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Ironsworn: Starforged - ASSET CARDS

Authors Shawn Tomkin

License CC-BY-4.0

                        ASSET CARDS
                               This file includes print-and-play asset cards for the
                               Ironsworn: Starforged tabletop roleplaying game.

                                    PRINTING THESE ASSETS
                                  You may print these assets for personal use.
                   They are sized for use with standard 3.5x2.5in (88x63mm) card protectors.

  Some assets include abilities which might be applied to a variety of moves. This is usually phrased as “when
you make a move to [blank].” However, most asset abilities apply only to action rolls. Unless an asset specifically
   defines a benefit for a progress move, you may not leverage an asset ability when making a progress roll.

                                   Writing and game design by Shawn Tomkin
                                     Icon and card design by Nathen Græy

                                              CHANGE LOG
                                     April 30, 2022 - Digital Edition Release
        October 11, 2022 - INTERNAL REFIT module: changed the words "ship" and "vessel" to "vehicle"
                                      January 15, 2023 - Updated licensing

                  The text of this work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
                     International license. For details on licenses, visit
                                        Copyright ©2022 Shawn Tomkin
                                             Updated January 2023
COMMAND VEHICLE                                     MODULE                                              MODULE
STARSHIP                                            ENGINE                                              EXPANDED
                                                    UPGRADE                                             HOLD
[ Your armed, multipurpose starship is suited       [ Your vehicle’s finely-tuned engines speed         [ Your vehicle carries up to 3 cargo. When
  for interstellar and atmospheric flight. It can     your travels. When you Undertake an                 you gain +supply, you may convert it to
  comfortably transport several people, has           Expedition (+edge) and score a strong hit,          +cargo. When you make a move +supply,
  space for cargo, and can carry and launch           take +1 momentum; on a strong hit with a            you may add +cargo. When you Sacrifice
  support vehicles. When you Advance, you             6 on your action die, take +2 momentum              Resources, you may instead suffer -cargo for
  may spend experience to equip this vehicle          instead of +1.                                      any portion of the cost.
  with module assets.                               ] When you Enter the Fray, choose one               ] When you score a miss or weak hit as you
                                                      (before rolling).                                   make a move to barter or negotiate, and you
] When you Finish an Expedition (dangerous or
  greater) in your starship and score a hit, this     ✴ Maneuver: Add +1 and take +1 momentum             have at least 1 cargo, you may sweeten the
  journey strengthened your ties to your ship           on a strong hit.                                  pot. If you do, reroll all dice and add +cargo.
  and any fellow travelers. You and your allies       ✴ Boost: Take +2 momentum on a hit.                 Then, suffer -1 cargo.
  may mark 1 tick on your bonds legacy track.       ] When you make a desperate move to pursue          ] When you make a move to outrun a threat
                                                      a foe, escape a threat, or get in range, you        and have at least 1 cargo, you may first lighten
] When you Withstand Damage, you may roll                                                                 your load by dropping cargo. If you do, suffer
  +heart. If you do, Endure Stress (-1) on a          may push your engines to their limit. If you
  weak hit or miss.                                   do (decide after rolling), reroll any dice          -cargo by the amount dropped, add +that
                                                      and count a weak hit as a strong hit. Then,         amount, and take +2 momentum on a hit.
                                BATTERED              Withstand Damage (-2).
 5     4    3    2    1    0     CURSED
                                                                                                         3     2    1    0

MODULE                                              MODULE                                              MODULE
GRAPPLER                                            HEAVY                                               INTERNAL
                                                    CANNONS                                             REFIT
[ Your grappler can disrupt systems and             [ When you aim your cannons and use                 [ You have customized the cabins, common
  snare machines and vehicles with a magnetic         them to Strike, choose one.                         spaces, and environment of the vehicle
  tether. When you take a minute or so to ready       ✴ Strafe: Add +1 and take +1 momentum on            to your needs. When you Undertake an
  the grappler, roll +integrity or +wits. On a           a hit.                                           Expedition (dangerous or greater), reroll any
  strong hit, the grappler is charged and may         ✴ Focus fire: Mark progress on a hit, but           dice for the first leg of your journey. On a hit,
  be fired. On a weak hit, charging requires             Lose Momentum (-1).                              you and your allies may envision how you
  extra time or focus; Lose Momentum (-1). On a                                                           make yourself at home; if you do, take +2
                                                    ] Once per fight, when you Clash by
  miss, charging fails and you must Withstand         committing to an all-or-nothing exchange of         momentum or +1 spirit.
  Damage (-2). If you make a move to attack           fire, add +1, count a weak hit as a strong hit,   ] Your vehicle is stocked with reserves. When
  a foe or overcome an obstacle by firing the         and mark progress on a hit. On a miss, you          you Sacrifice Resources and your supply is
  grappler, take an automatic strong hit.             must suffer a dire outcome.                         reduced to 0, first roll +integrity instead of
] If you score a strong hit when readying the       ] When you Compel, Enter the Fray, or Gain            marking unprepared. On a strong hit, take +1
  grappler, you may Sacrifice Resources (-1)          Ground by bringing your cannons to bear and         supply. Otherwise, mark unprepared.
  to overcharge the module. When you fire an          sending a promise of violence to your foe         ] When you Enter the Fray to oppose an
  overcharged grappler, take +2 momentum; if          over communication channels, add +1 and             invader within your vehicle, reroll any dice.
  in a fight, also mark progress.                     take +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit          On a strong hit, take +momentum equal to
] When you Take Decisive Action by firing the         with a match, take another +1 momentum.             integrity. On a strong hit with a match, also
  grappler, you may reroll one challenge die.                                                             mark progress.

MODULE                                              MODULE                                              MODULE
MEDBAY                                              MISSILE                                             OVERSEER
                                                    ARRAY                                               NAME

[ When you use your medbay to Heal                  [ Your missile array is armed with 5 ammo.          [ Your AI module keeps watch over the
  yourself or another patient, you may reroll         When you Strike or Clash with a missile             vehicle’s systems and sensor data. When
  your action die if its value is less than your      attack, suffer -1 ammo and mark progress            you Secure an Advantage or Gain Ground by
  vehicle’s integrity.                                on a hit. If you Resupply in a place where          talking through a situation with the overseer,
] When you or an ally mark the permanently            your missiles can be replenished, you may           you may roll +integrity. If you do, take +1
  harmed impact and are brought to the                exchange any earned +supply for +ammo.              momentum on a hit.
  medbay without delay (less than an hour or        ] When you have at least 1 ammo and Gain            ] When you Withstand Damage and roll on the
  so), you have a shot at making things right.        Ground by locking a missile on target, add +1       miss table, the overseer will do what it can
  If you Heal and score a strong hit, clear the       and take +1 momentum on a hit.                      to help. Roll twice on the table and choose
  impact (in addition to the other benefits of      ] When you have at least 3 ammo and Take              either result.
  the move). Then, envision the scar that now         Decisive Action by unleashing all of your
  serves as a reminder of the incident.                                                                 ] The overseer can pilot the vehicle
                                                      missiles, roll an action die before making          independently. When you Face Danger
] When you Face Danger by performing a                the progress roll. If your action die is equal      by handing over control to the AI in an
  risky medical procedure, or if you Gather           to or less than ammo, you may reroll any            emergency, or to summon the vehicle
  Information through an autopsy or medical           challenge dice. Then, set ammo to 0.                remotely within a hazardous situation,
  examination, reroll any dice and take +1                                                                you may roll +integrity. If you do, take +1
  momentum on a hit.                                                                                      momentum on a hit.
                                                     5    4     3    2    1    0
MODULE                                               MODULE                                              MODULE
REINFORCED                                           RESEARCH                                            SENSOR
HULL                                                 LAB                                                 ARRAY
[ Your vehicle is clad in iron. When you             [ When you use your lab to Secure an                [ Your advanced sensors scan the paths
  Withstand Damage, add +1. On a strong hit,           Advantage or Gather Information through             ahead to help spot dangers. When you
  take +1 momentum.                                    careful analysis or experimentation, add +1         Undertake an Expedition (+wits), you may
] Your reinforced hull is given a fierce and           and take +1 momentum on a hit.                      reroll one challenge die.
  distinctive color or design. When you arrive       ] When you Face Danger to isolate or secure         ] When you Secure an Advantage or Gather
  at a place where your reputation is a factor,        a hazardous specimen, reroll any dice.              Information by scanning your vehicle’s
  take +1 momentum. When you Enter the Fray          ] When you Swear an Iron Vow to undertake             surroundings or analyzing a nearby object,
  against a foe who knows your reputation,             a long-term research project (extreme or            choose one and take +1 momentum on a hit.
  take +momentum equal to your vehicle’s               greater), reroll any dice. When you obtain          ✴ Manual scan: Add +1
  integrity on a strong hit.                           crucial samples, equipment, or data,                ✴ Automated scan: Instead of rolling the
] When you React Under Fire by letting your            mark progress on the quest and take +2                action die, make it the value of your
  reinforced hull take the hit, add +1 and take        momentum. When you devote extended                    vehicle’s integrity
  +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with           time to the project in your lab, Face Danger      ] When you Enter the Fray against an ambush,
  a match, take another +1 momentum as you             and add +1. On a hit, mark progress. On             or Face Danger to detect a hidden threat,
  surge through the chaos and put yourself in          a strong hit with a match, mark progress            you may roll +integrity. If you do, reroll any
  perfect position. On a miss, Pay the Price by        twice. When you Fulfill Your Vow and score          dice and take +1 momentum on a hit.
  marking this module as broken.                       a hit, also mark one box on your discoveries
                                                       legacy track.

