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Ironsworn: Starforged - ASSET CARDS

Authors Shawn Tomkin

License CC-BY-4.0


                                  MASTER SET

                                  Copyright ©2020 Shawn Tomkin.
         Designed for use with the Ironsworn tabletop RPG, available at
     The text of this work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
                        license. For details on licenses, visit
              Updated June 1, 2022 to include Commander, Fated, and Lorekeeper paths
                      Updated January 15, 2022 to change licensing to CC-BY

WRITING AND DESIGN                                          ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Shawn Tomkin                                                Thank you to Alice Southey, Bill Andel,
                                                            Bodhi Hunt, HolyRoller, Jeff Lopez,
EDITING                                                     Jeremiah Wenneker, Joel Briton, Justin
Matt Click                                                  Gordon, Krzysztof Czopek, Liam Moher,
                                                            M. Quintanilla, Matt Click, Robin Avery,
IMAGE CREDITS                                               Samuel Rondón Acevedo, and other
Selected icons from by                       members of the Ironsworn community for
Lorc and Delapouite under CC BY 3.0.                        feedback and inspiration.

    You may print these assets for personal use. They are sized for use with standard 3.5x2.5in
    (88x63mm) card protectors. A printed deck of assets is also available for purchase at

    Some assets include abilities which might be applied to a variety of moves. This is usually
    phrased as “when you make a move to [blank].” However, unless an asset specifically defines
    a benefit for a progress move, you may not leverage an asset ability when making one of those
    moves. To learn more about progress moves, see page 17 of the Ironsworn rulebook.
COMPANION                                       COMPANION                                         COMPANION

CAVE LION                                       GIANT SPIDER                                      HAWK
Name:                                           Name:                                             Name:
Your cat takes down its prey.                   Your spider uncovers secrets.                     Your hawk can aid you while it is aloft.
 Eager: When your cat chases down big           Discreet: When you Secure an Advantage           Far-seeing: When you Undertake
   game, you may Resupply with +edge               by sending your spider to scout a place,          a Journey, or when you Resupply by
   (instead of +wits). If you do, take +1          add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.             hunting for small game, add +1.
   supply or +1 momentum on a strong hit.        Soul-Piercing: You may Face Danger               Fierce: When you Secure an Advantage
 Inescapable: When you Enter the                  +shadow by sending your spider to secretly        +edge using your hawk to harass and
   Fray or Strike by sending your cat to           study someone. On a hit, the spider returns       distract your foes, add +1 and take +1
   attack, roll +edge. On a hit, take +2           to reveal the target’s deepest fears through      momentum on a hit.
   momentum.                                       a reflection in its glassy eyes. Use this to    Vigilant: When you Face Danger
 Protective: When you Make Camp,                  Gather Information and reroll any dice.           +wits to detect an approaching threat,
   your cat is alert to trouble. If you or an    Ensnaring: When your spider sets a trap,           or when you Enter the Fray +wits
   ally choose to relax, take +1 spirit. If        add +1 as you Enter the Fray +shadow.             against an ambush, add +2.
   you focus, take +1 momentum.                    On a strong hit, also inflict 2 harm.

  0      +1     +2      +3     +4                 0       +1     +2      +3      +4                 0      +1     +2    +3

COMPANION                                       COMPANION                                         COMPANION

HORSE                                           HOUND                                             KINDRED
Name:                                           Name:                                             Name:
You and your horse ride as one.                 Your hound is your steadfast companion.           Your friend stands by you.
 Swift: When you Face Danger +edge              Sharp: When you Gather Information               Skilled: When you make a move outside
   using your horse’s speed and grace, or          using your hound’s keen senses to                 of combat aided by your companion’s
   when you Undertake a Journey, add +1.           track your quarry or investigate a                expertise, add +1.
 Fearless: When you Enter the Fray                scene, add +1 and take +1 momentum                Expertise:
   or Secure an Advantage +heart by                on a hit.
   charging into combat, add +1 and take         Ferocious: When you Strike or Clash              Shield-Kin: When you Clash or Battle
   +1 momentum on a hit.                           alongside your hound and score a hit,            alongside your companion, or when
                                                   inflict +1 harm or take +1 momentum.             you Face Danger against an attack by
 Mighty: When you Strike or Clash at
                                                                                                    standing together, add +1.
   close range while mounted, add +1             Loyal: When you Endure Stress in the
   and inflict +1 harm on a hit.                   company of your hound, add +1.                  Bonded: Once you mark a bond with
                                                                                                    your companion, add +1 when you
                                                                                                    Face Desolation in their presence.

  0      +1     +2      +3     +4      +5         0       +1     +2      +3      +4                 0      +1     +2    +3     +4

COMPANION                                       COMPANION                                         COMPANION

MAMMOTH                                         OWL                                               RAVEN
Name:                                           Name:                                             Name:
Your mammoth walks a resolute path.             Your owl soars through the darkness.              Your raven heeds your call.
 Lumbering: When your mammoth                   Nocturnal: If you Resupply at night              Sly: When you Secure an Advantage or
   travels with you as you Undertake a             by sending your owl to hunt, take +2              Face Danger +shadow using your raven
   Journey, you may add +2 but suffer -1           momentum on a hit. When you Enter the             to perform trickery (such as creating a
   momentum (decide before rolling).               Fray +wits against an ambush in darkness,         distraction or stealing a small object)
 Beast of burden: When you make                   add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.             add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.
   a move which requires you to roll             Sage: When you leverage your owl’s               Knowing: When you Face Death,
   +supply, you may instead roll +your             secret knowledge to perform a ritual,             add +2 and take +1 momentum on a hit.
   mammoth’s health.                               add +1 or take +1 momentum on a hit             Diligent: When your raven carries
 Overpowering: When you Strike                    (decide before rolling).                          messages for you, you may Secure an
   or Clash by riding your mammoth               Embodying: When you Face Death, take               Advantage, Gather Information, or
   against a pack of foes, add +1 and              your owl’s health as +momentum before             Compel from a distance.
   inflict +1 harm on a hit.                       you roll.

