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Ironsworn: Starforged - Delve Site Worksheet

Authors Shawn Tomkin

License CC-BY-4.0

IRONSWORN DELVE                                                                                                    SITE WORKSHEET

 SITE NAME:                                                                 OBJECTIVE:

  THEME:                                                                    DOMAIN:

                          ¡ TROUBLESOME             ¡ DANGEROUS          ¡ FORMIDABLE            ¡ EXTREME         ¡ EPIC

                                    +1     +2        +3     +4      +5      +6      +7      +8       +9      +10

VERY COMMON                  01-27 COMMON                          28-41 COMMON                           42-55 COMMON                         56-69

UNCOMMON                     70-75 UNCOMMON                        76-81 UNCOMMON                         82-87 UNCOMMON                       88-93

RARE                         94-95 RARE                            96-97 RARE                             98-99 UNFORESEEN                         00

When the outcome           Choose or introduce a          Roll on the matrix to           Identify a denizen as               Pick two denizens, rate
of a move prompts     >    denizen based on the      or   generate a random          or   ‘likely’ to appear, and Ask    or   one as ‘likely’, and Ask
an encounter with a        situation and what you         encounter. If the field is      the Oracle. If the answer is        the Oracle to determine
denizen, you may:          know of this place.            blank, add a new denizen.       “no,” roll on the matrix.           which you encounter.

                                                                 MAP / NOTES