MODULE                                               MODULE                                              MODULE
SHIELDS                                              STEALTH                                             VEHICLE
                                                     TECH                                                BAY
[ When you raise your shields, roll +your            [ Your vehicle is rigged for silent running.        [ You may purchase or upgrade a support
  vehicle’s integrity or +wits. On a strong hit,       When you make a move against a specific             vehicle for 1 less experience. When you
  set your shields to 4. On a weak hit, make           foe or threat to avoid detection, add +1.           Repair a battered support vehicle, spend 1
  them 3. On a miss, make them 2 but Lose              If you Enter the Fray by ambushing an               repair point (instead of 2).
  Momentum (-1). Then, if you Withstand                unaware foe, add +1 and mark progress on          ] When a support vehicle is destroyed, and
  Damage, ignore damage up to the value of             a strong hit.                                       you are able to retrieve its wreckage, you
  your shields and suffer -1 shields. Raised         ] When you travel stealthily as you Undertake         may Ask the Oracle using the yes/no table if
  shields last for a few minutes. If reduced to 0,     an Expedition (+shadow), you may reroll             something can be salvaged from the mess.
  they cannot be raised again for an hour or so.       your action die.                                    Make it 50/50. On a yes, spend 1 experience
] You may React Under Fire by letting your           ] When you are poised to Strike from hiding,          to restore the support vehicle asset with all
  shields take the blow. If you do, roll +shields      you may roll +shadow. If you do, choose one         previously marked abilities. Until you Repair
  and take +2 momentum on a hit.                       (before rolling).                                   and bring it back to full working order, the
] When you Enter the Fray and score a strong           ✴ Strike true: Reroll any dice.                     vehicle is battered with 0 integrity.
  hit, you may raise your shields to 3 without         ✴ Strike hard: Mark progress on a hit.            ] When you make a move to launch from or
  rolling. If you do, take +1 momentum.                On a strong hit with a match, you also              land on your command vehicle in a perilous
                                                       remain totally undetected; take +2                  situation or environment, reroll any dice and
                                                       momentum and add +1 on your next Strike.            take +1 momentum on a hit.
 4     3    2    1    0

MODULE                                               SUPPORT VEHICLE                                     SUPPORT VEHICLE
WORKSHOP                                             EXOSUIT                                             HOVERBIKE
                                                     NAME                                                NAME

[ When you Repair in the field, add +1.              [ Your lumbering rig houses one pilot, is           [ Your unarmed hoverbike provides speedy
] When you make a move in your workshop                sealed against hostile environments, and is         planetside ground transport, and is
  to craft, modify, deactivate, or disassemble         armed with fixed or held weapons. When              equipped to carry up to two people and their
  a device or machine, you may reroll your             you make a forceful, damaging, or resistant         gear. When you Undertake an Expedition
  action die if its value is less than your            move, you may (after rolling) replace the           (+edge), take +1 momentum on a hit. On
  vehicle’s integrity.                                 value of your action die with the rig’s             a strong hit with a match, you also surge
] When you Swear an Iron Vow to undertake              integrity; if you do, Lose Momentum (-1).           ahead or find a new path; mark progress.
  a long-term engineering project (extreme or        ] Your exosuit is equipped with thrusters. You      ] When you fire the bike’s afterburner and
  greater), reroll any dice. When you obtain a         can maneuver in zero-g, make thrust-assisted        make a move to perform a risky maneuver,
  crucial part or resource, mark progress on           leaps, and drop to a surface from altitude.         you may add +integrity and take +2
  the quest and take +2 momentum. When                 When you burn fuel to overcome a critical           momentum on a strong hit. If you do, count
  you devote extended time to the project in           obstacle (decide after rolling), you may reroll     a weak hit as a miss.
  your workshop, Face Danger and add +1. On            any dice. If you do, Sacrifice Resources (-1).    ] When you make a move while maneuvering
  a hit, mark progress. On a strong hit with a                                                             your bike and burn momentum to improve
  match, mark progress twice. When you Fulfill       ] When you Withstand Damage, you may                  your result, roll your action die. On a 5 or 6,
                                                       reroll one challenge die
  Your Vow and score a hit, mark one extra                                                                 do not reset momentum.
  box on your quests legacy track.
                                                      6     5    4    3    2     1   0     BATTERED       3     2    1   0     BATTERED
SUPPORT VEHICLE                                    SUPPORT VEHICLE                                     SUPPORT VEHICLE
ROVER                                              SERVICE POD                                         SHUTTLE
NAME                                               NAME                                                NAME

[ Your unarmed rover provides protected            [ Your unarmed utility vehicle houses one pilot     [ Your unarmed shuttle provides short-range
  planetside transport. When you Undertake           for short-range, low gravity operations. When       transport for several people and equipment
  an Expedition or Set a Course, add +1. When        you make a move using the pod’s manipulator         through space or atmosphere. When you
  you Finish an Expedition in your rover, you        arms to perform a delicate or forceful task,        travel to a location (not your command
  may reroll one challenge die.                      add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.               vehicle), you and your allies may take +1
] You may equip your rover with one module         ] When you Face Danger, Gain Ground, or               momentum when you arrive
  asset at no extra cost. When you Withstand         React Under Fire by maneuvering your pod          ] When you Face Danger or React Under Fire
  Damage, the module can be broken or                through a hazardous or obstructed area,             to navigate through hazardous skies, avoid
  destroyed as with a command vehicle. If you        choose an approach and roll +integrity.             obstacles, or evade an attack, add +1 and
  reconfigure your rover, spend 1 experience,        ✴ Careful: Add +2 and Lose Momentum (-1)            take +1 momentum on a hit.
  discard the module, and equip another with         ✴ Reckless: Take +1 momentum on a hit
  the same number of marked abilities.
                                                                                                       ] Your shuttle is sealed against high pressure
                                                   ] When you make a move while controlling              environments, can travel underwater, and
] When you Face Danger or React Under Fire           the pod and push its capabilities to the limit,     is more resistant to damage; when you
  by taking a hit or crashing through an             you may take an automatic strong hit. If you        Withstand Damage, add +1.
  obstacle, you may roll +integrity. If you do,      do, Withstand Damage (-2).
  take +1 momentum on a hit.
 5     4   3    2     1     0   BATTERED            4     3    2     1   0      BATTERED                4     3    2    1    0     BATTERED