  0      +1     +2      +3     +4      +5         0       +1     +2      +3                         0      +1     +2


COMPANION                                       PATH                                             PATH

YOUNG WYVERN                                    ALCHEMIST                                        ANIMAL KIN
Name:                                            When you create an elixir, choose an            When you make a move to pacify, calm,
                                                  effect: Deftness (edge), audacity (heart),       control, aid, or fend off an animal (or
Your wyvern won’t devour you. For now.            vigor (iron), slyness (shadow), or clarity       an animal or beast companion), add +1
 Insatiable: When you Undertake a                (wits). Then, suffer -1 supply and roll          and take +1 momentum on a hit.
   Journey and score a hit, you may suffer -1     +wits. On a strong hit, you create a single     You may add or upgrade an animal
   supply in exchange for +2 momentum.            dose. The character who consumes the             or beast companion asset for 1 fewer
 Indomitable: When you make the                  elixir must Face Danger +iron and score          experience. Once you mark all their
   Companion Endure Harm move for your            a hit, after which they add +1 when              abilities, you may Forge a Bond with
   wyvern, add +2 and take +1 momentum            making moves with the related stat until         them and take an automatic strong hit.
   on a hit.                                      their health, spirit, or momentum fall           When you do, mark a bond twice and
 Savage: When you Strike by                      below +1. On a weak hit, as above, but           take 1 experience.
   commanding your wyvern to attack,              suffer an additional -1 supply to create it.    Once per fight, when you leverage your
   roll +heart. Your wyvern inflicts 3 harm      As above, and you may choose two                 animal or beast companion to make a
   on a hit.                                      effects for a single dose, or create two         move, reroll any dice. On a hit, take +1
                                                  doses of the same effect.                        momentum.
                                                 When you prepare an elixir, add +1
  0      +1     +2      +3     +4      +5
                                                  and take +1 momentum on a hit.

PATH                                            PATH                                             PATH

BANNER-SWORN                                    BATTLE-SCARRED                                   BLADE-BOUND
Name:                                           Once you become maimed...                        Name:
Once you mark a bond with a leader or            You focus your energies: Reduce your           Once you mark a bond with a kin-blade, a
faction...                                        edge or iron by 1 and add +2 to wits           sentient weapon imbued with the spirit of
                                                  or heart, or +1 to each (to a maximum
 When you Swear an Iron Vow to serve                                                            your ancestor...
                                                  of +4).
    your leader or faction on a mission,                                                          When you Enter the Fray or Draw the
                                                 You overcome your limitations:
    you may reroll any dice. When you                                                               Circle while wielding your kin-blade,
                                                  Reduce your maximum health by 1.
    Fulfill Your Vow and mark experience,                                                           add +1 and take +1 momentum on
                                                  Maimed no longer counts as a debility,
    take +1 experience.                                                                             a hit.
                                                  and does not reduce your maximum
 When you Sojourn or Make Camp in                momentum or reset value. When                   When you Gather Information by
    the company of your banner-kin, add           you Endure Stress +heart, take +1                 listening to the whispers of your kin-
    +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.             momentum on a strong hit.                         blade, add +1 and take +2 momentum
 When you Enter the Fray bearing your                                                              on a hit. Then, Endure Stress (2 stress).
                                                 You have stared down death before:
    banner, add +1 and take +1 momentum           When you are at 0 health and Endure             When you Strike with your kin-blade
    on a hit. When you burn momentum              Harm, you may roll +wits or +heart                to inflict savage harm (decide before
    while carrying your banner in combat,         (instead of +health or +iron). If you             rolling), add +1 and inflict +2 harm on
    take +1 momentum after you reset.             do, take +1 momentum on a hit.                    a hit. Then, Endure Stress (2 stress).

PATH                                            PATH                                             PATH

BONDED                                          COMMANDER                                        DANCER
 When you make a move which gives               You lead a warband with +4 strength.            When you Secure an Advantage +edge
  you an add for sharing a bond, add              Roll +strength when you command                  by dancing for an audience, add +1
  +1 more.                                        your warband to Face Danger, Secure an           and take +2 momentum on a hit. On a
 When you completely fill a box on               Advantage, Compel, or Battle. When you           strong hit, also add +2 (one time only)
  your bonds progress track, envision             face the negative outcome of any move,           if you make a move to interact with
  what your relationships have taught             you may suffer -1 strength as the cost.          someone in the audience.
  you. Then, take 1 experience and +2             When you Make Camp or Sojourn and               When you Face Danger +edge in a fight
  momentum.                                       score a hit, take +1 strength. While at 0        by nimbly avoiding your foe’s attacks,
                                                  strength, this asset counts as a debility.       add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.
 When you make a move in a crucial
                                                 You may dispatch scouts from your
  moment and score a miss, you may                                                                When you or an ally make a progress
                                                  warband to Gather Information or
  cling to thoughts of your bond-kin for                                                           move and score a hit, you may perform a
                                                  Resupply; if you do, roll +strength.
  courage or encouragement. If you do,                                                             dance to commemorate the event. If you
  reroll any dice. On another miss, in           Once you Forge a Bond with your                  do, roll +edge. On a strong hit, you and
  addition to the outcome of the move,            warband, take +1 momentum on a hit               each of your allies take +2 momentum
  you must mark shaken or corrupted. If           when you leverage a warband ability.             and +1 spirit. On a weak hit, you take +1
  both debilities are already marked, Face                                                         momentum or +1 spirit, but your allies
  Desolation.                                      0        +1       +2       +3       +4          are unmoved.


