older computers. These people would typically          Articles
need to compile their own custom kernels in order to disable PAE and potentially
make their own custom installation media. This at least helps with the first part of that.   RSS Feed
I hope that this makes software freedom easier for those people by providing them
with a non-PAE version of Linux-libre.
                                                                                             About Me
To determine if your CPU supports PAE run this command and check if to see if PAE
is mentioned:                                                                                Contact Me
  grep --color=always -i PAE /proc/cpuinfo                                                   GPL enforced

Instructions for using the repository can be found at
                                                                                              If you appreciate any of the things I
                                                                                              am doing you can make a donation.

Copyright © 2014 Jason Self. See license.shtml for license conditions. Please copy and share.