SUPPORT VEHICLE                                    SUPPORT VEHICLE                                     PATH
SKIFF                                              SNUB FIGHTER                                        ACE
NAME                                               NAME

[ Your unarmed flatbed hover-vehicle carries       [ Your armed snub fighter carries a single          [ When you Face Danger or React Under Fire
  several people, gear, and cargo over land or       pilot for space or atmospheric flight and           by guiding your vehicle through a hazard
  water. When you Undertake an Expedition            combat. When you Enter the Fray, you may            or out of harm’s way, add +1 and take +1
  or Set a Course, you may rely on the skiff’s       roll +integrity; if you do, take +2 momentum        momentum on a hit.
  simple durability and roll +integrity. If you      on a hit.                                         ] When you Gain Ground by maneuvering
  do, take +1 momentum on a hit.                   ] When you Strike or Clash, add +1. On a              your vehicle against a foe, add +1. If you
] Your skiff is armed with a turreted cannon.        strong hit with a match, mark progress.             score a strong hit with a 4, 5, or 6 on the
  When you Strike or Clash by firing                                                                     action die, you may put yourself in firing
                                                   ] When you personally defeat a notable foe in         position. If you do, set aside the action die
  the cannon, roll +integrity and take +1            your snub fighter, envision the victory mark
  momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with a          you make on the                                     or note its value. If you or an ally Strike
  match, your shots cause extra destruction or       fuselage. Tally your                                using the vehicle’s weapons, preset your
  create havoc; mark progress.                       victories in this box.                              action die with that value. This persists until
                                                                                                         you fail to score a strong hit on that move,
] Your skiff is fully stocked. When you Check        For every five, mark
                                                                                                         or until you make another move which
  Your Gear, add +1 and take +1 momentum             2 ticks on your
  on a hit.                                          quests legacy track.                                changes your vehicle’s position.
                                                                                                       ] When you must Endure Stress while piloting
                                                                                                         a vehicle, you may roll +integrity. If you do,
 4     3   2     1   0      BATTERED                4     3    2     1   0      BATTERED
                                                                                                         take +1 momentum on a strong hit.

PATH                                               PATH                                                PATH
ARCHER                                             ARMORED                                             ARTIST
If you wield a power bow…                          If you wear your finely crafted set
                                                   of personal armor…
[ You carry 6 ammo. When you Strike or Clash,                                                          [ When you make a move to craft an artistic
  you may add +1 or +2 and suffer that amount      [ When you Face Danger, React Under Fire,             work, present an artistic gift or performance,
  as -ammo. To replenish your ammo by crafting       or Clash against physical attacks or impact,        or leave your artistic mark on an item or
  projectiles, roll +wits. On a strong hit, take     you may put trust in your armor’s strength.         location, you may reroll your action die if its
  up to +6 ammo. On a weak hit, take up to +4        If you do, preset your action die to 4. On a        value is less than your spirit. On a strong hit,
  ammo and Sacrifice Resources (-1). On a miss,      strong hit with a match, take +2 momentum           take +1 momentum or +1 spirit.
  take +1 ammo and Sacrifice Resources (-1).         as you build confidence, make an impression
                                                     on your foes, or improve your position.           ] When you Gather Information or Secure an
] You may Enter the Fray by unleashing a                                                                 Advantage by studying the aesthetics of a
  volley of bow shots. If you do, roll +ammo       ] You add an important new piece to your set          being or culture, add +2.
  and suffer -1 ammo. On a hit, mark progress.       of armor, or upgrade its materials. As above,
                                                     but preset your action die to 5 instead of 4.     ] When you create or perform a significant
] When you load a specialized projectile such                                                            artistic work as a public memorial or tribute,
  as a zip line, explosive, or electromagnetic     ] When you must Endure Harm, you may                  roll +the stat which best represents the
  disrupter, suffer -1 ammo. If you then take        instead let your armor take the hit. If you do,     work’s nature. On a strong hit, the work will
  your shot by making a move, you may preset         roll your action die. On a 4 or greater, ignore     stand the test of time; mark 2 ticks on your
  your action die to 5. On a hit, envision the       the harm. On a 1-3, ignore the harm but             bonds legacy track. On a weak hit, its impact
  effects and take +1 momentum.                      your armor is now broken; you must Repair           is short-lived; mark 1 tick instead of 2. On a
                                                     and spend 5 repair points to bring it back to       miss, the work is ignored, misunderstood, or
 6     5   4    3    2      1   0                    working condition.                                  co-opted, and you must Pay the Price.
PATH                                                   PATH                                                 PATH
AUGMENTED                                              BANNERSWORN                                          BLADEMASTER
                                                       IDEOLOGY                                             If you wield a bladed weapon...
                                                       [ You are bound to a clan, faction, or creed.        [ When you Clash or Strike in close quarters,
[ You are equipped with an advanced                      When you Swear an Iron Vow in service to             add +1. On a strong hit with a match, you are
  prosthetic, implant, or mechanical                                                                          unstoppable; mark progress.
  enhancement. When you make a move                      this ideology, reroll any dice. On a hit, mark 1
  directly aided by the augment, envision                tick on your bonds legacy track.                   ] When you Gain Ground by moving into close
  how it gives you exceptional capabilities            ] When you or an ally Sojourn and score a              quarters against a foe, choose one.
  and add +1. On a strong hit with a match,              strong hit with a match, you may envision            ✴ Charge: Roll +heart, and mark progress
  your augment exceeds expectations; take                meeting someone of the same ideology. If                on a hit.
  +2 momentum. On a miss with a match, the               you Make a Connection with them and score            ✴ Evade: Roll +edge, and take +1 momentum
  augment is broken; you must Repair and                 a hit, mark 1 tick on your bonds legacy track.          on a hit.
  spend 3 repair points to bring it back to              When you Forge a Bond with anyone of your          ] You   wield an iconic blade. Give it a name.
  working condition.                                     ideology, make the legacy reward one rank            When you Swear an Iron Vow by binding
                                                         higher (1 extra box if already epic).                your promise to this blade, add +1. On a
] You are equipped with a second augment.
  It functions as above, but the benefits of the       ] When you make a progress move in direct              hit, fill the box below. If you make a move
  two augments do not stack.                             service to your ideology, you may reroll one         (including a progress move) using your
                                                         challenge die. If you score a strong hit with a      oathbound blade and score a miss, you may
] When you must Endure Harm or Face Death,               match, your reputation grows among those             clear the box to reroll any dice.
  you may instead mark an augment as
  broken. Repair it as detailed above.                   who share your ideology; mark 1 tick on your
                                                         bonds legacy track.