PATH                                          PATH                                        PATH

DEVOTANT                                      EMPOWERED                                   FATED
God’s Name:                                   Title/Lineage:                               When you Face Death or Face
                                                                                            Desolation while your epic background
Stat:                                          When you Sojourn and score a weak           vow is unfulfilled, it is not yet your
                                                hit or miss, you may claim the rights       time. Instead of rolling, you may take
 When you say your daily prayers, you
                                                of hospitality warranted by your title      an automatic strong hit. If you do,
  may Secure an Advantage by asking
                                                or lineage. If you do, roll all dice        this asset counts as a debility (and you
  your god to grant a blessing. If you
                                                again and add +1. On a miss, you are        no longer have this protection) until
  do, roll +your god’s stat. On a hit,
                                                refused, and your presumption causes        you next Reach a Milestone on the
  take +2 momentum.
                                                significant new trouble.                    background vow.
 When you Swear an Iron Vow to serve
                                               When you exert your title or lineage       When you Reach a Milestone on your
  your god on a divine quest, you may
                                                to Compel, add +1 and take +1               background vow, take +2 momentum
  roll +your god’s stat and reroll any                                                      or +1 spirit.
                                                momentum on a hit.
  dice. When you Fulfill Your Vow and
                                               When you forgo your title or lineage       For every two boxes filled on your
  mark experience, take +1 experience.
                                                and Forge a Bond as an equal, or            background vow progress track, take 1
 When you Sojourn by sharing the                                                           experience. When you Fulfill Your Vow,
                                                when you Swear an Iron Vow to serve
  word of your god, you may roll                                                            your fate is at hand. Envision your final
                                                someone of a lower station, add +1 and
  +your god’s stat. If you do, take +1                                                      sacrifice and reroll any dice.
                                                take +1 momentum or +1 spirit on a hit.
  momentum on a hit.

PATH                                          PATH                                        PATH

FORTUNE HUNTER                                HERBALIST                                   HONORBOUND
 When you Swear an Iron Vow to                When you attempt to Heal using             When you Turn the Tide, envision how
  someone under the promise of payment,         herbal remedies, and you have at least      your vows give you strength in this
  add +1 and give the quest a special mark.     +1 supply, choose one (decide before        moment. Then, when you make your
  When you successfully Fulfill Your Vow        rolling).                                   move, add +2 (instead of +1) and take
  to them, take +wealth equal to the rank       • Add +2.                                   +1 momentum on a hit.
  of the quest. If you leverage wealth when     • On a hit, take or give an additional     When you Secure an Advantage or
  making a move where resources are a              +1 health.                               Compel by telling a hard truth, add
  factor, add +wealth and suffer -1 wealth.    When you Heal a companion, ally, or         +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.
 When in a community or trading, you           other character, and score a hit, take      On a weak hit or miss, envision how
  may suffer -1 wealth and take +2 supply.      +1 spirit or +1 momentum.                   this truth complicates your current
 When you Resupply by scavenging or           When you Make Camp and choose               situation.
  looting, and score a strong hit with          the option to partake, you can create      When you Fulfill Your Vow and score a
  a match, you may envision finding             a restorative meal. If you do, you and      miss, you may reroll one challenge die.
  an object of value. If you do, take +1                                                    If you score a miss again, reduce your
                                                your companions take +1 health. Any
  supply (instead of +2) and +1 wealth.                                                     maximum spirit by 1. You may recover
                                                allies who choose to partake also take
                                                +1 health, and do not suffer -supply.       this lost spirit when you next Fulfill
   0     +1     +2     +3     +4     +5
                                                                                            Your Vow and score a strong hit.

PATH                                          PATH                                        PATH

IMPROVISER                                    INFILTRATOR                                 LOREKEEPER
 When you Check your Gear, you may            When you make a move to breach,            You are the bearer of a mystical archive.
  roll +wits (instead of +supply). If           traverse, or hide within an area held       When you Secure an Advantage or
  you do, envision how you make do              by an enemy, add +1 and take +1             Gather Information using lore recalled
  with a clever solution, and take +1           momentum on a hit.                          from your studies, add +1. If you have a
  momentum on a hit.                           When you Gather Information within          few hours to search the archive, add +2.
 When you Secure an Advantage or               an enemy area to discover their             On a hit, envision the obscure but helpful
                                                                                            knowledge you put to use (Ask the Oracle
  Face Danger by cobbling together an           positions, plans, or methods, or when
                                                                                            if unsure), and take +1 momentum.
  ad hoc tool or apparatus, add +1 and          you Secure an Advantage within that
  take +1 momentum on a hit. After              area through observation, you may roll     When you learn of a site or object holding
                                                                                            lost knowledge, and Swear an Iron Vow to
  rolling, you may also suffer -1 supply        +shadow (instead of +wits). If you do,
                                                                                            recover it for the archive, reroll any dice.
  and add +1 more.                              take +1 momentum on a hit.
                                                                                            When you Fulfill Your Vow and mark
 When you throw caution to the wind           When you Resupply within an enemy           experience, take +1 experience.
  and make an impulsive move in a risky         area by scavenging or looting, you may
                                                                                           One time only, you may browse the
  situation, you may add +2. If you do,         roll +shadow (instead of +wits). If you     archive’s forbidden depths. If you do,
  take +1 momentum on a strong hit,             do, take +1 momentum or +1 supply           raise your wits by 1 and roll an action die.
  but count a weak hit as a miss.               on a hit.                                   On 1-3, you must also mark corrupted or
                                                                                            Face Desolation (ignoring momentum).