PATH                                                   PATH                                                 PATH
BOUNTY                                                 BRAWLER                                              COURIER
HUNTER                                                 If you fight unarmed or with a
                                                       close quarters weapon…
[ When you take a bounty contract and                                                                       [ When you Swear an Iron Vow to transport
  Swear an Iron Vow to see it done, add +1. On         [ When you Gain Ground by attempting to                and protect something precious, set its safety
  a strong hit, you’ve got a solid lead and may          disarm, trip, shove, grapple, or stun your           to 5. When you Undertake an Expedition or
  mark progress on the quest. When you Fulfill           foe, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.           Set a Course and score a weak hit or miss,
  Your Vow on a hunt, make the legacy reward           ] When you Clash in close quarters, you may            you may suffer -1 safety as the cost. On a miss
  one rank higher (1 extra box if already epic).         draw on your momentum to gain advantage.             with a match, you must suffer -2 safety as the
                                                         If you do, Lose Momentum (-2) and choose             cost. When safety falls to 0, envision a major
] When you Gather Information related to a               one (before rolling).
  bounty, add +1. On a match, you reveal a                                                                    complication related to this mission. If you
  surprising or sinister aspect of the contract;         ✴ Aggressive: Count a weak hit as a                  overcome the threat, mark progress twice on
  envision what you discover, and choose one.               strong hit.                                       this quest. Then, set safety to 3.
                                                         ✴ Defensive: Count a miss as a weak hit.
  ✴ Forge ahead: Mark progress on the quest.                                                                ] When you Fulfill Your Vow to an unbonded
    If you scored a strong hit with a match,           ] When you Enter the Fray already positioned           connection by completing a courier mission,
    also take +2 momentum.                               in close quarters against your foe, mark             mark progress twice on the relationship.
  ✴ Change loyalties: Forsake Your Vow and               progress on a hit. On a strong hit with a          ] When you Sojourn during a courier mission,
    mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track.             match, your initial assault leaves them              you may roll +safety. On a strong hit, take +1
                                                         stunned; also take +2 momentum.                      safety or +1 momentum.
] When you Take Decisive Action in a fight
  against a bounty target or their agents, you
  may reroll one challenge die.                                                                              5     4    3    2     1   0

PATH                                                   PATH                                                 PATH
DEMOLITIONIST                                          DEVOTANT                                             DIPLOMAT
                                                       LINKED STAT
[ When you make a move to attack, destroy,                                                                  [ When you Swear an Iron Vow to resolve a
  or sabotage by deploying or triggering an            [ You worship a god, power, or entity. Name            dispute, negotiate an agreement, or gather
  explosive device, choose the value of your             it and choose one of your stats to represent         support, add +1. On a strong hit, mark
  charge before rolling: normal=1, high=2, or            its nature. When you Secure an Advantage             progress on the quest. When you Fulfill Your
  overcharged=3. If either challenge die is equal        or Gain Ground by calling on it for guidance         Vow on a diplomatic mission (formidable or
  to or less than the charge, count a weak hit as        or aid, roll +linked stat. On a hit, take +1         greater) and score a hit, also mark 2 ticks on
  a strong hit. If not, and your action die is equal     momentum or +1 spirit. On a strong hit with          your bonds legacy track.
  to or less than the charge, you are caught up          a match, a miracle or sign manifests; take
                                                         another +1 momentum or +1 spirit.                  ] When you make a move to defuse, reason, or
  in the destruction or set off an unintended                                                                 negotiate, add +1. On a miss, you may take
  effect; count a weak hit as a miss.                  ] When you Swear an Iron Vow in service                a different tack. Envision this new approach,
                                                         to your faith, roll +linked stat and take
] When you make a move to craft, modify, or              +2 momentum or +2 spirit on a hit. When
                                                                                                              reroll all dice, and add +2. If you score a miss
  disarm an explosive device, or if you threaten                                                              yet again, face a dire complication or blow to
                                                         you Fulfill Your Vow on a divine quest
  or provoke by arming an explosive device,                                                                   your reputation as you Pay the Price.
                                                         (formidable or greater) and score a hit, also
  add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.                                                                     ] When you Make a Connection or Sojourn, add
                                                         mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track.
] When your momentum is at its max, you may            ] When you Hearten through contemplation
                                                                                                              +1. If you Sojourn and score a strong hit with
  reset momentum (before rolling) to trigger                                                                  a match, you are shown great kindness or
                                                         or sharing of your faith, you may roll +linked
  an explosive device as you Take Decisive                                                                    respect; take +2 momentum or make an extra
                                                         stat. If you do, take +1 spirit or +1 momentum
  Action. If you do, reroll any challenge dice.                                                               recover move with an automatic strong hit.
                                                         on a strong hit.
PATH                                                 PATH                                                  PATH
EMPATH                                               EXPLORER                                              FATED

[ When you read the intent, emotions, or             [ When you Explore a Waypoint, take                   [ When you fill a box on your background
  memories of a nearby being, roll +heart. On          +1 momentum on a hit. When you Finish an              vow progress track, also mark 1 tick on your
  a strong hit, you glimpse a helpful aspect of        Expedition and score a hit, mark 1 extra tick         quests legacy track. When you Fulfill Your
  their inner self. Envision what you learn, take      on your discoveries legacy track.                     Vow on the background vow, your fate is
  +2 momentum, and add +1 when you make              ] When you come across a wondrous sight                 at hand; take an automatic strong hit and
  moves to interact with them in this scene.           or phenomenon, such as an extraordinary               envision the final sacrifice that brings your
  On a weak hit, the visions are murky; take +1        planet, majestic creature, or dazzling stellar        story to an end.
  momentum. On a miss, you reveal a troubling          object, choose one:                                 ] When you Face Death or Face Desolation
  motive or secret; Pay the Price.                     ✴ Find inspiration: Take +1 momentum                  while your background vow is unfulfilled, it
] As above, and if you score a hit as you read         ✴ Soak it all in: Hearten; add +1, and take +1        is not yet your time. Instead of rolling, you
  them, you may subtly influence their attitude          momentum on a hit.                                  may take an automatic strong hit. If you do,
  or actions, such as making a hostile being           When   you Secure an Advantage by studying            this asset counts as an impact (and you no
  hesitate. Take another +1 momentum. If in a
                                                     ]                                                       longer have this protection) until you next
                                                       a newfound place from a safe position,
  fight, mark progress.                                add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On              Reach a Milestone on the background vow.
] When you Face Danger to soothe a being’s             a strong hit with a match, take another +1          ] When you make any progress move directly
  distress by creating an empathic bond, roll          momentum and envision an unusual aspect               related to your background vow, and roll a
  +spirit and take +1 momentum on a hit. If they       of the site.                                          10 on either challenge die, you may reroll
  are an ally, also give them +2 spirit on a hit.                                                            that die. On a strong hit, take +2 momentum.

PATH                                                 PATH                                                  PATH
FIREBRAND                                            FUGITIVE                                              GEARHEAD

[ You wield fiery energy. When you rest and          [ You are hunted by a power or authority.             [ When you make a move to craft, repair,
  meditate to gather this energy, roll +spirit. On     When you make a move, you may                         repurpose, or modify equipment or
  a strong hit, take up to +3 fire. On a weak hit,     improve the result to a strong hit.                   technology, add +1 and take +1 momentum
  take +2. On a miss, take +2 fire but Endure          If you do, fill one segment of a                      on a hit.
  Harm (-2). Your max fire is +5. When you             four-segment clock to represent                     ] When you Gather Information by studying
  make moves aided by this energy to attack or         hunters closing in. When the clock is filled, a       or disassembling a machine or device,
  overcome obstacles, add +2 and suffer -1 fire.       notable foe or force has tracked you down. If         reroll any dice. On a match, you reveal an
] When you Endure Harm and score a strong              you overcome them or escape, reset the clock          unexpected function, capability, or danger;
  hit with a match, you may instead ignore the         and mark 1 tick on your quests legacy track.          mark 1 tick on your discoveries legacy track.
  harm and take +fire equal to the amount of         ] When you make a move by hiding, concealing          ] With sufficient time (a couple of hours
  harm faced (+1, +2, or +3).                          your identity, or fleeing from a pursuer, add +1      or more), you may Secure an Advantage
] When you have at least +3 fire, you may              and take +1 momentum on a hit.                        to assemble or enhance a device for a
  Gain Ground or Strike by unleashing hell.          ] When you Fulfill Your Vow (extreme or                 powerful but limited role. On a hit, the
  If you do, take an automatic strong hit and          greater) by clearing your name or defeating           device is ready for use. One time only, when
  mark progress. Then, set your fire to 0.             the power or authority who marked you as a            you or an ally make a move aided by the
                                                       fugitive, gain this ability at no cost. You may       device, take an automatic strong hit. If you
                                                       then exchange this asset for another with             are in a fight, also mark progress.
  5    4     3     2       1   0                       the same number of marked abilities.

PATH                                                 PATH                                                  PATH
GUNSLINGER                                           GUNNER                                                HAUNTED
If you wield a pistol...                             If you wield a heavy ranged
                                                     personal weapon…
[ When you Enter the Fray by facing off                                                                    [ You are haunted by the spirit of someone
  against your foe (+heart), or by preparing         [ When you Strike, choose one (before rolling).         whose death you caused or mourn (or both).
  to act without tipping them off (+shadow),              ✴ Pin them down: Add +1 and take +1                When you make a move to call upon their
  add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.                     momentum on a hit.                               insight, add +1. On a weak hit, also Endure
  On a strong hit with a match, you may                   ✴ Make them hurt: Mark progress on a hit.          Stress (-1). On a strong hit with a match,
  immediately take a shot (without making a          ] When you Take Decisive Action by emptying             mark 1 tick on your bonds legacy track.
  move) and mark progress twice.                          your gun (decide before rolling), you may
                                                          Sacrifice Resources (-1) and reroll one
                                                                                                           ] When you Face Death guided by the spirit,
] When you Gain Ground or React Under Fire                challenge die. If the fight continues or you
                                                                                                             add +1. On a strong hit, envision what you
  by moving into cover, add +1. On a strong                                                                  learn from them or about them, and mark 2
  hit, this cover gives you leverage; add +1              are caught up another fight, Check Your Gear       ticks on your bonds legacy track.
  when you make a move to attack or defend                to see if you have more ammo on-hand.
                                                                                                           ] One time only, when you Fulfill Your Vow
  at range. If you then score a miss, the cover      ] Give your favorite gun a name. When you               (extreme or greater) in service to the spirit,
  is lost or compromised.                                 Clash with it, add +1. When you Enter the Fray     take this ability at no cost and choose one.
                                                          or Endure Stress while wielding it, add +1 and
] When you Compel or Gain Ground with the                 take +1 momentum on a hit.
                                                                                                             ✴ Let them go: Mark 2 ticks on your bonds
  threat of violence by holding someone                                                                         legacy track for each marked ability, and
  at gunpoint, add +1 and take +1 momentum               NAME                                                   discard this asset.
  on a hit.                                                                                                  ✴ Bolster your link: When you use a HAUNTED
                                                                                                                ability, take +1 momentum on a hit.
PATH                                                  PATH                                                     PATH
HEALER                                                INFILTRATOR                                              KINETIC

[ When you give medical care to Heal                  [ When you make a move to break into a                   [ You wield kinetic powers. By focusing, you
  yourself or another character, add +1. If you         secure site, infiltrate a protected area, or             may remotely push, pull, lift, or constrict
  are treating someone other than yourself,             hack or manipulate a secure system, add                  objects and beings that are about your size
  take +1 spirit or +1 momentum on a hit.               +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a                   or smaller. When you are in a risky situation
] When you Gather Information by studying               strong hit with a match, access is easier than           and draw on your powers to make a move,
  medical evidence or biological remains, add           expected; take another +1 momentum.                      add +2 and Lose Momentum (-2).
  +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a              ] When you Face Danger or Secure an                      ] As above, but you may instead draw on
  strong hit with a match, you also reveal an           Advantage to establish a false identity, add             your powers in a desperate effort to change
  unexpected medical anomaly; mark 1 tick on            +1. On a hit, you may add +1 when using that             the outcome of an action. If you do, add +2
  your discoveries legacy track.                        identity to deceive or influence others. If you          (after you roll) and Lose Momentum (-3).
] Once every day or so, when you are in a               score a miss with a match when using that              ] When your momentum is at its max, you
  safe place with plenty of time on your hands,         identity, your deception is completely and               may attempt great kinetic feats, such as
  you may Sacrifice Resources (-1) and provide          dramatically undone.                                     manipulating large objects and creating
  basic medical care for yourself, companions,        ] When you Check Your Gear for a device                    destructive bursts of concussive force. To
  or allies without risk. If you do, roll only your     with a specific function to aid in infiltration,         do so, reset momentum. Then, as you make
  action die. On a 1-4, automatically give +1           espionage, or sabotage, add +1. On a hit,                a single move fueled by your powers, take
  health to everyone whose health is greater            reroll any dice the first time you make a                an automatic strong hit. If you are in a fight,
  than 0. On a 5-6, make it +2.                         move aided by the device.                                mark progress.

PATH                                                  PATH                                                     PATH
LEADER                                                LOOPER                                                   LORE HUNTER

[ When you Aid Your Ally through leadership,          [ When you score a miss on a suffer move (not            [ When you Swear an Iron Vow (formidable or
  coordination, or planning, add +1. On a               Endure Stress), you may loop back a second or            greater) to recover valuable knowledge or
  strong hit, any allies who are present take +1        two. If you do, Lose Momentum (-2), reroll any           an extraordinary relic, reroll any dice. When
  momentum.                                             dice, and take +1 momentum on a strong hit.              you Reach a Milestone in the pursuit of that
] When you Enter the Fray (+heart) by                 ] When you create a link to the current point in           quest, take +2 momentum. When you Fulfill
  coordinating with your team as they wade              time, note the value of condition meters for you         Your Vow and score a hit, also mark 2 ticks
  into the fight, make your move before your            and your allies. You can retain only one active          on your discoveries legacy track.
  allies act. On a strong hit, all allies may           link. If you later loop back to this moment,           ] When you make a move to conduct extended
  take an automatic strong hit. On a strong             roll +the gap in time: +4 if minutes, +3 if hours,       research or study, reroll any challenge
  hit with a match, also mark progress on any           or +2 if days. You may not burn momentum on              dice. On a match, you piece together an
  objectives in this fight.                             this roll. On a strong hit, return to the linked         extraordinary or harrowing new theory;
] When you make a move to influence                     point, retain any progress, and set condition            envision the nature of this revelation and
  someone (not an ally) through leadership,             meters (except for spirit) to their original values.     mark 1 tick on your discoveries legacy track.
  add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On              On a weak hit, as above, but Endure Stress (-2).       ] When you recall esoteric knowledge to
  a strong hit with a match, your command               On a miss, as with a strong hit, but you find            Secure an Advantage or Gain Ground, add
  galvanizes them into unexpected action.               the timeline corrupted; Pay the Price.                   +1. On a hit, envision the obscure but helpful
  Take another +1 momentum, and mark 1 tick           ] When you make a reroll granted by any                    fact, theory, or technique you put to use, and
  on your bonds legacy track.                           asset ability on an action roll, also add +1.            take +1 momentum.

PATH                                                  PATH                                                     PATH
LOYALIST                                              MERCENARY                                                NATURALIST

[ When you Aid Your Ally, add +1 and take +1          [ When you agree to wage war or defend                   [ When you Secure an Advantage or
  momentum on a hit. This is in addition to             others from war in exchange for payment                  Gather Information using your knowledge
  the benefits taken by your ally. On a strong          or promises, you may Swear an Iron Vow to                of lifeforms or planetside ecosystems, add
  hit with a match, envision how this moment            see the mission done. If you do, reroll any              +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a
  marks a breakthrough or milestone in your             dice. When you Fulfill Your Vow, make the                strong hit with a match, you also confirm
  relationship; both of you may mark 1 tick on          legacy reward one rank higher (1 extra box               an obscure theory or reveal a surprising
  your bonds legacy track.                              if already epic).                                        aspect of the encounter; mark 1 tick on your
] You may burn momentum on behalf of an               ] When you Make a Connection by searching                  discoveries legacy track.
  ally to improve their result on a move. If you        out or making contact with someone in                  ] When you make a move by taking a risky
  do, your ally takes +1 momentum.                      need of your services, add +1 and take +1                action to pacify, avoid, or outwit a creature
] When you stand with your ally as they make            momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with                  (decide before rolling), you may reroll any
  a progress move, envision how you support             a match, this mission pits you against an                dice, but must Lose Momentum (-2).
  them. Then, roll one challenge die. On a 1–9,         unresolved aspect of your past or a hated              ] You are skilled at planetside survival. When
  your ally may replace one of their challenge          foe; mark 2 ticks on your quests legacy track.           you Resupply to scavenge resources in a
  dice with yours. On a 10, envision how you          ] When you Check Your Gear in the midst of                 life-bearing natural environment, take +1
  inadvertently undermine their action; your            a fight, or Resupply by looting the field of             supply on a hit. When you Face Danger
  ally must replace their lowest challenge die          battle in the aftermath of a fight, add +2.              against an environmental threat, add +1 and
  with yours.                                                                                                    take +1 momentum on a hit.
PATH                                               PATH                                                 PATH
NAVIGATOR                                          OUTCAST                                              SCAVENGER