PATH                                           PATH                                            PATH

LOYALIST                                       MASKED                                          OATHBREAKER
 When you Aid Your Ally, add +1 and           Once you mark a bond with elves, and are        Once you Forsake Your Vow...
  take +1 momentum on a hit. This is           gifted a mask of precious elderwood...           This asset counts as a debility. One
  in addition to the benefits taken by          Choose your mask’s material.                    time only, when you Swear an Iron
  your ally.                                        Thunderwood: Edge / Health                  Vow to redeem yourself (extreme or
 When an ally makes the Endure Stress              Bloodwood: Iron / Health                    greater), give that vow a special mark.
  move in your company, they add +1                 Ghostwood: Shadow / Spirit                  When you Reach a Milestone on the
  and you take +1 momentum on a hit.                Whisperwood: Wits / Spirit                  marked vow, take +2 momentum.
 When you stand with your ally as                 When you wear the mask and make a            When you Secure an Advantage
  they make a progress move, envision              move which uses its stat, add +1. If you      or Compel by reaffirming your
  how you support them. Then, roll one             roll a 1 on your action die, suffer -1 to     commitment to your marked vow, add
  challenge die. On a 1-9, your ally may           the associated track (in addition to any      +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.
  replace one of their challenge dice              other outcome of the move).                  When you Fulfill Your Vow on your
  with yours. On a 10, envision how you         As above, and you may instead add +2            marked quest and score a hit, you find
  inadvertently undermine their action;            and suffer -2 (decide before rolling).        redemption and automatically activate
  your ally must replace their lowest           When you Face Death or Face                     this ability at no cost. You may then
  challenge die with yours.                        Desolation while wearing the mask, you        improve one of your stats by +1 and
                                                   may roll +its stat (instead of +heart).       discard this asset.

PATH                                           PATH                                            PATH

OUTCAST                                        PRETENDER                                       REVENANT
 When your supply is reduced to 0, suffer      When you establish a false identity, roll     Once you Face Death and return to the
  any remaining -supply as -momentum.            +shadow. On a strong hit, you may add         world of the living...
  Then, roll +wits. On a strong hit,             +2 when you make moves using this              When you are at 0 health, and Endure
  you manage to scrape by and take +1            identity to deceive or influence others.        Harm or Face Death, add +1. If you
  supply. On a weak hit, you may suffer          If you roll a 1 on your action die when         then burn momentum to improve
  -2 momentum in exchange for +1                 using your false identity, someone              your result, envision what bond or vow
  supply. On a miss, you are Out of Supply.      doubts you. Make appropriate moves              binds you to this world, and take +2
 When you Sojourn, you may reroll               to reassure them or prevent them from           momentum after you reset.
  any dice. If you do (decide before your        revealing the truth. On a weak hit, as         When you make a move to investigate,
  first roll), your needs are few, but your      above, but add +1 (instead of +2).              oppose, or interact with a horror, spirit,
  isolation sets you apart from others. A       As above, and you may roll +shadow              or other undead being, add +1.
  strong hit counts as a weak hit.               (instead of +heart) when you Sojourn           When you bring death to your foe
 When you Reach Your Destination                under your false identity. If you do,           to End the Fight, you may burn
  and score a strong hit, you recall or          take +1 momentum on a hit.                      momentum to cancel one (not both) of
  recognize something helpful about             When you Secure an Advantage by                 the challenge dice if your momentum is
  this place. Envision what it is, and take      revealing your true identity in a               greater than the value of that die. If you
  +2 momentum.                                   dramatic moment, reroll any dice.               do, Endure Stress (2 stress).

PATH                                           PATH                                            PATH

RIDER                                          RITUALIST                                       SHADOW-KIN
If you are with your horse companion...        Once you Fulfill Your Vow (formidable or        Once you become corrupted...
 When you Heal your horse, or when you        greater) in service to an elder mystic, and      You harden your heart: Reduce your
    Face Danger to calm or encourage it,       Forge a Bond to train with them...                heart stat by 1 and add up to +2 to
    add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.       When you Secure an Advantage to                 shadow (to a maximum of +4).
 When you Undertake a Journey, you may           ready yourself for a ritual, envision         You are attuned to the realms of
    push your horse harder and add +1 (after      how you prepare. Then, add +1 and              shadow: When you perform a ritual,
    rolling). If you do, make the Companion       take +1 momentum on a hit.                     add +1.
    Endure Harm move (1 harm).                  When you perform a ritual, you may             You know the sly ways of death: When
 When you Secure an Advantage +wits              suffer -1 supply and add +1 (decide            you Face Death, you may roll +shadow
    by sizing up a perilous situation from        before rolling).                               (instead of +heart). On a weak hit, if
    the saddle, you are one with your           When you tattoo the essence of a                you choose to undertake a deathbound
    horse’s instincts. Add +1 and take +1         new ritual onto your skin, envision            quest, you may roll +shadow (instead
    momentum on a hit.                            the mark you create. You may then              of +heart) and reroll any dice as you
                                                  purchase and upgrade that ritual asset         Swear an Iron Vow. When you Fulfill
                                                  for 1 fewer experience.                        Your Vow on that quest and mark
                                                                                                 experience, take +2 experience.


PATH                                         PATH                                         PATH

SIGHTED                                      SLAYER                                       SPIRIT-BOUND
 When you Face Danger or Gather              When you Gather Information by              You are haunted by someone whose
  Information to identify or detect            tracking a beast or horror, or when          death you caused through your actions
  mystic forces, add +1 and take +1            you Secure an Advantage by readying          or failures. When you consult with
  momentum on a hit.                           yourself for a fight against them, add       their spirit to Secure an Advantage or
 When you Compel, Forge a Bond, or            +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.            Gather Information, add +1 and take
  Test Your Bond with a fellow mystic         When you Swear an Iron Vow to slay           +2 momentum on a hit. On a weak hit,
  or mystical being, add +1 and take +1        a beast or horror, you may reroll any        also Endure Stress (1 stress).
  momentum on a hit.                           dice. When you Fulfill Your Vow and         When you Face Death guided by the
 When you Secure an Advantage by              mark experience, take +1 experience.         spirit, add +1. On a strong hit, envision
  studying someone or something in a          When you slay a beast or horror (at          what you learn and take 1 experience.
  charged situation, add +1 and take +1        least formidable), you may take a           One time only, when you successfully
  momentum on a hit. When you also             trophy and choose one.                       Fulfill Your Vow (formidable or greater)
  pierce the veil to explore deeper truths     • Power a ritual: When you or an ally        in service to the spirit, choose one.
  (decide before rolling), you may reroll        make a ritual move, reroll any dice        • Let them go: Take 2 experience for each
  any dice. If you do, count a weak hit as       (one time only).                             marked ability and discard this asset.
  a miss.                                      • Prove your worth: When you Sojourn,        • Deepen your connection: Add +1
                                                 reroll any dice (one time only).             more when you leverage this asset.