[ When you Set a Course, choose one.               [ When you Hearten in isolation, you may             [ When you Gather Information or Resupply
  ✴ Follow the fastest path: Take +2                 attempt to find solace in fond memories              by scavenging a wreck, ruin, or abandoned
    momentum on a strong hit.                        or a hopeful wish. If you do (decide before          site, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.
  ✴ Follow the safest path: Add +1                   rolling), reroll any dice but count a strong hit     On a strong hit with a match, you also find
  On a strong hit with a match, you charted a        as a weak hit.                                       something of unique value, significance,
  new path during the journey; mark 1 tick on      ] When you Sacrifice Resources and your                or function; envision the nature of this
  your discoveries legacy track.                     supply is reduced to 0, roll +wits. On a             discovery, take +2 momentum, and mark 2
                                                     strong hit, you manage to scrape by and              ticks on your discoveries legacy track.
] When   you Secure an Advantage by charting
  the way forward, Face Danger to find a path        take +1 supply. On a weak hit, you may Lose        ] When you Secure an Advantage to cobble
  around a hazard, or Gather Information             Momentum (-1) in exchange for +1 supply.             together an ad hoc tool, device, or weapon,
  about a location by studying your charts,          On a miss, your supply remains at 0 and you          envision what you intend to create. On a hit,
  add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.              Lose Momentum (-1).                                  you may add +1 when making a move aided
                                                   ] When you or an ally Sojourn and score a              by the item. If you roll a 1 on your action
] Once per expedition, when you or an ally           strong hit with a match, you may envision            die while using the item, it is permanently
  Undertake an Expedition and score a weak
                                                     encountering someone who knows or                    broken, lost, or depleted.
  hit or miss, you may ignore that result, plot
  an alternate path, and make it an automatic        understands you. If you Make a Connection          ] When you Check Your Gear, roll +wits or
  strong hit.                                        with them, take an automatic strong hit and          +supply (whichever is highest) and take +1
                                                     mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track.             momentum on a hit.

PATH                                               PATH                                                 PATH
SCOUNDREL                                          SEER                                                 SHADE

[ When you make a move by lying, bluffing,         [ When you envision experiencing a prophetic         [ Drawing on esoteric energies, you may
  stealing, or cheating, add +2. On a strong         dream, you may Ask the Oracle for details            instantly cloak your form in the shadowy veil
  hit with a match, your deception creates an        using an interpretive oracle such as Action/         of the void. When you are veiled and make
  unexpected opportunity; take the value of          Theme or Descriptor/Focus. If you record the         a move to ambush, hide, or sneak, you may
  your shadow as +momentum.                          answer, and later face a situation which gives       preset your action die to 5. In darkness,
] When you Make a Connection to search out           truth to the vision, take an automatic strong        make it 6. On a miss, in addition to any other
  a new contact, you may roll +shadow. If you        hit (one time only) when making a move to act        cost, you are revealed and can’t veil yourself
  do, reroll any dice on a miss and envision         on your foresight. Then, clear the prophecy.         again until the current situation is resolved.
  how your reputation or underworld contacts         Only one prophecy can be active at a time.         ] When you expand your veil to immerse your
  lead you to a disreputable connection.           ] When you focus or meditate to Gather                 surroundings in darkness, roll +shadow.
] When you make a quick escape or con your           Information about a place, being, or                 On a strong hit, the darkness extends to all
  way out of a situation and burn momentum           situation (in person or remotely), roll +spirit      adjacent spaces. On a weak hit, only your
  to gain a strong hit, take +1 momentum             and take +1 momentum on a hit.                       immediate surroundings are made dark. On
  after you reset. If you envision how this        ] When you or an ally roll a match as you              a miss, you fail and draw unwanted attention.
  momentary success leaves you fated for             Sojourn in a community or Undertake an             ] When you intentionally drop your veil to
  future trouble, mark 2 ticks on your quests        Expedition within a site, you may envision           reveal yourself for dramatic or surprising
  legacy track.                                      gaining sudden and unbidden insight about            effect, foregoing its further use in this
                                                     the location. If you do, take +2 momentum.           situation, take +2 momentum.

PATH                                               PATH                                                 PATH
SLAYER                                             SLEUTH                                               SNIPER
                                                                                                        If you wield a rifle…
[ When you make a move to investigate,             [ When you Swear an Iron Vow to solve a              [ When you target a minor foe from a distance
  track, or stalk an inhuman foe, add +1 and         murder, disappearance, theft, or other               (outside of a fight), roll +wits. On a strong hit,
  take +1 momentum on a hit.                         mystery, make the rank of the quest no greater       they are out of action. If other foes remain
] When you Swear an Iron Vow (formidable or          than formidable. Then, when you Gather               and you Enter the Fray against them, mark
  greater) to slay a inhuman foe in service to a     Information in the course of the investigation,      progress. On a weak hit, as above, but you
  community, reroll any dice. When you Fulfill       roll three challenge dice and choose two. If         sacrifice time or position; Lose Momentum (-1).
  Your Vow and score a hit, also mark 2 ticks        any challenge dice match, you must use those         On a miss, you draw attention or face a
  on your bonds legacy track.                        values. On a miss with a match, envision             reprisal; Pay the Price.
                                                     what you learn of a deepening conspiracy           ] When you Strike from a distance with time
] When you Enter the Fray with an objective          or betrayal, make the rank of your quest one
  to slay an inhuman foe, take +2 momentum.                                                               enough to line up your shot, you may roll
  If you choose to face your quarry on its own       higher (no greater than epic), and use the new       +wits. If you do, mark progress on a strong hit.
                                                     rank when marking future progress.
  terms as you begin the fight, envision the                                                            ] When you Secure an Advantage by studying
  crucial weapon, protection, or aid you set       ] When you make a move to avoid detection as           a distant situation through your rifle scope,
  aside, and set the objective one rank higher.      you put a person or place under surveillance,        or Gain Ground by taking careful aim, you
  If you Take Decisive Action after making           add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.                may sacrifice time for greater certainty. If you
  this sacrifice and score a strong hit, take a    ] When you Make a Connection with a potential          do (decide before rolling), Lose Momentum
  trophy of your victory and mark 2 ticks on         informant, you may (instead of rolling) take         (-1, -2, or -3) and add that amount. Then, take
  your quests legacy track.                          an automatic weak hit.                               +1 momentum on a strong hit.
PATH                                                PATH                                                   PATH
TECH                                                TRADER                                                 VESTIGE
                                                                                                           LAST OF

[ When you make a move to configure,                [ When you Sojourn or Compel, you may                  [ You are all that remains of a people, culture,
  optimize, hack, or disrupt an electronic            roll +supply. If you do, Sacrifice Resources (-1).     or tradition. When you Face Death or Face
  system, add +1. On a weak hit, you can            ] When you Make a Connection with a                      Desolation, visions of your heritage give you
  choose to press your luck. If you do, reroll        merchant or supplier, add +1. When you                 the strength to carry on. Envision how this
  all dice and add +2 (instead of +1).                Resupply by bartering with them, reroll                manifests, and reroll any dice. On a strong hit
] When you Withstand Damage and score a               your action die if its value is less than your         with a match, a surprising new aspect of your
  miss, you may attempt to reroute power or           supply. On a strong hit, take +1 momentum              heritage is revealed; take +2 momentum and
  reboot critical systems. If you do, first Lose      or +1 supply.                                          mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track.
  Momentum (-2). Then, reroll all dice, add         ] When you or an ally Sojourn and score a              ] When you Secure an Advantage or Compel
  +wits instead of +integrity, and count a weak       strong hit with a match, you have a chance             through a tale, performance, or ceremony,
  hit as a miss.                                      to secure a unique item or valuable payload.           envision what you reveal of your heritage.
] When you Face Danger or Secure an                   Envision the nature of the opportunity and             Then, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.
  Advantage by creating a computer program            the obstacle you must overcome to acquire            ] You carry a physical relic of your heritage.
  to perform a specific, complex function, add        it. If you are successful, mark 2 ticks on             Envision its powers or nature. When you
  +2 and take +1 momentum on a hit. One time          your quests legacy track. One time only,               make a move directly aided by the relic and
  only, when you trigger the program to fulfill       you may use this acquisition to gain an                score a miss, you may reroll your action die.
  its purpose, reroll any dice.                       automatic strong hit on any move where
                                                      your resources are a factor.

PATH                                                PATH                                                   PATH
VETERAN                                             VOIDBORN                                               WEAPON
[ When you are in a fight, increase your            [ You are most suited to life in the                   [ You are a walking armory, with a weapon
  momentum reset by 1. Then, if you burn              limitless void. When you are in space (or              for every occasion. When you Enter the
  momentum to improve your result, add +1             a spacebound vehicle or station), increase             Fray in personal combat, add +1 and take +1
  on your next move.                                  your momentum reset by 1. When you enter               momentum on a hit. Once per fight, when
] When you Make a Connection, add +1.                 a planetside or high gravity environment,              you Gain Ground by switching weapons or
  If you roll a match, you have a history.            Lose Momentum (-1).                                    changing tactics, take an automatic strong hit.
  ✴ On a strong hit with a match, you once          ] When you Sojourn or Make a Connection                ] When you Strike using a personal weapon
     fought beside them, and they owe you a           within a spacebound community, add +1. If              which has limited ammo or a single-use
     favor. Mark 1 tick on your bonds legacy          you Hearten there and score a strong hit,              mode, add +1 and mark progress on a hit.
     track, and Develop Your Relationship now.        take +1 spirit or +1 momentum.                         Then, Sacrifice Resources (-1). If you score
  ✴ On a miss with a match, you once fought         ] When you make a move to perform an                     a strong hit on this attack and immediately
     against them, and they hold a grudge.            agile physical maneuver (such as leaping or            Take Decisive Action, you may retain the
                                                      evading) in a low gravity environment, add             value of one challenge die from your Strike
] When you Secure an Advantage or
  Gain Ground by recounting or recalling              +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a                 action instead of rolling that die.
  a hard-won lesson from your battlefield             strong hit with a match, you build speed or          ] When you Secure an Advantage by suiting
  experiences, envision the memory and add            put yourself in perfect position; take another         up and gathering your gear for a perilous
  +1. On a hit, take +1 momentum.                     +1 momentum.                                           encounter or mission, you may roll +supply.
                                                                                                             If you do, take +2 momentum on a hit.

COMPANION                                           COMPANION                                              COMPANION
BANSHEE                                             COMBAT BOT                                             GLOWCAT
NAME                                                NAME                                                   NAME

[ Your banshee companion accompanies you            [ Your combat bot companion fights at your             [ Your glowcat companion perceives the
  on planetside missions, using its echolocation      side. When you Strike aided by the bot, add            inner emotions and intentions of people
  to help guide the way. When you ride your           +1; if you Clash, take +1 momentum on a hit.           and creatures in its vicinity, and embodies
  banshee as you Undertake an Expedition or         ] When you use the threat of violence to                 those impressions through the colors and
  Set a Course, you may roll +its health.             Compel or Gain Ground while the bot                    intensity of its luminescent fur. When you
] When you make a move astride the banshee            brings its weapons to bear, you may roll               Secure an Advantage by studying the
  to detect a threat or avoid a fight, add +1 and     +its health. If you do, take +1 momentum               glowcat’s reactions in a charged interaction,
  take +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit          on a hit. On a strong hit with a match, the            add +its health.
  with a match, you’re gone in a flash; take          bot’s display is especially persuasive; take         ] When you Compel, the glowcat’s reactions
  another +1 momentum.                                another +1 momentum.                                   will help guide your approach; you may
] When you make a combat move and roll a            ] Once per fight, when you React Under Fire              reroll your action die if its value is less than
  1 on your action die, the banshee senses            by using the bot to draw fire or create a              the glowcat’s health.
  the danger and emits a powerful scream to           diversion, roll +its health. On a strong hit,        ] When you Endure Stress in the company of
  alert you or distract your foes. You may reroll     mark progress. On a weak hit, face the cost            the glowcat, add +1. On a strong hit with a
  that die.                                           as normal, but then you are in control.                match, take +momentum equal to their health.

 4     3    2    1   0     OUT OF ACTION             5     4    3     2     1   0      OUT OF ACTION        3     2     1   0     OUT OF ACTION
COMPANION                                             COMPANION                                            COMPANION
PROTOCOL BOT                                          ROCKHORN                                             SIDEKICK
NAME                                                  NAME
[ Your protocol bot companion is                      [ Your rockhorn companion uses its resilient,        [ Your sidekick has a helpful expertise.
  programmed with knowledge of cultures,                stone-like hide and brute strength to                When you make a move outside of a fight
  languages, and customs. When you are                  overcome threats. When you make a move               directly aided by their expertise, you may
  aided by the bot as you make a move in a              by sending the rockhorn to directly attack a         reroll your action die if its value is less than
  formal social interaction, add +1. On a strong        foe or smash an obstacle, roll +its health.          your sidekick’s health. If you then score a
  hit with a match, you learn something which         ] When you make the Companion Takes a Hit              strong hit with a match, mark 1 tick on your
  builds understanding or empathy; also mark            move for the rockhorn, count a weak hit as           bonds legacy track.
  1 tick on your bonds legacy track.                    a strong hit. On a strong hit with a match, its
                                                                                                           ] When you Enter the Fray with the support of
] When you first visit or interact with a new           rapid healing makes it unstoppable; give it          your sidekick, take +2 momentum on a hit.
  community or culture, you may ask for the             another +1 health or take +1 momentum.               When you Clash together, add +1.
  bot’s insight. If you do, envision what you
  learn and take +1 momentum.
                                                      ] The rockhorn will come to your aid in your         ] When your sidekick acts to get you out of a
                                                        most vulnerable moments. When you Endure             tough spot, you may Face Danger or React
] If you make a move in a charged interaction           Harm or Endure Stress and score a miss, you          Under Fire and roll +their health (instead of
  and the value of your action die is less than         may reroll your action die if its value is less      your own stat). On a hit, take +1 momentum.
  the bot’s health, you may reroll it as the bot        than the rockhorn’s health.
  interjects with their commentary or advice.
 3     2    1    0     OUT OF ACTION                   5     4    3    2     1   0     OUT OF ACTION        4     3    2     1   0     OUT OF ACTION

COMPANION                                             COMPANION                                            COMPANION
SPRITE                                                SURVEY BOT                                           SYMBIOTE
NAME                                                  NAME                                                 NAME