PATH                                         PATH                                         PATH

STORYWEAVER                                  TRICKSTER                                    VETERAN
 When you Secure an Advantage,               When you Face Danger, Secure an             When you burn momentum to
  Compel, or Forge a Bond by sharing an        Advantage, or Compel by lying,               improve your result in combat, envision
  inspiring or enlightening song, poem,        bluffing, stealing, or cheating, add +1.     how your hard-won fighting experience
  or tale, envision the story you tell.       When you Gather Information by               gives you the upper hand. Then, take
  Then, add +1 and take +1 momentum            investigating a devious scheme, you          +1 momentum after you reset, and add
  on a hit.                                    may roll +shadow (instead of +wits). If      +1 when you make your next move.
 When you Make Camp and choose the            you do, take +2 momentum on a hit.           Once per fight, you also take initiative
  option to relax, you may share a story      When you Forge a Bond for a                  when burning momentum to improve a
  with your allies or compose a new            relationship founded on a lie, choose        miss to a weak hit.
  story if alone. If you do, envision the      one.                                        When you Swear an Iron Vow to
  story you tell and take +1 spirit or +1      • Keep your secret: Roll +shadow             someone who fought beside you, or
  momentum. Any allies who choose to              (instead of +heart).                      Forge a Bond with them, add +2 and
  relax in your company may also take                                                       take +2 momentum on a hit.
                                               • Reveal the truth: Roll +heart. On a
  +1 spirit or +1 momentum.                                                                When you Resupply by looting the
                                                  strong hit, mark a bond twice and
 When you Sojourn within a                       take 1 experience. A weak hit counts      dead on a field of battle, add +1 and
  community with which you share a                as a miss.                                take +1 momentum on a hit.
  bond, add +2 (instead of +1).

PATH                                         PATH                                         PATH

WATERBORN                                    WAYFINDER                                    WEAPONMASTER
 When you Face Danger, Gather                When you Undertake a Journey, take         Once you Fulfill Your Vow (formidable or
  Information, or Secure an Advantage          +1 momentum on a strong hit. If you        greater) in service to a seasoned warrior,
  related to your knowledge of                 burn momentum to improve your              and Forge a Bond to train with them...
  watercraft, water travel, or aquatic         result, also take +1 momentum after         When you Secure an Advantage by
  environments or creatures, add +1 and        you reset.                                    sizing up your foe in a fight, or in a
  take +1 momentum on a hit.                  When you Secure an Advantage                  charged situation which may lead to a
 When you Undertake a Journey by              or Gather Information by carefully            fight, add +1 and take +1 momentum
  boat or ship, add +1. On a strong hit,       surveying the landscape or scouting           on a hit.
  also choose one.                             ahead, add +1 and take +1 momentum          When you study or train in a new
  • The wind is at your back: Mark             on a hit.                                     weapon or technique, you may obtain
     progress twice.                          When you Swear an Iron Vow to safely          and upgrade that combat talent for 1
  • Find safe anchor: Make Camp now            guide someone on a perilous journey,          fewer experience.
     and reroll any dice.                      you may reroll any dice. When you           When you Turn the Tide with a sudden
  • Reap the bounty: Resupply now and          Fulfill Your Vow and mark experience,         change of weapon or technique, and
     reroll any dice.                          take +1 experience.                           your next move is a Strike, add +1 and
 When you Enter the Fray aboard a                                                           inflict +2 harm on a strong hit.
  boat or ship, reroll any dice.


PATH                                             PATH                                          COMBAT TALENT

WILDBLOOD                                        WRIGHT                                        ARCHER
 When you Face Danger, Secure an                Specialty:                                    If you wield a bow....
  Advantage, or Gather Information                                                              When you Secure an Advantage by
  using your knowledge of tracking,               When you Secure an Advantage by
                                                   crafting a useful item using your               taking a moment to aim, choose your
  woodcraft, or woodland creatures,                                                                approach and add +1.
  add +1.                                          specialty, or when you Face Danger
                                                   to create or repair an item in a                • Trust your instincts: Roll +wits, and
 When you Face Danger or Secure an                                                                   take +2 momentum on a strong hit.
                                                   perilous situation, add +1 and take +1
  Advantage by hiding or sneaking in                                                               • Line up your shot: Roll +edge, and
                                                   momentum on a hit.
  the woodlands, add +1 and take +1                                                                   take +1 momentum on a hit.
                                                  As above, and you may suffer -1 supply
  momentum on a hit.                                                                            Once per fight, when you Strike
                                                   (after rolling) to add an additional +1.
 When you Make Camp in the                                                                        or Clash, you may take extra shots
                                                  When you give the item you create as
  woodlands, you may roll +wits                                                                    and suffer -1 supply (decide before
                                                   a gift to commemorate an important
  (instead of +supply). If you do, you                                                             rolling). When you do, reroll any dice.
                                                   event or relationship, you may (one
  and your allies each choose 1 more                                                               On a hit, inflict +2 harm and take +1
                                                   time only) reroll any dice when you
  option on a hit.                                                                                 momentum.
                                                   Compel, Forge a Bond, or Test Your
                                                   Bond.                                        When you Resupply by hunting, add
                                                                                                   +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