[ Your sprite companion alters its delicate,          [ Your survey bot companion scans the path           [ You are physically bound to a being with 2
  crystalline form to fly, swim, or scurry, and         ahead. When you Undertake an Expedition              health. When you make aggressive moves
  can covertly navigate even the harshest of            (+wits) overland or within a site, add +1.           while giving yourself to the symbiote’s
  environments. When you make a move by               ] Once per expedition, when you Secure                 power, add +its health. If you face physical
  sending it to perform trickery (such as creating      an Advantage by sending the bot to scout             harm, choose either the Endure Harm or
  a distraction, sneaking into a protected              ahead, roll +its health. On a hit, also mark         Companion Takes a Hit move. To restore the
  location, or stealing an object) add +its health.     progress on the expedition. On a strong              symbiote’s health, you must Endure Stress
] You are attuned to the resonance of the               hit with a match, the bot uncovers an                and give the symbiote +health equal to the
  sprite’s crystalline structure, and can               unexpected feature or location; envision             -spirit you face. If you make a move aided by
  communicate with it at a distance and                 what it reveals and mark 1 tick on your              the symbiote and roll a 1 on your action die,
  perceive through its senses. When you                 discoveries legacy track.                            your fragile bond is broken for several hours.
  Secure an Advantage by observing a                                                                       ] When you make a move and heed the
  situation from its perspective, or remotely
                                                      ] When you Explore a Waypoint aided by
                                                        the bot’s sensors, or Face Danger to                 symbiote’s guidance (decide after rolling), you
  Gather Information, add +its health.                  detect a threat, roll +its health and take +1        may reroll any dice. Then, Endure Stress (-2).
] With a moment’s rest, the sprite can mend its         momentum on a hit.                                 ] The symbiote gains power and has 3 health.
  form and return automatically to max health.
 2     1    0     OUT OF ACTION                         3    2    1    0     OUT OF ACTION                  3     2    1    0     OUT OF ACTION

COMPANION                                             COMPANION                                            DEED
UTILITY BOT                                           VOIDGLIDER                                           BONDED
NAME                                                  NAME                                                 BOND-MATE

[ Your utility bot companion has helpful tools        [ Your voidglider companion cruises in your          One time only, once you Forge a Bond
  at-hand. When you make a move by directing            starship’s energy wake and can help guide          with a special individual...
  it to access a system, cut through an obstacle,       the way on spaceborne journeys. When you           [ This person is your bond-mate. When you
  analyze a mechanical issue, or assemble or            Undertake an Expedition, add +1.                       Sojourn at their home, Hearten in their
  disassemble a device, roll +its health and take     ] The voidglider is harnessed and trained as             presence, or Test Your Relationship or
  +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with a          a mount, and can be ridden for short-range             Develop Your Relationship with them, reroll
  match, it reveals an unexpected advantage or          spacebound transport. When you are riding              any dice. On a strong hit, take +1 momentum.
  insight; take another +1 momentum.                    the voidglider and make a move to detect or        ] When you Set a Course back to your bond-
] When you Repair aided by the bot, add +1.             evade a threat by relying on its instincts, roll       mate’s location, add +heart. On a strong hit
  On a miss, it reveals an alternative approach         +its health.                                           with a match, envision a special reunion and
  which will take extra time; you may reroll          ] When you make a move by signaling the                  mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track.
  any dice, but first Lose Momentum (-2).               voidglider to distract or attack a spaceborne      ] When you make a move in a crucial moment
] When you Check Your Gear to see if the bot            foe, roll +its health and take +1 momentum             and score a miss, you may cling to thoughts
  has a specific tool or technique available, roll      on a hit.                                              of your bond-mate for support. If you do,
  +its health and take +1 momentum on a hit.                                                                   reroll any dice. On another miss, in addition
                                                                                                               to the outcome of the move, you must mark
                                                                                                               shaken or traumatized. If both debilities are
 4     3    2     1   0     OUT OF ACTION              4     3    2    1    0     OUT OF ACTION
                                                                                                               already marked, Face Desolation.
DEED                                                 DEED                                                  DEED
HOMESTEADER                                          MARKED                                                OATHBREAKER
NAME                                                 IDENTIFIER                                            Once you Forsake Your Vow…
Once you fill 4 boxes on your bonds                  Once you fill 5 boxes on your quests                  [ This asset counts as an impact. One time
legacy track...                                      legacy track...                                         only, when you Swear an Iron Vow (extreme
                                                                                                             or greater) to redeem yourself, give that vow
[ You have chosen or established a community         [ Envision the title, sigil, uniform, or tattoo you     a special mark. When you Reach a Milestone
  as your home. When you Swear an Iron Vow             bear in recognition of your achievements.
  (formidable or greater) in service to your           When you Compel or Make a Connection                  on the marked vow, take +2 momentum. If
  home, reroll any dice. On a hit, mark 1 tick         among those who would know your                       you Forsake Your Vow on the quest, discard
  on your bonds legacy track. When you Fulfill         reputation, add +1. On a strong hit with a            this asset and retain the impact.
  Your Vow and score a hit, also mark 2 ticks          match, your notoriety grows; mark 2 ticks on        ] When you Secure an Advantage or Compel
  on your bonds legacy track.                          your bonds legacy track.                              by reaffirming your commitment to your
                                                                                                             marked vow, add +1 and take +1 momentum
] When you Sojourn in your home, choose one.         ] When you risk your reputation to                      on a hit.
  ✴ Don’t linger: Take an automatic weak hit           overcome a miss, reroll any dice.
  ✴ Stay a bit: Add +1 and take +1 momentum            If you score a miss again, fill one                 ] When you Fulfill Your Vow on the marked
     on a hit                                          segment of a six-segment clock to                     quest and score a hit, you find redemption
                                                       represent the stain on your reputation.               and automatically gain this ability at no cost.
] When you Set a Course for home, you may              When the clock is filled, discard this asset.         You may then improve one of your stats by
  reroll your action die if its value is less than
                                                                                                             +1 and discard this asset. Once the asset is
  your spirit.                                       ] Once per fight, when you Gain Ground                  discarded, you may not take it again.
                                                       through intimidation or command, reroll any
                                                       dice and mark progress on a hit.

DEED                                                 DEED                                                  DEED
REVENANT                                             SURVIVOR                                              VANGUARD
                                                     Once you mark traumatized or                          Once you fill 6 boxes on your
Once you Face Death…
                                                     permanently harmed…                                   discoveries legacy track...
[ When you are at 0 health, and Endure               [ When you are haunted by past experiences            [ When you seek a safe location in a remote
  Harm or Face Death, add +1. You may then             and must Endure Stress, you may Lose                  environment, make a progress roll against
  reroll your action die if its value is less than     Momentum (-1) before rolling as you attempt           your discoveries legacy track. On a strong
  your spirit.                                         to find focus or calm. If you do, reroll any          hit, you establish a haven; add +2 whenever
] When you Take Decisive Action by bringing            dice. On a strong hit, take +1 momentum.              you make a recovery move at that location.
  death to a foe, you may burn momentum to                                                                   On a weak hit, as above, but add +1 when
  zero out one (not both) of the challenge dice      ] When you make a move where a lasting
                                                       effect (traumatized or permanently harmed)            making a recovery move. On a miss, you are
  if your momentum is greater than the value           has a narrative impact on the scene or your           drawn into a bad situation and must Pay the
  of that die. If you do, Endure Stress (-2).          approach, and burn momentum to improve                Price. If you establish a haven but score a
] When you Gather Information by studying              your result, you may envision what sustains or        miss on a recovery move, that location is no
  a place where death left its mark, you may           motivates you in this moment. If you do, mark         longer safe.
  roll +heart. If you do, take +1 momentum             1 tick on your quests or bonds legacy track.        ] When you make a move +wits and score
  on a hit. On a strong hit with a match, you          On a strong hit with a match, mark 2 ticks.           a strong hit with a match, your hard-won
  experience a detailed vision or insightful                                                                 experience lends insight; take +1 momentum.
  revelation of what occurred here; take +1          ] You are learning to live with this impact.
                                                       The lasting effect (traumatized or                  ] When you Endure Stress, you may roll +wits.
  momentum more.                                       permanently harmed, but not both) remains             If you do, take +1 momentum on a hit.
                                                       marked, but no longer reduces your max
                                                       momentum or reset.