COMBAT TALENT                                    COMBAT TALENT                                 COMBAT TALENT

BERSERKER                                        BRAWLER                                       CUTTHROAT
If you are clad only in animal pelts…            If you are unarmed or fighting with a         If you wield a dagger or knife...
 When you Secure an Advantage or                non-deadly weapon...                           When you are in position to Strike
    Compel by embodying your wild nature,         When you Secure an Advantage +iron              at an unsuspecting foe, choose one
    add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.            by engaging in close-quarters brawling        (before rolling).
 When you Strike or Clash by unleashing             (such as punching, tripping, or               • Add +2 and take +1 momentum
    your rage (decide before rolling), inflict       grappling), add +1. If you score a hit,          on a hit.
    +1 harm on a hit. Then, choose one.              you may also inflict 1 harm.                  • Inflict +2 harm on a hit.
    • Push yourself: Endure Harm (1 harm).        When you use an unarmed attack or            When you Compel someone at the
    • Lose yourself: Endure Stress (1 stress).       simple weapon to Strike with deadly           point of your blade, or when you rely
 When you Endure Harm in a fight,                   intent, add +2 and inflict 2 harm on          on your blade to Face Danger, add +1.
    and your health is above 0, you may let          a hit (instead of 1). On a weak hit or     Once per fight, when you Secure an
    the pain inflame your wildness (decide           miss, suffer -1 momentum (in addition         Advantage +shadow by performing a
    before rolling). If you then score a             to any other outcome of the move).            feint or misdirection, reroll any dice
    strong hit and choose to embrace the          When you Face Danger or Clash                   and take +1 momentum on a hit.
    pain, take +momentum equal to your               against a brawling attack, add +1 and
    remaining health. A weak hit counts              take +1 momentum on a hit.
    as a miss.

COMBAT TALENT                                    COMBAT TALENT                                 COMBAT TALENT

DUELIST                                          FLETCHER                                      IRONCLAD
If you wield a bladed weapon in each              When you Secure an Advantage                If you wear armor...
hand...                                            by crafting arrows of fine quality,          When you equip or adjust your armor,
 When you Strike or Clash, you may                add +1. Then, take +1 supply or +1              choose one.
    add +2. If you do (decide before               momentum on a hit.                              • Lightly armored: When you Endure
    rolling), inflict +1 harm on a strong         When you Resupply by recovering or                 Harm in a fight, add +1 and take +1
    hit and count a weak hit as a miss.            gathering arrows after a battle, add +2.           momentum on a hit.
 Once per fight, when you Secure an              When you craft a single arrow                   • Geared for war: Mark encumbered.
    Advantage +edge by making a bold               designated for a specific foe, envision            When you Endure Harm in a fight,
    display of your combat prowess, you            the process and materials, and roll                add +2 and take +1 momentum on
    may reroll any dice.                           +wits. On a strong hit, take both. On a            a hit.
 When you Draw the Circle, choose one             weak hit, choose one.                        When you Clash while you are geared
    (before rolling).                              • Seeker: When a shooter uses the               for war, add +1.
    • Add +2.                                        arrow to Strike or Clash against this      When you Compel in a situation where
    • Take +2 momentum on a hit.                     foe, reroll any dice (one time only).         strength of arms is a factor, add +2.
                                                   • Ravager: When a shooter uses the
                                                     arrow to inflict harm against this foe,        LIGHTLY               GEARED
                                                                                                   ARMORED                FOR WAR
                                                     inflict +1d6 harm (one time only).


COMBAT TALENT                                  COMBAT TALENT                                  COMBAT TALENT

LONG-ARM                                       SHIELD-BEARER                                  SKIRMISHER
If you wield a staff...                        If you wield a shield...                       If you wield a spear...
 In your hands, a humble staff is a            When you Face Danger using your               When you Face Danger by holding a foe
    deadly weapon (2 harm). When you               shield as cover, add +1. When you              at bay using your spear’s reach, roll +iron
    instead use it as a simple weapon (1           Clash in close quarters, take +1               or +edge. If you score a hit, you may...
    harm), you may Strike or Clash +edge           momentum on a strong hit.                      • Iron: Strike (if you have initiative) or
    (instead of iron). If you do, add +1 and    When you paint your shield with a                   Clash now, and add +1.
    take +1 momentum on a hit.                     meaningful symbol, envision what you           • Edge: Take +1 momentum.
 When you Secure an Advantage +edge               create. Then, if you Endure Stress as       When you Strike in close combat, you
    using your staff to disarm, trip, shove,       you face off against a fearsome foe, add       may attempt to drive your spear home
    or stun your foe, add +1 and take +1           +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.              (decide before rolling). If you do, add
    momentum on a hit.                          When forced to Endure Harm in a                  +1 and inflict +2 harm on a hit. If you
 When you Undertake a Journey and                 fight, you may instead sacrifice your          score a hit and the fight continues, Face
    score a strong hit, or if you accompany        shield and ignore all harm. If you             Danger +iron to recover your spear.
    an ally who scores a strong hit on that        do, the shield is destroyed. Once per       When you Secure an Advantage by
    move, your staff provides support              fight, you also take initiative when you       bracing your spear against a charging
    and comfort in your travels; take +1           sacrifice your shield to avoid harm.           foe, add +1 and take +1 momentum
    momentum.                                                                                     on a hit.

COMBAT TALENT                                  COMBAT TALENT                                  COMBAT TALENT

SLINGER                                        SUNDERER                                       SWORDMASTER
If you wield a sling...                        If you wield an axe...                         If you wield a sword...
 When launched from a sling, a simple          When you Strike or Clash in                   When you Strike or Clash and burn
    stone inflicts deadly harm (2 harm).           close quarters, you may suffer -1              momentum to improve your result,
    When you Enter the Fray by barraging           momentum and inflict +1 harm on a              inflict +2 harm. If the fight continues,
    your foe with sling-bullets, inflict           hit (decide before rolling).                   add +1 on your next move.
    harm on a strong hit.                       When you have your axe in hand, and           When you Clash and score a strong
 When you Strike by launching stones at           use the promise of violence to Compel          hit, add +1 if you immediately follow
    an advancing foe, you may choose one           or Secure an Advantage, add +1 and             with a Strike.
    (before rolling).                              take +1 momentum on a hit.                  When you Swear an Iron Vow by
    • Hold them back: Retain initiative on      When you make a tribute to a fallen              kneeling and grasping your sword’s
       a weak hit, but inflict only 1 harm.        foe (formidable or greater) by carving         blade, add +1 and take +1 momentum
    • Hit them hard: Inflict +1 harm on a          a rune in the haft of your axe, roll           on a hit. If you let the edge draw blood
       hit, but suffer -1 momentum.                +heart. On a strong hit, inflict +1d6          from your hands, Endure Harm (1
 When you Secure an Advantage by                  harm (one time only) when you Strike           harm) in exchange for an additional
    preparing stones of a special quality          or Clash. On a weak hit, as above, but         +1 momentum on a hit.
    or material, add +1. Then, take +1             this death weighs on you; Endure Stress
    momentum or +1 supply on a hit.                (2 stress).

COMBAT TALENT                                  RITUAL                                         RITUAL

THUNDER-BRINGER                                AUGUR                                          AWAKENING
If you wield a mighty hammer...                 When you summon a flock of crows              When you create a simulacrum, roll
 When you Face Danger, Secure an                and ask a single question, roll +wits.         +heart. On a strong hit, your creation is
    Advantage, or Compel by hitting or           On a strong hit, you interpret their           given unnatural life. If it aids you as you
    breaking an inanimate object, add +1         calls as a helpful omen. Envision the          make a move to assault or overcome an
    and take +1 momentum on a hit.               response (Ask the Oracle if unsure)            obstacle through strength, add +2. It has
 When you Strike a foe to knock them            and take +2 momentum. On a weak                3 health and suffers harm as appropriate,
    back, stun them, or put them off             hit, the crows ignore your question and        but is not a companion and may not be
    balance, inflict 1 harm (instead of 2)       offer a clue to an unrelated problem or        healed. At 0 health, it is dead. On a weak
                                                 opportunity in this area. Envision what        hit, as above, but if you roll a 1 on your
    and take +2 momentum on a hit. On a
                                                 you learn (Ask the Oracle if unsure),          action die when aided by your creation,
    strong hit, you also create an opening
                                                 and take +1 momentum.                          you must Face Danger +heart to keep it
    and add +1 on your next move.
                                                As above, and the crows will also help         from turning on you (as a formidable foe).
 When you Turn the Tide, you may
                                                 guide you on the proper path. On a            Your simulacrum has 6 health.
    Strike with all the fury and power you
    can muster. If you do (decide before         hit, add +1 on the next segment when          When you perform this ritual, add +1
    rolling), you may reroll any dice and        you Undertake a Journey.                       and take +1 momentum on a hit.
    inflict +2 harm on a strong hit, but        When you perform this ritual, add +1
                                                                                                0     +1    +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
    count a weak hit as a miss.                  and take +1 momentum on a hit.


RITUAL                                         RITUAL                                         RITUAL

BIND                                           COMMUNION                                      DIVINATION
 When you wear an animal pelt and              When you surround the remains                 When you take a drop of blood from a
  dance in moonlight, roll +wits. On a           of a recently deceased intelligent             willing subject (not yourself) and cast
  strong hit, you or an ally may wear the        creature with lit candles, and summon          the rune-carved stones, roll +heart. On
  pelt and add +1 when making moves              its spirit, roll +heart. Add +1 if you         a strong hit, you may read the runes to
  with the related stat (wolf-edge; bear-        share a bond. On a strong hit, the             gain insight about the subject and people
  iron; deer-heart; fox-shadow; boar-            spirit appears and you may converse            close to them, including information
  wits). If the wearer rolls a 1 on their        for a few minutes. Make moves as               you and the subject have no knowledge
  action die while making a move using           appropriate (add +1). On a weak hit,           of. If you use the reading to Gather
  the pelt, the magic is spent. On a weak        as above, but the spirit also delivers         Information, Compel, or Forge a Bond,
  hit, as above, but the wilds call as you       troubling news unrelated to your               add +1. On a weak hit, as above, but the
  dance; Endure Stress (2 stress).               purpose. Envision what it tells you            runes reveal their secrets only with extra
 As above, and you may instead                  (Ask the Oracle if unsure) and Endure          time and focus; suffer -2 momentum.
  perform this ritual wearing the pelt of        Stress (1 stress).                            As above, and your divination can
  a beast. If you do, name the related stat     As above, and you may also commune             also reveal information about the
  and add +2 (instead of +1).                    with the long-dead.                            subject’s future.
 When you perform this ritual, add +1          When you perform this ritual, add +1          When you perform this ritual, add +1
  and take +1 momentum on a hit.                 and take +1 momentum on a hit.                 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

RITUAL                                         RITUAL                                         RITUAL

INVOKE                                         KEEN                                           LEECH
 When you consume the mystical essence         When you hold a weapon and sing a             When you mark your hands or weapon
  of your surroundings, roll +wits. On           keen for those it has killed, roll +heart.     with an intricate blood rune, roll +iron.
  a strong hit, add the value of your            On a strong hit, the wielder inflicts          On a strong hit, the rune thirsts for
  action die to your essence track (max          +1 harm when they Strike or Clash.             fresh blood. One time only, when you
  6). You may then Secure an Advantage           If they roll a 1 on their action die           make a move to inflict harm, reroll
  or Face Danger +essence to create              when making a move to inflict harm,            any dice and inflict +2 harm on a hit.
  minor mystical effects or illusions. If        the magic is spent. On a weak hit, as          Then, for each point of harm inflicted,
  you do, suffer -1 essence and take +1          above, but the voices of those who             take +1 and allocate it as +health or
  momentum on a hit. On a weak hit, as           were slain join in your song; Endure           +momentum. On a weak hit, as above,
  above, but capturing these energies is         Stress (2 stress).                             but this asset counts as a debility until
  harrowing; Endure Stress (2 stress).          As above, and the wielder may also             the rune’s thirst is quenched.
 You may Compel +essence (and suffer            (one time only) add +1 and take +2            As above, and you may also touch an
  -1 essence) through a show of power.           momentum on a hit when they Draw               ally or companion and let them take
 When you perform this ritual, add +1           the Circle, Enter the Fray, or Battle.         any remaining points as +health or
  and take +1 essence on a hit.                 When you perform this ritual, add +1           +momentum.
                                                 and take +1 momentum on a hit.                When you perform this ritual, add +1
  0    +1    +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
                                                                                                and take +1 momentum on a hit.

RITUAL                                         RITUAL                                         RITUAL

LIGHTBEARER                                    SCRY                                           SHAD0W-WALK
 When you focus on a source of light           When you look into flames to study            When you cloak yourself with the
  and capture its essence, roll +wits. On a      a remote person or location, roll              gossamer veil of the shadow realms,
  strong hit, set your light track to +6. On     +shadow. You or someone with you               roll +shadow. On a strong hit, take +1
  a weak hit, make it +3. Then, when you         must have knowledge of the target.             momentum. Then, reroll any dice (one
  make a move to overcome or navigate            On a strong hit, you may Gather                time only) when you make a move by
  darkness, you may add +2 and suffer            Information through observation using          ambushing, hiding, or sneaking. On a
  -1 light.                                      +shadow or +wits. On a weak hit,               weak hit, as above, but the shadows try
 You may use your light to Strike or Clash      as above, but the flames are hungry;           to lead you astray. You must first Face
  against a dark-dwelling foe. Choose            choose one to sacrifice.                       Danger to find your way.
  the amount of light to unleash, and roll       • Your blood: Endure Harm (2 harm).           As above, and you may also travel
  +light (instead of +iron or +edge). Suffer     • Something precious: Endure Stress            along the hidden paths of the shadow
  -light equal to that amount. On a hit,            (2 stress).                                 realms to Undertake a Journey using
  your harm is 1+your unleashed light.           • Provisions: Suffer -2 supply.                +shadow (instead of +wits). If you
 When you perform this ritual, add +1          As above, and you may instead study a          do, Endure Stress (1 stress) and mark
  and take +1 momentum on a hit.                 past event.                                    progress twice on a strong hit.
                                                When you perform this ritual, add +1          When you perform this ritual, add +1
  0    +1    +2 +3 +4 +5 +6                      and take +1 momentum on a hit.                 and take +1 momentum on a hit.


RITUAL                                      RITUAL                                         RITUAL

SWAY                                        TALISMAN                                       TETHER
 When you speak a person’s name three       When you fashion a charm, envision            When you commune with the spirits of a
  times to the wind, roll +wits. On a         it and name the specific person or             place, roll +heart. If you share a bond with
  strong hit, the wind whispers of this       creature it protects against. Then roll        someone there, add +1. On a strong hit,
  person’s need. Envision what you hear       +wits. On a strong hit, when the wearer        you are tethered. When you Undertake
  (Ask the Oracle if unsure). If you use      opposes the target through a move,             a Journey to return, you may roll +spirit
  this information or fulfill this need       add +2. If a 1 is rolled on the action die     or +heart (instead of +wits), and take +1
  when you Compel them, you may               while making a move using the charm,           momentum on a hit. When you Reach
  reroll any dice (one time only). On a       the magic is spent. On a weak hit, as          Your Destination, take +2 momentum
  weak hit, as above, but this person’s       above, but the wearer adds +1 when             on a strong hit. The tether is lost if you
  need creates a troubling dilemma or         making a move (instead of +2).                 perform this ritual elsewhere, or when
  complication; Endure Stress (1 stress).    As above, and you may instead fashion          you Face Desolation. On a weak hit, as
 As above, and if you score a strong hit     a charm which aids the wearer against          above, but the spirits reveal a disturbing
  when you Compel, you may also reroll        all supernatural threats, such as mystic       aspect of the place; Endure Stress (2 stress).
  any dice (one time only) when you           rituals or horrors.                           As above, and you may also reroll any dice
  Gather Information from this person.       When you perform this ritual, add +1           when you Sojourn in the tethered place.
 When you perform this ritual, add +1        and take +1 momentum on a hit.                When you perform this ritual, add +1
  and take +1 momentum on a hit.                                                             and take +1 momentum on a hit.

RITUAL                                      RITUAL                                         RITUAL

TOTEM                                       VISAGE                                         WARD
 When you hold a totem of your animal       When you paint yourself in blood and          When you walk a wide circle,
  or beast companion and focus on it,         ash, roll +wits. On a strong hit, you may      sprinkling the ground with salt, roll
  roll +heart. On a strong hit, you are       add +2 and take +1 momentum on a               +wits. On a strong hit, choose two. On
  bound together. Add +1 and take             hit when you Secure an Advantage or            a weak hit, chose one.
  +1 momentum on a hit when you               Compel using fear or intimidation. If          • When a foe first crosses the
  use a companion ability. If you roll        you roll a 1 on your action die when             boundary, take +1 momentum.
  a 1 on your action die when using a         making a move aided by your visage,            • When you first inflict harm against
  companion ability, the magic is spent.      the magic is spent. On a weak hit, as            a foe within the boundary, inflict +1
  On a weak hit, as above, but creating       above, but the blood must be your                harm.
  this connection is unsettling; Endure       own; Endure Harm (2 harm).                     • Your ward is ‘likely’ (Ask the Oracle)
  Stress (1 stress).                         As above, and you may also add +1                to trap a foe within the boundary.
 As above, and you may also perceive         when you Strike, Clash, or Battle.            As above, and improve the effect of
  the world through your companion’s         When you perform this ritual, add +1           your ward (+2 momentum, +2 harm,
  senses while you make moves aided by        and take +1 momentum on a hit.                 and ‘almost certain’).
  them (even when you are apart).                                                           When you perform this ritual, add +1
 When you perform this ritual, add +1                                                       and take +1 momentum on a hit.
  and take +1 momentum on a hit.